spidernfly This user has been deleted
Reply #20 aleesa1940's post
2 la pasal... lagi la i ni have twins so terus tak jadi ambik kat m'sia. |
anak mimpi dah ambik vaccine ni 2kali masa 6bln dan 7bln. |
spidernfly This user has been deleted
Reply #22 Mimpi's post
i thought its just one jab |
Reply #23 spidernfly's post
dia ikut umur spider..lg muder lgk byk kali..kalo start 2bulan kena 4x rsnyer...check ngan pedi.kalo 2yrs old 1x.. |
spidernfly This user has been deleted
Reply #24 honeybee1802's post
oh i see.... thanks for the info |
Reply #23 spidernfly's post
tak taulah mimpi tapi doktor ckp 2 kali. sesetengah doktor 3kali tapi doktor ckp 2kali dah cukup.
anak mimpi umur 6bln sekali 7bulan sekali setiap suntikan rm280. |
Alhamdulillah..my son had took the jab last weekend..RM300 kat azzahrah bangi...after jab tuh...Alhamdulillah gak my son didn't get side effects..demam n rashes or bengkak pun takde...cuma menangis jek sbb takleh main lama2 dlm opis pedi..hehe.. |
lmokhtar This user has been deleted
Aku baru jek asked my paed about this jab. Dr cakap yg pneumococcal jab ni is optional. memandang ia vaccine yg boleh dikatakan baru terutamanya di negara kita, the company yg membawa masuk this vaccine yg control the price. Explains why it's RM300 a jab. The older the child the lesser the jab yg harus di ambil.
Di negara-negara yg membangun, this vaccine adalah compulsory. However, in in a developing country like Malaysia di mana kerajaan cuma provide the most basic immunisation dan vaccine seperti chicken pox & hepatitis A is still an option dan masih ramai yg tak ambil krn terpaksa biayai pembayaran sendiri, pneumocaccal vaccine ni will become an option as well and will remain available to the more affluents. Dr aku tu kata dia harap esok-esok nanti harga vaccine ni akan turun so lebih ramai yg boleh benefit from it.
Bila aku tanya dr shud I get my daughter the vaccine...dr aku kata of course it is highly recomended. However due to the price and my daughter's age perhaps aku shud wait a slightly longer so instead of getting 2 jabs she could just get one. And memandangkan anak aku pun belom bersekolah & pergaulan dia dgn kanak-kanak lain agak terbatas...the chances of her getting this disease is pretty slim. |
anakperantau This user has been deleted
Reply #24 honeybee1802's post
betul, ikut umur, kalau bawah setahun masa umur 2 bulan, 6 bulan dan 7 bulan.. anak saya dah terlepas (tak tahu kena ambil).. so bila umur 3 thn.. doktor bagi sekali jer.. vaksin ni penting sebab nak cegah penyakit2 yang rasanya ada seorng forumer dah tulis.. dan penyakit2 tu lebih bahaya bila terjadi kat budak bawah umur setahun, sebab tu lah banyak kena bagi.. huh kalau 280-300 ringgit sekali cucuk... memang semput.. even banyak duit pun, unless kalau banyak sangat duit baru tak terasa...- |
Reply #29 anakperantau's post
dah merasa anak perantau...dah le anak kite tersemput...kite pun naik semput..cuba fikirkan...kalo skali anak sakit kena warded2 nih..tak senang duduk...pk keje tak siap kat opis...pk anak yg sakit...pk kite kene amik cuti...2-3 kali anak saya hospitalized..apa yg saya slalu pk apa la pandangan collegue biler saya terpaksa amik cuti panjang je...so ngan jab nih sekurangnyer mengurangkan chances dia utk dpt penyakit2 tuh... |
Originally posted by anakperantau at 11-7-2006 06:36 AM
betul, ikut umur, kalau bawah setahun masa umur 2 bulan, 6 bulan dan 7 bulan.. anak saya dah terlepas (tak tahu kena ambil).. so bila umur 3 thn.. doktor bagi sekali jer.. vaksin ni penting sebab n ...
just to share my experience... my daughter dah amik prevenar 2 shots masa dia 18 months, sepatutnya amik lagi awal tapi tu la... mula2 ingatkan bende tu mcm tak perlu... tapi bila manjang dpt infection telinga, Otitis media - middle ear infection, my paed suggest amik, and I think memang berbaloi, bukan nak promote but based on my experience.
