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Author: Rahah

[tvN 2020] MONEY GAME - Go Soo, Lee Sung Min, Shim Eun Kyung

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 Author| Post time 4-2-2020 10:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 1-2-2020 10:04 PM
Iols dah marathon 6 episod uols..
Lama x tgk drama yg kena perah otak..last masa tgk Aide S2..
C ...

Same uols... macam tengok aide kan... tapi ni fokus kat MOEF... I had to repeat certain scene sebab nak fahamkan citer ni... Seriously best...

Eugene han tu fokus kat money ke apa... geram betul iols tengok dia...agak rare dengar Korean actor speak English best macam dia... whether dia always speaking @ pernah stay kat America...

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 Author| Post time 4-2-2020 10:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 4-2-2020 05:57 PM
sebab audience kita belum ready dgn drama2 yg thought provoking gini..
lagipun slot Akasia tu kan ...

Agree uols... salah satu adaptasi webtoon yang best citer misaeng... Actually i tak sangka pun from webtoon... sebab tak baca pun summary... I tengok je sebab 1st episode best...

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 Author| Post time 4-2-2020 10:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aigoo... tak sangka pulak Director Seo tu commit suicide...

Chairman Heo jugak ke sebab Director Seo mati...

Emotional tengok scene Hyejoon mintak sign untuk petition Yihun...

Tapi iols agree  Yihun take responsibility pasal BIS capital ratio tu... sebab dia kenal ramai orang... kalau Hyejoon memang career dia sampai situ jela kot...

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 Author| Post time 4-2-2020 10:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I nak tau apa benefit Chairman Heo tu dapat... sampai Prof Chae mati semata2 sebab teori dia...

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Post time 5-2-2020 05:29 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 5-2-2020 12:38 PM
Rahah replied at 4-2-2020 10:58 PM
I nak tau apa benefit Chairman Heo tu dapat... sampai Prof Chae mati semata2 sebab teori dia...

itu misteri sikit

sebab masa Ep 1 pertama : masa dia (read : Heo )  jumpa Chae 's son yg pegawai tu for the first time, he mentioned that his way of protecting Korea's financial instituition and interests are somewhat  perceived as ' non - conventional' - yups, cara dia lebih lain , he mentioned this though. MAsa tu i tak rasa dia tahu siapa Chae tu lagi.
Hae tak suka prof chae the economist tu sebab - pegangan prinsip prof tu yg suka ekonomi yg adil, tak ada interference from certain party, dan membina blok blok ekonomi kecil di korea.

so, dia repeat balik dalam ep 6 yg pasal korean financial crisis 1997 dan may be now - siapa yg akan protect Korea, sebab tu , i think ada flashback yg Shahnon Luccio tu in 1997, yg dia bersin tu yg betapa hinanya pegawai korea ketika tu sebab tak mampu selamatkan depa punya bank. ini merujuk kepada flashback tu. lagi satu babak akhi ep 6 - di mana Pengarah Luar - Eugene cadangkan beberapa perubahan tu - dah mula mengganggu syarikat2 korea dah , yg mana Heo kata kat Chairman BAnk Jeongin yg baru to just follow his ( eugene ) orders.

but i like the way lee soon min acts. wow so real as a CEO, the way he composed himself during difficult negotiation with eugene in private. very commanding and yeah now eugene berteme ruas. But yeah,  cool.

tapi, i suspect jugak personal interest.

first time i dengaq eugene accent - i feel that this guy ni bukan native korean yg dok korea , cer tengok cara dia sebut certain  word ' working' tu - itu strikes me  macam british accent , then ade beberapa words lagi yg yg bukan eu accent - then baru i tengok his bio - then aaah..i see...foreign exposure , sebab tu he speaks good english, tengok the way he enunciated the  utterances masa nego malam ep 5. nice.

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 Author| Post time 9-2-2020 03:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 5-2-2020 05:29 AM
itu misteri sikit

sebab masa Ep 1 pertama : masa dia (read : Heo )  jumpa Chae 's son yg pegaw ...

Yup... Lee sung min is a good actor... episode 8... scene dia marah Director Na... wow... You should watch Misaeng... dalam citer tu pun best acting dia...

