Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt
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Reply #19 aniqtmare's post
mintak repot sikit, setakat ni, apa langkah baikpulih yg ko dah buat?
so, takde la kitorang suggest bende yg sama lagi. |
Reply #20 aniqtmare's post
ko cabut la hdd tuw.. pastu beli external casing..
contoh casing
Originally posted by bzzts at 23-4-2009 17:33
mintak repot sikit, setakat ni, apa langkah baikpulih yg ko dah buat?
so, takde la kitorang suggest bende yg sama lagi.
stkt ni ak da buat ...
1.try nk format tpi x leh....mse press any key to reboot tu ak da tkn sume key kibod ni sume x leh walhal kibod ok je...camne ak tau kibod ni ok..sbb mse mle2 on com tu dye ade ckp DEL for boot menu and F8 for setup...(eh ke ak trtukar?)
2.nk try gne recovery console tpi x leh coz x dek recovery console...
ermmm tu je XD |
Reply #24 aniqtmare's post
aik... bukan ke sumer cd xp ada recovery console |
Originally posted by death at 23-4-2009 19:00
aik... bukan ke sumer cd xp ada recovery console
ye tpi x install....x leh nk install.... |
kurangkan pengunaan ejaan SMS.... |
Balas #28 aniqtmare\ catat
wah..terus guna bahasa baku..
amacam dh settel lom?? |
Reply #29 budingyun's post
sek2 pakcik tak faham extreme SMS ni.....cam mano nak bantu kalau tak paham? |
Reply #31 aniqtmare's post
ko buat cam ni la..ko mintak kwn ko g download cd linux..aku cadangkan puppylinux 4.2 tu..burn dan cuba boot dgn cd tu..dapat masuk tak..kalu tak,mmg sah le HDD ko rosak...aku tak rasa HDD ko rosak..tu cuma hilang file yg penting je... |
Originally posted by razhar at 24-4-2009 13:23
ko buat cam ni la..ko mintak kwn ko g download cd linux..aku cadangkan puppylinux 4.2 tu..burn dan cuba boot dgn cd tu..dapat masuk tak..kalu tak,mmg sah le HDD ko rosak...aku tak rasa HDD ko ros ...
linux???mac x boleh kah? |
aniq, ko dok mana, kL ke? meh sini la bawak mai opis aku.
aku ajar ko repair, install, dan format. bekap skali.
upah blanja mcD dan Kfc jer... |
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