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Author: diomond123

Luahan Isteri Yg Terluka

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Post time 26-3-2009 07:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pak_itam at 26-3-2009 19:09
kisah suami isteri memang subjective... sebab ada suami yg nak isteri yg cantik bergaya mengoda, ada isteri yg nak suami romantik segala, ada yg tak kisah janji serasi malah ada yg so-so dari seg ...

setuju dgn pak itam....

romantik tip-top, 2-2 rock...2-2 so-so, tu semua subjektif....
ada org suka dan ada tak suka...kalo sekalipun nak buat makeover, jgn sampai hilang identiti diri sendiri....

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Post time 26-3-2009 09:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Core at 25-3-2009 22:38

ada lagi, sometimes, its not even your appearance, lke body weight, of courselah if 80kg, definitely have to do something but even so, bila you dah lose some weight, ada lg yg you kena jaga,  ...

wahh...byknyee kena blajar lagi nie.. thanks for tips..

insaf lakk duk thread nie...terasa lakk akukkk....
aku pun sama la..nak naik berat hampir 10kg..aku asyik makan ajek..hati senang ler katakann..

aku kena pikir..mcm mana nak kurangkan makan nie..selera menjadi jadi nie..aisehmennn..

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Post time 26-3-2009 09:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ajercrazy at 26-3-2009 10:21

betul tu...keangkuhan dia tu yg buat i nak blah jer..

ssh sgt ker nak minta maaf...for me x perlu melutut bagai..

cukup laa awak sedar kslpn awak, janji pd i (bleh tetapi  ...

takper..abg night faham...


kalau u sedih gak...marilah sandarkan kepala u kat dada bidang abg night nih...

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Post time 26-3-2009 10:15 PM | Show all posts
klu ikutkan, i ni lagi cepat naik badan because of my genes. You see, my arwah atuk is benggali and arwah nenek cina. But body frame, i seemed to have taken it from arwah atuk. Rangka besar. My cousin yg dari sebelah mak, badan semua besar2. And since i was small, i had never been a skinny kid, yg kurus keding bla bukak baju pun bleh nampak tulang. Badan i mmg selalu fleshy.

And..... in addition to that, i love to eat, k. Klu tak control, mungkin ada sebesar rumah bdn aku ni. I binge too, and that makes it worse. And my weight type is the type that even when you eat a little bit of rice, i become bloated and i damned hate that. BIla bloated, i feel lousy, and ugly and disgusting and when i feel terrible, thats it, my sex life is over. I just did it because my hubby wanted it and even if i wanted it, I would feel damned horrible again, like my hubby will be staring at all the extra flesh and that makes me feel do damned disgusting about myself. So, i couldn't come, because throughout the whole session, I would just be thinking of nothing but how ugly, disgusting, horrible and euwwww.. about myself.

Calll me shallow, call me bimbo, call me anything you want but yeah....thats just me. Walaupn my hubby never said anything and he always ada selera nak main, but i would hate it. loathe it and despise it. And the next day, heading off to office, i would just be in one of the tyrant moods again, because i damned love sex but not being able to come and enjoy it and I would just spend the entire day in the office, swearing and cursing at everything that crawls.

And talk about eating habit, guys, i don't know about other people. The issue here is if you were sixe what, S? before you got married, and now, size XL, you hit the diet zone, you workout, or you don't workout, and if consistent doing it, you'll lose it, atleast some pounds, and chances are, it might not come back if you are on the right track but in my case, i eat little and have not been eating rice for the whole f***ing week, but its only after a month, i'll manage to lose only 1 or 2 kgs. Damned pathetic, alright! But if i suddenly lose my mind or some annoying friends just got a job, after 2 years of being jobless and decided to celebrate and we had say, banana leaf rice, so, i thought, why not, why the hell not, bukannye luak, i dah tak makan nasi for more that a month now, a bit will not hurt. Right, so, i just happlily scooped one senduk of rice, and not full serving, and i innocently eat and finish it up with mango lassi.

the next morning, when i get up, bloated as ever, like i've never been on anything but rice and devil curry for the entire life. So, i hit the scale and what the...... i've gained 3 kgs! And started swearing again.

