cik p mai da.... hukhukhuk |
dari tdi asyik bace komen2 korang..
saje nak komen..
afira baru 8 bulan kawin tapi blum de tanda2 pregnant lagi
walaupun baru tapi rase tension bile kawan2 yg kawin selepas afira dah pregnant
ade yg bunting pelamin...
so..buat mase ni blum buat ape2 treatment la..tunggu 1 year..
anywy..nk tnye pendapat korang..penah x gune kit uji kesuburan? cam pregnancy test tuh
cume yg ni die akan bg tau sama ade kite subur ke x pade ari kite wat test tuh
ingat nk try la..
sape2 yg penah try share la ye |
hi sume...sy org baru kat thread ni baru jer abih baca dari 1st page...kira seangkatan la jugak dgn uolss kat sini...dah kawin 8 thn tp sampai skarang belum pregnant lagi...meh la nak citer sket background sy..masa tahun 2005 dulu penah la jugak wat treatment nak concieve ni..penah la amik clomid..masa tu sy wat treatment kat dr idris, klinik pakar wanita kat tmn tun..tp x sempat nak abih treatment doktor diagnosed ade cyst kat rahim..so dr advise la suruh remove the cyst..sbb katanya cyst sy ni dok kat rahim kiranya dia mcm blocking la rahim sy ni...so sy pun gi la hosp gov di perak utk wat treatment pasal cyst ni..so gynea recommend kat sy suh wat laparoscopy..sbb katanya lebih cepat nak baik..dia ckp jugak..lepas dah pulih...trus wat treatment nak concieve pulak...but unfortunately..5 hari lepas buat laparoscopy ade complication lak kat dlm perut...so sy terpaksa buat open surgery utk cuci usus (usus sy luka n bernanah masa laparoscopy)..masa ni sy mmg geram sgt kat gynae tu sbb wat tak tau jer n x rase bersalah langsung...sy buat surgeri kat ppum...lepas tu kena la rehat selama 6 bulan..
tp lepas pada tu sampai sekarang mmg sy takde buat ape2 treatment pun..doktor ade cakap yg keadaan perut sy dah pulih sepenuhnya dan boleh mengandung..cuma mmg takde rezeki lagi...tapi sy mmg ade niat nak buat IVF..cuma bila kengkawan kata sakit sbb kene injection sendiri kat perut..terus hilang semangat nak buat..mebe ingat nak try IUI...nak tanye kat forumer IUI ni pun kene inject kat perut ke? klu nak wat treatment nak concieve ni..kat mana yg ok? thanks n pls help.. |
Post Last Edit by threelicious at 2-8-2009 20:50
hi....sy pun nak citer jugak......sy dah lebih 2 thn kawin tp masih blum ada tanda2 pregnant. Seblum ni xpenah gi check mana2 pun....hati ni mmg xsabar nk anak tp xb'usaha sgt......last week 30/7 sy n hb gi colombia hospital. Dr scan, kata xde masalah...so dia bg 5biji clomid mkn ari ke2-6. Sy kene gi jumpa dr semula ari ke 12.... so skrg sy xsabar nk telan clomid ni.... |
three.....awk gi colombia hospital yg kat srmban tu ker? |
359# mazz2009
Salam, apa khabar mazz, dynaz n kawan2 lain. Vios ada jenguk umah ni tapi takde apa nak dicitekan. Lepas ayah vios meninggal bulan 11 tahun lepas mak vios makin berat sakitnya. Bulan 6 baru ni mak pulak meninggal jadi vios tak ada masa nak memikirkan buat rawatan kesuburan. Cuma baru2 ni kawan vios dah pregnant sebab makan biodex jadi dia suggest vios makan. Kawan vios ni dah kawin 10 tahun dan dah 4 kali buat iui tapi takde rezeki. Lepas dia makan biodex selama 9 bulan tiba2 lekat. Allah dah nak bagi rezeki kat dia. Vios ingat nak cuba juga biodex tapi tenguklah dulu lepas2 raya ni sekarang ni rasa malas lagi nak buat rawatan. Sedih juga sebab kedua orang tua vios tak sempat tenguk vios ada anak tapi nak buat macam mana Allah lebih sayangkan mereka. |
367# vios04
takziah kak atas kehilangan org2 tersayang... harap akak tabah yek.... dynaz pun xde buat ape2 pun skrg nih.... lgpun kat cni ramai da +ve h1n1... so skrg nih honeymoon lg la jawabnyee.... klu jd lepas raya gak baru nak mula... klu kuat semangat la.. hihihi... |
Hi rakan2 seperjuangan,
I've been a silent reader most of the time, jarang nak reply or post. But this time i have somthing to share, hopefully will benefit some of us, if not all.
I've been trying to conceive for about 2 years +. Last year while browsing & reading forum pasal infertility kat cari.com ni, maybe kat previous thread (now this thread dah version 3 kan), i came across satu post from this lady (sorry tak ingat sapa dia). she was talking about golden gate fertility centre, sharing her experience bla bla bla. I was intrigued, so i dug up more information about the golden gate fertility. Eventhough I felt it might be worth trying, I kept it as one of my LAST option.
Like the majority, I'm a bit sceptical with alternative treatment, so I told myself, why not try the normal modern fertility treatment first. But at the same time, I did recommended golden gate to a friend of mine (Ms Nora), who's been trying for more that 5 years. She tried IVF 2 times, IUI 5 times, mcm2 doctor, bomoh etc dah jumpa, tp still takde rezeki, so I suggest dia try laa golden gate, since she tried so many already kan?
