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-[ LOTR 3 ]- Return Of The King

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Post time 12-1-2004 01:34 AM | Show all posts
tu la.. masa mula2 dulu cite FOTR.. kita cakap suka kat aragorn.. kena gelak.. diaorg ckp legolas lagi hensem apa!

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Post time 12-1-2004 09:50 AM | Show all posts
tu la pasal...kita kena mintak tips kat viggo nie la mcm mana nak nampak awet muda mcm dia..dan ensem...

thanx for the pic...

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Post time 12-1-2004 10:43 AM | Show all posts
suka legolas....

froddo ada org minat tak??

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Post time 12-1-2004 11:13 AM | Show all posts
aku mmg jatuh cinta kat aragorn... but not becoz of the movie... lepas baca buku lotr dah suka dia in the story.... and then bila tgk movie... sib baik ensem gak... kira meet my expectation gak laa....

frodo... hmmm... kalau tgk dlm movie nyampah gak rasa... but dkm buku takde la rasa nyampah... coz bole rasa his responsibility tuh...

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Post time 12-1-2004 04:04 PM | Show all posts
frodo tu lembik...dan tak sesuai dgn kita nie manusia...he...he...

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lynzi This user has been deleted
Post time 13-1-2004 01:13 PM | Show all posts
Sapa2 yg belum tau, LOTR EE ni lagi true to the book. Rugi kalau tak beli. Kat theatrical version depa ada limit time, takut orang tak tahan nak tunggu lama dan pacing cite jadi slow.
Aku tak rekomen korang beli piracy product sbb imej dlm dvd original teramatlah jelas dan cantiknya. Tu yg tak sbr nak tgk scene Sam lawan dgn Shelob sebab kat wyg skrin gelap sikit. Letak harga rm200 pun aku sanggup beli beb! Extened Edition ni biasa on sale mid November, ni yg tak sbr nak tunggu ni.
Kat TTT EE, byk part best dimasukkan. Ada part flashback Boromir & Faramir ( priceless sbb tunjuk relationship family diorg), part Gollum tercekik mkn lembas-very funny!), part Eowyn show more affection to Aragorn( dia masak stew for Aragorn tp really bad cooking sampai tak larat nak makan), more scenes of Merry, pippin & treebeard and the best part extended conversation between Aragorn-Arwen in elvish B4 departure of the fellowship. Suka sgt tgk depa berdua speaking elvish sbb lenggok suara Liv ni mmg sesuai for the language.
Surprise gak tgk byk scene ending thearical version TTT rupanya byk missing part. Nak cite pjg2 tak tau bila nak abis, so belilah & tgk sendiri. Gerenti korang puashati.
Opps! Nak tmbh point. Main reason why Start Towsend kene fired B4 shooting sbb dia ni kurang fit. Yelah bukan senang nak jd Aragorn, kena pandai horse riding, swordfighting, jungletracking. Nsb baik ada Viggo Mortensen yg serba boleh. Orlando Bloom ckp dia malu dgn Viggo sbb waktu scene lari kat plain of Rohan in TTT, Viggo ni mmg fit sampai dia termengah2 nak kejar. Padahal Viggo almost 20 years older than him.

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Post time 13-1-2004 06:45 PM | Show all posts
si stuart tu bawak waatak dracula ok la...kalau nak bawak waktak aragon..dia sanggup ke...

orlando bloom,orlando bloom...mengah kejar abang aku...he..he..

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Post time 13-1-2004 07:15 PM | Show all posts
DVD ext version pun cantik juga quality gambarnya....aku fikir kalo korang tak sanggup berhabis sampai nilai ratus, beli DVD copy pun dah cukup berbaloi....cuma dari segi audio aku tak pastilah sebab taknah cuba home theater 5 speaker tuh.....

Stuart Townsend jadik vampire pun aku rasa kurang semacam jerk...dia seswai jadik prince charming dalam citer2 romantic cam About Adam tu jerk...tapi kalo jadik Frodo agak2 seswai ke...hehe....

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Post time 13-1-2004 11:31 PM | Show all posts
nak tanya... camna si peter jackson tu boleh terfikir nak amik viggo? last minit lak tu... berjaya pulak tu... salute..salute...

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Post time 14-1-2004 04:29 PM | Show all posts
setau aku la kan eyka..aku baca dlm peter jackson si lepas si stuart tu dah blah..dia nak cari pengganti watak aragon nie...tapi tak de sorang pun dlm fikiran dia yg layak bawak watak aragon nie..tetiba dia terjumpa @ ternampak si viggo mortensen lalu depan dia..tetiba gak dia tergerak hati dan mangatakan si viggo nie la sepatutnya membawakan watak aragon nie...dia terus gi jumpa viggo dan offer dia belakon...

memula si viggo ni tak nak dan hampir tolak tawaran yg lumayan nie pasal dia tak nak tinggalkan anak dia lama-lama..tapi anak dia kasi dia galakan suruh dia belakon dlm citer nie...sebab tu la dia terima watak aragon nie...

nasib baik dia tak tolak tawaran belakon citer nie..kalau tak rugi...

