Hollow Earth: Agartha (Dunia di bawah muka bumi)
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Reply amirezu
i like cerita doreamon...tapi banyak kurafat...
areenarena Post at 1-1-2012 20:13 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
doraemon tu hiburn je... |
Al-Hin cakap melayu, beb?
cherylrihanna Post at 1-1-2012 04:41 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
beb, jin siam masuk badan melayu pon boleh ckp melayu beb. |
Reply 20# areenarena
memang banyak khurafat...lagi2 versi Nobita masa kecik. tapi khurafat dia pun mendiang Fujio F. Fujiko yang reka, orang Jepun yang bukan beragama Islam. taklah pelik. baca sekadar hiburan. cerita Doraemon ni ada pengajaran dan motivasinya terutama untuk orang Jepun. based on cerita Doraemon nilah diorang sekarang ni makin maju dan maju ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
topik berkenaan al-Hin ada dibincangkan dalam forum ni kat sini http://tinyurl.com/7j64qqw
al-Hin ni jugak dikatakan antara makhluk yang dicipta sebelum Nabi Adam a.s. Jadi ada dua teori sekarang ni. makhluk berupa manusia sebelum Nabi Adam a.s. sama ada golongan al-Hin atau manusia purba yang tidak bertamadun ataupun kedua-duanya sekali. Wallahualam. ada dibincangkan dalam thread MPS |
topik berkenaan al-Hin ada dibincangkan dalam forum ni kat sini
al-Hin ni jugak dikatakan antara ...
amirezu Post at 2-1-2012 00:42 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Terima kasih amirezu. Friends... can we move on with Hollow Earth - Agartha discussion now? TQ |
ops...sori termelencong hehe |
ops...sori termelencong hehe
amirezu Post at 2-1-2012 01:30 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Eh Tak tak... tak melencong pun. Memang before this EB ada bertanya mungkinkah ada kemungkinan Al Hin ni dgn the advanced civilization yang para saintis/ believers of this theory dok citer menghuni Agartha. Kawan2 kita ni jer nakal melencong gi citer doraemon lar, nobita lar...
Harap2 boleh bincang this theory with an open heart sebab, dah banyak findings about these poles already.
Kalau kita tutup minda kita, kita takan tau what are the rest of the world is up to.
The Nazis, the Americans and the Brits are already doing a research on this theory for quite sometime dah...
Tah mana lagi country are doing research on this theory lagi, tatau ah... I am not surprise could be Iran ke, Turkey ke... |
sayalah yg start cerita Doraemon dulu hehe.
best juga kalau dapat rungkaikan misteri pole ni.
dunia ni sangatlah luas, rahsianya pun terlalu banyak yg belum lagi diteroka.
apa yg ada di tengah2 pusat bumi kita tak pasti lagi secara nyata.
mungkin wujud dunia bawah tanah dengan teknologi tersendiri.
mungkin al-Quran ada jawapannya... |
Post Last Edit by EmakBonda at 2-1-2012 02:20
Ye, I agree. Pe pe kita kaji pun, jgn sampai lari akidah. Sumer kena berlandaskan AlQuran dan agama kita.
Nak kata the poles tak wujud, documents and findings dah banyak ada.
This is like theory UFO. I sincerely think itu sumer Jin.
The westerners tak leh nak identify pe benda tu sebab derang mana percaya kewujudan Djin ni, so they call it Unidentified Flying Objects.
The truth is out there somewhere... it's up to us to discover it |
Pasal hole at the pole ni...entah la nak kata poles ni misteri...dah ramai dah orang jejak (siap tejun paracut lagi!) |
Yakjuj Makjuj ke? Why do I get the feeling we are talking about a much more advance civilization here? According to Byrd punya log EB just copy n paste from http://humansarefree.com/2011/05/hollow-earth-agartha-complete.html, bangsa yang dia jumpa tu lebih beradaban dan very intelligent. Yakjuj Makjuj pulak... sorry to say, barbaric sesangat.
Admiral Bryd's Secret Diary
I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. It concerns my Arctic flight of the nineteenth day of February in the year of Nineteen and Forty-Seven.
There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth! I am not at liberty to disclose the following documentation at this writing ...perhaps it shall never see the light of public scrutiny, but I must do my duty and record here for all to read one day. In a world of greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth.
Flight Log: Base Camp Arctic, 2/19/1947
06.00 Hours - All preparations are complete for our flight northward and we are airborne with full fuel tanks at 0610 Hours.
06.20 Hours - fuel mixture on starboard engine seems too rich, adjustment made and Pratt Whittneys are running smoothly.
07.30 Hours - Radio Check with base camp. All is well and radio reception is normal.
07.40 Hours - Note slight oil leak in starboard engine, oil pressure indicator seems normal, however.
08.00 Hours - Slight turbulence noted from easterly direction at altitude of 2321 feet, correction to 1700 feet, no further turbulence, but tail wind increases, slight adjustment in throttle controls, aircraft performing very well now.