my daughter start je umur dekat 11 bulan asyik dpt infection telinga, starting dengan selsema then tonsil then every month dpt recurring ear infection. Saya suspek infection tu started bila dia pindah masuk nursery, dlm bilik utk yg sama umur dia ada dlm 10 budak and biasa la kalau dok kat nursery, budak2 akan mudah dpt selsema, tak pun bergilir2 dpt selsema. I don't mean semua nursery tak bagus, but that nursery memang tak bagus. Cost pegi klinik + antibiotik lagi banyak kalau nak compared 2 shots of prevenar, pernah satu ketika antibiotik yg doktor prescribed cost about rm60 sebotol & utk 5 hari tu perlukan 4 botol, so bayangkan ler... ubat saja dah rm240 + consultation + ubat2 lain, more than rm300. I took shots for my daughter kat Sentosa Kajang centre is rm250 - single shot, tapi campur consultation paed, so dlm rm290, berapa shots tu depend umur dia... kalau 12-23 bulan ke atas kena amik 2 shots, each shot 2 months apart, your paed should advice you first...
http://www.wyeth.com/products?pr ... ption/Prevnar%c2%ae,%20Pneumococcal%207-valent%20Conjugate%20Vaccine%20(Diphtheria%20CRM197%20Protein)/Prevnar%c2%ae,%20Pneumococcal%207-valent%20Conjugate%20Vaccine%20(Diphtheria%20CRM197%20Protein)_overview.html
alhamdullilah, so far selepas amik prevenar tu belum dpt infection lagi & hopefully tak akan dpt lagi dah... bukan nak kempen prevenar ni, tapi that's a relieve for me
http://forum.cari.com.my/post.php?action=smilies### |
InsyaAllah next week ummi nak amik prevena buat buat anak ummi di KBMC.
Kat sini charge ubat+consult RM 290.
Dan satu lagi, kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut lagi boleh baca kat :
<<<Reader's Digest untuk bulan Februari 2008 >>>
The Common Disease Killing Our Children Pneumococcal disease will strike close to one million children worldwide |
Okey, kat sini ummi pastekan artikel penuhnya.
Part 1
When four-year-old Darryl Heng had a runny nose and fever oneevening in March 1999, his father Heng Soo Yeow wasn抰 too concerned.Kids get the sniffles, thought the Singaporean civil servant beforetaking Darryl that evening to the family doctor, who prescribed theusual flu medication.
When Darryl抯 condition did not improve two days later, Heng tookhim to see the doctor again. Darryl was given antibiotics, but he brokeout in rashes over the next few days due to an allergic reaction to thedrugs. A blood test at a clinic didn抰 reveal anything unusual either.
When Darryl became breathless one evening, Heng took him to theNational University Hospital where X-rays showed he had pneumonia.Doctors explained that Darryl抯 condition was further complicated by acollection of pus outside of the lung. Darryl spent 21 days in theintensive care unit and was hooked up to more than 13 drips. He neededmorphine for the pain. Just 28 days after the first flu-like symptomsappeared, Darryl died of complications from pneumococcal disease.
Darryl is just one of thousands of children in our region strickenby pneumococcal (pronounced NEU-mo-KOK-al) disease, a group ofillnesses that includes pneumonia (lung infection), meningitis(infection of the brain covering), bacteremia (blood infection), otitismedia (inflammation of the middle ear) and sinusitis (inflammation ofthe sinus).
At a World Health Organization (WHO) meeting in Kuala Lumpur inMarch 2006, it was reported that more than 700,000 children dieglobally each year from complications related to pneumococcal disease.In developing countries, pneumococcal meningitis kills or disables upto three quarters of children who become infected. |
Part 2
Despite being such a serious concern, Associate Professor DanielGoh, President of the Singapore Paediatric Society, says less than 20per cent of parents in Asia are aware of this deadly disease. 揥e needto help parents and caregivers understand the importance of diseaseprevention through immunisation, |
Part 3
揟he bacteria is transmitted through air droplets from one person toanother usually by sneezing, coughing, or close contact, |
Part 4
The symptoms of pneumococcal disease vary by illness but almost
alwaysinvolve fever and oftentimes resemble the flu. Pneumonia symptoms canbring on sudden shaking, chills, cough and chest congestion, whilemeningitis causes neck stiffness, vomiting, a rash of red-purple spotsand the victim will rapidly sicken.
