US Weekly |
Wentworth Miller's Interview on USATODAY.com
Q: Doesn't the plot strain belief?
A: Absolutely. We play it as though it's real, but we're basically making a comic book. In the universe of Prison Break, when you get your toes cut off, by the end of the episode, it's back to business. If this were a real-life drama, I'd be sitting in my cell nursing my toes for the rest of my sentence. (Related story: Fox takes another swing after dismal Series)
Q: How long does Michael's body tattoo take in makeup?
A: That's a four- to five-hour process (for the full torso). It's averaging once an episode. The rest of the time, it's just a piece of my arm or shoulder. I keep telling myself it's such a great special effect that it's worth the time and effort. It could be worse. If this were Star Trek, I could be wearing some prosthetic headpiece 14 hours a day
Q: Do you two go to the same barber?
A: I've had my head shaved on and off for a number of years. Dominic followed suit. ... I think they did a very good job with casting. It's pretty believable, as onscreen sibling casting goes.
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[ Last edited by baduglyu at 28-5-2006 11:51 PM ] |
Originally posted by awoks at 29-5-2006 12:52 AM
hek elehhhh..pemende dier nih..
gedik jek
eh...biar le.
kan ke dia yg tolong scotfield ms nk kuar penjara.
p/s: :nerd: dr. sara |
Reply #404 awoks's post
season 2 nanti ada hottie baru :nana: |
hikhik kemain lagi thread nie dgn gambo2 wentworth miller nya :lol awoks mesti suka..teruskan..
masa zaman dedolu aku, nanu_nanu dgn reace jer dlm thread nih |
best la die nih, dressing sempoi jek.. |
Reply #410 baduglyu's post
walamakkkkk...ngancam aah wei..
the last pic tuh..fuhh..nice butt hoh..
dier ni nampak beso jek..tapi sebenonye kecik jek kalo banding ngan abruzzi..dan lain2 |
benci kat lelaki yg bunuh polis tu..
muka dia jahat nya.. |
mana nak dptkan sinopsis bg setiap siri ek |
Originally posted by limau at 30-5-2006 11:02 AM
benci kat lelaki yg bunuh polis tu..
muka dia jahat nya..
aku pun menyampah gilerrrrr...kat dia...:geram:
jns terhegeh-hegeh..
aku kesian kat Westmoreland...kucing yg dia syg sgt mati...
Bellick ni pun satu...
tak patut btl la bunuh Marylin@kucing tu...
:cry: |
Originally posted by tipahtertipu at 30-5-2006 11:23 AM
mana nak dptkan sinopsis bg setiap siri ek
boleh gi kat cni...--> http://www.fox.com/prisonbreak/recaps/
ko boleh pilih nak baca episod yg mana...
untuk pengetahuan..
yg ditayang smlm tu kat 8TV episod 108 (mengikut episod dlm website tu lah...)
Originally posted by rinoaheartilly at 30-5-2006 11:36 AM
boleh gi kat cni...--> http://www.fox.com/prisonbreak/recaps/
ko boleh pilih nak baca episod yg mana...
untuk pengetahuan..
yg ditayang smlm tu kat 8TV episod 108 (mengikut episod dlm ...
ok terima kasih :tq::tq::tq: |
mak ai.. tertido la malam tadi..
leh citer tak ape dah jadi... |
hehhehee...ako pun dah kena demam si wentworth miller ni...
<<<pasal avatar ni.....ada yg gado tadi....
sbb sorg kata ensem...sorang 2 lak..kat bleh tahn je....:lol |
Originally posted by acquiller at 30-5-2006 03:44 PM
mak ai.. tertido la malam tadi..
leh citer tak ape dah jadi...
ni apa yg ako ingat la...
smlm...si bellick ni...dia disutruh oleh ketua dia...tangkap sape yg bunuh si bob 2...
so...dia pun g labuat keje...
pada masa yg sama lak...si scofield ni...buat rancangan klu nk kluar kena lalu satu
paip besar...but probs nye...paip2 hanya ada kt satu bagunan iaitu gereja...rasanya la...n gereja ni penah t'bako lak b'berapa thn lepas...
so...diaorg pun g la sana.....
so...diaorg nk masuk satu bilik yg ada lubang paip 2...
