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Author: Acong

Tahap kesediaan tentera kita menghadapi serangan mengejut?

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Post time 23-11-2009 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Alamak.....  macam mana nak jawab nih...   umum sangat soalan nih...

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Post time 23-11-2009 03:48 PM | Show all posts
la tak tau lak feter tuh ditembak jatuh ngan exocet............

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Post time 23-11-2009 03:57 PM | Show all posts
19# sitadewi

masih nak tegakkan benang basah ek?

hmmm... drone ek? wa tak brapa taww la pasal drone nih. setaww wa drone nih ada byk jenis. ada yg pakai kipas dan ada yang berenjin jet. ada yg guna jadi target dan ada yg digunakan untuk mengelirukan pertahanan udara musuh dan ada yang untuk mengintip. tapi satu yg pasti, drone nih besar saiznya dan tak ada yang saiznya lebih kecik daripada 114mm.

untuk makluman lu, peluru meriam yang sea wolf tembak tuh kecik jer, ukur lilit dia bersaiz 114m dan bergerak pada kelajuan melebihi Mach 3. jadi, untuk tembak peluru meriam nih memerlukan ketepatan yang tinggi, umpama menembak peluru pistol dengan guna pistol. hampir2 mustahil bukan?

memang betul, drone boleh bergerak laju dan boleh manuver. tapi apa yang lu tatau, semakin tinggi kelajuan drone tuh, semakin susah untuk dia bergerak lincah. katakanlah bila dia boleh membuat satu pusingan paling kecik, berukur lilit sebesar 2 padang bola ketika bergerak pada kelajuan 500km/j, pada kelajuan Mach 1, dia hanya boleh buat satu pusingan paling kecik berukur lilit sebesar 6 padang bola. jadi walopon dia boleh manuver, pergerakan dia jadi sangat lembab sehinggakan peluru berpandu boleh catch-up

bab klip bidio tuh, mmg betul target tu sebenarnya ada di belakang letupan, Lepas seawolf tu meletup, drone tu nampak cantik molek aje. but are you sure? are you really sure? cuba tanya ayah lu pasal blast fragmentation warhead. tak pon lu wiki sendili. apa yg lu nampak dan apa realiti yg sebenar adalah jauh berbeza.

satu lagi, sea wolf tak dikawaql secara manual/ insani tetapi dikawal oleh radar (tu sebab tepat). operator tuh cuma kawal butang self destruct untuk safety sekiranya peluru berpandu tersasar drp sasaran atau sasaran didapati adalah pesawat pasukan sahabat.

lu cakap Dalam perang Falklands, attack pertama Argentina guna 4 jetfighter. 2 ditembak jatuh oleh exocet, satu terhempas cuba mengelak dan satu lagi berjaya melancar peluru berpandu udara ke kapal kan? camno tuh? exocet tuh peluru berpandu anti kapal, agak mustahil untuk guna exocet untuk tembak pesawat pejuang. kena dua lagi tuh pastuh lu  cakap satu pesawat pejuang berjaya melancar peluru berpandu udara ke kapal. camno pulak tuh sedangkan peluru berpandu udara ke kapal milik Argentina dilancarkan dari jauh (drp jarak 40km kalo tak salah).

satu lagi, masa perang Falklands, tak semua kapal perang RN dilengkapi dengan Sea Wolf dan byk yg pakai meriam yg dikawal secara manual/insani.

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Post time 23-11-2009 03:58 PM | Show all posts
1# Acong
conventional warfare.... kita punya readiness depends on siapa ygserang kita... we got to see who is the agressor. singapore? indonesia?thailand? brunei? filipina? viets? aussie? china? india? US? differencescenarios. tapi kalau diserang, mesti dengan elemen surprise dankejutan, biasalah orang mesti pukul dari curi2 dari belakang, kitabersiap-sedia-siaga manapun mesti kena teruk kaw-kaw dulu... tapisesungguhnya tahap readiness kita akan membantu kita atur semula /re-organise tactical moves.....



