Borak2 forumers Gosip Personaliti Media No.7
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cho_ replied at 12-2-2019 11:53 AM
sorry.. nak tanya ada sapa pernah pergi myclinic? tgk byk artis yg pergi..
mmg ok ke sbb artis d ...
I almost 8 months dah berulang ke myclinic. My skin takde critical issue. Just the normal acne bila period and eczema jugak. On off alergy. Tapi, kulit muka biasa2 je, tak smooth pon and pores pon terbuka sbb i bukan jenis kisah sgt nak flawless hahaha. Dpt kulit clear jerawat lebih dr bersyukur :p
Sbb alergy on off tu, my sister asked me to go get routine treatment dkt aesthetic clinic.
I dok nampak gak artis ramai promote this clinic. Lps tgk list of doctors n kebetulan dkt dgn my house. I decided to give a try. Since clinic tu dah glamer, i pk sure depa akan jaga reputation. Sbb i ada je baca bad review abt other medispa.
So far alhamdullillah kulit is getting better. Aside from treatment, beautician pon play big roles.
Masa second treatment, the lady yg did my first facial takde. So i ckp i ok je dgn sesapa, thinking that takde apa issue sbb treatment pon sama. Tp this lady mcm tak selembut the first one. Kulit i mcm ada irritation few days after. So after that, i mmg buat dgn first lady. Kalau dia cuti, i sanggup tunggu dia balik.
Btw Dr Thomas tu pon baik. Very helpful. Masa first consultation sbb kulit alergy i tu, dia tak sebok pon push2 suh i sign up for pakej. Dia just explain the options yg ada.
Ni my personal experience. I hope if u go, u also will get great experience 
I marhaen jaa. Tp sbb kulit prob, kena la berubat. Hehehhe. Affordable la to me. |
hotmak replied at 17-2-2019 04:25 PM
@MrsKobis harap betul i tag
i dah guna syampu tu, tak ingat brp bulan, tahan lama sebotol tu, pum ...
Shampoo cap apa ni? I dah backlog tp mcm tak nampak plak shampoo apa u ckp ni. Maybe i missed sbb mengkhatam pagi2 buta kot huhuhu |
cik_kaer replied at 19-2-2019 03:32 AM
Shampoo cap apa ni? I dah backlog tp mcm tak nampak plak shampoo apa u ckp ni. Maybe i missed sbb ...
syampu diane, sori2 mmg kami tak tulis, kat watson ada |
cik_kaer replied at 19-2-2019 02:56 AM
I almost 8 months dah berulang ke myclinic. My skin takde critical issue. Just the normal acne bil ...
masa mula2 tu, walk in atau buat appointment dulu, mahal tak  |
solarlunar replied at 18-2-2019 10:15 PM
Waduh sis nk pegi mana nie???
nak standby raya, kalau tak buat raya nak pakai pergi kenduri ke
tapi nak yg mur mur |
i rimas sbb ada sorang member promote ok fine.. pastu i ckp la sorry x minat tiber i sembang2 dgn kwn lain pasal kulit dia nk celah gak produk dia,,, meluat
I made appt the day before i pegi. Better u call for appt sbb kadang2 doc busy dgn procedures. Time tu consultation free and i rasa up till now still free. I pegi tu masa post-alergy, kulit mmg dried sgt sampai u bole nampak mcm skin nak salin kulit. Pastu kulit rasa mcm tegang sbb kering sgt. So he gave me jab, RM50. Less than 2 hours i can feel the effect, sbb jabkan, so systemic. Baru rasa kulit tu dpt bernapas sket . Masa this app, dia tgk la skin i, kasi tau apa prob skin and apa options yg ada for treatment. Tp dia ckp kena treat dryness first before he can do anything else. So that first appt i paid RM50 for jab.
Bila follow up baru dia suggest apa treatment and up to me nak pay just for that treatment or for package. I amik pakej sbb single treatment tu mesti la mahal kan. Also sbb i know for me to see the difference, it wont be thru 1 treatment only. Dlm 8 sessions i dah pegi tuh, i mmg buat facial(silk peel) + laser. Laser ni beautician buat based on the current condition of the skin. Masa first treatment doc suggest i buat laser toning. Then the next session and few other sessions, sbb i dtg masa kulit i macam ada spot2 merah, beautician buatkan dual yellow laser sbb takut laser toning akan irritates the skin furthermore. I pon skeptical dgn laser2 ni, so sepanjang process tuh selawat tak berenti .
