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ALL About London VI (England)

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Post time 22-4-2012 11:54 PM | Show all posts
Reply 479# aishahahmad
[quote] kalau kite amik train london ANY to oxford, maknanyer, boleh amik tren tu kat mana2 station kan ...

kak kalau akak type London Any misalnya dia akan bg akak option from which station the train departs..
kdg2 ada 2 train yg akan depart ke Oxford misalnya..
satu dr station paddington, satu lagi dr station KingsX..

then akak pilih yg pukul berapa or dr train mana yg akak nak depart..
or train mana yg have the shortest journey atau yg tak payah change...

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Post time 22-4-2012 11:57 PM | Show all posts
Reply 490# twins

[quote]opis mate kaka twins pun ada sebut naper tak gi ke greenwich.... dia dulu be ...

kalau kaka twins boleh spare the time boleh lah pegi..
kalau tidak then tak payah lah kak..
explore jer apa yg dah ada kat dlm itinerary k..

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:00 AM | Show all posts
Reply 494# LelaRentaka7

Tu la pasal.... takut sesak sangat Itinerary tu..... jarak Greenwich tu dari kota London berapa jauh plak?

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:02 AM | Show all posts
Reply 479# aishahahmad

pastu, apa ke makna, london mainline stations, ada specific station or mana2 station leh terjah ?

yg ni sama jugak.. bila kak aishah book nnt akan keluar option for semua train station yg ada service ke tempat yg kak aishah nak tuju dan beli tix.. so kak aishah pilih dr station mana nak bertolak .. pilih lah yg takder change.. yg ada change selalunya lebih murah dr direct train..

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:06 AM | Show all posts
Reply  LelaRentaka7

Tu la pasal.... takut sesak sangat Itinerary tu..... jarak Greenwich tu dari ...
twins Post at 23-4-2012 00:00

bukan lela tak encourage kakak pegi tapi kalau nak ke greenwich dia kat belah canary wharf..
nak pegi sana kena naik DLR yg senang...
about setengah jam train ride..

kalau dalam setengah hari boleh spare boleh lah pegi sini kak...takkan TnG saja..
Lela tak mahu ada yg rambang mata..nnt semua nak pegi tapi tak dpt nak appreciate tempat2 tu semua..

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:14 AM | Show all posts
bukan lela tak encourage kakak pegi tapi kalau nak ke greenwich dia kat belah canary wharf..
na ...
LelaRentaka7 Post at 23-4-2012 00:06

tak per lela...kaka twins tanya jerrr... rasaya mmg tak sempat kottt... itupun hanya 2 hari utk kota London pun mgkin tak sempat nak appreciate sangat apa yg di lawati pun.... lagi 2 hari utk ouside london.. tp ofcourse la Greenwich mmg tak der dalam list... gi Portsmouth pun dah sehari suntuk... Oxford pun sama....

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:17 AM | Show all posts
tak per lela...kaka twins tanya jerrr... rasaya mmg tak sempat kottt... itupun hanya 2 hari utk  ...
twins Post at 23-4-2012 00:14

itinerary yg utk 1st day kak twins tu dah ok dah tu kan..
yg tu mmg lela tak bg kak twins tido sampaaaaaai larut mlm..
enjoy your trip yer kak.. dont forget to be safe..

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:22 AM | Show all posts
itinerary yg utk 1st day kak twins tu dah ok dah tu kan..
yg tu mmg lela tak bg kak twins tido sa ...
LelaRentaka7 Post at 23-4-2012 00:17

   heheheh... tenkiu lela..Insya'allah e'thing will be fine...malam esok dah tak sempat nak tidor kat rumah dah... sbb dah nak kena travel ke epot..

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:27 AM | Show all posts
heheheh... tenkiu lela..Insya'allah e'thing will be fine...malam esok dah tak sempat nak ti ...
twins Post at 23-4-2012 00:22

owh kak twins nnt kena gerak ke KLIA dah yer..

jacket jgn lupa bawak sbb temperature tak menentu skarang.. kalau ada baju hujan lagi bagus...

hihihi.. tip terakhir ni buat akak sebelum pergi utk kali ni..

