Calon angkasawan yang paling layak utk Malaysia
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Originally posted by alphawolf at 30-3-2006 03:30 PM
Well the late Christa McAuliffe was a teacher!
Christa was chosen not because she was a quallified astronaut candidate. She was chosen because NASA tried to do something new and radical. NASA wanted to find someone who could create excitement about space traveling as it had become too common back then. For this they had identified that a teacher has the ability to get people interested and excited. And because of this reason, Christa got selected. Again, she didnt got selected because she is a qualified astronaut candidate. She got selected because NASA wanted to find a teacher, so that the teacher could tell her experience in space to average American.
BTW, she never went to space. So she was not an astronaut, technically speaking. In US, people who travel above an altitude of 50 miles (80 km) are designated as astronauts. Hers was only 8.712 miles above Earth's surface.
I have much respect for Christa. But to use her as a reason to send a less qualified candidate to space is probably not the right thing to do. It is even an insult for the late Christa. |
So, what's the story about Malaysian Dentists? What's his qualifications? :cak: |
I dont remember voting for any dentist. My first choice is Dr. Muszaphar, a medical doctor.:cak: |
Fact - A Dentist is running around in a Space Program.
Question - What is his qualifications? ;) |
If you ask me his quality then the answer would be precision. He could execute critical tasks that require high degree of precisions. |
My turn
Fact - A quality engineer in a furniture company is hoping to be the first astronaut for Malaysia.
Question - What can she contributes to the program?
1. To check the quality of furniture finishing in the spacecraft.
2. To check whether there is any fault in spacecraft materials.
3. To inspire other womens that they too could reach for the star.
Should this person get chosen, I dont think of other reason that could justify her selection other than No. 3.
[ Last edited by MACD at 31-3-2006 12:40 PM ] |
haiyaaa.. whats the big fuss.. Male or Female, Dentist or not, they r all Malaysian... altho i wud rather see an aerospace engineer up there...but thats small matter :bgrin: |
Dari 7 orang lelaki, dia berjaya singkir 4 orang lelaki dan mendpt tempat sbg salah seorang dr 4 yg akan dihantar ke Moscow.
Mungkin kita patut bincang samada ke empat2 calon yg disingkirkan itu patut digelar lelaki ke tak, sampai tak dpt saing dgn perempuan. ;)
2. To check whether there is any fault in spacecraft materials
Ini sebab munasabah utk dia pergi kerana ianya akan menyumbang kpd teknologi pembinaan spt kapal selam dll di masa depan.
Doktor gigi pergi sana, yg dia boleh check hanyalah gigi astronaut je. ;) |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 31-3-2006 01:49 PM
Dari 7 orang lelaki, dia berjaya singkir 4 orang lelaki dan mendpt tempat sbg salah seorang dr 4 yg akan dihantar ke Moscow.
Mungkin kita patut bincang samada ke empat2 calon yg disingkirkan itu patut digelar lelaki ke tak, sampai tak dpt saing dgn perempuan.
No. I think we should discuss on whether Vanajah is really a woman because I dont think a real woman could have possibly passed all the physical tests. Hehe.
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 31-3-2006 01:49 PM
2. To check whether there is any fault in spacecraft materials
Ini sebab munasabah utk dia pergi kerana ianya akan menyumbang kpd teknologi pembinaan spt kapal selam dll di masa depan.
Doktor gigi pergi sana, yg dia boleh check hanyalah gigi astronaut je.
Wow. You might be thinking that it is hard to do so. Setakat nak check faultiness je, banyak org boleh buat. The question now is, can she repairs the faulty parts? Can a quality engineer of a furniture company repairs a faulty, sophisticated, high technology spacecraft part?
OK. This is going to be my last post to question the qualifications, skills and backgrounds of any candidates. I believe all four candidates are great individuals. However, only the best would become the Malaysian's first astronaut. I hope that person is Dr. Muszaphar. His selection could have inspired many students in MRSM regardless of genders and as a proof of MARA's laborious efforts to fortify Malays in science and technology has really produced exceptional results.