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Post time 23-11-2009 03:59 PM | Show all posts
Latihan dan kesiapsagaan krew boleh diasah melalui penggunaan penyahlaku (simulator), wa fikir tak perlu TLDM membuat latihan penembakan live seawolf terlalu kerap hanya utk menilai kecekapan operator sistem tersebut. Macam Tin kata, kehadiran seawolf meluru ke arah sasaran pesawat penyerang sudah cukup menghilang fokus dan menggoncang jatidiri pilot, jika ada menonton filem Behind Enemy Lines, dapat dilihat betapa gementarnya pilot dan wizzonya berhempas pulas menerbangkan superhornet utk melarikan diri dari missiles yg telah locked on them...jika sistem seawolf berjaya membatalkan misi penyerang ke atas Jebat sudah mencapai matlamat sistem tersebut.

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Post time 23-11-2009 04:00 PM | Show all posts
20# sitadewi

wa boleh jawab, tapi sebelom wa jawab, sila berikan sebab2 mengapa Jerman boleh kalah Perang Dunia Kedua?

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Post time 23-11-2009 04:15 PM | Show all posts
why not let's see what south neighrbour have done to secure military alliance with other countries for their defence readiness. they just signed a new traning datachment with US in Idaho few days ago for their newest F-15 fighter jet to in add to their existing 3 other long-term training detachments in theUnited States: a Chinook helicopter unit in Texas; and an Apache attackhelicopter detachment and F-16 squadron at two locations in Arizona. Because of space constraints in Singapore, the SAF has agreementswith several other countries, including Australia, India, South Africaand Thailand.
Saturday November 21 2009                        
Singapore cements military ties with US        
IDAHO, Nov 21 - Singapore’s already-strong friendship with theUnited States has reached another milestone with the opening of a newlong-term defence training detachment in the American state of Idaho.
The detachment — the country’s fourth in the US — will enableRepublic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) personnel to carry out trainingon its newest F-15 fighter jet in the wide open spaces of the AmericanNorthwest.
Under an agreement, 12 RSAF F-15SG fighter jets will be based at thevast Mountain Home Air Force Base, which has an airspace of more than19,000 sq km — six times the size of Singapore’s.
About 250 RSAF personnel and their families are already there,having moved in since last year to set up the 428th Fighter Squadron.They will now work with US Air Force personnel to sharpen theirfighting skills, before returning to Singapore in March to set up anF-15 squadron.
In a speech to launch the new detachment on Thursday Deputy PrimeMinister Teo Chee Hean described the bilateral relationship betweenSingapore and the US as “strong and warm”.
DPM Teo, who is also Defence Minister, said the ties, which go backdecades, are based on shared strategic perspectives and commoninterests.
The cornerstone for such a deep relationship, he said, isSingapore’s position that a US presence in the Asia-Pacific is vitalfor the region’s continued peace and security. He added that the armedforces of both countries benefit from the close relationship.
Singapore, he said, gains by having wide open areas in which totrain, thus overcoming land and airspace limitations back home. Thistraining, he added, helps the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) improve itsoperational readiness.
He also noted that US ships and aircraft called at Singapore’s airand naval bases even before the Republic gained independence, and thatvarious other agreements since then have allowed American forces to usefacilities in the country.
Joint training exercises between the two milita lso touched on the strong ties between the two countries yesterday.
“Having an F-15 detachment here provides mutual training andinter-operability opportunities that we have always valued in thestrategic partnership with Singapore and Asia,” he said.
“Singapore has always been a strong and steadfast partner in manymutual areas of security interest, not just in South-east Asia, butaround the world as we confront global issues like piracy and globalextremism.”
Singapore has three other long-term training detachments in theUnited States: a Chinook helicopter unit in Texas; and an Apache attackhelicopter detachment and F-16 squadron at two locations in Arizona.
In all, about 600 SAF personnel have been deployed to the four detachments.
The commander of the Idaho detachment, Lieutenant-Colonel Lim CheeMeng, said he was excited by the training opportunities in store.
“We will get to benchmark ourselves against one of the best fightercrews in the world during large-scale exercises and competitions.”
Because of space constraints in Singapore, the SAF has agreementswith several other countries, including Australia, India, South Africaand Thailand, to train on their turf. — Straits Times

may be Malaysia should also consider to do the same. Without US, Malaysia like Spore is just a small fries in time of trouble. ..

