Balas #527 monik\ catat
monik naik easybus bape pound??
easy bus ngan terravision tak sama eh |
Balas #529 bja\ catat
easybus ngan terravision lain.....easybus cam van...rega tak ingat la bja....tp yg monik ingat mmg dpt less 10 pound /one way. kena check psl dia sellau ader promo
bja leh check kat sini....
http://www.easybus.co.uk |
Travel days- A travel day lasts 24 hours, from midnight to midnight (from 00:00 to 24:00 hours).
- Exception: if you board a direct, overnight train after 7pm on a certain day, then only the following day (the day of arrival of the night train) is counted as a travel day. On your Eurail Pass, you would write the day of arrival on the pass prior to boarding the overnight train. You effectively will receive 5 hours of travel for free! Please note: travel cannot begin before 00h01 on the first day of the overall validity period of the Pass. If your first travel day is for example Wednesday 6 August, you cannot use the '7 pm rule' on Tuesday the 5th yet.
:: still tak paham hehe :: |
Originally posted by bja at 19-6-2009 00:39 
Travel daysA travel day lasts 24 hours, from midnight to midnight (from 00:00 to 24:00 hours).Exception: if you board a direct, overnight train after 7pm on a certain day, then only the fol ...
sy pun tengah confuse gak dgn eurail pass ni..... |
5 hari kat paris ni lebih dari cukup ke tak cukup
nak merayap tenguk semua tempat menarik..... |
tourist area ni cam ef. tower, shopping area, etc
arrondisement no berapa yek?
kalau nak cari hotel murah, arrondisement no berapa agaknya yg best. |
533# faraway1
faraway, kalo 5 hari tuh....cukup dah tuh.....psl 1 day u dah boleh cover center paris, then next day tuh, u dah boleh ke marselleies muzium tuh and mcm2 tmpt lgi u boleh pegi kalo u spent 5 days kt paris. |
533# faraway1
faraway, kalo 5 hari tuh....cukup dah tuh.....psl 1 day u dah boleh cover center paris, then next day tuh, u dah boleh ke marselleies muzium tuh and mcm2 tmpt lgi u boleh pegi kalo ...
monik Post at 8-8-2009 23:28 
11 hari to go 
selain museum, ef. tower apa lagi yg patut tak miss
kat sana...
kfc konpem ke halal...
sapa ada pengalaman dr paris, fly ke budapest.... |
me ingat nak tour paris dgn bas double decker tu,
yg dua hari keliling europe, lepas tu tour dgn bot pulak..
cam tak mahal aje, jadi cam nak buat jugak..
sapa ada pengalaman buat dua dua tour camni... |
nak tanya, kalau kita dah pernah pegi disneyworld
(me pegi dua kali disneyworld, florida)
disney france ni verylah menarik utk tidak dilepaskan
peluang melawat atau tidak....... |
get a bad comment from my friend in paris...
hati jadi berbelah bagi nak pergi ke tak nak paris nie..
kalau tak jadi paris..ingat nak ke rome..
what is your opinion my friend? |
get a bad comment from my friend in paris...
hati jadi berbelah bagi nak pergi ke tak nak paris nie..
kalau tak jadi paris..ingat nak ke rome..
what is your opinion my fri ...
HUSSAINTAHIR Post at 12-8-2009 13:28 
senang aje, utk tau kawan u cakap benar atau tidak..
kenalah u ke paris utk tau sendiri....
me ingat masa me ke nepal, dgn tentara merata, strike hampir setiap hari..
semua kata bahaya, tapi me pegi jugak..
sbbnya kenalah tau sendiri, bukan asyik dengar orang cakap aje...
8 hari lagi sampai paris..
tak sabar nak cakap french ngan dorang...
utk test my french language  |
senang aje, utk tau kawan u cakap benar atau tidak..
kenalah u ke paris utk tau sendiri....
me ingat masa me ke nepal, dgn tentara merata, strike hampir setiap hari..
semua kata bahaya, tapi ...
faraway1 Post at 13-8-2009 06:34 
hehe..kena sahut cabaran faraway nie hehehe
nevermind i'll give paris a try... |
kfc halal. mmg tok arab owns the chain. tp q mmg panjang lah sbb penuh orang arab nak makan ayam
me personally thinks that 5 days kira ok nak pusing2 paris. so much things to see, so many places to go, so much flavor to taste. |
both place have their own beauty. tak rugi pergi either or coz u can still learn and see something new from that place. tp i personally, i like paris better 
544# kicaptamin575
kicap....agreed. settip tempat tuh ader speciality tersendiri and it depends to individu......like paris, saper yg suka soping moping, branded butik....luxury....paris is the place. for rome plak.....the architecture hem...no doubt bout the architecture kan...so, monik rasa....kalau ader peluang dua2 kene pegi...hehehh..... |
Post Last Edit by naqies at 13-8-2009 15:06
544# kicaptamin575
kicap....agreed. settip tempat tuh ader speciality tersendiri and it depends to individu......like paris, saper yg suka soping moping, branded butik....luxury....paris is the p ...
monik Post at 13-8-2009 14:22 
nak menuntut ilmu ngan monik ler....
tak nov/dec nak gi paris emmmm
almaklum ler dah duk berjiran....
kalo dari sini nak tunggu tabung....lambat lg ler sampai |
nak tanya, kalau kita dah pernah pegi disneyworld
(me pegi dua kali disneyworld, florida)
disney france ni verylah menarik utk tidak dilepaskan
peluang melawat atau tidak.......
faraway1 Post at 12-8-2009 01:12 AM 
disneyland in france ok ok la, not so big kot compared to the one in florida. but since u ada 5 hari kat sana, why not? 
btw, the double decker tour bus in paris is very reliable. dia ada a few interchange points, and bus dia ada every 10 mins or so. mmg worth it to take it, pasal dia cover byk tempat.
kalau u nak masuk lourve, i cadangkan pakai tour guide (unless u r art enthusiast, and u tau byk pasal art history) it's very2 huge, so kalau nak jalan kaki sendiri utk cover semua benda mmg penat. plus with guide u tak yah queue. |
544# kicaptamin575
kicap....agreed. settip tempat tuh ader speciality tersendiri and it depends to individu......like paris, saper yg suka soping moping, branded butik....luxury....paris is the p ...
monik Post at 13-8-2009 01:22 
me sendiri menetap kat beautiful unesco heritage city,
dan still very berminat nak tenguk tempat lain.....
semua tak sama... semua bagi pengalaman berbeza..
jadi, kenalah pegi utk tau sendiri...... |
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