揑t is very difficult in the early stages of infection todifferentiate pneumococcal infection from the common flu, so seekingmedical treatment is important, |
Part 5
Some scientists suspect that an increase in cold and flu cases mayboost an individual抯 susceptibility and encourage the infection totake hold. Other factors like the environment (exposure to tobaccosmoke, air and dust pollution, toxic elements or chemicals),malnutrition and even lack of breastfeeding can contribute to one抯predisposition to the disease. 揟hese factors are related to thedecrease in the body抯 defences or immune mechanisms and increases therisk to respiratory ailments and general susceptibility to infectionand pneumococcal disease, |
Part 6
Early identification of contacts can help contain the infection. Ifyou have had close contact with someone who has pneumococcal infection,check with your doctor immediately.
WHO and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization are
providing the technical and financial assistance for supporting and
sustainingeffective pneumococcal surveillance especially in developing countries.The Pneumococcal Awareness Council of Experts (PACE) was recentlyestablished to raise awareness for the disease and advocate for itsprevention through vaccination.
WHO considers pneumococcal vaccination a priority for inclusion innational childhood immunisation programmes. A WHO staff told Reader抯Digest that at least 17 countries worldwide will take up theirrecommendation this year.
The Malaysian Paediatric Association launched an awareness campaignfor pneumoccocal disease in April 2007. And in Singapore, thePneumococcal Awareness Campaign alerts parents to the fact thatpneumococcal disease is a common infection that leads to devastatingconditions. On a larger scale, WHO also recently recognisedpneumococcal disease as the leading vaccine-preventable cause of deathin children less than five years of age.
揥e regret not sending Becky for the pneumoccocal jab earlier. Thisexperience has caused us much anxiety, |
Satu lagi artikel yang ummi jumpa di web :
<<<Radio Singapore International>>>
Penyakit Pneumococcal
Penyakit pneumococcal termasuk penyakit yang berbahaya, yangditimbulkan oleh bakteri STREPTO COCCUS PNEUMONIAE. Penyakit ini bisamenimbulkan infeksi serius di paru-paru yang kemudian memicu terjadinyaradang paru-paru atau pneumonia.
Selain itu, juga bisa menimbulkan infeksi di pembuluh darah danmenutupi otak sehingga menyebabkan meningitis atau radang otak. Sepertihalnya dalam penyakit radang paru-paru, penderita pneumococcal jugacenderung menderita sesak napas.
Menurut Asociate Profesor Daniel Goh - Ketua Perhimpunan Masyarakat Paediatric Singapura, penyakit pnuemococcal punya gejala yang mirip flu biasa, dan cara penularannya pun sama.
"Pneumococcal infection can be spread by droplets basically, particularly in a setting of close contact with a lot of children."
Profesor Daniel Goh menjelaskan, secara umum penyakit pneumococcal bisaditularkan melalui percikan air ludah terutama saat batuk atau bersin.Dan ini sangat berbahaya jika batuk atau bersin dekat anak-anak yangdaya tahan tubuhnya masih kurang kuat.
Senada dengan penjelasan Profesor Daniel Goh, Dokter Chong Chia Yin dari rumah sakit Ibu dan anak KK di Singapura menjelaskan tentang cara penularan penyakit itu.
"The transmission of pneumococcus is by sneezing or coughing, soit's respiratory droplets transmission to somebody's nose or mouth."
Menurut Dokter Chong, penularan penyakit ini memang bisa melalui batukatau bersin, di mana titik-titik air ludah yang menyembur terhisapmelalui mulut atau hidung orang lain.
Kemudian, bakteri pneumococcus yang masuk ke hidung dan tenggorokanbisa menyebar ke bagian tubuh lainnya. Jika masuk ke telinga, makakemungkinan bisa menyebabkan infeksi telinga.
"Somebody who's got pneumococcus in the nose and throat area, itcan spread to ears, cause ear infection, it can spread to the bloodstream."
Ditambahkannya, jika bakteri pneumococcus masuk ke pembuluh darah makabisa terjadi infeksi di pembuluh darah. Yang lebih mengkhawatirkanadalah bahwa penyakit itu punya peluang untuk masuk ke bagian otak yangmenimbulkan radang otak atau meningitis.