I speku bukan his personal interest... but untuk Korea... sebab dia sendiri tau what happen masa imf crisis... masa dia chat with Yihun dia ada cakap pasal worried dengan economy Korea... that's why dia berani proceed dengan plan dia eventhough tak tau whether success or not... sebab dia risk taker... while Yihun cakap plan Chairman Heo ni high risk...

Oh... no wonder his English is good... I rasa macam mix accent... sebab sometimes macam American accent...

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 Author| Post time 9-2-2020 03:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sometimes I rasa Chairman Heo ni okay je sebab dia marah Director Na pasal manipulation exchange rate tu & dia rejected offer from chaebol company... so plan dia tu bukan untuk personal interest... dia tengok economy sekarang monopoly by rich people & politician...

Can't wait to see the next episode... collaboration between Chairman Heo & Yihun... Yihun naik pangkat director... of course la Yihun ada plan dia...

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Post time 9-2-2020 09:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 9-2-2020 03:18 PM
Yup... Lee sung min is a good actor... episode 8... scene dia marah Director Na... wow... You shou ...

Yes..sometimes bila kita xnmpk the full picture we can easily label certain people sebab dia x bertindak ikut apa yg kita nak...contoh terdekat isu skrg nilah pasal wabak coronavirus..certain or majority people desak kerajaan ban terus pelancong2 China..tapi kita x tau the whole picture..apa implikasi kpd ekonomi, hubungan diplomasi and so on..tapi iols bukan macai kerajaan ke apa ye..not interested in politics.. cuma sejak dah berumur ni iols dah jadi rasional sikit & try to see things from many perspectives..

Same goes to Heo Jae..kita memang x faham apa yg dia buat..hopefully akan ada penjelasan pada episod2 akan dtg..cuma iols ralit kenapalah dia bunuh Prof Chae tu..kalau ikutkan mcm x iols salah tgk?

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Post time 13-2-2020 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Eh Eugene Han ni suka kat Hye Joon ke?
x sangka dlm brutal2 gitu dlm hati ada taman
intai Hye Joon kat ofis dia..lepas tu saja cari alasan nak jumpa..
Hye Joon pulak mesti pikir ko pehal..
tetiba je nak makan dgn aku & cerita pasal mak ko kat aku..
ko bukannya baik dgn aku pun..

so skrg Heo Jae nak gunakan Hye Joon utk perangkap Eugene..
kalau silap percaturan salah satu pihak akan kalah..
dlm citer ni iols still rasa Heo Jae is the most interesting character pasal kita x tau apa yg ada dlm fikiran dia..
second is Eugene Han sebab dia ni pun mcm misteri gak..
Yoo Teo indeed nail the character..confirm memang iols akan follow dia lepas ni..

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 Author| Post time 14-2-2020 10:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 9-2-2020 09:48 PM
Yes..sometimes bila kita xnmpk the full picture we can easily label certain people sebab dia x ber ...

Faham uols... hehehe... don't worry kita bukan macai politic... tapi i berbelah bagi isu covid-19 tu uols... economy side memang akan effect la... tapi ni melibatkan health... so I rasa memang patut kot... apa2 pun government ban pelancong China step by step... tak ban semua terus... okay la tu kan...

Yup... memang Heo jae tu tak sengaja tolak Prof Chae sebab dia tengah marah... iols tak suka la part tu... why kena buat watak Heo jae ni macam pembunuh pulak...

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 Author| Post time 14-2-2020 10:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 13-2-2020 12:30 PM
Eh Eugene Han ni suka kat Hye Joon ke?
x sangka dlm brutal2 gitu dlm hati ada taman
intai Hye J ...

Hahaha... kelakar pulak tengok Eugene Han tu... konon fall in love la tu... siapa suruh dia kasar dengan Hye joon... mestilah Hyejoon tu malas nak layan... Hahaha

Tapi Hyejoon tu lucky...  sebab semua keliling dia boss2 je...

Agree... interesting watak Heojae tu... Sometimes macam antagonist... sometimes macam protagonist... tapi iols rasa dia ni memang nak improve economy Korea... cuma plan dia tu high risk...

