im4me replied at 7-3-2025 01:11 AM
Abdul Langit speech delay sebab DNA jepun semua org sama kat sini. anak Pakcik ok jer sama macam b ...
nak tergelak pulak baca statement last sekali pakcik mcm baca pesanan penaja  |
SitiRopeah replied at 7-3-2025 01:55 AM
tertengok video yang matfilter explain semua tu.
memang jenis dia kot kan suka potong cakap orang, d ...
haah dia jenis terburu buru langit pulak cakap slow slow teratur susun ayat, bapaknya jenis nak cakap laju |
itulah tujuannya ,,,, 
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Tiktok benarkan budak2 umur 13 tahun ada acc kou tak salah |
Aku pikir sebenarnya dah takde apa sgt selain dr live si Riz. Kesnya mcm semua boleh agak mmg suicid*. Polis pun sekadar ambil ubat Akiko utk tgk ubat apa dia makan, beli pulak kat Jepun. Agaknya sbb netizen buat havoc polis pun siasatlah ubat pulak.
Edited by Kangkung1M at 6-3-2025 03:40 PM
sakinahxpdc replied at 6-3-2025 01:14 PM
ehhh beruboh2 benor citer nye kome...
I bila tengok nota terakhir arwah Akiko, i boleh rasa desakan & tekanan.yang beliau alami.
Edited by Kangkung1M at 6-3-2025 05:55 PM
sarah_ary2 replied at 6-3-2025 08:26 AM
wowwww salutelahhhhh gigih kome mencari yg dulu dulu punya posting
Acapkali kita tengok circle apak Sky akan sebut perkataan "be strong, stay strong" ketika berhadapan dengan Sky. Perbuatan tu tidak salah, tapi kurang tepat.
Saranan Public Health Malaysia (PHM) di bawah boleh kita implemenkan ketika menyantuni insan yang sedang menghadapi situasi kurang menyelesakan.
Madam_H replied at 7-3-2025 12:33 AM
Jrg sgt mkn skli sbb pak suke rekod so maknye xsuke..
Sbb tu ridz habaq akiko malu |
Madam_H replied at 7-3-2025 01:14 AM
Ade je imbas maknye muka akiko
Famili jepon dia musti takazut.. |
Edited by sakinahxpdc at 7-3-2025 05:27 AM
SitiRopeah replied at 7-3-2025 01:55 AM
tertengok video yang matfilter explain semua tu.
memang jenis dia kot kan suka potong cakap orang, d ...
dan ada satu part dalam video tu , ada ke patut bapak dia cerita yang sky cakap yeaayy mak dia dah takde... sky pun macam terkejut bapak dia mention camtu dan nak terangkan tapi bapak dia still potong cakap dia gak |
Tergamak dia bawak ank skli tgk wife tertiarap atas tnh. Sdgkn iols ni yg balik kj jumpa abah tak bernafas pon sampai skrg dh setahun lebih xblh buang bayangan akhir tu. Tu kira abh iols duduk elok mcm tdo je tu... Ni tgk tertiarap gitu tah2 pth riuk ke bg aky tgk |
sakinahxpdc replied at 7-3-2025 05:25 AM
dan ada satu part dalam video tu , ada ke patut bapak dia cerita yang sky cakap yeaayy mak dia da ...
Org x belajar tinggi, otak singkat mcm tulah... |
Yeah i have the same thought with you on this regarding her family. Hence the move to the US as an act of protest and soul searching i guess. Maybe thats why ngan abg sulung tak ngam kot..
Well the japanese earned the image of the wealthiest nation on the planet in the past, during the so called bubble years, which peaked in the late 1980s. Then comes the perpetual states of economic deflation.
Where did the money flow from that on? I believe to the lucky few. So it might not be advisable for them to flaunt what they reaped.
Thats why its hard to tell how wealthy one is coz they are very very very private and reserved. From the way she dressed, travelled etc, it looked almost 'old money' vibe.
At this point i'd like to think maybe she knew it was her time. Dah nak ajal kan. Like her husband said, there were signs but he didn't realize it. Tapi fikir2 seram gak timeline tragedy tu. And as for Sky, as long as his grandma is still alive and kickin' ass, he will do just fine. Coz i believe she will somehow make sure his future is well taken care of. Just my opinion.
sakinahxpdc replied at 7-3-2025 05:25 AM
dan ada satu part dalam video tu , ada ke patut bapak dia cerita yang sky cakap yeaayy mak dia da ...
Dlm state menerima dan tak menerima mmg mcm tu. Tu yg yeay sbb dah tak kena marah dan bebel dgn mak. Nak pujuk hati sendiri. Tp kemudian akan nangis lagi sbb mak ni org paling disayangi. Then ckp pulak I've to be strong. Hope Ridz akan bawa Sky jumpa psychologist atau kaunselor. Dia sendiri pun patut seek help juga. Trauma weh, meninggal dlm keadaan yang mengejutkan. Anak kecik2 dah tengok. Kalau kena kat kita pun mungkin meraung. Macam mana nak hadapi kawan2 yang mungkin mengata. Netizen dan media pulak semacam tidak memberi ruang utk keluarga yg ditinggalkan, kupas macam2 walaupun tengok video pun tak abih. Masing2 nak komen sampai kadang2 terlupa perasaan anak yang masih kecik tu. It could happen to anyone, peringatan utk diri sendiri juga. Nak bincang okay, tp jgn sampai buat sesuatu yg makin menyesakkan perasaan orang yg tengah berduka. |
im4me replied at 5-3-2025 08:40 PM
kalau balik M'sia apa klass Uniqlo... up town pasar malam lah
sama jer tu size tak ada ...
Maaf bertanya. Selsin sumo, orang jepon ada ke yang saiz 3xl dengan 4xl? Sebab tengok makanan dia jenis sihat. |
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