So, back to my story. After few months & ready to see a gynae (biasa laa penakut & bertangguh2), I pun pegi jumpa doctor kat one of private fertility clinic. Did all the required check-up & doctor said semua NORMAL, but somehow dia suruh buat laporoscopy also sebab suspected ade polyp (kind of ketumbuhan, tp kecik dr cyst). Ok fine, so i went thru laporoscopy & HSG. After that laporoscopy, doctor came in & broke the most unexpected news. Dia cakap both my fallopian tubes are blocked! Hence, I can't conceive naturally & the ONLY option for me was IVF. I was devastated, totally not prepared for this kinda of news. Ingatkan semua NORMAL.
While going thru this devastating period, I had dinner with Ms Nora. She told me to be strong & positive. And the funny thing is, she can't stop thanking me for recommending Golden Gate to her. Î wonder why, rupa-rupanya, she got pregnant after 1 month treatment! alhamdulillah, I'm so HAPPY for her... no wonder laa dia nampak berseri-seri! Ms Nora shared some of her expriences & managed to convinced me to try golden gate. So,i took her advise & went to the Golden Gate.
Memang laa masa mula2 masuk clinic tu, terasa sangat skeptical. Klinik dia biasa2 je. Doctor bagi (actually kene paksa beli) thermometer utk BBT (basal body temperature) & buku 555 (wujud lagi buku ni rupanya). So basically dia punya treatment, monitor ur tempreture, makan ubat herbs tuh & intercourse at the right time.
Actually for my case, not so much on getting pregnant yet, doctor cakap ubat herbs tu boleh streghtenkan rahim, balancekan hormones & repair dalaman. Dia cakap, ade few couples, problem with falopian tubes block, lepas makan ubat dia few months, buat HSG tube dah ok. So, semangat jugak lah I dengar, tapi takde laa berharap sgt my fallopian tubes will be ok, just ikhtiar je laa. My main concern, kalau nak buat IVF pun, dalaman kene kuat & hormone kene stable, baru ade high chances. If not, senang gugur. So I take it as a preparation before IVF.
So I makan laa ubat-ubatan tu dengan berdisiplinnya & follow instruction doctor tu for about 4 months. Ubat nak kene makan, mak oii punya laa byk. Mainly chinese herbs (mcm pil chi kit teck aun tu). Seksa, tapi tak boleh give up, sbb ubat tu mahal!
Then, after 4 months makan ubat herbs tu, I pun set an appointment utk buat HSG. Sblom I buat appointment IVF yg sgt costly tu, I nak lah check lagi sekali my fallopian tube punya condition. Guess what? After the HSG, surprisingly BOTH FALLOPIAN TUBE are normal, tak block & everything was ok! Alhamdulillah, I was so happy & terkejut. So now I put aside the IVF & tengah try to conceive naturally. At least I'm one step closer to getting pregnant. Now I still continue makan ubat2 herbs, with higher dosage to help get pregnant.
I hope with this story, it gives some hope to some people who's been trying to conceive. I'm not saying golden gate is 100% bagus, but it has few proven miracle cases that i know of & I myself experienced it. I used to feel sceptical, but now I would say it's worth trying. Apa2 pun, rezeki tetap di tangan Allah, yang penting, kita jangan give up & keep on ikhtiar.
p/s: Thank you the to lady (malangnya tak ingat sapa dia) who posted about Golden Gate in cari.com about 1 year ago...
Good luck & All the best to all. |
salam pd sumer forumer kat thread nih. Sy tak pasti sama ada sy ni dh ketinggalan kot utk bertanye ttg ubat duphastone. atau pn tak sesuai nk tanye kat sini. soalan sy, ubat duphastone ni kita kena makan bila makan bila hari pertama period ke @ makan utk datang kn period? leh tak sesape yg arif ttg ubat ni. harap dpt membantu.. |
367# vios04
takziah vios, patutlah lama x nmpk, semoga vios tbh hadapi semuanya.... |
369# silmarwene
golden gate kt mana, sbb x pernh dgr plk sblm ni @ mmg mazz yg ketinggalan? |
370# tun5
duphaston utk kuatkan rahim..............
tapi kalau yang berpenyakit PCOS, duphaston ni tuk tebalkan rahim n bantu induce peot...kalau rahim tebal tapi xde bb, kuarla darah sebagai peot...tapi kalau ada bb, boleh kuatkan rahim....
tun5, ini yg mazz tahu psl duphaston...... (klu x silaplah ) |
Vios pun tak penah dengar pasal golden gate ni. Klinik tu kat mana? |
mamy pun igt nk try la makan supplement utk preggy ni sisamping bg tenaga utk aktivit seharian kan. klu tk jadi mcm lemah badan2 ni dan tk bertenaga..
so far mamy mkn clomid dh habis makan dah..and now igt nk try supplement sket la..tk tau nk amik apa..ada org suggest healin gamat gamogen and spirulina.. |
375# mummychiaz
dh berapa cycle mummy mkn clomid?
skrg ni mazz mkn spirulina je... gamat healin tu x try plk.... |
376# mazz2009
mazz mkn spirulina yek... dynaz penah gak beli tp hubby yg mkn... dynaz x tertelan tgk kaler hijau tu.... br tgk jek da rasa x bleh nak telan... hehe... |
373# mazz2009
thanx mazz.. very good info. sy mmg ada pcos. br 1st time gynae bg ubat duphaston smlm. tp tak sure plak nk makan bila. 4 info, i dh 4bln tak peyed& tak ada baby. so i confius, ubat ni mesti makan terus ke start hari ni(hari ni i lum peyed), atau nk tggu peyed hari pertama baru kena makan? sbb dkt cover ubat tu, tulis day 1 to day 5. plz help me... |
Hi rakan2 seperjuangan,
I've been a silent reader most of the time, jarang nak reply or post. But this time i have somthing to share, hopefully will benefit some of us, if not all.
I've been try ...
silmarwene Post at 3-8-2009 21:23
kat mana klinik tu? |
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