Originally posted by switnesz at 23-10-2007 11:58 AM
years ago.. the very first time amik EPO ari2, bln tuh piyed lambat or lag smpai sbln... lepas tuh on off amik EPO sbb bajet, maklumla time tuh studi lg.. tp even xamik EPO (b4 and ...
ko punya bahasa ni...susah lah org nak paham, cubalah tulis betul2 sikit... |
baru start amik EPO balik.. baru semalam start pasalnya baru jumpa balik pas pindah umah haritu
yang paling ketara bila amik EPO ni time dolu2, period teratur la..
bab jerawat x tau plak since memang xde masalah jerawat |
Reply #414 dahayu's post
Ayu...skrg dah brp lama ambik EPO ni ye?
Ada apa2 kesan?
Off topic...
Avatar tu u ye? Comel! |
Reply #409 arsenally's post
1st i amik kt clinic, tk pasti brand apa...i amik yg 500mg..
pastu mkn brand naturelle, 1000mg...dh nk masuk 2 botol...
harga tu tuk 2 btol 49.90, kt watson...
erm...kesan dia bln 1st tu naik jerawat kt kiri n kana pipi....
skang ni dh nk masuk 4 bulan mkn... kulit jd halus...n jerawat x naik dah, juz tinggal parut2 yg pudar je kt pp... |
Reply #423 arsenally's post
ayu tak ambil lagi EPO ni... member yang promot.. teringin gak.. tapi tu la, ayu berisi, takut badan naik... abatar? hehehehe ayu ler.... |
Reply #421 awejeha's post
kalu xpaham... skip je la.. xde paksaan dlm membace post |
Semenjak Orchid makan EPO nie .. parut2 degil dah nampak makin pudar .. kulit pun dah nampak semakin gebu jerk!. |
Originally posted by mama_boomboom at 6-3-2005 07:33 AM
EPO 1000mg
Minyak EPO berkualiti untuk kesihatan dan kecantikkan
* Membantu mengawalatur kitaran haid
* Melegakan Sindrom Sebelum Haid (PMS)-iritasi, sakit kepala, sakit payudara, kesenak ...
epo ni brand cosway ke? bagus ke? |
bagus, mmg bagus, kak red sentiasa simpan wat stok sewaktu ada offer.. sejak umur dah senje ni kene le ambik supplement, kalau tak mau kering kontang je kulit. Tumit yang dulu mula merekah, sejak mengamalkan EPO Cosway ni Alhamdulillah, dah mula licin.. takle segan bila berjalan terlupa pakai stokin. |
Last week on my way to pahang...highway utara selatan ada a few billboard advertisement abt EPO mula tu hafal gak brand dia sbb cadang balik nak surf abt this brand..tp bila dah balik..terlupa laa brand tu....
Ana dulu makan...naik jerawat besaq2 kat muka...ana stop kejap...dan sekarang terus stop...
ni rasa nak makan balik laa lepas baca review dr sini
conclusion bile mkn if tumbuh jerawat..sabar and continue je..mayb itu early reaction.... |
EPO is supposedly good for mastalgia - breast pain. I tried taking 3 g a day and it made the pain disappear. I'm hoping that what I have is mastalgia and not heart problem. Anyway next week nak jumpa cardiologist to find out apa kejadah yang causing my chest pain. |
dah 3 bln badak amik epo. alhamdulillah dah 2 bln peod, still can go to work. sblm ni selalu mc. bergulung atas katil sharian. confirm akan diteruskan pengambilan epo ni.... |
dah 3 bln badak amik epo. alhamdulillah dah 2 bln peod, still can go to work. sblm ni selalu mc. bergulung atas katil sharian. confirm akan diteruskan pengambilan epo ni.... |
lani tengah amik EPO seven seas.. sebab ada promosi kat cosway (buy 2 free 1(|), so beli plak 2 botol EPO dr cosway.
so far takdak apa2 masalah sejak consume EPO ni.. cuma kat bahagian ari2 tu rasa "aktif".. terasa berdenyut2, tapi tak sakit.. hahaha.. |
EPO ni utk wanita yg ingin stablisekan hormone dlm badan. Maklumla pompuan ni ada mood swings and so on. Your situation is normal as it's only a month you consume it, later it will be back to normal and you can see that your skin texture will be beter. Don't worry la. as long as you follow the instructions |
Reply #2 SANKURIANG's post
thanks...risau la ahkak
lepas tu ada la pulak sorang kawan kata -symptom menopause huhu
ahkak rasa ahkak lum nak menopause lagi..Insya Allah..i am not that old
thanks for sharing good info. |
Evening Primrose Oil Benefits
* Extremely high in Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) |
source: http://www.fatsforhealth.com/lib ... ng_Primrose_Oil.php
Evening Primrose Oil
A Supplement for Health and Beauty
Author: Tori Hudson, ND
Source: Bioriginal Publishing
Date Published: October 2000
The evening primrose plant (Oenothera biennis) has been commonly known as "tree primrose" and "sun drop". Evening primrose can be found in many parts of North America and is native in the north temperate zone, especially at high altitudes. The native people of North America as well as the English and pilgrims, were well aware of the healing properties of the leaves and bark as an astringent, sedative and nervine (a herb that affects the nerves and includes relaxants, tonics and even stimulants). It was often used for stomach and liver complaints, coughs and female disorders. Even the roots were eaten as a vegetable. The seeds were recommended as a coffee substitute in wartime and have a strong flavor similar to poppy seed oil. The therapeutic value of the seed oil is a more recent discovery. It is this seed oil, and its essential fatty acid content, that holds the most interest today in maintaining health and preventing disease.
Evening primrose oil is an oil rich in essential fatty acids |
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