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Author: nawtylulu

cmner nk tkr maxis postpaid back to prepaid???

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Post time 24-12-2009 11:40 AM | Show all posts
my sis pon advise me tkr to celcom biler die tgk my bill. die kate mmg agk memeningkn biler tetibe ade other charges.. at da begining, bil paling tggi 70 je.. then da few months later start naik to  ...
nawtylulu Post at 24-12-2009 10:26

Yup mmg btl..klu xsilap a few months after pakai maxis line ada la minah cina call ada promotion dr maxis dpt no free, tp rm30 pny plan la. Kodok reject terus sbb bkn intend to use byk no, just kodok n suami je. Mmg realize mula2 tu bwh 100 je bill, then next n after jumlah yg pakai ttp sama je, tp melampau charges dia. In fact adik ipar kodok pon ngadu benda yg sama (pakai sama je mcm bulan lps tp bill naik) ni yg musykil ni..

Then after decided to tukar Celcom, now relief sikit sbb berbaloi2 (Exec plan mmg ok sgt2, tp klu subline tu credit limit sikit bona, means if u call out harga mahal compare to exec plan)..So, i rasa u shud try Celcom dl, then u compare n yet still blh guna no lama. Xda masalah klu bill maxis xsettle lg bila dh tukar celcom, tp mmg kena bayar la.

Pasal broadband pulak kodok xbrapa sure how's the deal between your fon line. Tp my view between postpaid n prepaid is, if u byk call out use postpaid coz it worth. Klu prepaid bila dh hbs, u kena beli n beli n beli prepaid again until end of the month kira2 sama/lebih kurang kalau pakai postpaid, silap hb lebih pulak kn. Jimat lagi klu call celcom-celcom..mmg boleh control, tp klu bila tiba urgent n prepaid hbs, time mlm xkn nk kuar g beli prepaid kn. For those yg buat sales selalu deal dgn customer, when u r needed utk call sini n sana, tp couldn't make it, malula beb ckp kt cust kredit xda..

Msg2 ada pendapat yg tersendiri..
Tepuk dada tny selero..

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Post time 24-12-2009 11:45 AM | Show all posts
21# kodokpisang

taktik nak pancing customer huh....hah midvalley buka sabtu ahad...ok la tuh...

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Post time 24-12-2009 12:02 PM | Show all posts
21# kodokpisang

taktik nak pancing customer huh....hah midvalley buka sabtu ahad...ok la tuh...
me_on_u Post at 24-12-2009 11:45

Sape yg nk pancing cust? Kodok keje xda kena mngena dgn celcom la..
Just share exp.
KLCC senang center dia..

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Post time 24-12-2009 12:08 PM | Show all posts
23# kodokpisang

bukan..merujuk pada amoi cina yang dari call center tu la..sori salah paham

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2009 03:02 PM | Show all posts
21# kodokpisang

tq kodok.. ingt kn kene setel bil dlu... psl bce kt internet je syrt2 nye.. bil da mlambung mls lak nk byr coz x bebaloi...

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2009 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Sape yg nk pancing cust? Kodok keje xda kena mngena dgn celcom la..
Just share exp.
KLCC senang center dia..
kodokpisang Post at 24-12-2009 12:02 PM

hehehe kodok, org maxis tu la pancing.... bengang tol.. biler mmbe yg amik sub line tu col still jln gak charges.... maxis tiiiipppuuuuuuu...... mencik mencik......:@ :@ :@

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Post time 24-12-2009 05:53 PM | Show all posts
white keje maxis tapi bahagian yang takde kena mengena dengan customer la.white selalu nasihatkan sedara kalau rasa macam bill tinggi ke,check ada tak ecp(external content provider) kat bill tu,sms tu kalau cust receive kena bayar,kalau ada,please call cust service and complaint,ask for rebate and get them to block the ecp code.and from now on,please check the bill,ambik itemized billing,RM5 tu bole diwaived kalau u tgk bill online.

kalau tak selalu guna,just guna prepaid je,senang.

kalau TT nak tukar prepaid,just bayar the full amount and go to maxis centre to get a new hotlink simcard.
sementara tu,kalau taknak bill melambung2,mintak diorang suspend line but upon re activation,u kena bayar RM10

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Post time 24-12-2009 05:59 PM | Show all posts
kalau tengok kat bill tu,under other charges,it could be because of internet usage as well.
contohnya kalau iphone u bole access internet automatically,charges tu jalan je but max charges for internet is RM250 per month..kalau u guna lebih,charges tu akan direbate semula

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Post time 24-12-2009 09:06 PM | Show all posts
tukarla plan yg paling murah rm50 tu... wat limit seratus je sebulan...

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2009 07:58 AM | Show all posts
white keje maxis tapi bahagian yang takde kena mengena dengan customer la.white selalu nasihatkan sedara kalau rasa macam bill tinggi ke,check ada tak ecp(external content provider) kat bill tu,sms tu ...
whiteroses77 Post at 24-12-2009 05:53 PM

mmg ade je charge yg mrepek2... xtra sms la n etc. tp rse cm same je charge nye even byr for all those thing... owh klo nk back to prepaid mmg kene setel full ammount la erk...

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Post time 28-12-2009 04:09 PM | Show all posts
30# nawtylulu

extra sms tu is one of the VAS (value added services).either u ter"activate"kan dia thru hp or u ada subscibe,automatically
ada charge RM8 monthly,kalau u taknak,go to maxis centre or call cust service to cancel.bukan semua vas ni semua orang perlukan,tegok la apa yang cust tu nak.

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Post time 28-12-2009 04:13 PM | Show all posts
30# nawtylulu

yes kena settle the full amount,kalau tak nama u kena blacklist,u pegi digi or celcom pun tak bole.

satu lagi info,sapa2 yang guna prepaid,then nak tukar postpaid,tapi credit ada balance lagi,suruh je cust cervice kat MC to to transfer the credit,so tak membazir..u akan nampak the transferred amount in the first bill.

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Post time 8-6-2012 04:42 PM | Show all posts
Reply 32# whiteroses77

    macamana yeh saya nak tukar ke prepaid semula..baru je maxis tukar sy punya ke propaid xsampai 10 hr..plez help...

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