Promo AA kali ni mahaii laa...
OT jap..
Malindo Air pun ada promo juga
Malindo via subang airport or KLIA2?
Last edited by suesz on 11-11-2014 05:44 PM
schababe posted on 10-11-2014 04:50 PM 
tix balik dr jogja berapa yg plg murah?
sy tgk rm75..betul ke?
awk dpt berapa ye..
rm105.. return..usha gak jogja

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Post time 12-11-2014 01:47 PM
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suesz posted on 11-11-2014 05:36 PM
Promo AA kali ni mahaii laa...
OT jap..
Nak ke mana tu?
Malindo Air dua2 ada dkt Subang & KLIA2. |
nadia204 posted on 11-11-2014 01:01 PM 
kali ni AA promo mahal gak. kt beli tix to bandung return sorg rm155. xtau murah ke mahal haha. p ja ...
mcm xde beza sgt promo dia kali ni kan??
tp disebabkan gedik nak jalan beli saja ke Bandung
itupon Dec 2015 |
cek promo AA td g langkawi airport tax+fuel surchage+klia 2 fee lg...
sorang RM68 pergi balik tiket 0...belum campur beg belum(rm30) cmpur insurans(rm10),belum cmpur seat(rm6)...
beza masa AA kat lcct pg balik langkawi sorang rm87 dah masuk beg insuran n seat....
bila kira2 beza rm54 jugak la sorang....tp nk bt cmner...brg semua dah mhl skrg..minyak naik harga...klia2 dah cntik...kne lah byr tax |
owen81 posted on 12-11-2014 01:47 PM 
Nak ke mana tu?
Malindo Air dua2 ada dkt Subang & KLIA2.
from kota kinabalu ke KL, subang or KLIA2?
thanks ahh...

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Post time 13-11-2014 05:20 AM
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suesz posted on 12-11-2014 06:10 PM
from kota kinabalu ke KL, subang or KLIA2?
thanks ahh...
Kalau kk Klia2 |
nampaknye diorang tak jadik stop zero processing fee for Big Card .. not yet anyway
"Dear Cardmember,
We refer to the earlier communication released on 27 October 2014 regarding the
discontinuation of the zero processing fee promotion with AirAsia.
In our effort to reduce any potential impact to your on-going usage of the
BIG Prepaid VISA Card at AirAsia, we have decided for the time being to extend the promotion
until further notice when our new and exciting products with similar and/or enhanced features
are made available.
More benefits such as new AirAsia airline benefits, enhanced security and ease
of application are just some of the new features that you can look forward to.
So, please keep a look out for our new products!
Should you require any clarification, please feel free to contact us at our
BIG Prepaid General Line: 03-7718 0000." |
nadia204 posted on 11-11-2014 01:01 PM 
kali ni AA promo mahal gak. kt beli tix to bandung return sorg rm155. xtau murah ke mahal haha. p ja ...
aku dpt JB-Bandung RM115 return, bg aku dh murah sgt tu sbb dari JB kan..sblom ni beli dari JB xpenah dpt harga tu.16 orang rombongan cik kiah kali ni the whole family pegi hehehe |
nak tumpang tanya...
kalau nak web check in AA, kemudian dia suruh kita add on insurance dan bayar.. yang itu compulsary eekkk??
dulu rasa macam tak payah beli insuran pun takpe..
lama dah tak terbang lupa...
dari KL ke KK
terima kasih siapa sudi jawab.
AmMiNafeesa posted on 13-11-2014 10:38 AM 
nak tumpang tanya...
kalau nak web check in AA, kemudian dia suruh kita add on insurance da ...
setakat yang ai tau.. bukan compulsory
tapi kita tunggu kawan2 yang lain tuk confirmation...
terima kasih.. ok juga Malindo.. tapi timing tak ngam huhuhu
1 more,, pernah guna tigerair?
i dah beli tix tapi tak beli luggage.. u rasa strict tak dorang...
sorry..tak faham sangat.. 1st time guna tigerair ni... TQ
Last edited by suesz on 13-11-2014 12:32 PM
salam korang...dh booking tiket aa ke kk..then dh request wheelchair 60 hengget kat web p balik...
1. wheelchair tu depa start tggu dari mana nk tolak? dorang yg tolak atau kite?
2. then kalu kat klia2 okla masuk terus ikut perut (aerobridge) tp kalu dh sampai kk airport dia trnkan pakai ambulift ke atau kene turun pakai tangga then baru dia tolak wheelchair?
pls sape2 ade pengalaman leh share takk....adiossss |

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Post time 13-11-2014 02:32 PM
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suesz posted on 13-11-2014 12:25 PM
setakat yang ai tau.. bukan compulsory
tapi kita tunggu kawan2 yang lain tuk confirmation...
Tigerair ke Tiger airway? Tiger airway nie singapore punya low cost carrier. May be strict kot mcm AA. |

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Post time 13-11-2014 02:33 PM
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AmMiNafeesa posted on 13-11-2014 10:38 AM
nak tumpang tanya...
kalau nak web check in AA, kemudian dia suruh kita add on insurance da ...
Tak compulsory. Just untick je. |
AmMiNafeesa posted on 13-11-2014 10:38 AM 
nak tumpang tanya...
kalau nak web check in AA, kemudian dia suruh kita add on insurance da ...
bukan compulsory ... optional 
owen81 posted on 13-11-2014 02:32 PM 
Tigerair ke Tiger airway? Tiger airway nie singapore punya low cost carrier. May be strict kot mcm ...
a'ha singapore low cost carrier hehehe..
nk tanye..klu kite beli tiket return..tp time pergi tu nk tukar time boleh x?
contoh time fly pukul 10 pg pastu nk tukar ke 6 ptg..
lg satu klu la masa pergi tu kite xjd fly time balik still blh gune tiket yg sme x? |

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Post time 19-11-2014 01:58 PM
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rinie87 posted on 19-11-2014 01:18 PM
nk tanye..klu kite beli tiket return..tp time pergi tu nk tukar time boleh x?
contoh time fly pukul ...
Boleh tukar cuma kena charge fee la. Kalau tak naik masa pegi still boleh naik masa balik. |
owen81 posted on 19-11-2014 01:58 PM 
Boleh tukar cuma kena charge fee la. Kalau tak naik masa pegi still boleh naik masa balik.
dh tgk harga tukar lg mahal dr beli tiket baru ..sbb tu ingt nk beli tiket baru je..
so balik tu blh gune tiket return td tu kan??

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Post time 19-11-2014 02:40 PM
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rinie87 posted on 19-11-2014 02:30 PM
dh tgk harga tukar lg mahal dr beli tiket baru ..sbb tu ingt nk beli tiket baru je..
so balik tu ...
Boleh je guna tiket tuh |
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