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:34 AM | Show all posts
owh kak twins nnt kena gerak ke KLIA dah yer..

jacket jgn lupa bawak sbb temperature tak mene ...
LelaRentaka7 Post at 23-4-2012 00:27

baju tebal tu confirm bawak...kalau boleh nak bawak selimut tebal kat umah nih...hehe cuma tak muat beg jerrr...kehkehkehbaju hujan pun ada...payung pun ada....

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:39 AM | Show all posts
baju tebal tu confirm bawak...kalau boleh nak bawak selimut tebal kat umah nih...hehe cu ...
twins Post at 23-4-2012 00:34

wahhh..dah betul2 siap nak menghadapi erratic weather ni..bagus kak.. lega lela..

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:46 AM | Show all posts
Reply 508# LelaRentaka7

   lela kalau takat trench coat sajork ok tak? huhuhu... nak pakai winter jacket lagi keeee ek? berry tgk forecast ni paris time berry pi tu mcm 6C, min.

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:48 AM | Show all posts
kalau nak download map kat phone kan, map ape yg patot download? hahaha adui... ni mmg blur ni baru smpai from melaka.. pi tukar duit sikit lg tadi.,. berry poninggg

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:50 AM | Show all posts
Reply 503# LelaRentaka7

   kalau lela tgk itinerary berry tu smpat ke berry pi greenwich? kalau tak sempat berry let go jah takpe... olympic stadium tu celah vedah mana ya.. macam dah settle kan semua igt nak pergi ambil2 gmbar ke.. tak sempat pi time olympic, pi stadium dia sajork cukuplaaa

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:51 AM | Show all posts
Reply 499# DocYana

   hehe yana pi anfield tu keee... homaigod... kerlast! berry mmg tak minat bola bagai nie.,, kehkeh...

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Post time 23-4-2012 01:01 AM | Show all posts
Reply 511# whiteberry

kalau lela tgk itinerary berry tu smpat ke berry pi greenwich? kalau tak sempat berry let go jah takpe... olympic stadium tu celah vedah mana ya.. macam dah settle kan semua igt nak pergi ambil2 gmbar ke.. tak sempat pi time olympic, pi stadium dia sajork cukuplaaa

tak sempat sbb kat Greenwich there are alot to see..infact utk yg nak ke Greenwich lela nak suggest cross river thames guna underground tunnel... stop it Berry..don't you dare !!!

stadium mana? utk games apa.. heats ker? kena bg tahu... why dont you just cari 1 More Place?
lagi releven kan..

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Post time 23-4-2012 01:03 AM | Show all posts
Reply 509# whiteberry

lela kalau takat trench coat sajork ok tak? huhuhu... nak pakai winter jacket lagi keeee ek? berry tgk forecast ni paris time berry pi tu mcm 6C, min. everybody should be wearing trenchcoat or light jacket... kalau nak beli kat sini SuperDry Japan quite practical..

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Post time 23-4-2012 01:09 AM | Show all posts
Reply 510# whiteberry

kalau nak download map kat phone kan, map ape yg patot download? hahaha adui... ni mmg blur ni baru smpai from melaka.. pi tukar duit sikit lg tadi.,. berry poninggg

nak senang guna google jer Berry..then you just check the 'walk' option...

what navigation application are you using now?

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Post time 23-4-2012 02:09 AM | Show all posts
The Olympic Park
Olympic Games: Diving, Swimming, Synchronised Swimming, Modern Pentathlon, Basketball, Handball, BMX, Hockey, Athletics, Track
Cycling, Water Polo

Paralympic Games: Paralympic Swimming, Wheelchair Basketball, Wheelchair Rugby, Wheelchair Tennis, Paralympic Five-a-side Football, Paralympic Seven-a-side Football, Paralympic Athletics, Paralympic Track Cycling, Goalball

Getting there :
Jubilee and Central lines, and West Ham on the District and Hammersmith & City lines. West Ham station is
approximately 15 minutes walk from the entrance to the Olympic Park along a dedicated walkway.

The City of Coventry Stadium
Sport: Football

Earls Court
Sport: Volleyball

Eton Dorney
Sport: Rowing, Paralympic Rowing, Canoe Sprint
access to Eton Dorney:
Slough station, with direct services from London Paddington, Reading and Oxford;
Windsor & Eton Riverside station, with direct services from London Waterloo; and
Maidenhead station, with direct services from Reading.
All three stations have connections from the rest of the National Rail network and will have shuttle bus services to the venue.

