nih kat mana plok nih ..projek mende?? |
saya ada plan nak gi KT cuti raya cina ni...tak penah sampai ke ganu lagi.
kelantan penah la tapi tu pun thn 1984..gi jejak kasih sedara mara kat kg pintu geng, KB...peh tu sampai la ni tak penah lagi jijak kelate. |
rasa trg kene lebih focus pada projek pembinaan modal insan
hehe dari dok tumpu ke projek mega hok gedegang je lebih |
doh betul ke dok aku kata?
maroh la nok maroh...dok daki pun aku..
aku cuma sedih sket tgk keadaan zaman skang nih...
aku dok kesoh ngat pasal politik nih...
yang aku nok tgk adalah terengganu membangun dgn seimbang...bukan hanya fizikal semata2..
pehtu kekayaan negeri dikongsi sama rata...dan rakyat hok berpendapatan rendah terbela...
bukannya masa nak pilihanraya je baru sibuk nak bekki atap zink
kalu negeri kaya tapi org nye miskin wat napa
[ Last edited by drBaBy at 8-1-2009 04:02 PM ] |
Reply #405 drBaBy's post
betol doh hok mu kata tu dr..... |
zaman dulu, pernah mak aku amik inisiatif sendiri ngaja anak2 kg hok dahaga ilmu kat surau kat kg aku nih ..mak aku ngaja english jer..
mula2 tu nak wat kat balairaya, tapi dokleh sbb org kata bukan pojek govt
mok aku dok amik pitih pun...ngajo free ajer..
tu pun org takut...budak kecik nok belajo pun kene ada parti..dok faham aku |
Balas #401 lesung\ catat
projek taman UFO kt pulau anjing..sebelah kg cina tuu...  |
Balas #403 drBaBy\ catat
betul doh tuu...wat prasarana canggih tp rakyat dok reti guna..wat naper |
Balas #408 palmolive\ catat
nganjing ngoh mu nih :@ |
ada ke pulau anjing..kat manaaaaaaaa?? |
Balas #412 lesung\ catat
pulau anjing sebelah kg cina...hok tambung pasir dalam sungai tuu...kalu mung g pasar payang napok arr.. |
pulau tu hok kerajaan negeri ke? |
aku ada tgk dlm pelan bandar kuala terengganu yg tunjuk pulau tuu..nama pulau tuu pulau warisan...tp apa relevannya tambung pasir dlm sungai..kalo air besar dri hulu tak ker jejas ekologi sungai khususnya bahagian muara...pulau tu cadangannya sebagai kawasan rekreasi...ntah laa..padahal dh byk tmpat rekreasi kt ganu nie |
aku rasa we have enough of recreational park..
shud concentrate on the ppl's economy lok..
and lagi satu, kene banyak sket usaha utk preserve our heritage....
cam nak baikpulih rumah2 kayu lama ke, and our traditional industry...cam pembuatan kepok, tembaga, boat.batik...
pehtu lagi alam semulajadi pun kene preserve more....aku sayang sangat tgk....salah satu pojek hok paling aku sedih tgk adalah lagoon kuala ibai...
pokok2 kayu kene tahu preserve,,,we shud follow penang....penang ni dari dulu lagi diorang preserve pokok2 kayu dia...kalau kat tg bungah tu cantik ajerr....kat jalan pun cantek ajer,,,dokla botok ajer permandangan....nyaman shady jer kawasan tu.... terengganu ni aku dok perati asik dok tebang pokok... |

Terengganu architecture restoration

Malay Aristocratic Architecture

Rebuilding the past
SETIU: A high-end resort that combines Terengganu’s uni-que architectural heritage with all the latest modern conveniences is set to open its doors next year. The Terrapuri Heritage Village in Kampung Mangkok is said to be the first of its kind in the state.
In a 19-year labour of love, tour operator Alex Lee, the managing director of Ping Anchorage, has spent close to RM2 million buying 28 traditional Terengganu Malay houses, such as the "Rumah Bujang" and "Rumah Berserambi Terengganu". Some are being restored, and some are being reconstructed using old building materials, some up to 200 years old, that Lee has salvaged.
The layout of the resort is inspired by the 19th century palace of Sultan Mansur II and its surrounding buildings. Nineteen of the houses will be turned into villas and seven will be used as a restaurant, a spa and a gallery displaying Terengganu artifacts and crafts.
Construction is 60 per cent complete and should be finished by September.
Lee said he was inspired to build the resort after the state government demolished a traditional guest house in Marang in 1994.
"I’ve always had a passion for history and I noticed that many of my clients did too. After the demolition of the Marang guest house, many western tourists stopped visiting the town.
"The state has such a colourful history. And every piece of architecture here is meaningful. I wanted to give it a new lease on life," he told the New Straits Times.
Each unit is made of cengal wood and is being restored using traditional methods. No nails are used, only wooden pegs call "pasak".
"I want both the tourists and workers to feel the essence of the buildings," he said.
Each unit will have boards explaining the design of the houses and their carvings.
Not only is the "Terengganu Palace" unique architecturally but it is also located right near a painted terrapin sanctuary. Last year, about 200 green turtles landed on the nearby beach to lay their eggs. And the mangrove swamp behind the resort is home to fire flies.
Combine that with stunning views of Pulau Perhentian, Lang Tengah, Redang and Bidong and the small resort could be one of the jewels in Terengganu’s tourism crown. |
mu g tngok doh ke xxxx
[ Last edited by tuan_wu at 8-1-2009 09:35 PM ] |
Reply #417 BahamRambang's post
cantek2..harus aku gi gok nih...
tapi ni sure akan jadi boutique resort yang bukan ramai mampu utk mengecapi keindahannya..
siap bila? this sept ke? article ni hok bila... |
aku plan nok gi the aryani sabtu ni....nok tgk kecantikannya  |
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Category: Negeri & Negara