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Author: kaklala_lost_id


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Post time 7-12-2010 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_kinna at 7-12-2010 15:15

Hadiah2 utk yg share testimonial bergambar...untuk Superwhite L-gluta 1000mg....

Super Car Wireless mouse...

mouse berwayar yg lama leh simpan.... nanti berforum leh pakai kete porche  

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Post time 7-12-2010 03:19 PM | Show all posts
Testimonial Superwhite l-gluta 1000mg

saya dah amik gluta superwhite sebotol..mmg dlm masa 2 minggu perubahan ketara..member2 tego kulit glowing n putih..konon2nye nak rahsia tp ntah camne ade member ambik brg dlm handbag,terus nmpk botol gluta.pecah rahsia..hehehe..cubelah..mmg berbaloi-baloi gulie Post at 6-12-2010

Reply  220796

    insyaAllah.. walopon kulit dah cerah, bile ambik gluta akan wat kulit jd leb ...
gulie Post at 6-12-2010 22:20

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Post time 7-12-2010 04:02 PM | Show all posts
Hadiah2 utk yg share testimonial bergambar...untuk Superwhite L-gluta 1000mg....

Super Car Wirele ...
cmf_kinna Post at 7-12-2010 15:13

    ala nak jugakkkkkkkkkk

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Post time 7-12-2010 08:24 PM | Show all posts
Reply 283# gulie
superwhite bagus ke kb bagus

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Post time 7-12-2010 09:50 PM | Show all posts
ala nak jugakkkkkkkkkk
eisyawanna Post at 7-12-2010 16:02

    wanna cari sapa2 yg belum pernah makan gluta... suruh dia ambik gambar sebelum n selepas...

nanti wanna postkan testimonial tu...

kita bg wanna porche sebijik....

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Post time 7-12-2010 09:53 PM | Show all posts
Reply  gulie
superwhite bagus ke kb bagus
hunnymadu Post at 7-12-2010 20:24

    gulie pakai superwhite....  

awal2 dulu dia ada bg testimonial pakai 3 hari superwhite....

kak kinna,
sy dah ambik sw+vit c sejak 3 hari lepas.. rase cam kulit jd lembut je..pastu shiny2 s ...
gulie Post at 24-10-2010 11:03


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Post time 7-12-2010 09:56 PM | Show all posts
Hai semua, saya baru nak join.
Saya ada problem pimples & sensitive skin. Ada sapa-sapa kt sini yg ...
Wiwien Post at 7-12-2010 10:11


kalau nak putih mulus boleh ambik superwhite+ vit C

utk skin sensitif dan pimples..boleh add on miracle gluta soap.. jerawat cepat kecut..n parut2 akan hilang...

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Post time 7-12-2010 10:11 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_kinna at 7-12-2010 22:13

Q & A      

1. Why SuperWhite  L-Glutathione  is  Whitening Pill No . 1  ?

SuperWhite L-Glutathione is a real skin whitening Glutathione Grade AAA and Anti-ageing pill. Guaranteed better than other brands you have tried before. We guarantee results in 14days will feel the different. For a more radiant, noticeably healthy skin and a younger looking you.

2. How white can I get?
Initial phase of the program can give as much 1-3 shades lighter . Long term usage can lighten your skin by as much as 5-6 shades lighter or more. It will depend on how SuperWhite L-Glutathione  reacts to your body.

3. Will I look like Michael Jackson ?
Definitely not. Results are gradual and natural. Its not dramatic nor drastic after just taking it in a few weeks. Also, it would be impossible to be extremely white since the skin has it's limits as to how light it can get.

4. Why is it that some people see results early and others took long before they can see it?
For the simple reason that people have different metabolism, weight is also a factor, the fact that some people see results early is because their bodies have absorbed the components well.

5. What is the recommended dosage in able to achieve a faster and visible result?
In order to achieve a faster result the right dosage for a certain person must be based on his/her body weight and skin tone. If your weight is above average (70 kilos above) and your skin tone is tan or light brown, its recommended to take 3-4 capsules daily. Generally, we recommend users to take 2 capsules daily if they have a light complexion already, its potent enough to achieve a change of skin tone in as early as 14days (again, results may vary from person to person). Once you have achieved the desired skin tone you may maintain it by taking 1 capsule daily.

