Azlee Khairi spin,Forumer Cari balas version thesis pg86-summary pg70,78,79
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zuri154 posted on 15-5-2014 09:47 AM 
tapi ada jugak retis yg suka gusip2 ni sb nama dorg lagi pemes wpun gusip tu gusip buruk... kikiki ...
awat la dia jeles dgn si zara tuh..
klau dari segi famous ker ..iols tgk dua2 famous..(sejak LYMA)..
nah..klau dia jaga adab menjadi public figure..dia senyum jer org dh suka..
belum lg dia beramah tamah..sbb..dia dh ada nama sbg actor kan..pelik la diorg ni..PR mmg ke lautan pasifik..
tk luak pun mnjadi ramah ni..lg org suka & sayang ada la..so retis2 msia..plsssss la..
PR uols tu make up jd marvellous mcm makeup muka iols tu Okay..
dah jadik retis tapi tak suker peminat amik tau hal peribadi
bongoks jugak azlee ni
zarina tu tua baper tahun dri mamat poyo ni, 5 tahun eh?
kesian zarina, dah ler mase ngan azlee macam sendu jer si zarina ni
macam xde job sgt je, azlee kontrol ke?
dpat awek baru yg kayos tetibe jadik selok pulak si azlee ni
hmmm...poor u zarina |
Hessa posted on 15-5-2014 09:56 AM
awat la dia jeles dgn si zara tuh..
klau dari segi famous ker ..iols tgk dua2 famous..(sejak LYMA ...
sebab ramai yg puji lyma tu pemes sb ada zara. kebanyakkan drama azlee sblum ni sendu. heols dlm industri ada takda jer tp lps lyma... nama azlee & zara meletop. tu yg azlee mcm terasa skit. anugerah meletop pun nama zara yg naik. ingatkan azlee dah sedar tapi azlee ni bodoh sombong. bkn nk amek manfaat lps nama heols naik. buat bodoh jer kt ig, bkn nk reply fans pun tup2 heols nk bisness skincare. bila fans tanya psl skincare bkn nk layan pun. sampai skrg lagi teruk, ig bersawang... skrg dah lantik gelpren baru jd admin. mana2 fans yg dok lahar azlee kt porem, terus kena block... gelpren sama naik. hmmmm |
zuri154 posted on 15-5-2014 09:51 AM 
masa lahar fans heols ada ckp heols RIMAS... kikiki...
kesian fan..lps ni cari artis lain la yer fan2 sekalian..
zuri154 posted on 15-5-2014 10:02 AM 
sebab ramai yg puji lyma tu pemes sb ada zara. kebanyakkan drama azlee sblum ni sendu. heols dlm i ...
ala..ambik positif la kan..awat dok pikir yg negatif sgt..
jd public figure ni mental kena touch up skit..
sensitif ni kena sensitif benda2 yg penting..(dlm erti kata lain PEKA)..
then u boleh jd artis..klau sensitif sentap menyentap ni..adoi..susah..klau tk stop acting..cari kerja lain..
edoraixora posted on 15-5-2014 09:59 AM
dah jadik retis tapi tak suker peminat amik tau hal peribadi
bongoks jugak azlee ni
ntah ler jahhh... zarina punye ler patuh dengar ckp si azlee kot... jgn upload gambo kapel, zarina pun ikut. ada porumer jmp azlee & zarina kt one utama jln berdua tp jarak jauh2... sudahnya kena tinggal mcm tu jer... tup2 dah kapel dgn pompuan kaya... mgkn zarina x cukup kaya utk azlee kot... kikiki |
Hessa posted on 15-5-2014 10:07 AM
ala..ambik positif la kan..awat dok pikir yg negatif sgt..
jd public figure ni mental kena touch ...
azlee cita2 nk jd pengarah uols... heols ckp berlakon nk timba ilmu jer... tapi dlm nk timba ilmu bole pulak jeles dgn zara yg glemer dr heols yg dulu geng retis sendu... kikiki... |
Hessa posted on 15-5-2014 10:12 AM
emm..org berkapel..majoritinya inginkan penghujung yg cantik..
klau dia fikir suka2 j ...
azlee telah menggunakan kelebihan dirinya jual saham uols sementara masih laku ni... kikiki |
la..org ambik tahu pun dia susah hati ke.
da org kenl mmg la. klu tak nak org kenal bersara je.
layankan je lah peminat2 tu sementara org masih kenal.
nnt lama2 org pun mls layan. |
Lailawati posted on 15-5-2014 09:20 AM 
Wujud lagi laaa...the Deejays mmg setia ngan Kristal. Jrg dgr yg berenti...abis2 yg berenti sbb da ...
Event management startup's tale begins
[size=0.9em]Ex-radio deejay and TV presenter Norlelawati Puteh (L) supervises preparations for the opening of a bridal trade show at The Mall. The event is MegaVision Event Management Service's first salvo in Brunei's growing event management market. MegaVision is the young entrepreneur's startup company which she set up to tap into the popularity of professional event organisers in the Sultanate. Picture: BT/Bahrum Ali
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
NORLELAWATI PUTEH, known to radio listeners as Lisa, has switched careers and is now about to embark on her first foray as an entrepreneur into the competitive field called event management.
It's a bridal trade show at The Mall that begins today. How the expo fares will give her a few more lessons about the trade, but whether it's a smashing success or not isn't likely to cause her to waiver in her desire to grow MegaVision Event Management Service and to make it in this field. Lisa says she did not want to be among the countless fledgling entrepreneurs venturing into Brunei's crowded restaurant market.
"It has always been my dream to set up my own business which is related to my hobbies and expertise," she says, noting she wanted to steer clear from the run-of-the-mill shops. "There are now already so many restaurants in Brunei, yet so many people want to open up restaurants."
