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Author: alysa79


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Post time 2-2-2007 03:01 AM | Show all posts

Reply #20 bitaraX's post

video ni citer pasal apa??? citer la sket..satu apa pun tak paham

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Post time 2-2-2007 08:23 PM | Show all posts
takyah paham pon takpe..
tak penting..

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Post time 7-2-2007 03:30 PM | Show all posts
i dah gi office LP kat KL, kat wisma HLA
mmg product ni actually from Franch
mmg dah lama n blh kata stabil la
fees nak masuk RM2345 to be franchise.
tuk jd member i tak tau
dia ada level2
member>franchise> lps tu i tak igt dah..
ada hirearrki la...
but to become good MLM..mmg kena letak lots efford..sacrifice ur time
and mmg kena serious la..

even ct pun guna this product
but i tak nampak product ni blh success kat malaysia

i mls nak cite lebih, sbb setiap MLM ada cons n pros

semua MLS blh berjaya tapi carefull....byk benda kena ambik kira.
make sure u are the pioneer...n byk lagi kena ambik kira

Good luck

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Post time 7-2-2007 03:35 PM | Show all posts
i dah bc blog kat atas

suka part ni

" most lampe berger members, would fake that they are wealthy, but they are not"

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Post time 7-2-2007 03:44 PM | Show all posts
the fact in MLM is
...the bottom are the losers.

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Post time 9-2-2007 04:12 PM | Show all posts
hi monterez..

u dah masuk tak SPA dia?

sy tgk dr luar jek mcm menarik jek kan..

actually MLM ni tak tunpu kepada product,,tp more to investment..

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Post time 16-3-2007 09:12 AM | Show all posts
Pernah pegi SPA dia mmg superb匸/color]
Ada jakuzi+ steam bath + gym + bilik personal treatment 卆mbiance mmg best n tenang jer..
Actually company dah invest more than 2 millions utk SPA nih..
Rasanya company berani tak invest byk2 kalau tak stabil..
Im very sure this company boleh sustain lagi more than 10 /20 years匢nsyallah..

Actually sy dah join n buat bizz nih as part time dah lebih 5 months..
So far my accumulate income more than 20k++

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Post time 16-3-2007 03:21 PM | Show all posts
yes..i have been to their office as well, but unfortunately i didnt join because at the moment i just dont have the money to invest. I dont want to borrow money just to join this MLM because for me anything can happen at any point of time..

Kiranya LB ni mcm MLM first class la sebab memang bayaran dia pun lumayan jugak..dlm berbelas2 ribu just to be a partner.

But i tertarik dgn phrase about most of the partner will project an image that they are wealthy but actually they are not..

Well it is not that i dont believe that they are making money, just that sometime wen i do meet them, they dont dress like they're actually's like something wrong somewer u oversize suit..
from the kind watch that they wear, their shoes and stuff like that

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Post time 16-3-2007 03:22 PM | Show all posts
sori la...i need to look at this things too in order to justified things..
seeing is believing.

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Post time 17-3-2007 03:29 AM | Show all posts
isk xsilap aku mula2 kena invest around RM2.5 K..then bila dah melabur tu baru dia bgtau kena melabur dalam 30 K untuk mendapat hasil yang berlipat ganda..aku percaya benda ni mmg leh wat untung..but like others said tepuk dada tanya selera..mampu ke nam wat loan sume2..bkn benefit dtg mendadak(nak byr monthly kat bank),n ikut range kita..ada sesetgh dr keluarga berada so prospect senang nak cr..kalo kawan n keluarga dr keluarga sderhana mcm mana/?

tp xsilap aku dia ada 90% refuneable but ada terms n conditions kalo nak kuar dr LB..but be carefull ok..baca betul2..xsilap aku barang2 yang dibagi xleh guna..kalo dah guna xdpt balik...

cara diorg approached org pon different dr MLM lain..ko tanya ape2 pon diorg xkan ckp punya..trademark diorg adalah "kalo nak tau ikut aku p pejabat/HQ"..masa tu kalo ko xkuat pkran senang jek pada pendapat aku sebelum wat ape2 pk masak2 ok..But satu jek yang aku percaya benda ni mmg leh wat untung

[ Last edited by  hantu_poyos at 17-3-2007 04:48 AM ]

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John_Fadil This user has been deleted
Post time 17-3-2007 11:35 AM | Show all posts

Reply #27 Cocoa_butter's post

caya lah cocoa_butter's....
kalau tak keje keras...mana boleh jadi kaya dengan senang...betul tak?
kenal dulu produk & biz tu...lepas tu baru buat judgement...
bila kita dah invest..then ia akan jd spt kita punya jaga le bisness & downline kita baik2...setiap p'gaan ada kebaikannya...terpulang pada seseorg camana yg menjadikan ia berjaya...
kalau tak nak bekerja keras...jgn berangan2 nak senang & pakai keta besar....