Kwn2 perasan muka i mcm a bit glowy lps i buat 2 sessions gitu. Nampak nau i kepam sblm tuh . Tp as usual, makan pon akan affects skin. I ni bab makan kurang berjaga sket, uhhuhuhuh. Tp slowly learning to control la, kurang makan bende2 yg mmg akan menggatalkan kulit. I pon dah start pakai myclinic punya facial set.
But again, ni my personal experience. So far alhamdulillah i serasi. Btw, doc tak buat semua procedures and i pon tak nak dia buat facial i wahahahahah. So i tak tanya la how does it work if i insist dia yg buat treatment. Mana procedures yg beautician tak qualified to buat, mmg doctor akan take charge.
Sorry terpanjang. I mmg gini kalo bab bercerita.
best baca chuols yg buat skin treatment and dpt result yg u nak, i just maintain pakai skincare and maintain daily skin routine je. kwn i buat facial kt giampapa ke apa nama dia kata nya ramai celeb buat kt situ cm uqasha bagai tu yg dpt skin pinkish tu.
at this moment i harap kulit i clear aje, bebas jerawat which x dpt elakkan sbb period etc. lepas bersalin jerawat dtg kembali, time pregnant skin clear aje |
thanks u.. mcm menarik je.. skin i problem skrg.. asyik jerawat je..yg cyst acne nmpk kt ig myclinic pasal acne treatment..
u g outlet yg mana? takut kalau g dorg akan suruh/paksa amik package.. nnt lari budget 
betul, dpt kulit bersih dr jerawat lebih dr alhamdulillah sgt. i pon jenis tak into facial2 ni. tp taun lps bila alergy kerap sgt, baru i decide to seek advice.
and i clearly ckp dkt beautician tuh, i tak into invasive for now and i hope it will stay that way. sbb so far treatment yg non-invasive ni pon membantu.
ye la mcm diet gak u, slowly losing weight is better dari instant weight lose sbb u gonna gain even more.
i tak mampu nk buat treatment skang so i invest on good skincare and maintain je. aritu i bg kawan i innisfree volcano mask tu suka dia sbb dia kata kulit dia rasa bersih tp dia kata mahal. i ckp mmg la mahal tp sebulan invest satu brg lama2 ok la. mcm i nk bli sekali gus mmg x mampu so kita amik basic then slowly cari target treatment
i perasan skang i suka tgk skin i even dah make up walaupun xde la flawless and licin tp better texture than before this...
my scars pudar , pores pn xde la terbukak mcm gunung berapi. dry patch bawah dagu and tepi hidung pn improve.
i pegi oulet puchong. i tak nak pegi damansara sbb i rasa damansara tu mcm serabut trafficnya hahahha. tp i penah lalu, dkt ja dgn rumah i rupanya. both damansara n puchong clinic mmg tepi jln je. i tak nak pegi damansara jugak sbb ramai artis. i takut nanti i rendah diri sgt sbb tak cantik . tp superbos myclinic Dr Hoe, dia jaga damansara. Ramai puji dia bagus, also his skills is more than doc lain.
pegi sini, mmg kene kuat hati. nak2 plak kalau mmg kulit tgh ada problem, treatment2 yg ada tu mmg sgt menarik and menggoda iman. mcm i, masa first treatment tuh i just amik moisturiser dia jer to help with my dryness. as for cleanser sume i tak amik. i told him what product i use, and dia ckp just continue pakai. dia tak sebok pon suh i take the whole set. then eventually, bila product yg i pakai abis, i continue dgn myclinic punye skincare.