Lisa used to work for a private firm as a corporate marketing officer. This was followed by a six-month stint doing event management for another company.
Lisa says her advertising experience has boosted her confidence that she could do better and more for her own future.
"By doing business which is related to my area of interest, I get to have more fun and am able to make more income," says Lisa.
By organising a trade fair, she is not only aiming to do it for her own satisfaction, but at the same time, it is one way to help promote some local businesses get marketing exposure, says Lisa.
She understands that there are now a number of established event management companies. But it's a healthy challenge that she says she must overcome.
Each businessman must have his or her own goals. The reason she chose this business is because she knows it is something she enjoys doing.
There is a lot of potential in this business, says the former radio deejay and TV presenter, adding that the market is not limited to the corporate world and government agencies. There are family reunions and special occasions that the startup can help organise, she says.
Lisa welcomes any type of client who want to see their special functions run smoothly and successfully.
Lisa shares that when she started out, she had to will herself to overcome challenges patiently.
"After getting a business licence, I injected more than $10,000 to run this business and finally I succeeded to rent an office in Madang," she said.
One of her bigger challenges now involves booking strategic venues such as The Mall and the International Convention Centre which most competitors also want for their events. More challenges will come her way, she acknowledges, noting though that she would always find ways to sustain and improve her business strategies.
Her first event at The Mall concludes on Sunday. But right now, she's making a long mental list of things to do as she's already picturing ways to smoothly organise her next, an IT expo in March 2010. The Brunei Times
inusya posted on 15-5-2014 10:26 AM
la..org ambik tahu pun dia susah hati ke.
da org kenl mmg la. klu tak nak org kenal bersara je.
la ...
susah hati ler jahhh kalo lagi org amek tau... mana tau lagi kena gali lagi yg buruk2 terbongkar sama... mana yg bole tutup... tutup sajorkkk... kikiki |
ice98 posted on 14-5-2014 04:54 PM 
shopping kat uptown damansara. dlm panas2 tu, pakai jacket siap dgn hood tutup kepala. tgn masuk dlm ...
hahaha..sampai mcm tu?sah fefeling brad pitt mamat ni 
coklat_cadbury posted on 15-5-2014 10:31 AM
Event management startup's tale begins
Ex-radio deejay and TV presenter Norlelawati P ...
TT, ni benang azlee atau benang gelpren azlee... konpius iols... yg retisnya tu azlee, gelpren tau menempel 24 jam kt set penggambaraan... tu kira retis ke TT??? kikiki
mohon mana2 direktor amek gelpren azlee jd extra... sebab sheols pun kepingin glemer samerrr... kikiki |
Hessa posted on 15-5-2014 10:35 AM
tula..klau rimas dgn fans boleh lak jeles dgn zara?..
kesian mek tuh..tkde kena mengena..dh ten ...
azlee punya PR ke laut uols... eregen tak bertempat tp kata fans kalo jmp depan2 katanya ok, kt laman sosial mmg kejung beku... sb heols declare bukan retis laman sosial katanya... azlee igt skrg zaman batu kot... kikiki |
Hessa posted on 15-5-2014 10:35 AM 
tula..klau rimas dgn fans boleh lak jeles dgn zara?..
kesian mek tuh..tkde kena mengena..dh ten ...
btol...x pasai2 zara jd mangsa.
en azlee yg dulu ku sayangi ( lani pun xlah benci. sbb sayang lagi lah kami dok nasihat hang ni - wpon mostly nmpk cam lahar kaw2 punya. haku kalo dah benci, aku buat dek jaa. pi mampoih la hg nak melingkup ka, terlungkup kaa..)
ni nak habaq mai, mohon bersara dr donia retis kalo x mo org amik tau pasai hang.
or blk semula ke kehidupan retis sendu hang dulu. diulangi, kami x benci hang. tp kalo perangai berterusan buat dek ngan fans
lama2 hang bleh ilang dlm ingatan fans tau. hang igt 4.6 juta tu mai dr mana? kubuq?
hg menang dfkl tu sapa undi? hantu? ka hg dok undi diri sendiri semedang.
kalo diri sendiri xdak PR yg baguih, jgn dok mendengki org lain yg jaga PR tu berjaya.
hang sampai tahap org lain tolong promo secara sukarela sbb suka dan nak tgk hang berjaya. xdak 1 keuntungan pun bg pihak yg promo tu
tapi, ada hang hargai seadaanya? hang block org tu kott! ( yg hang lahar tu lain. yang hang block ni lain. yang hg block ni x penah memburukkan hang pun tau) tp org yg kena block x sentap pun..still promo hang.
nmpk dak, ikhlsnya fans yang hang dok kata tak ikhlas tu?
hanya sbb dia fans di media sosial.
so, sila pi depan cermin dan muhasabah diri.
dr iols yg seumur idup x penah minat retis tahap kesaruk tp dgn hang azlee khairi zulah hainee, pertama kali aku minat retisss tahap ripit drama berpuluh kali! bukan kecewa tapi terkilan. org yg bakat tp x reti hargai bakat dan peminat
zuri154 posted on 15-5-2014 10:50 AM 
TT, ni benang azlee atau benang gelpren azlee... konpius iols... yg retisnya tu azlee, gelpren ta ...
hehehe...untuk mengukuhkan hujah yg kekasih azlee khairi adalah wanita berharta dari Brunei ye cik zarina..ops!
coklat_cadbury posted on 15-5-2014 10:56 AM 
hehehe...untuk mengukuhkan hujah yg kekasih azlee khairi adalah wanita berharta dari Brunei ye cik ...
zuri tu bukan zarina. jgn tanya bukti. tapi mmg pasti.
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