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Post time 19-3-2007 08:27 AM | Show all posts

Reply #31 John_Fadil's post

yeah..btul tuh..mana ada keja senang beb...
org nampak bila kita dah berjaya, tapi takpernah tanye mcamane kesusahan kita ddulu...
Actually this things kena BERANI jer...
Kena faham btul2 the konsep of MLM, then kena least 50/50 kita boleh berjaya drp tak buat lansung...tul tak..??

Stp org kena ada impian or DREAM masing2...itu yg yg drive utk lebih berjaya....
mayb dr segi materialistik- nak beli keta, rumah, travel ,etc...
N nak bantu family,sedara, etc, ..jgn lupa byr zakat plak...
Nowadays money is everything....
i know that sesetengah org ckap duit nih bleh buat org lupa diri...
itu bergtg pada stp individu...
we need to have EMERGENCY FUND if anything happen to our family...
tak perlu belas ihsan drp org luar- masuk tv lah, bersamamu...
kita tak pernah bersedia dgn apa yg akan berlaku....

melalut plak...aheh..
actually apa yg kita buat, kalau buat sungguh2 kita akan berjaya..tak kira lah mkn gaji atau buat bizz...
Ready to failed...that makes us a better person...!!

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Post time 20-3-2007 12:19 PM | Show all posts
this is just a positive criticsm ..

i think lb need to invest more in personal appearance..try to project a more business like image for its partner. Maybe ade kan fashion consultant ke or some kind of advice with regards to style. Atleast make people impressed that this thing is really professional and every single setails is being taken into consideration.

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Post time 20-3-2007 12:23 PM | Show all posts
if you want to call urself as partner, than u should start to behave like one..especially from they way you talk and potray yourself.

Just my 2 cent

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John_Fadil This user has been deleted
Post time 3-4-2007 02:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #33 rag_doll's post

emmm...tapi apsal ramai yg bg pandangan -ve ttg biz nie?
produknya atau systemnya?

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Post time 4-4-2007 02:17 AM | Show all posts
nape i mcm tak berminat dgn brg2 LB ni..tengok perfume die pun buruk semacam..brg2 lain pun tak menarik minat..
maybe sb takde org explain brg2 LB kat i, so i tak pandang sgt..

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Post time 4-4-2007 06:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alinorlina at 2-2-2007 03:01 AM
video ni citer pasal apa??? citer la sket..satu apa pun tak paham

i asked my chinese friends tolong translate kan. Die kate, Lamp Berger ni GAGAL berfunsi sebagai bahan yang mampu menuetralkan udara. so, orang kat Hong KOng tu pon buat lah experiment, die letak LAMP BERGER kat bilik yang penuh dengan asap rokok, and the result, LAMP BERGER FAILED to act as an air neutralizer. pendek kate, LAMP BERGER PENIPU BESAR.....
so, jangan beli LAMP BERGER.....penipu........i try to get the news paper article yang pasal disaster kat Taiwan, there was these couple, they used LAMP BERGER, tibe-tibe LAMP BERGER to MELETUPPPPP, nyawe pun tergadai....

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Post time 5-4-2007 02:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #27 Cocoa_butter's post

SPA dia kat KL area mana? kasik detail pls mcm harga etc

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John_Fadil This user has been deleted
Post time 5-4-2007 03:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #38 gitu2's post

takde ke senior2  LB nak komen?

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Post time 6-4-2007 01:19 PM | Show all posts
ade adik ipar aku masuk bidang ni.sangup berenti keja gaji 4k.amik loan 30k sebab nak buat bisnes ni. last2 keja balik tempat lain.pelik kan sanggup nambah hutang sebab bisnes ni.klu benda lain logik gak.sekarang ni tak tau ape cite. hara2 bejaya la.klu tak kesian:

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