Sori...very urgent. Dh x smpat nk tgk page2 blkg. Soalan sy, klw pasport no tu just trtggl huruf A kat dpn, ada prblm tak nk fly nnti? Sy dh buat web chk in. 3x msuk web bru line tenet smooth. Klw tak, asyik auto logout je. Rsnya dh tgk btul2 semua info. Bila print, bru nmpk dkt pasport no trtggl satu huruf. Adoyaiiiiiiii..... |
yg isi minyak petronas dgn dpt point AirAsia big tu kite kene byr pakai big card |
korang2, aku first time nak naik AAX tak amik luggage nih.. so soklan aku, payung lipat dengan hot packs lepas tak kalo masuk hand luggage? |
azradiza posted on 9-10-2014 08:24 AM
korang2, aku first time nak naik AAX tak amik luggage nih.. so soklan aku, payung lipat dengan hot p ...
payung lipat lepas..takde masalah...
cuma kekadang kena soal gak dgn security..
hot pack, klu yg kena isi air panas u kena buang dulu air dia, klu yg biasa lepas...
kekadang benda ni bergantung dgn security yg jaga kt gate tu.. |
mijot posted on 9-10-2014 09:36 AM 
payung lipat lepas..takde masalah...
cuma kekadang kena soal gak dgn security..
hot pack, klu yg ...
hot packs ni bukan pakai air ... ni jenis hand warmer aku beli kat daiso ... kluarkan dari peket , terus jadik panas ... beli kat sini murah, beli kat korea sane sekeping dah RM3

azradiza posted on 9-10-2014 09:40 AM
hot packs ni bukan pakai air ... ni jenis hand warmer aku beli kat daiso ... kluarkan dari peket , ...
lepas mcm tu... |
mijot posted on 9-10-2014 09:44 AM 
lepas mcm tu...
thanks mijot ... harap2 takde la sangkut nanti
kalau pencuci muka dengan spray body lepas tak kat security klia2 tu.. fly domeatic je.. kt krabi kena rampas! ada sesape penah bawak? |
aku tgh susah hati pikir ni..
bln depan flight aku dr dr jakarta -kl landing @ 7.30 pm..
next flight... kl-png 10.pm..
persoalannya..: sempat ka nk catch next flight..?? dengan nk cek in baggage lg..?
aku assume flight xdelay..
kata la..landing 7.30pm..
then... tgu beg abis maximum masa 8.30pm..
terus pg drop beg... abis lama kata la pkl 9pm...terus pg gate...
any opinion..??? |
lana_lang posted on 9-10-2014 02:31 PM 
aku tgh susah hati pikir ni..
bln depan flight aku dr dr jakarta -kl landing @ 7.30 pm..
sempat insyaAllah. tengok situasi ko cuma tunggu lama kat baggage claim, drop baggage and kastam (boarding png) je. sebab arrival international autogate banyak, insyaAllah lancar nanti. cuma kalau boleh laju2 la jalan lepas keluar plane melalui sky bridge ke arrival hall nanti (semput part ni hihi)
Last edited by curiouscat on 9-10-2014 05:24 PM
We’re sorry, the remaining seats for this flight are not available for web check-in. Please proceed to the airport counters for manual check-in and seat arrangement.
apa citer nih tkleh nk web check in? ada sesiapa tau sbb apa nih |
af_1993 posted on 10-10-2014 10:07 PM
We’re sorry, the remaining seats for this flight are not available for web check-in. Please proce ...
Haah td i nk book meals perasan mende ni , nasib dh buat chk in , flight ahd ni 7.30am , klu tak berkejar la
Tp i try beli tiket pun tak boleh , mungkin kejap je , tgh buat maint kot Last edited by ladyxez on 11-10-2014 01:44 AM
af_1993 posted on 10-10-2014 10:07 PM 
We’re sorry, the remaining seats for this flight are not available for web check-in. Please proce ...