"So it can cause blood stream infection and from the blood streamit can go to brain lining, which is meningis, and meningitis is themost severe form of the infection."
Dokter Chong mengatakan, meningitis merupakan satu bentuk infeksi yangsangat parah. Ia mengingatkan, satu di antara empat penderita yangsembuh dari penyakit meningitisnya masih mungkin menghadapi penderitaanlain.
"After they are discharged, they are a vegetable. They can'twalk, they can't walk. Even those who had come up with pneumonia, alotof them suffer complications.that they have a pus in the lung whichneeds to be drained by surgery."
Dokter Chong menjelaskan, meski mereka sudah keluar dari rumah sakitnamun mereka masih lemah. Bahkan dalam beberapa kasus, banyak pasienyang tidak mampu berjalan, atau menderita komplikasi lain di paru-paru.
Saudara, secara global setiap tahunnya hampir satu juta anak balitameninggal dunia akibat terjangkit penyakit ini. Oleh karena itu banyakkalangan yang menyebut penyakit itu sebagai pembunuh nomor satukanak-kanak di seluruh dunia.
Wilayah yang paling banyak penderita penyakit ini adalah Afrika, disusul oleh India dan Asia Tenggara.
Kalangan medis menilai, banyak faktor yang memudahkan penularanpenyakit ini termasuk tempat tinggal yang terlalu padat serta tidakadanya penanganan kesehatan yang memadai. Ini biasanya ditemui dinegara-negara yang sedang membangun, di mana banyak penduduknya yanghidup di bawah garis kemiskinan.
Dokter Chong Chia Yin dari rumah sakit Ibu dan anak KK di Singapuramengatakan, banyak negara - termasuk Singapura - menghadapi masalahyakni tingkat resistensi bakteri pneumococcal terhadap obatanti-biotik.
"In Singapore, the penicillin resistant rate is about 40%. That'sfor hospitalisation case in KK Hospital. 40 percent are resistant topenicillin, 30 percent are resistant to amoxycillin. (shyan dr chong 3add) We hope not to see the levels that Taiwan is reaching, some 90percent which is incredibly high."
Dokter Chong mengatakan, di Singapura tingkat resistensi bakteripneumococcal terhadap penicilin mencapai 40 persen, sementararesistensi terhadap amoxilin mencapai 30 persen. Namun ia masih bolehbernafas lega karena di Taiwan - tingkat resistensinya mencapai 90persen.
Kalangan pakar kesehatan berpendapat, masalah itu akan semakin parah jika tidak dicarikan jalan keluarnya.
"What we clearly see is that antibiotic resistant patterns isclearly increasing and that will at one point, increase the cost oftreatment and make it more difficult."
Direktur Jendral Institut Vaksin Internasional - yang berbasis di SeoulDokter Luis Jodar saat berbicara pada pertemuan di Singapura belum lamaini mengatakan, masalah itu semakin memberatkan pasien karena merekaharus merogoh kocek lebih dalam untuk membayar biaya pengobatannya.
Saudara, kalangan medis di Singapura menggunakan vaksin Prenavar untukmengobati penyakit pneumococcal. Diketahui keampuhan vaksin itumencapai 80 persen, dan mampu memberi perlindungan terbaik bagianak-anak untuk melawan infeksi.
Untuk meningkatkan persediaan vaksin - termasuk vaksin untuk melawanpenyakit pneumococcal dan juga virus flu burung, pabrik obat GlaxoSmithKline Amerika tengah memperluas pabriknya di Singapura, dengan suntikandana 300 juta dollar.
Menteri Kesehatan Singapura Khaw Boon Wan mengatakan, nantinya pabrik itu akan memproduksi berbagai vaksin termasuk vaksin anti virus flu burung.
"Hopefully it leads to other vaccine plants, particularly fluvaccine plants, because we are living in Asia where H5N1 is trulyendemic among the poultry population here."
Menurut Menteri Khaw Boon Wan, vaksin anti flu burung sangat pentinguntuk menghadapi kemungkinan merebaknya wabah flu burung H5 N1 yangmematikan.
[harry : [email protected]] |
Ada x sapa2 yang tau, kat mana klinik yang tawarkan suntikan pneumococcol harga paling murah? |
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