Then, i found out recently from my personal doctor, why is my weight treating me like that is because i grew up eating bread and hardly being on rice. I actually membesar dgn roti, not nasi. And because my mom was a health freak, i almost never had nasi lemak for breakfast. it was either oat or muesli or cornflakes. Occasionally, she would make egg sunny side up and toast. So, my body was accustomed to it. Even snacks like twisties or cheezels were banned. I remember seeing my neighbour munching on those and i was drooling.

So, due to that eating pattern which triggered the excessive craving in me, I became rebellious. I freaked out when i had my first cheezels, thing that i have always wanted to have since i was small. I remember me and my cousin who suffered from the same torture because her mom is my mom's sister (duh), we were munching on nothing but twisties and cheezels and gulping coke (another banned item in my house,k) for two weeks in a row! Sampai lidah jadi kebas sbb masin.  

So now, i'm constantly watching my weight even i cannot be as slim or skinny as other malay girls, but teh shape is there and my hubby likes it. He said he always prefer me like what i used to be, gebu.

and my point is, really if you decide to lose some weight, and alyse on your eating pattern, particularly things that you have been eating since you were small. And take it from there, take everything in moderation and always consistent.Don't change your eating pattern drastically. Like say, you come across South Beach Diet and you have to eat only salad and nothng else, and you decide to follow all the recipe and head off to cold storage because thats the only place where you can find that strange sald dressing that smells like pijat2, or some weird looking cheese that looks almost like fungus. And you make the salad and have been eating that for the entire week. Later, you'll find yourself, starvng as ever, bloated and damned crave for a plate of nasi with some ikan masin and gulai nenas. Trust me, its not a good sign. And dont expect miracle and if you are depressed, DON"T turn to food. Turn to drugs. no, was just kidding, turn to sex.

Thats all folks!

[ Last edited by  Core at 26-3-2009 22:28 ]

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Post time 27-3-2009 12:05 AM | Show all posts
berbulu lak aku ngan laki ko nihhhhhh...
bleh plak die ckp mcm tuhhhhh...
ko bg die penampar 2 ,3 das bg pihak aku...
kalo camtuh kalo dr dule ko gemok,die xnk kat ko la...
hampehhh toollll... la...

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Post time 27-3-2009 12:09 AM | Show all posts
naseb baik umo dia 36... kalo umo 30 tadi aku dah saspek seseorang tadi

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Post time 27-3-2009 07:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Hana at 26-3-2009 21:36

wahh...byknyee kena blajar lagi nie.. thanks for tips..

insaf lakk duk thread nie...terasa lakk akukkk....
aku pun sama la..nak naik berat hampir 10kg..aku asyik  ...

kuat romen nau..ari2 nak romen..pantang sentuh...tu pasal salu lapo kut haaa...

cuba ko togok  air paip jek kalo lapor hana..sure slim

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Post time 27-3-2009 07:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Core at 26-3-2009 22:15
klu ikutkan, i ni lagi cepat naik badan because of my genes. You see, my arwah atuk is benggali and arwah nenek cina. But body frame, i seemed to have taken it from arwah atuk. Rangka besar. My c ...

panjang2 ko cite ..last2 turn to sex

sex sex sex..siang malam pagi petang sexxxxxxxxxxxxx dah takdok mende lain bleh buat..sekkk sekk sekkk

pembunuh nurin tak jumpe lai, adik sharninie tak jumpe lai, eksiden jalan raya tak turun2 kadarnya, rasuah menjadi jadi..

sini dok seks seks seks..

lepas tu eran kenapa donya cam ni aaaa?