From AirAsia FB
[IMPORTANT NOTICE] Disruption to AirAsia and AirAsia X airport operations AirAsia reservation and airport systems are currently unavailable due to technical issues being experienced by our supplier, Navitaire. As a result, we are unfortunately expecting delays and disruption to our flight and airport operations on Saturday 11th October. To minimise any delay to your journey, we kindly ask all guests to arrive at the airport a minimum of three (3) hours before departure. Please check airport departure screens carefully and look out for our staff who will be able to support you with any queries. Please do be patient with us during this time as our staff work hard to get you on your way as quickly and safely as possible. AirAsia is working around the clock with our suppliers to restore full services as quickly as possible. We thank you in advance for your understanding.
hi uols,
nk mintak pendapat uols kt sini...
iols skodeng tix seoul-KL 1way utk 11 oct 2015 (mmg lagi setahun pon)= rm393++
rega seat= rm302
airport tax + surcaj= rm91++
berbaloi x nk grab tix ni skang?
or lg baik tunggu zero fare bln 11 ? please advise
bg iols airport tax + surcaj tu mcm mahal plak.
dekat rm100
ke incheon airport dh increase airport tax dorang sejak2 Asian Games ni...
sakura2503 posted on 13-10-2014 11:12 AM 
hi uols,
nk mintak pendapat uols kt sini...
kalau beli return ticket KUL - Seoul - KUL , untuk Seoul - KUL tu airport tax + surcharges segala mak nenek tu = RM86
but since ko beli one way Seoul to Kul, so harganye adelah in korean won ... pastu convert to RM jadik la RM91.23 sen ...
mmg harga akan mahal sket kalo beli tiket one way gitu ... even ko punye luggage, meal, add-on seat semua akan mahal sket compare dengan beli tiket return dari KUL ke Seoul
tapi bagi aku, harga yg ko dapat tu dah masuk category murah
Last edited by azradiza on 13-10-2014 11:21 AM
apai85 posted on 9-10-2014 02:12 PM 
kalau pencuci muka dengan spray body lepas tak kat security klia2 tu.. fly domeatic je.. kt krabi ke ...
kalau setakat dlm negeri bawak 1liter pun lepas je.
tapi kalau keluar dari Malaysia, cecair yang dibenarkan setiap botol tak boleh lebih dari 100ml.
kalaupun cecair tu cuma tinggal sedikit tapi jika menggunakan botol 120ml katakan, tetap akan dirampas.
Assalam semua
Nak tanya kaunter AA di KL Sentral tu waktu operasi hingga hari Ahad ke? Dah cuba cari kat tenet mcm buka hingga ahad. Just nk reconfirm.
Thanks a lot. |
ada baca kt AA website utk pregnant guest tk blh buat web checkin...me baru 20 weeks/5 bulan..
confuse le perlu checkin-counter ke mcm ni? nak fly dah next week..
Pregnant guests
Guests who are pregnant up to 27 weeks may travel with us by completing our AirAsia/AirAsia X Liability Statement at our check-in counters. |
azradiza posted on 11-10-2014 11:32 AM 
From AirAsia FB
Disruption to AirAsia and AirAsia X airport operationsAirAsia reservation and ...
Pernah jadik camni?
tadi i try buat booking utk my boss dah sampai stage payment, n request OPT, bila dah key in tetiba status decline.
CC takder problem.. so i rasa AA masih tak ok kan..
macam mana nak retrieve booking tu? any idea? ref. no pun tiada... dah msg AA tapi belum ada reply ni.. TQ
dee556 posted on 13-10-2014 11:41 AM
kalau setakat dlm negeri bawak 1liter pun lepas je.
tapi kalau keluar dari Malaysia, cecair yang ...
tq kak dee bagi penjelasan
untuk sesiapa yang dah buat web check in dan kat rumah takde printer boleh print boarding pass kat klia2 di office aa sales dr pintu masuk nampak kaunter customer service belok kanan jalan terus amik kiri hujung sekali boleh print kat kiosk tu, atau boleh terus ke kaunter untuk print dan tidak dikenakan bayaran |
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