6. Is it safe to take high dosage of this SuperWhite L-glutathione whitening pills everyday?
It is very safe. Taking high dose of SuperWhite L-glutathione from these whitening pills are needed in order for it to work for the whitening process.  Did you know that primarily Glutathione is given at a daily dose of 5000mg to certain patients? L-Glutathione actually good for your health. Moreover, SuperWhite L-Glutathione they are water-soluble which just means that if there’s anything in excess, it will be just excreted through urine or bile. You need to drink 3liter of plain water per day.

7. Do I really need to take additional Vitamin C when taking SuperWhite L-Glutathione? Why is it important?
Vitamin C is essential when taking these supplements because it helps L-Glutathione remain in its reduced form suitable to achieve it's skin lightening property.  We suggest you to consume Vitamin C non acidid ( free acid ).

8. How does the whitening process starts? Can it give me an equal skin tone all over?
The reason why are skin becomes white in using this whitening pill is because it reverses the dark melanin pigments turning to a light pigments and inhibits the enzyme Tyrosinase which catalyzes the production of melanin. Less melanin, a whiter skin. L-glutathione’s whitening process starts inside the skin (dermal layer) going outside (epidermal layer), that’s the reason why it takes time to be able to see initial change in your skin tone. The lightening process goes head to foot meaning that you will have an even skin tone throughout your body.

9. How can I consider this pill? It is a drug, vitamin or supplement?
SuperWhite L-Glutathione and its components (Vitamin C, ALA ) has been classified as health supplement by MOH.  ----> Ministry of Health  @ KKM     

10. Is there anything to avoid when taking SuperWhite L-Glutathione?
Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and  caffeine , the presence of alcohol in the stomach is one reason for your body to not fully absorb the whitening pill.

11. Are the whitening effects of these whitening pills permanent? Will my skin tone go back to its original color once I stop using it?
Its whitening effects are permanent only if you will maintain it(by avoiding exposure to sunlight). You won’t go back to your original skin color even if you stop taking these pills, however, there is a tendency for you to be tan or darken your skin if you expose yourself to sunlight and other harsh elements.

12. What If I am taking the pills but most of the time I am exposed to the sun, what will I do?
Use sunblock or sunscreen lotion that has an SPF of 45-60. It will protect you from the harmful effects of the sun.

13. Is this whitening pill (L-Glutathione) safe in the liver?
Let’s hear what a renowned doctor says about it:
“The level of glutathione in the liver is critically linked to the liver’s ability to detoxify. The higher the glutathione content, the greater the liver’s capacity to detoxify harmful chemicals. Typically, when we are exposed to chemicals to which can damage the liver including alcohol, the concentration of glutathione in the liver is substantially reduced. This reduction makes the liver susceptible to damage.”
Nature’s Potent Liver Remedy
Dr. Murray

14. I am in a hurry to see the results and also I want to be slim while I am taking the pills, is it ok to take slimming pills or other products (Thayaporn etc) ?
We have mentioned before, the whitening pill (L-Glutathione) is considered as a supplement and therefore safe to be taken with other medications, vitamins or supplements. If you are in a hurry and at the same want to be slim, we recommend you to consume 2 hours after taking SuperWhite L-Glutathione.

15. Is it better to take the whitening pill with an empty stomach or should I eat my meal first before taking it?
Take the SuperWhite L-Glutathione with an empty stomach. Your body will most likely absorb the highest possible amount.

16. Can pregnant or lactating women take the product?
Alpha Lipoic Acid ( ALA) is not recommended to pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant and even lactating women who wishes to use the SuperWhite L-Glutathione  must wait until they gave birth or  finish their lactating period.

Get your money's worth. 100% Safe and effective.  All natural.  No toxic Chemicals. SUPER WHITE Gluta 1000mg - BEST SELLER !!!

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Post time 8-12-2010 01:38 PM | Show all posts
jom bergluta------;)

Pelbagai produk gluta yang HOT di pasaran-----!!


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Post time 8-12-2010 01:45 PM | Show all posts
jom bergetah dengan gluta..jangan melekat sudah...oppp!!!!! terlebih sudah...

