Reply #380 pejalanlangit's post
sia tau napa hehehe..
err...sia kana warning suda dgn sist tomb jgn kasi bucur rahsia |
Reply #381 sixfullbar's post
nda pa....the truth is out there
A friend of mine (sabahan women, bumi chinese) is a divorcee. She's applying passport for her doter and she has to go back to Sabah to get it done since the mother is a sabahan and the fact that the child will share the same passport.
Same goes to me. surat beranak ilang. so i have to apply baru di sabah. masalahnya sia teda masa ada skalik sia apply di keningau tapi my form "lost in space". my dad bilang, cabut nombor jak di JPN KK. Senang. nda payah tunggu lama.
hmmmm..... |
Reply #380 pejalanlangit's post
frequent flyer? wow....macam stiwodes pula.....wakakakakak |
Originally posted by pejalanlangit at 8-5-2008 06:15 PM
sis tomb selalu itu.....
napa angel?
sia mo p kl ikut airasia
tapi lama lagi la..coming august...
this is my first timer..
so ada sesiapa yang frequent flyer bulih kasi advise ka atau anything ka..
thanks in advance |
Reply #374 ^_^Angel's post
angel, ko naik la flight awal pagi
the view is awesome!! cantik bila nampak matahari di celah2 awan
sa baca tajuk thread
sa baca content thread
then, sa tiba2 lupa tajuk thread
mana suda tuan punya thread ar? jadi ka dia transfer pg sabah?
tiba2 diskas psl airasia haha |
Reply #387 ruryelle's post
nda pa
bla dorang mo xfer dorang naik AA... AA patut bg credit samam cari forum neh
ya...wuts the stat mr agul and the rest? |
Reply #387 ruryelle's post
mimang jauh terpesong sudah ohh |
kat sabah x le 'aggresive' sangat cam kat smjung...more to relax..'slow' je... Bagi yang nak lari dari kehidupan kota..for life...p la kawasan kampung2...KK skrg pun dah hingar bingar...hmm.. |
Reply #394 ihasnone's post
aku dah selamat berhijrah ke tmpt tanah tumpah darah ku ..negeri ku la
belajar sana ..... kerja sana dlm 2 thn ..pastu aku dpt pindah ... hehe
bagus2............rezeki..................................... |
Reply #394 ihasnone's post
uit 2km dari tempat kino..... jangan2 satu kampung bah kali kita hehehehehe |
wah..jejak kasih ohh |
tq.....tq soma, mesra;;;; meriah....
aku dekat-dekat simpang ke kg ketiau tapi kena u turn klo dri kk and belok kiri.. sana la uma sia...kalo tau sangat putatan cari lah!!!!!!!
bergumbirala urng yg udah balik tu... mau kasi jeles sama urng jaga ko, kalo sia uda balik 4 good gua cari ko mau minta belanjaaa.... minum lihing ka kalu indapun skyjuce.. skyjucepun mahal tau sikarang dia orang chrge 50 sen oooooh!
sia ini berkhidmat untuk negara tau! |
Reply #399 ihasnone's post
skyjuce setakat ni ...aku kena rm0.30...............sudah mahal............ |
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Category: Negeri & Negara