Reply #19 Agul's post
The best way to know is by demonstration.
Kind of having an air of showing off. :re:
Perhaps, drawing just enough to overcome the adversary does not amount to showing off.
It doesn't mean feeling good after accomplishing something is bad. It's perfectly alright to you enjoy it. But you don't feel that you have to prove anything, you don't do things to get爀go燼pproval from other people. You just do it because it's the right thing to do, and you want to do it at the moment.
Couldn't agree more.
Do without doing and be not the doer.
That's a brain teaser........... Mind espousing a bit more ? |
Originally posted by hamizao at 3-8-2008 12:05 AM 
The best way to know is by demonstration.
Kind of having an air of showing off.
Perhaps, drawing just enough to overcome the adversary does not amount to showing off.
What I mean by demonstration is not to show other anything. What I mean is that to know your strength, you must see what is around you. Your life. What you have, do and be is your demonstartion. For whom is this demonstration? For you, yourself. If we want to show things to other people, that is just wanting ego approval from them.
So you demonstrate to yourself only. Of course people will see and form their opinion and judge you, but place no important on these as other people opinion is beyond your control. Let them think what the want. let them judge what they want. We must strive so that idolation and condemnation become the same. That it will not disturb or perturb us.
Another way is to know not what you theorize as being possible, know only what you can do.
Do without doing and be not the doer.
That's a brain teaser........... Mind espousing a bit more ?
Something about dissolution of ego.
I used to, "Be not the doer?" "What do you mean?", "hibernate and become a vegetable?" 
Only this year do I have an inkling of what this phrase really means.
You do thing, but the doing is like automatic. Most of us have experience in doing something without effort, it's like we're on automatic. It flows. So you take action, physically. But without hustle and bustle of the mind helter skelter. We 're addicted to struggle, uggle, gargle haggle... Most of the time by our own chhosing.
I suffer, therefore I am. Look at me, this is my trial, my tribulation, look how special I am. We're like Atlas. Carrying the weight of the world.
It's more of a state of mind. Hard to describe but I think at least in one point of our life, we have feel this way. That's it.
No eforting, no ego. Two person do the same thing. One with feeling of peace, another is flaustrated.
Originally posted by hamizao at 21-7-2008 09:43 PM 
I would agree in a contest of strength, then you need to show it. However, I am sometimes inclined to think that it may be more of the a contest to defeat the other guy rather than outright show of strength. For example, if you only need to use half the strength or skill you have to defeat the other person, would you then need to use your ultimate "killer blow" to defeat him? The latter may, however ,act as a psychological manoevour , to intimidate others. So this brings me to the idea that it may after all be a perception thing. Would you look at the "issue" as a case of overcoming a challenge or just to "show" what you are made of?
.. or regardless of a win or a loss, we could always focus on the gain?
as long as we "add" something to ourselves in the process?
Balas #23 Mansairaku\ catat
There are no winning in the world. |
Reply #22 Agul's post
No eforting, no ego. Two person do the same thing. One with feeling of peace, another is flaustrated.
O yeah, I bet life would be rather blissful if we are able to do things effortlessly and that should be everyone's goal.  |
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