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 Author| Post time 23-11-2009 07:04 PM | Show all posts
2# Acong

lagipon, artikel blog tuh lupa nak ckp 2 perkara. pertama, sea wolf ada excellent combat record masa Falklands war. yang kedua, KD Jebat is bristling with guns, providing layered air defence.

kesimpulannya, again, ilmu cetek tapi mau tunjuk pandai. sapa yang cuba tipu rakyat skrg nih? fikirkanlah sendiri...
cmf_tin Post at 23-11-2009 09:31

abis tu kita nak upah askar yg terlibat dlm Falklands war kaa? askar kita dah terlatih nak guna seawolf kaa?

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 Author| Post time 23-11-2009 07:08 PM | Show all posts
19# sitadewi

thnx for the info..........

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Post time 23-11-2009 09:46 PM | Show all posts
abis tu kita nak upah askar yg terlibat dlm Falklands war kaa? askar kita dah terlatih nak guna seawolf kaa?
Acong Post at 23-11-2009 19:04

Pehh dah masuk bab2 Blackwater ni.

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Post time 24-11-2009 12:19 AM | Show all posts
best ada jenderal2 baru kat sini.... teruskan.......

buat lawak....

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Post time 24-11-2009 02:32 AM | Show all posts
Hang Jebat and the white elephant

The shock wave surrounding the loss of KD Sri Perak on January 8, 1984 in turbulent weather in South China Sea pale in comparison to that of KD Seri Inderapura. Th ...
Acong Post at 23-11-2009 01:28

Pertama, apa relevannya tajuk thread dengan dua kes misfire oleh dua missile yang dilaporkan dengan tahap kesediaan tentera kita menghadapi serangan mengejut? dua zaman yang berlainan dengan dua sistem yang berlainan. If u want to compare, make it fair with the same missile launching by other navy on the same system on the same era.

kedua, jelas propa blog ini if u not aware of it, cuba memburuk2kan TLDM. Sebagai rakyat malaysia yang bijak, tentu sekali anda tidak akan membuat blog sebegini. TLDM sentiasa membuat latihan tembakan missile sekurang2nya dua kali setahun, begitu juga dengan TDM dan TUDM, and "very fair" enough, hanya dilaporkan media dua tahun sekali. "Penganalisis pertahanan" yang "amat bijak" dalam blog ini mengambil contoh misfire tetapi tidak pula menyatakan jumlah peluru berpandu yang mengenai sasaran selama ini? Bijak2....

ketiga, pls guys, jangan layan propa bodoh ini. Jadilah rakyat yang bijak.

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Post time 24-11-2009 09:33 AM | Show all posts
32# tangopapa

pasai tuh aku menyeru jenderal2 baru naik tocang dalam nih agar teruskan..............................

buat lawak.......

aku nak gelak lagi tengok lawak2 depa nih.....

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Post time 24-11-2009 10:45 AM | Show all posts
32# tangopapa

Biasalah Tuan, yg buruk tu jugak diorang suka. Dlm bod lain melangit angkat ATM, tapi kat sini hentak tak hengat!

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Post time 24-11-2009 10:56 AM | Show all posts
mana jenderal wayang kulit? tarak show ka hari nih?

dalam hikayat alias dongeng wayang kulit, exocet boleh tembak jatuh feter.... boleh...memang boleh....dalam hikayat dongeng wayang kulit la....

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Post time 24-11-2009 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Serangan mengejut dgn ujian kuasa tembak misil TLDM?

Uhhh, kejap yek, serangan mengejut camana, dari udara ke, pendaratan amfibi ka, penyusupan SOF ka?

Apa kena mengena ngan ujian tembakan misil TLDM?

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Post time 24-11-2009 11:23 AM | Show all posts
ya,penyalaku anjungan..itu mungkin terbaik utk berlatih selain dari latihan penembakan hakiki.

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Post time 24-11-2009 11:55 AM | Show all posts
27# braderjoni

U forgot that Malaysia has FPDA mah?

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Post time 24-11-2009 12:44 PM | Show all posts
hehe..jenderal keyboard di alam maya...
menarik smlm di astro...citer pasal hitler secret bunker...
kesilapan hitler mempertahankan bandar berlin dgn tentera kanak2, tentera org tua...
bukan tentera regular....tentera terlatih hitler berjuang di medan eropah...
bukan di bumi sendiri.....
akhirnya dikalahkan oleh tentera merah russia....

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Post time 24-11-2009 01:25 PM | Show all posts
wah msia ada medium range sam rupanya! pandai betul berahsia............

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