8-year-old Math Whiz Whips Up Own Mathematical Formula
KUALA LUMPUR: Despite being only 8 years old, Malaysian child prodigy Adi Putra Abdul Ghani has already managed to come up with his own mathematical formula, called the 183 formula.
The formula can be used to solve mathematical problems, including coming up with 14 different solutions for a single mathematical problem.
Adi Putra said that the 183 formula which he created in 2005 used elements from the movement of the universe, the Earth, and the Moon as well as the ascent of a mountain to perform various calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Adi Putra's potential had been noticed when he was only six years old. Though he had not yet received any formal schooling at the time, IQ tests showed that he possessed extraordinary talent.
The child prodigy has come up with a 12-module learning program to help children of different ages learn mathematics. |
Adi Putra said that the 183 formula which he created in 2005 used elements from the movement of the universe, the Earth, and the Moon as well as the ascent of a mountain to perform various calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Okay, what does the formula do EXACTLY again? what the frek is this boy talking about? if i need to solve addition, substraction, multiplcation and division, I'd used a frekking Calculator! Does this formula EXPLAIN some natural laws (like gravity), or some mathematical laws. Such an IDIOT!
This boy is a hoax.
Those who think he is a 'genius' is clearly fooled and can't tell the difference between a genius and a complete ar.se whole! |
Reply #462 merigigi's post
kalau setakat buat formula 4 basic operations of maths.... tak payah ketuk gendang kuat2... mungkin jugak laaa idea Adi ni sesuai utk pembelajaran kanak2 yg sebaya dgn dia... jgn nanti jemu belajar di Unisel udah ler.. Adi oiii... |
ye lah teringin nak tengok ape formula2 yg dia dah create tuh. ada sape2 leh paste? |
adiputra yang cerdik atau pemberita yang kurang cerdik ni? bercerita bagai nak rak, .. ntah-ntah adiputra ni rilek jek |
ada gambar tak tempek sikit
pastu kalo ada gambar tapak tangan dia |
bapak dia tak hensem |
suruh dia belajar nak tau nombor ramalan yang keluar besok kan bagus |
cadangan saya:
TV3/RTM melalui rancangan "live"nya menjemput adi putra dan beberapa pakar matematik untuk mengujinya. Mereka boleh memberikan soalan-soalan matematik kepda adiputra untuk diselesaikan. Di situ dapatlah kita tahu sebijak mana adiputra ini. Masa itu juga adiputra hendaklah menerangkan formula-formula ciptaannya untuk disoal oleh pakar-pakar matematik tersebut.
Saya rasa ini adalah lebih berfaedah untuk RTM jalankan daripada membuat liputan secara langsung pertemuan Mawi dengan Ina Kulai dan membazir "airtime" untuk perkara-perkara yang bukan2. |
Reply #465 cipanbakar's post
kalau tak silap aku
dalam tv arituh formula dia
a x b = b x a
pastuh lukis segitiga
satu lagik nig

tapi aku tak paham atas dasar apa unisel terima dia nih
kalau gi interview scholarship mesti tak lepas jek
jangan berenti lagik sudah |
aku takut budak ni tak terbawa je subject2 lain tu... |
Adi Putra suntik semangat 400 murid
Reply #478 dainese's post
nak masuk oxford, ambik exam dulu lah cikkk!!!
ko ingat senang ke masuk oxford? budak ni pandai sangat ke nak masuk oxford? kalau setakat boleh kira laju laju tu, banyak orang boley... ko pernah tak dengar carol vodderman? minah ni pun pandai kira kira jugak, tapi tak prodigy.
matematiccs, esp peringkat tinggi, dah tak kira kira dah... banyak pemahaman concept... kira kira is for budak budak only ma!
please don't insult those yang dapat masuk oxford, bertungkus lumus amik exam and curicullar activity sampai tersembur air liur masa gi interview...
menyampah betul! |
Reply #479 merigigi's post
yer laa..maksud aku suh la budak nih pegi amik test masuk oxford tuh...baru la tau tahap kegeniusan budak nih ha...bukan aku tak tau oxford tuh world class punyer universitas... |
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