treatment plak, bila borak2 dgn beautician tu dia ckp prp mmg bagus. dia ckp bole cuba kalau skin mcm susah nak baik. tp i ckp la i mmg tak into invasive buat masa ni unless really2 terdesak. dia ok je. dia explain the services but dont force. pastu i know serum is good. but i takde budget, 2 kali sessions dia tanya nak try tak, i ckp tak mo sbb takde budget. hahahahahaha. so your inner voice shld be kuat enough to tolak godaan. Beautician tu paham. i pon dok byk tanya ke dia apa services dia dah try. tanya dia, dah top up nose bridge dia ke tak.hahah. dia ckp belum lagi sbb tgh kumpul duit
once in a while myclinic akan buat offer. your birthday month, mmg ada offer on many services. ada yg 50%, ada yg 30%. pastu ujung taun ada year end sales, pastu ada cny sales. so time2 sales ni i top up my package and my skincare.
Gitu lah citenya
aah, if u ok with skincare, continue je. i pon once kulit dah stabil, i akan start slow down on the frequency of treatment. even now pon i dah start gapkan. dulu mmg sebulan sekali, every 4 weeks. then skrg i panjangkan sket, meaning go back after 5 weeks gitu.
kwn i kasi innisfree capsule mask. i suka n wangi plak tuh. kawan i dok pakai product ni, kulit mmg baby skin sungguh. jeles.
ada org mmg kulit cantik u mcm kwn i ni licin je kulit. stress tgk!!! skincare ni pn sejenis try and error gak. if ok rezeki ..
kdg aging baru kulit kurang jerawat tp masalah lain plak timbul
ingat nk try yg dekat cheras.. dekat dgn umah i.. u dah buat treatment berapa lama?
tu yg risau.. takut hati tak kuat nk say no.. takut terpengaruh je dgn apa2 yg di suggest sbb nk pulihkan cpt2..
jealous tgk kulit org flawless.. takde problem.. ni bile muka jerawat nak jumpa org pun tak confident..
aah mmg ada org yg kulit putih mulus flawless giler, cam my SIL, padahal takde pun jaga muka sangat
bila dia berpeluh pun nampak cantik jer dewy gitu
kalo kita ni berpeluh.. melengas2
kan?! i siap tanya doc thomas. i ckp pasal apa dulu try segala mcm scrub from drugstore i ok ja. skrg ni pandai plak, sket2 nak alergy. sket2 nak irritation. Tu doc cakap, hormon change.
mcm best je review myclinic ni, i pon teringin nk pegi tp risau kene charge mahal je...btw pakej you brapa rm ye
cheras dia baru bukak last year. i dkt 8 bulan gitu. masa first treatment pon dah terasa kulit muka tu soft gitu, as compared to sblm buat treatment. beautician i pon very informative. kalo ada upcoming offer, nanti dia ckp awal2, so i tak la purchase masa tak offer.
improvement takkan nampak overnight, so kene sabar gitewww. Insyaallah.
I honestly tak igt exactly berapa i signed up. Tp bila i roughly calculate dia ala2 mcm 400-500 per session(or maybe less). 1 session covers both facial and laser. Session lasts 2 hour lebih. Depends on your skin, sometimes dia siap2 kasik cream utk u bawak balik after treatment. You can opt to do facial je, so it wont be up till 400 per session la. Mcm my kes, Dr Thomas suggests to pair up dgn laser skali. I follow ja, as he is the expert. So the cost will depend on your skin issues. Tgk sekilas mmg mahal utk i, tp bila i kira i dok berulang ke dermatologist utk kes alergy berulang-ulang, lebih kurang ja.
If you tak berani, then u call and double confirm that the consultation is free. Pastu u siap2 ckp u tak nak signup apa2 lagi during the appt. You just nak tau how it works at myclinic.
Tp all my review ni, based on my experience at myclinic puchong under Dr Thomas tau. Doc lain i tak sure. But Dr Hoe mmg dpt good review sbb dia byk treat artist. Dkt Puchong, artis yg i nampak(thru ig) gi situ are Diana Amir, Zul Umbrella and few others yg i tak igt.
I hope sesapa yg pegi also will get good experience. Suka share, supaya sama2 cantik. So actually marhaen pon bole lawa mcm fazura . Most of these artist dok berulang aesthetic clinic, harus la jelita flawless.
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