Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 5-4-2014 12:30 PM
Itulah, kesian kat artis kadang-kadang. Susah nak cari pasangan hidup. Semua kena fikirkan peminat ...
ya...yang lagu i letak kat atas tu..the rumours when it;s been released.. the song is about his relationship with another artist Patty Hou....it is certainly hard when he is more popular than his partner...the girl just want a simple relationship...come on..he is jay chou..how to have a "simple" relationship when your partner is Jay Chou kan...so tak synchronized,berpisah la mereka..... tunggu dia kahwin..wonder what song he gonna composed...
erm sbb tu i suka instrumental song..cuz it is up to your intrepretation..nak jadi sad ke happy ke...romantic ke...
this is my love song...
i buat ringtone lagu ni selalu banyak missed call..cuz tak dengar...lol...
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 5-4-2014 12:30 PM
Harus kenal kalau dah kata peminat
no la..i minat lagu2 dia je...personal life dia i tak follow pun....gosip2 i tahu pasal dia pun dari kawan i...dia baca majalah gosip Chinese artist..so ya...
Elle_mujigae posted on 5-4-2014 04:31 PM
ya...yang lagu i letak kat atas tu..the rumours when it;s been released.. the song is about his re ...
Kesian kan. Dugaan pulak sebagai pasangan artis tu kalau dah bercouple dengan artis, kenalah hadap macam tu.
Uh...you okay ke kalau Jay Chou nak kahwin? Macam saya cakap tadi, ada sesetengah peminat yang tak boleh terima kalau artis pujaan nak kahwin. So you kategori ok atau tak ok?
Sama. Sama. Saya pun suka muzik instrumental. Boleh buat kerja dengan tenang