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Post time 27-3-2009 08:59 AM | Show all posts

Reply #297 kudajantan77's post

ai nak rekues mp3 lagu ni kat bod lagu & lirik lah

utk semangat kuruskan badan

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Post time 27-3-2009 09:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Hana at 26-3-2009 21:36

wahh...byknyee kena blajar lagi nie.. thanks for tips..

insaf lakk duk thread nie...terasa lakk akukkk....
aku pun sama la..nak naik berat hampir 10kg..aku asyik  ...

hana, dlm time2 camni yu jgn nak tonggek2 sgt tau

tunggu lagi beberapa bulan lagi, baru buleh

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Post time 27-3-2009 09:08 AM | Show all posts

Balas #309 ajinomotonosuga\ catat

people die because of drug but seldom die because of sexual desire

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Post time 27-3-2009 09:50 AM | Show all posts

Balas #1 diomond123\ catat

org laki ni kan suka tertarik pada fizikal, apa yg dia lihat..tu pasal org ppuan diwajibkan tutup aurat...pasal org laki nampak je buleh turn on tp bila kita tgk cam biasa xde rasa aku rasa tu antara sbb yg boleh mempengaruhi laki ko...

aku tgk la laki ni kadang2 ade jenis yg x koser kalo kita asik tanya2 dia cam "baju ni cantik x" "i nampak gemuk x" etc etc..sbb dia anggap perkara2 tu jawapannya sure selalu berbunyik "OK la tu" "cantik la tu"...

cam abah aku..kalo mak aku tanya dia cam kt atas tu...cepat je dia jawab "cantik!" padahal x tgk langsung pun ..kadang2 sampai mak aku part mengutuk mak aku pantas je dia..mak aku gemok la, mak aku kuat mentedarah la...segala bahasa yg kalo hb aku yg cakap camtu kat aku mau aku merajuk x bercakap seminggu....tapi...sunggoh mcm tu, mak aku main peranan yg penting dlm keluarga & kerjaya dgn abah aku...abah aku sgt dependent kat dia x bleh main taik dgn mak aku... setakat ni alhamdulillah abah aku xpenah la wat keje2 haram menggedik ni...masa arwah wan meninggal...abah aku sendiri je siap nangis2 bgtau mak aku yg dia xkan sia2kan mak aku (masa wan aku sakit kena strok, atuk aku kawin lain..abah aku sedih sgt masa tu)...

cam laki aku plak.. ari tu aku lepas beranak sengih je dia tgk bontot dgn paha aku da kembang .....dia pun sama slalu kata x kalo kuar jalan2 ke kalo nampak ada awek cun je mata tu ikutttt je ppuan tu jalan kena la paham2 sendiri kan....xkan nak tunggu dia bgtau baru nak bertindak....

serious aku tgh tensen pasal perut aku byk stretch mark

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Post time 27-3-2009 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mynameisdot at 27-3-2009 09:50
serious aku tgh tensen pasal perut aku byk stretch mark


haaaa.....nak tanya dot, soalan nakal sket ehh
kalo hubby curang sebab stretch mark tu...
apa isteri patut buat?

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Post time 27-3-2009 10:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #297 kudajantan77's post

lawak betulla lagu ni...

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Post time 27-3-2009 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ajinomotonosuga at 27-3-2009 07:55

kuat romen nau..ari2 nak romen..pantang sentuh...tu pasal salu lapo kut haaa...

cuba ko togok  air paip jek kalo lapor hana..sure slim

mana ada laa..:@ :@ :@
tabiat aku mmg suka makan lah.

dulu2 mmg control makan sbb tak suka org kutuk,"patut ler tak (maybe word tu debab,muka toya, selebet,etc..sapa nakk?"
jadi, makan kena control..seri muka kena control.. penampilan kena jaga...rambut pun jaga..semua laa kena jaga & control..lagipun..misti ler nak jaga supaya kalau kita senyum or ramah or berkenalan org tu sudi nak response balik..
lagipun.mcm mana nak dpt blind date..kalau diri sendiri tak jaga ooo..takder sapa nak kuar dgn andartua kalau tak jaga badan & rupa..

skrg tgh duk comfort zone..jadi alpa sketlah..  lupa diri..lupa kat luar sana byk saingann..
skrg mcm.. ada sket kemaruk ler.. semua benda nak makann ajekk..