Sport: Boxing, Fencing, Judo, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Weightlifting, Wrestling, Boccia, Paralympic Table Tennis, Paralympic Judo,
Paralympic Powerlifting, Sitting Volleyball, Wheelchair Fencing
Location: ExCeL is situated near London City Airport in east London’s Royal Victoria Dock.
ExCeL is on the Beckton and Woolwich Arsenal DLR lines. The venue can be reached from Bank or Tower Gateway stations in central
London, on the Woolwich Arsenal or Beckton lines. Spectators should arrive at Custom House (on the Beckton line) or West Silvertown
(on the Woolwich Arsenal line) and depart from Prince Regent or Pontoon Dock station.

Greenwich Park
Sport: Equestrian events – Jumping, Dressage and Eventing, Paralympic Equestrian, Modern Pentathlon
DLR routes to Greenwich run from Bank in central London, Stratford in the east and Lewisham in the south. Use Greenwich station,
not Cutty Sark for Maritime Greenwich, which will be closed at peak periods during the Games.

Hadleigh Farm, Essex
Sport: Mountain Bike
Hadleigh Farm is to the east of London, in Essex

Hampden Park
Sport: Football
Hampden Park is situated a few miles to the south of Glasgow city centre, in Scotland.

Hampton Court Palace
Sport: Road Cycling (Time Trial)
Hampton Court is located in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames in south-west London.

Horse Guards Parade.
Sport: Beach Volleyball
Horse Guards Parade lies at the heart of Whitehall, the political centre of the UK. It is close to Downing Street and
across St James’s Park from Buckingham Palace.

Hyde Park
Sport: Triathlon, Marathon Swimming

The Lee Valley White Water Centre
Sport: Canoe Slalom
30km north of the Olympic Park, on the edge of the 1,000-acre River Lee Country Park – part of the 26-mile long, 10,000-

acre Lee Valley Regional Park in Hertfordshire

Lord’s Cricket Ground
Sport: Archery
Lord’s is in St John’s Wood, north-west London. It is near Regent’s Park.

The Mall
Sport: Athletics (Marathon and Race Walk), Paralympic Athletics (Marathon), and Road Cycling (Road Race)
The Mall lies in the heart of London, and runs from Buckingham Palace at its western end to Trafalgar Square at its
eastern end.

The Millennium Stadium
Sport: Football
The Millennium Stadium is on the banks of the River Taff, right in the heart of Cardiff, Wales.

North Greenwich Arena
Sport: Artistic Gymnastics, Trampoline, Basketball, Wheelchair Basketball

Old Trafford
Sport: Football
Old Trafford is located within a few miles of Manchester city centre, in the north-west of England.

The Royal Artillery Barracks
Sport: Shooting, Paralympic Shooting, Paralympic Archery
On the edge of Woolwich Common in south east London, close to the World Heritage Site of Greenwich Park.

St James’ Park
Sport: Football
St James’ Park is situated right in the city centre of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the north east of England.

Wembley Arena
Sport: Badminton; Rhythmic Gymnastics
Wembley Arena is in north-west London, around six miles from the city centre. It is next to Wembley Stadium.

Wembley Stadium
Sport: Football
North-west London

Weymouth Bay and Portland Harbour
Sport: Sailing, Paralympic Sailing
Dorset, on the south coast of England

Sport: Tennis
Wimbledon is in south west London, near Richmond Park and the World Heritage Site of Kew Gardens

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:23 PM | Show all posts
itinerary yg utk 1st day kak twins tu dah ok dah tu kan..
yg tu mmg lela tak bg kak twins tido sa ...
LelaRentaka7 Post at 23-4-2012 00:17

lela....tenkius laling for all the pencerahan.  also thanks to all who have given tips and info. thanks sesangat. byk ilmu yg akak dpt. rasanya akak & twins will stick to our iti (for now la...)

24 - ETA 4.15pm (lps check in gi tgk lampu kat oxford street)
25 & 26 - kota london
27 - portsmouth
28 - 6/5  paris, brussel, luxembourgh, lauterbrunnen, amsterdam
7/5 - tour oxford
8/5 - ETD 10pm
9/5 - ETA KLIA
10/5 - masuk opis!

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