semalam aku tgk eurpstar london-paris 29.50pound
betul ke weii
apsal mcm murah ek???
ke aku salah tgk? |
Reply #511 bja's post
betui la tu.
pegi balik jadik 59 pound.
mcm kitorang dapt haritu |
cane nk g st pancras dr stansted airport??? |
Reply #513 bja's post
aritu nenek naik stanstes xpress (train)
turun kat liverpool street station.
naik tube ke st pancras |
tgh2 mlm ade lagik ke train/tube tu sume?? |
Reply #515 bja's post
kalo ikot website stansted tu sampai jam 12am lebeh je.
tube pon sama gak rasanya. boleh check kat web bawah ni. bus je 24jam
http://www.tfl.gov.uk |
aku penah baca better amik eurostar return tiket lagik murah dr one way
ye ke???
tp tgk website ni sama je..29.50 pegi 29.50 balik
:: confius :: |
Reply #517 bja's post
heheh tu dah kira murah la tu.
59 pound pegi balik kan |
nenek hari tu naik AA ke? |
Reply #522 nenektua's post
nenek budget berapa riban aritu? |
Reply #524 mawarputeh's post
lebeh kurang dalam 6-7 k gitu la |
nk tnye pasal eurail pass
let say amik 5 country - 10 dys in 2 months
tu dikire mcm mana ek
10 dys dr 1st day start perjalanan ke
2 months tu pulak maksud nya apa
let say brussels - amsterdam - germany - swiss - italy - paris (5 cntry)
start dr brussel on 10/12
so kena touch down kat paris tu on 19/12 ke?
kena ngam2 10 hari berturut2 utk 5 ctry tu ek?
tolonggg..tak paham |
monik naik AA dr lcct 3.35pm ke?
kalo da smp tgh mlm kt victoria station tu, selamat ke nk amik bus utk ke st pancras tgh2 mlm tu |
Reply #525 bja's post
bja...jgn risau..london 24 hours hidup... monik naik dr LCCT flite kul 4.20 ptg. smapi stansted 10.40 mlm cam tuh la....monik amik bus and sampai kat victoria stop dlm kul 2 pagi....okeh jer....ramai lagi org....duk la heret beg...mula2 monik cam malu gak nak tarik2 beg..pastu tgk kiri kanan.....mmg sumer tarik beg...  |
Reply #525 bja's post
bja...jgn risau..london 24 hours hidup... monik naik dr LCCT flite kul 4.20 ptg. smapi stansted 10.40 mlm cam tuh la....monik amik bus and sampai kat victoria stop dlm kul 2 pagi....okeh jer....ramai lagi org....duk la heret beg...mula2 monik cam malu gak nak tarik2 beg..pastu tgk kiri kanan.....mmg sumer tarik beg...  |
Originally posted by bja at 18-6-2009 15:59 
nk tnye pasal eurail pass
let say amik 5 country - 10 dys in 2 months
tu dikire mcm mana ek
10 dys dr 1st day start perjalanan ke
2 months tu pulak maksud nya apa
let say brussels - ams ...
Bja, kalau ikot dari apa yang kat website eurail pass tu. u boleh pi trabel mana-mana ikut suka.
tak payah berturut2. Misalnya 25hb naik train ke brussel. (1 hari)
27hb Paris (1 hari)
Tapi travel tu kena habiskan dalam tempoh 2 months la.
Ini nenek kopi pes dari web dorang. http://www.eurail.com/eurail-find-the-best-pass
When you choose a Select Pass or Regional Passyou will have a number of travel days within a period of 2 months. Youcan choose yourself when you want to have a travel day. You can usethem non-consecutively. |
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