[ Last edited by MACD at 31-3-2006 02:27 PM ] |
my vote also goes to Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar :love: |
Originally posted by babybueno at 31-3-2006 02:46 PM
my vote also goes to Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar :love:
Hehe. Cayalah ada geng.:love: |
Reply #31 MACD's post
but if i were to choose between you and Dr. Sheikh , i guess i would prefer you to become the first malaysian Astronout..hehe |
Ahaks. Nanti I hantar poskad dari bulan! |
Reply #33 MACD's post
naper tak bulan madu bersama  |
dah...dah...malas ganggu lagi nanti rosak thread ni  |
Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, Medical Doctor 2 (25.00%)
Kapten Dr. Faiz Khaleed, Dental Surgeon/(Army Officer?) 1 (12.50%)
S. Vanajah, Engineer (Female) 4 (50.00%)
Norazlan Shah Mahadi, Project Manager 0 (0.00%)
Kelvin Lim Hock Seong, Pilot 0 (0.00%)
Mohammed Faiz Kamaludin, Pilot 0 (0.00%)
Mohd. Bostami Ahmad, Image Consultant/(Styling Designer?) 0 (0.00%)
Muhammad Husaini Hashim, Engineer
Medical Doctor? Dental Surgeon? Project Manager? Image Consultant? what the hell is going on? why are these people even accepted to be considered in the first place?
as much as i know, we send people to space to conduct experiments, or to man the space station. Menurut professor aku seorang backup astronaut NASA, usually (if not all the time), we send military pilots, to pilot the spacecraft, and experts in several scientific fields, to conduct experiments. experts include engineers, and scientists like physicists, chemists etc. what would a project manager, image consultant etc do?
fuhh, ku ingat plan nak bawak roti canai dan kain batik tu jek la benda melalut yang dorang plan. |
Now let's cut this argument on candidates' occupations out. At this point, we must establish an agreement that all of them are qualified candidates for this program regardless of what their backgrounds are. However, the next time I read someone posting about this thing again, then I will have no choice but to adjust my rule not to discuss about it.
Now let's move forward.
Here I wish to post a question. What does the selection committee looking for? What are their selection criteria? Do we want to send a woman so that she could inspires other women in this country? Or can we be intellectual enough to go beyond gender in determining the right person for Malaysia's first astronaut?
To me, the person must be someone who can make all of us feel proud to be a Malaysian. He must have leadership quality, positive personality and communication skills necessary to be respected among his international peers during the mission. Otherwise, the astronaut would face difficulties to lead, interact and communicate effectively with others.
Another point for the person would be to have a comercial appeal. He should be able to attract many kids, teens and adults to idolize him as the first Malaysian astronaut. By being so, he will have to assume the responsibilty to promote science to everyone in this country. I have seen enough Mawi fans to make me feel puke. The first Malaysian astronaut must be able to outshine Mawi's popularity, so that when you ask kids what they wanted to be when they grow up, their answer is astronaut or other intelectual professions.
Having said that, I have no doubt that Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar fits my criteria to be the first Malaysian astronaut.
Unless, Vanajah decided to do some plastic surgeries...... |
unless this mission does not include any highly scientific activities, you have to consider the qualification of the candidates. seriously, you can find the most courageous and charismatic candidate but that's not good enough if he doesn't have any qualification to perform scientific experiments. |
Agree with you on that. And I do believe that a doctor has the capacity to conduct scientific experiments on space. |
so does an engineer (hehehehe engineering itself is too generic) ...
still hope someday pilots from tudm or the security air wings yang dapat gi space , tapi since gomen bukak application utk semua rakyat msia.
aku ada gak dapat kena panggil time 1st phase dulu, tapi tak pergi ... |
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