I tengok Eugene Han ni macam berdendam dengan Korea pulak...  maybe history pasal parents dia sebab dia jadi macam tu kot...

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 Author| Post time 14-2-2020 11:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nervous la tengok citer ni... Tobin tax tu approve ke tak... Yihun sampai terpaksa apologize kat assemblyman tu... walaupun betul apa Yihun tu cakap sampai dia kena tampar... Chief Jo pulak accident... tapi tak teruk...

I geram tengok uncle Hyejoon tu... degil... tak nak dengar cakap family... tak pasal2 effect career Hyejoon kat MOEF... mujur dah settled... kesian tengok Hyejoon tu... dah la takde parents...

I wonder siapa yang jadi spy leaked pasal Tobin tax kat Eugene tu... semua info dia tau...

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Post time 15-2-2020 08:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 14-2-2020 11:03 PM
Nervous la tengok citer ni... Tobin tax tu approve ke tak... Yihun sampai terpaksa apologize kat ass ...

Memang geram tgk uncle Hye Joon tu..menyusahkan org je..

Dah satu hal pulak nak layan kerenah assemblymen tu...kalau x sebab diorg gaduh sbb benda kecik, Tobin tax tu boleh je approve on time...agaknya memang most assemblymen gitu..dah menang pilihanraya x ingat pun kat org2 yg ngundi dia..semua pikir kepentingan sendiri je..benda2 camni usah haraplah nak ada dlm drama kita..sure kena ban punya...

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 Author| Post time 15-2-2020 02:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 15-2-2020 08:18 AM
Memang geram tgk uncle Hye Joon tu..menyusahkan org je..

Dah satu hal pulak nak layan kerenah a ...

Tak pasal je Hyejoon kena buat loan semata2 sebab uncle dia... iols sakit hati betul tengok dia...

Memang macam tu la kan peel assemblyman ni... kalau tak, tak takde dalam citer ni... time vote je janji macam2... padahal Tobin tax lagi penting daripada perasaan tak puas hati dengan assemblyman sorang lagi tu... orang nak kejar masa...

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 Author| Post time 15-2-2020 02:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tapi kalau plan Tobin tax ni tak success Heojae kena jail... sebab President bagi condition macam tu... tak sabar tunggu next episode...

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Post time 22-2-2020 08:02 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 22-2-2020 08:12 PM

it 's the money game, eh ?
wow, it s pretty intense, intrigue, misplaced trusts, deception, greed, loyalty, integrity , thrilling as well. wow , all of these elements blended in  the whole 12 eps of this serial drama though.

Director? now Deputy PM in Economics - focused, unmoved , unshaken by small mishaps, real strategist , begins to reveal his real, concrete motive - okay now I know - after 4 eps ( 9, 10, 11, 12)  I have been observing this guy , i think it's pretty safe to say that he has his own, real, motive, patriotic ones, i think ...because he has seen, witnessed every single scene of negotiations made between  the Korean officials or government  and the ' bankers/ capitalist/ speculators , in which, by  their true nature' are nothing but a scum bag of insans  whom are void of any  sense of ethics and morality. these insans set up their operations, they raid a nation and they leave, just like one  animated character in A Bug's Lif said: they come , they eat and they leave . So i think he is tired of seeing the incapacitate Korean to withstand all these  game of capitalist deception, etc , so la ni kena laaa...

