MES LEPAK MPSAian - Edisi Bumper 2009 - 2010
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320# venez
keta aku ada ecu la..tp tatau la dia ada knock sensor ke idak utk auto ekjas pembakaran..btw bunyik knocking tu macamana?time bila dia bunyi?aku tak prasan la plak.. |
Bro Ven, wa pakai Vpower..ini RON berapa? Anyway, RON ni sapa? |
RON=research octane number |
322# areguard
ooo... itu singkatan nama Ron Jeremy  |
321# innocentti
bunyi tek3 luar dari kebiasaan... bunyi kat area valve n tepet... atas head enjin... |
324# cmf_tin
Dia masih aktif bergiat dalam bidang "seni" tu ke??
Kalau Ron tu, wa kenal la |
325# venez
ooo so kalo nak dengar kena teliti masa idling la yer? okeh tq bro! |
erkkk, dah jadi macam topik kereta le plak... huk3 |
v-power confirm RON97 kan ven.. |
326# areguard
v-power punya RON veriable mengikut negara, anyway v-power kt m'sia x publish ron dia... kalau kat oberseas RON utk v-power veriable dari 98-100 |
329# mmc
confirm samaada sama ngan 97 or atas lagi dari ron97... |
nasib ler saya pakai kete murah..xyah pening2 kepala... |
333# jazim
kereta nih pakai diesel, xyah takut... rege minyak diesel x naik... |
335# mmc
Patutla kereta wa isi Vpower berdesup2 tak cukup tanah rupanya RON Jeremy 97 |
nak xnak aku terpaksa pakai ron97 walaupun mahal skit... lepas aku search dlm net, ron95 mmg x sesuai dgn engine high performance walaupun ECU dia akan auto-adjust bagi hilang bunyi knocking, tapi ...
venez Post at 1-9-2009 11:12 
kalau pakai mini minor nak pakai minyak ape? |
335# mmc
aku x jumpaler bro dlm v-power tuh dia tulis ron97, yang aku jumpa dlm data tech dia tertulis FMT jerk... n tertulis nih :
High Octane
Shell V-PowerRacing is designed to help provide improvements in power delivery andto help drivers achieve maximum performance from responsive engines. |
dapat dari website petrol malaysia :
Shell V-Power is a high-octane fuel (98 RON) designed to help improve the performance of many modern engines with adaptive spark timing capacity.
It is helped by Friction Modification Technology (FMT) which is formulated to reduce friction between the cylinder and piston rings, a critical area of the engine where lubrication is difficult to achieve. FMT is designed to help the engine turn more freely, and so support more efficient energy transfer from the fuel to the wheels.
Powerful cleansing
While driving, deposits can develop around a car engine’s inlet valves, impeding the air flow and reducing power. Shell V-Power is designed to reduce the build-up of deposits and help remove existing ones, enabling the fuel to burn more efficiently. This effective deposit control can help keep a new engine running like new for longer. Shell V-Power can also help rejuvenate older engines.
Friction Modification Technology
Shell V-Power also contains our Friction Modification Technology (FMT), whose special components are designed to coat the cylinder wall. Friction reduction between the cylinder wall and the piston inside the engine helps to increase the total energy delivered to the wheels, to aid overall driving performance.
High Octane
Shell V-Power is also a higher octane fuel (98 RON). This enhanced octane rating is designed to help provide improvements in power delivery and to help drivers achieve enhanced performance from octane responsive engines. And even vehicles designed for standard octane levels may benefit. |
326# areguard
Selagi dia x mati kena AIDS, ada lagi tu, test bakat2 baru... |
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