[ Last edited by  Hana at 27-3-2009 10:42 ]

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Post time 27-3-2009 10:52 AM | Show all posts
alasan laki ko mmg sengal buih...
tp ko jd kan alasan dia tu sbg pendorong utk ko jd kurus...
buktikan kt dia..yg ko leh kurus ...& cantik mcm pompuan kt luar..
mana tau LEBIHHHHHH cantikk....
buat smpi laki ko x kuar umah...heheheh

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Post time 27-3-2009 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ajinomotonosuga at 27-3-2009 07:58

panjang2 ko cite ..last2 turn to sex

sex sex sex..siang malam pagi petang sexxxxxxxxxxxxx dah takdok mende lain bleh buat..sekkk sekk sekkk

pembunuh nurin tak jumpe lai, adik s ...

lah...biarlah bukan dosa pun. Lgpun aku tak kacau org pun.

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Post time 27-3-2009 11:25 AM | Show all posts

Balas #233 maizana\ catat

so....nasi + ikan/daging atau roti + telur ....... tak boleh lah yer?

kenapa ye? pasti ada scientific explanation.... anybody can help?

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Post time 27-3-2009 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Core at 27-3-2009 11:14

lah...biarlah bukan dosa pun. Lgpun aku tak kacau org pun.

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hahaha aku pun nak buat disclaimer kat sini

apa apa statement aku tak de niat pun nak mensinis, menyindir kat janganla dok sentap, aku tak simpan profile status uols & kisah hidup uols dlm kepala otak aku, tak yah la nak simpan dendam kat aku, korek cerita & buat cerita pasal aku.....kalau ada yg rasa tak puas hati ngan posting aku kat sini aku nak minta maaf bebanyak la, aku banyak posting kat FD nih, kalau dalam beribu posting aku kat sini uols perasan aku dok sindir uols, beribu ampun dan maaf, jangan sentap
sekian.... permisi dulu ye

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Post time 27-3-2009 12:01 PM | Show all posts
eeee.....geram betul aku dgn laki ko ni...

dulu, masa cintan cintun mungkin ko lupa tanya kalau ko gemuk after kawen dia sayang lagi tak?....tu yg dia ngengada jadikan alasan ko gemok sbg penyebab utama.

kalau aku jadik ko...kalau pun dah berjaya jadi kurus keding mcm aneroxia sekalipun , hati aku tetap luka berdarah sbb pengakuan jujur dia yg merendah2kah tubuh badan ko tu...pulak tu cakap cinta & nafsu dia towards ko dah berubah...satu tamparan hebat tu bagi aku...almaklumlah aku ni sensitif  sikit....

mungkin pendapat aku ni lain sikit, sbb aku tau nak turunkan 30 kg bukan senang, nak lagi umur dah meningkat....lemak2 tepu tu bukan kira hati kita terluka ke tidak.....gini arrr, ko ajar sikit laki ko tu...ko tak payah kuruskan badan ko tu...gasak arrr. Aku rasa ko ken atunjukkan ko pun rasa dia tak penting sgt...kengkonon aje lah....ko ubah sikit schedule hidup ko...adakan masa sikit lepak dgn kengkawan...spend ur own time...dan biar dia rasa ko merajuk hati dan ko jauhkan sikit diri dari dia....ko tengok reaksi dia...kalau dia buat tak kisah jer kat ko....ko kena sediakan plan A, B, C...hatta plan Z sekalipun! kalau dia rasa bersalah dan cinta yg tinggal 70% tu masih ada...tentu dia pujuk ko...dan rasa ko penting...laki ni ko kena ajor sikit tau...kalau kita ada jaga makan pakai cukup...bukannya dia nak, ko cuba try test tengok klu ko berlakon abaikan dia sikit...dia terganggu tak?...kalau dia rasa kehilangan...haaaa, time ni lah ko basuh muka dia balik dan bincang betul2 utk terima kelemahan dan kekurangan diri masing2....bukan aku tak galakkan ko kuruskan badan...tapi, cara laki ko tu SATU PENGHINAAN PADA CINTA KORANG BERDUA SELAMA NI TAU!

hihihi...kebetulan aku panas hati kat jantan hari, lepas geram kat sini pulak!

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