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Post time 8-12-2010 03:38 PM | Show all posts
Reply 289# 220796

baru consume sebulan/ mmg leh nampak kesan dlm 2 minggu.. jom2 bergluta lak..skang ni gulie nak try collagen dier plak .he he he (aku ni ske btol menghabeskan duet)..hehehe

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Post time 8-12-2010 05:11 PM | Show all posts
wanna cari sapa2 yg belum pernah makan gluta... suruh dia ambik gambar sebelum n selepas.. ...
cmf_kinna Post at 7-12-2010 21:50

    wanna kan penah bg testimonial gluta dulu kat thread yg da di closed tu....x ingat err....ermmmm

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Post time 8-12-2010 06:50 PM | Show all posts
Hai semua, saya baru nak join.
Saya ada problem pimples & sensitive skin. Ada sapa-sapa kt sini yg ...
Wiwien Post at 7-12-2010 10:11

hye.. sy try pm, tp kuar msg Send Message Failed, Reciever refuse, please return.

jd sy gtau sini aje.. harap tuh sy beli kat akak imashu.. rm300 2botol, dpt free 2ketul sabun hehe

salam.. ok, ni sy share mmg betul2 experience sy.. sy mmg ade jerawat2, jnis kecik2.. n ade jerawat bawah kulit.. nak picit pun, mate die xnampak..die keras kat dalam.. last yer, dlm bulan 5 cmtuh, ade duit lebey.. sy amek 2botol terus gluta n gluta soap sekali.. alhamdulillah dlm sebulan sy nampak kesan.. tgn burn hilang, same rata ulit..jerawat pun kurang.. ms tuh sy amek sebijik sehari aje.. .. botol ke2 baru sy amek 2bijik shari.. :-) rs nye xsalah klu awak try.. dulu mencube mcm2, drpd murah smpai lah yg butik nye. st, nv, la diva, reena, nuriz, cleopatra, dll lah..smpai yg ke mahal assata.. try ni okje skin.. :-)

sy xlah provok suh beli wlupun mmg sy jual.. sy mule2 dulu try white l-glutathione bulan 5.. dlm bulan 11 mcm tuh sy try kb.. sehinggalah bebaru ni amek prime plak.. bukanlah mereka xelok, tp white tuh dah stop production.. sy ni jenis cepat bosan, tuh yg try je mane2 smpai xboring da..

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Post time 8-12-2010 09:16 PM | Show all posts
hye.. sy try pm, tp kuar msg Send Message Failed, Reciever refuse, please return.

jd sy gta ...
jojot Post at 8-12-2010 18:50

    apsal wanna cam x paham je post jojot ni............

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Post time 9-12-2010 09:35 AM | Show all posts
wanna kan penah bg testimonial gluta dulu kat thread yg da di closed tu....x ingat err.... ...
eisyawanna Post at 8-12-2010 17:11


wireless ni utk testimonial bergambar pengguna superwhite gluta cayang...

wana dah gebu mulus...x leh dah bg testimonial..

tu pasal kinna suruh wana rekemen org lain..yg belum pernah terjebak dgn gluta..

so, boleh tgk perubahan yg sgt ketara.. mcm testimonial en kumis....
her  tunang ada perubahan yg sgt ketara since start makan superwhite.....  

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Post time 9-12-2010 11:35 AM | Show all posts

wireless ni utk testimonial bergambar pengguna superwhite gluta cayang. ...
cmf_kinna Post at 9-12-2010 09:35


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Post time 9-12-2010 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply 314# eisyawanna

emm xphm.. jap

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Post time 9-12-2010 01:03 PM | Show all posts
apsal wanna cam x paham je post jojot ni............
eisyawanna Post at 8-12-2010 21:16

btw, this msg utk wiwien, so die je paham .. die pm jot pasal my experience.. nak balas xboleh via pm, sbb failed.. so balas je kat sini..

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Post time 9-12-2010 02:11 PM | Show all posts
i"ll be ur next model..ahaks ahaks..
leh ke kinna...

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Post time 9-12-2010 04:14 PM | Show all posts
i"ll be ur next model..ahaks ahaks..
leh ke kinna...
farlis Post at 9-12-2010 14:11


ambik gambar sebelum  & selepas.....

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