i mean Director Hae ni  , well really machiavellian  jugaklah, bunuh org , ke tembak org ke pun tak rasa remorseful , i mean  wow ...memang real politic machiavellian betul , ni. tak lah i would agree with all his harsh punishment and approaches but i presumed , as i said he has seen enough and tired of these people who have not done their jobs. dah tak ada cara lain , dia buat lagu tu lah, hmm effective jugak.
Deputy ( dulu director Hae) mistakes ialah , dia missread or overlooked the  strategy   thought by Bahama or Eugene  han , masa negotiations rahsia tu in episode 2 , yg Seo bunuh diri tu? terbunuh dan dibunuh tu .. dekat sini i masih kabur tujuan Hae tu - apa sebab jemput Bahama Foreign Venture capitalist entity  in the first place ?
awat tetiba ajak - ni i masih kabur apa pasal dia ajak depa ni - dan dia baru sedar ye bila Bahama bank tu depa  mula jual, satu demi satu  GLC Korea atas alasan tak perform lah etc , restructuring lah semua, jual maklumat strategik Ujin shipbuilding tu kat China and so  on, manipulasi  kadar tukaran wang asing , guna NA yes. takkan dia (Director HAe tu tak TAHU? sedangkan masa ep 3 atau 2 adengan tepi kolam renang , Eugene Han dnad Hae jumpa kat Hotel dan , as far as I could remember: Director HAe said to Eugene, who was then just wearing his swim wear je tika tu - DO WHAT YOU DO BEST??? cer tengok balik , scene  Eugene extending his hand to Hae and Hae just ignored it.
dia misreads Eugene- who is quite greedy ye to reap all the profits  by either ethically or non eithically means, now damage control la ni pada pihak Korean ( Hae MOEF)

Tapi clever cara depa ' counter attack' tu , wow, suka tengok cara eugene baas balik tu, dia biar je depa then kena. wah ini

ada yg salah tu salah lah sebab tak sengaja tertolak bapa Chae tu- but then we could see his softer side when he felt really sorry for his actions, thus redeeming this by making the late prof 's son as his team mates, okaylah but well...hmm..aah  menarik plot drama ni , seolah olah penulis dia nak tunjukkan yg something is about to happen, real soon with our economy ni, just look at both  China and the US trade war now...

betullah he said - money is  THE weapon now.

Drama ni memang best lah , sebab wow...lain dari yg lain , so unpredictable and suspense, sebab
ade element khianat tu , betrayal tu , ade pihak double cross  so providing load of advantages to Eugene Han  - this person plays his character so damn
sharp, cool, chill, observant , and yeah  ade love interest jugak ye  hmm...hahahah interesting , interesting character

haiaaa... ni pun masalah jugak ...but i like this. hahahaa


why depa boleh hasilkan drama macam ni ye, tapi kita tak ada siapa yg boleh hasilkan drama asian  financial crisis - malaysia solving her crisis...

Tang part spy within their circles tu menarik....ini memang nice.

Jo - the double agen tu menarik - what is his motive? money?

tapi pandai depa study these KOrean PTD officials - depa ni macam level PTDs  la ni ...kan?
working under particular ministry etc.
dealing with specific assignments, mission and etc.

wow i love this drama , lain sikit . kalau banyak drama it is about crime, investigation, light chci lit stuffs , but this one really good. buat kita fikir sikit.

cara Lee Hye Jun - cari spy tu bijak , terfikir jugak , yg nak detect senang aje , fed them with some biits of info, then tengok mana satu  yg sampai balik kat dia melalui musuh ...

tapi bijak dan matang ? jugak tindakan hye jun tak dedahkan identiti spy dalam kalangan depa , bagi tahu Chae lheon dulu...

Chae ni envious sikit kat hye jun - eugene connection ye

hahahah ...


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Post time 22-2-2020 07:26 PM | Show all posts
Assalammu'alaikum n selamat sejahtera.

Akak follow cerita ni.  Kesian nengok E tu ekceli, harap2 dia berubah jd baik bila kwn dgn HJ.  


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Post time 22-2-2020 08:05 PM | Show all posts
Genkidesuka replied at 22-2-2020 07:26 PM
Assalammu'alaikum n selamat sejahtera.

Akak follow cerita ni.  Kesian nengok E tu ekceli, harap2  ...

yeah, i like  those characters with the suits.

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Post time 27-2-2020 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Done watching until episode 13.

Drama ni menunjukkan situasi apa  yang jadi dekat negara kita sekarang. Setiap individu tak kira pangkat, ada matlamat masing-masing.

Musuh harini besok lusa boleh jadi sahabat, dan sebaliknya.

Masing-masing bawa tawaran, 'ayat' masing-masing untuk menuju jaya.

Semuanya sebab kuasa, duit, kekayaan.

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Post time 27-2-2020 11:23 PM | Show all posts
wow, pretty sexy storyline

i love the game. i clever.

appealing lah citer ni...

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