Edited by eyelineronfleek at 28-2-2018 08:35 PM
Just got the chance to listen to Lopak's speech on the night of the event, as a forumer here suggested.
Gaissss. Wajib tgk video ni.
This is the answer to why Lopak is so arrogant sampai tak jejak tanah.
I mean , surely I'm not the only one who's always wondered how she picked up this illusion of grandiose about herself.
If you don't have enough data, I'll summarise this for you . Basically she's been doing this "meditation" thing (must have picked it up from one of those books she claims to read), where she chants this mantra to herself at night. She also claimed that she has been doing this for the past few weeks (Building up to the fairytale wedding ay? Coincidence? I think not). So the om badi badi om goes like this:
I rarely would love ( I think this is what she said?? I swear if she didn't try so hard to fake an accent of unknown origin, I would have been able to decipher what she said)
I attract love like a magnet
I am surrounded by love And I am loved I am fit I am strong and well balanced Im powerful and its ok to haveeverything I want in my life And everytime (say what???) that I want in my life comes easily and naturally to me And Allah is always with me
The only thing I would take from this is the last line. The rest did her more harm than good I reckon.
I didn't finish watching the video. It was too cringe maximus.