bila si scofield buka je pintu 2....tetiba...polis kat dlm 2 acu kn pistol....
so...diaorg pun blah kn diri memasing...
then diaorg buat plan cam mn nk masuk kt dlm bilik 2....
then diaorg ada nmpk sorang banduan tua ni...masuk bilik 2...relaks giler...
hantar kopi rasanya....
then...si scofield ni pun ada rancangan ngan room sel dia...nk bako tempat lepak polis2 2.....so sia pun g la kt banduan tua ni...cerita pasal kes nape laki tua nibleh masuk prison...but laki tua ni fhm sgt...yg scofield cam n ajak dia buat something yg jahat.. so dia tolak.....then scofield dah buntu giler...
pada masa yg sama....si veronica (peguam) nk g balik bilik ngan lelaki...
kebetulan lak ada laki gemuk ni tolong antar barg diaorg....pas 2...bile laki tu buka pintu....kababoommmmm....(bunyi bom)...then nasib diaorg baik...
diaorg lari la...laki gemuk 2 je yg mati....diaorg sembunyi kt satu tmpt dimana tmpt 2 ayah peguam lelaki 2 b'sembunyi.... |
lagi....sambungan smlm...
bellick ni....g jumpa org tua ni....ckp dia nk tahu sape yg bunuh bob...but at the same time...cara dia 2 cam tuduh yg laki ni bunuh bob....sbbnya...bob 2 mati kt depan sel dia...rasanye la...:hmm:
pas 2...ad sorg pompuan kulit itam ni...g jumpa abg scofield....ingat kn wartawan...rupa2nya..bukan...pas 2 siap ugut lak lagi....yg nyawa LJ(ank) x kn lama...
pas 2 si scofield ni kena g jumpa doc pompuan yg dia selamtkn ari 2...
nk kena enjet.....pas 2 doc 2 tny nape dia tipu doc 2 ari 2...
so dia blah je....ngan muka bengang...doc ni g siasat sape scofields sebenarnya...
i think doc ni dah fall in love ngan scofields la...:love:
pas 2 lak...cite anak abang scofield...LJ...
dia tgh sedap gile minum....masa 2 lak...ada agent yg sorang ni dtg tekan bell umah dia...then dia pun buka la...laki ni ckp dia nk buat bancian kt umah ni....
then dia masuk umah 2....ngan slambe je...bile masuk je umah...trus dia halakn pistol 2 kt
LJ.....kebetulan lak....mak dia ngan bf masuk umah dr dapur...br balik dr beli brg dapo...
nmpk si LJ ni mcm pelik je....pas 2...agent ni lak acu kn pistol kt mak dia...
mula la action kt umah 2....LJ lari...mak dia g nyorok kt dapo...nk buat call..
but mati kena tembak...pas 2 LJ lak...g lari kluar....gaya dia cam nk buat call...
rupa2nya...dia dah ambik gambo agent yg sorg lagi ni....
then bf mak dia lak...g ketuk kepala agent 2....tp di kena tembak...
so...LJ lari lagi......
bila si abg scofields dpt tahu hal 2...dia nk kluar...g cari LJ...but scofields halang dia...
kebetulan lak...masa 2....kt tmpt gereja 2...dah b'asap.........
so....diaorg pun t'kejut la...then scofields pun jumpa org tua 2..ckp thank's pasl bakar kn
gereja 2.....tp laki 2 ckp....dia buat bkn sbb scofields...tp tuk kucing dia yg kena bunuh..
after that...lps dah pdm api 2....si polis gemuk(ketua) ni..tanya...apa punca kebakarn 2...
then ada org g tahu...punca nya dr rokok...rokok 2 pulak...milik si bellick...
pada masa yg sama ade sorg banduan ni g tahu dia tahu sape yg bunuh bob...
so dia org g la tgkap banduan sorg ni dimana t-bag ni....dah letak kn gambo ank pompuan 2 kt bwh katil laki 2.....giler tul la...:lol
kemudian....si scopfield n gang dia...kena g bersihkn tmpt yg t'bako 2....
si t-bag ugut diaorg nk ikut juga....lastly...diaorg bg la si t-bag ni ikut....
so...depa pun masuk la bilik 2....g ketuk simen 2....then habis la....
hu...penat giler la.... |
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