08.15 Hours- Radio Check with base camp, situation normal.
08.30 Hours - Turbulence encountered again, increase altitude to 2900 feet, smooth flight conditions again.
09.10 Hours - Vast Ice and snow below, note coloration of yellowish nature, and disperse in a linear pattern. Altering course for a better examination of this color pattern below, note reddish or purple color also. Circle this area two full turns and return to assigned compass heading. Position check made again to Base Camp, and relay information concerning colorations in the Ice and snow below.
09.10 Hours - Both Magnetic and Gyro compasses beginning to gyrate and wobble, we are unable to hold our heading by instrumentation. Take bearing with Sun compass, yet all seems well. The controls are seemingly slow to respond and have sluggish quality, but there is no indication of Icing!
09.15 Hours - In the distance is what appears to be mountains.
0949 Hours - 29 minutes elapsed flight time from the first sighting of the mountains, it is no illusion. They are mountains and consisting of a small range that I have never seen before!
09.55 Hours - Altitude change to 2950 feet, encountering strong turbulence again.
10.00 Hours - We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation Instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!
10.05 Hours - I alter altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn to better examine the valley below. It is green with either moss or a type of tight-knit grass. The Light here seems different. I cannot see the Sun anymore. We make another left turn and we spot what seems to be a large animal of some kind below us. It appears to be an elephant! NO!!! It looks more like a mammoth! This is incredible! Yet, there it is! Decrease altitude to 1000 feet and take binoculars to better examine the animal. It is confirmed - it is definitely a mammoth-like animal! Report this to Base Camp.
10.30 Hours - Encountering more rolling green hills now. The external temperature indicator reads 74 degrees Fahrenheit! Continuing on our heading now. Navigation instruments seem normal now. I am puzzled over their actions. Attempt to contact Base Camp. Radio is not functioning!
11.30 Hours - Countryside below is more level and normal (if I may use that word). Ahead we spot what seems to be a city!!!! This is impossible! Aircraft seems light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond!! My GOD!!! Off our port and starboard wings are a strange type of aircraft. They are closing rapidly alongside! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them.
They are close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of Swastika!!! This is fantastic. Where are we! What has happened. I tug at the controls again. They will not respond!!!! We are caught in an invisible vice grip of some type!
11.35 Hours - Our radio crackles and a voice comes through in English with what perhaps is a slight Nordic or Germanic accent! The message is: 'Welcome, Admiral, to our Domain. We shall land you in exactly seven minutes! Relax, Admiral, you are in good hands.' I note the engines of our plane have stopped running! The aircraft is under some strange control and is now turning itself. The controls are useless.
11.40 Hours - Another radio message received. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! The downward motion is negligible, and we touch down with only a slight jolt!
11.45 Hours - I am making a hasty last entry in the Flight Log. Several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft. They are tall with blond hair. In the distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color. I do not know what is going to happen now, but I see no signs of weapons on those approaching. I hear now a voice ordering me by name to open the cargo door. I comply.
End Log |
Yakjuj Dan makjuj or gog and magog bukan Dari dlm tanah. Gog means mountains and Magog means land of gog. Ada theory yg katakan depa ni Dari pergunungan Russia Dan Israel. Agartha ni pulak...Ntahlah. Org bunian kot? |
Yakjuj Dan makjuj or gog and magog bukan Dari dlm tanah. Gog means mountains and Magog means land of ...
MrsMoshi Post at 3-1-2012 04:56 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
agatha ni orang bunian kot..kalau kat malaysia ni diorang jumpa sama seperti peradaban melayu lama..maybe kat negara orang puteh tu diorang jumpa peradaban maju... |
bestnye cite pasal al-hin.. bnyk lg rahsia dunia ni yg x terungkap, kne kaji lg ![](static/image/smiley/onion/studyhard.gif)
tu sume rahsia Allah.. sgt ajaib n melampaui pemikiran logik. tp xmustahil dgn kuasa Allah. |
bestnye cite pasal al-hin.. bnyk lg rahsia dunia ni yg x terungkap, kne kaji lg
tu sum ...
day2 Post at 6-1-2012 16:26 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Itu lah tu... tapi ade ke kena-mengena ngan makhluk bawah muka bumi agartha?
EB rasa dewa-dewi yang dok muncul masa dulu kala dulu tu has a part this agartha world.... Til then, ![](static/image/smiley/onion/studyhard.gif) |
satu soalan je nak tanya..kalau betul ada laluan kat north pole....kenapa cuma catatan admiral byrd (kalau betul) saja yang kata ada 'lubang' sedangkan kutub utara banyakkali dah dijejaki manusia? |
kalau tak silap north pole dan south pole adalah kawasan larangan kapal trbang sekarang. tak boleh suka suka terbang ke sana kecuali mendapat kebenaran. |
Ya? Atas sebab apa tak dibenarkan terbang? |
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