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Post time 14-1-2004 09:52 PM | Show all posts

.... ni salah satu sumber yg boleh dipercayai...

.. PJ and the team decided yg diorg memang dah tersilap casting.. alasan PJ sbb "creative differences" so lepas Stuar kene kick..PJ memang terdesak sbb pengambaran dah nak mula tapi leading man takder.. sooo diorg teruskan dgn scene yg tak der watak aragorn dulu..

..... penerbit LOTR Barrie Osbone dpt news dari PJ... wife Barrie yg cadangkan nama Viggo(VM) sbb minat tengok lakonan VM dlm Crimson Tide.. tapi before PJ offer kat VM.... PJ offer dulu kat Daniel Day Lewis (The Last Mohicans, Gangs Of New York).. tapi DDL ader komitmen lain... first memang VM taknak sbb pelakon lain dah rehersal berminggu2.. dan VM tak tau sepata  haram pun aper tuh Aragorn, tp  nampaknyer kiter sumer kene lah berterima kasih ngan Harry.. anak VM.. yg dah bace buku LOTR... dan minat sgt ngan watak Aragorn yg Harry rase sgt cool....

.. anyway kesian gak kat Stuart sbb lakonan VM sgt bagus.. sampaikan audiens tak leh fikir ader org lain yg boleh gantikan dier!.. dan peminat LOTRrase sgt bertuah yg Stuart dikeluarkan dari LOTR.. DAN SELALU MEMBANDINGKAN TAHAP LAKONAN Stuart kl dier terus dikekalkan dgn VM..

... hampir sumer org tak perasan pun VM dlm film lain sblm LOTR..

... VM soo dedicated.. sampai PJ rase susah nah pisahkan VM+Aragorn biler shooting dah abis... and he's mental!

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Post time 15-1-2004 12:56 AM | Show all posts
thanx... waaa tadi gi tgk lagi ROTK.. tak sangka full house.. dpt bhg tepi.. nasib baik blkg sekali.. tu pun gi beli tiket hari isnin..

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Post time 15-1-2004 04:01 AM | Show all posts
betul ker dah kuar extended version utk DVD ...mana nak cari?...yang kuar tue yg mana!..ada tak nanti JUAL SATU SET TERUS ..EXTENDED VERSION UTK DVD NIE...rugi plakzz karang aku beli satu satu!!

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Post time 15-1-2004 10:05 PM | Show all posts
hidup viggo he..he...he...

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Post time 16-1-2004 12:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Chinook at 2004-1-15 04:01 AM:
betul ker dah kuar extended version utk DVD ...mana nak cari?...yang kuar tue yg mana!..ada tak nanti JUAL SATU SET TERUS ..EXTENDED VERSION UTK DVD NIE...rugi plakzz karang aku beli satu satu!!

original dvd utk extended version mmg dah kuar, FOTR lebih kurang RM130 & TTT plk lebih kurang RM160 (sorry tak ingat hg sebab ratus2-takut!).. boleh tanya kat kedai cd.. yg pasti kat kinokuniya klcc memang ada jual termasuk yg spesel.. ada gollum RM399(TTT), utk 1 set terus tunggulah sampai akhir tahun! ada kot..

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Post time 16-1-2004 01:15 AM | Show all posts
jumpa sesuatu yg menarik ttg viggo... enjoy!


From The LOTR Set:

Dominic Monaghan (LOTR costar)
- "when I got back to my hotel room (in New Zealand) Viggo had left a long telephone message in my machine. He leaves these kind of stream-of-consciouness messages on your machine, like "yea, this is Viggo, I'm eating chicken, I'm wearing blue trousers, the sun is shining..." I always save those messages."

Peter Jackson (LOTR Director)

- "Viggo was the last actor to be hired for the movie. We were lacking the perfect Aragorn, when a colleague asked me to re-watch some of the films he had done. And there he suddenly was as large as life in front of me. Viggo has during the shooting been completely synonymous with Aragorn, to such an extent that it's hard to see him as Viggo again and not Aragorn. I have never ever witnessed an actor enter into the spirit of a role the way he did. Even though the 3 movies first and foremost are the result of a supreme teamwork, I'm certain that Viggo Mortensen will be a world-famous star already from film no. 1. He has exactly what will make most people see him as the great hero."
- instructor was showing Viggo how to handle his sword during a particular scene... Viggo got too close to the instructor & was hit on the tooth. There was a huge reaction when it happened, we all thought he'd just lost all his front teeth, it was a large sword. Viggo just calmly bent down, picked up the broken tooth and said "Can't we just super glue it back on & keep going?"

- One day during a short break in shooting we were in a restaurant & I met Viggo at the counter. In jest I called him Aragorn & for the next half hour or so we talked as if he were Aragorn and I don't think Viggo even realized it. That's how strongly he'd become his character!

Philippa Boyens (LOTR Screen Writer)

- " I truly can't imagine another actor playing him now, Aragorn. He (Viggo) apparently takes a long time to decide on, he chooses his projects very carefully. So suddenly he was offered these three films, to come to New Zealand, for a huge commitment. Aragorn as a character was one of the more difficult characters because of his journey. Wonderful character, brilliant character, but certainly a character that... dramatically, you need to really think through the story. So Fran and I talked to him about some ideas, and he asked us questions. He really just asked us questions, and we began to realize these were some very acute questions that he was asking. Anyway, he had some time to decide, it was a very short period of time. We hadn't heard an answer from him. A phone call came in, and Jan Bacon[?], our wonderful assistant, said "It's Viggo Mortenson on the phone", and she said take it. So I picked up the phone and went, "Hello?" And this voice said, "Hi, this is Viggo Mortenson." And he said, "I wanted to ask you a question." And I thought, oh no, it's going to be about schedules or time frames, and I went, "Yes?" And he said - and I had no idea if he had committed or not - he said "So, how old was I when I was taken to the elves?" And I just went, "Yes!" [pumps arm] And I have to tell you, this is true, he turned up at the airport, I think he had bare feet, with a copy of the Volsunga Saga in his bag, which he took off his shelf." (The story of the Volsungs was an influence on Tolkien and one of his favorite stories as a youth.

Barrie Osborne(LOTR Producer)
-"Watching the dedication of Viggo Mortensen is really inspiring. He is Aragorn. One time I wanted to film the sunrise and sunset for a Fellowship scene. Viggo said, "I'll just camp out," and pretty soon, we had everyone there--the makeup crew, Orlando Bloom and other cast members who weren't in the shot, like Miranda Otto and Bernard Hill. We made a big fire, camped out, filmed our early sunrise shot and went fishing. It was great!"

Mark Ordesky (LOTR Executive Producer)
- "Casting Viggo was one of our highlights," Ordesky smiles. "He arrived in New Zealand, was in front of the cameras two days later and threw himself completely into the role. He is Aragorn."

Sean Bean (costar)
-"It was wonderful, a fantastic experience. It was great. And I was fortunate to be working alongside Viggo.... He's a wonderful actor and a really great guy as well as a real gentleman. I really got on well with him. We're about the same age, you see."

Liv Tyler (costar)-
"Women goe nuts over Viggo but he's the kind of guy who never looks at himself. On the set we each had a station with a big mirror. His was covered with pictures of his son and a photo collage of the crew. There wasn't one little speck left for him to look. He was the only one of us who never got a massage. Not once."

Quotes About Viggo From "A Perfect Murder Set:

Michael Douglas (Costar)
- "He抯 a method-actor in a leading man's body

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Post time 16-1-2004 05:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Chinook at 2004-1-15 04:01:
betul ker dah kuar extended version utk DVD ...mana nak cari?...yang kuar tue yg mana!..ada tak nanti JUAL SATU SET TERUS ..EXTENDED VERSION UTK DVD NIE...rugi plakzz karang aku beli satu satu!!

alahai soklan...mana nak cari ? OKlah...kalo ko nak DVD original carik kat kedai speedy....kalo nak cetakrompak, cari kat plaza imbi tingkat bawah atau Sg Wang tingkat 3 dekat area IT world, atau plaza Low Yatt tingkat 2 area  IT world jugak....yg ori extended version harga dia beratus cam eyka cakap tu....yg pirate sekitar RM60-65 jer...copy terus dari yg ori...ada 4 disc utk setiap cerita.....ROTK blom keluar yg extended, hanya FOTR ngan TTT saja...pesal ada atau tak diorang kuarkan combo semua LOTR1,2,3 sekaligus dalam satu set aku tak pasti....mungkin ada tetapi tentu strategy pemasaran diorang nak kuarkan tahun 2005....barulah sentiasa boleh buat duit....peminat2 LOTR pasti beli, so kenalah jarak2 pengeluaran DVD nya...mula kuarkan tayangkan ROTK extended kat wayang dulu...pastuh kuarkan DVD extended version....pastu lama selepas tuh naru kuarkan combo semua LOTR trilogy dalam satu set.....just my opinion...

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Post time 16-1-2004 07:24 PM | Show all posts

[ Last edited by gorgonz on 16-1-2004 at 07:26 PM ]

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Post time 16-1-2004 07:29 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 17-1-2004 11:28 PM | Show all posts
thanx for the pic...gorgonz...

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