Untuk Yang MEnganGgur Tapi Ader Diploma/ Ijazah
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sib baik eima dah keje
yg penting jgn terlalu memilih & insyaAllah rezeki tu ada di mana2... |
Originally posted by dexa at 12/21/06 08:40 AM
i wanna touch a bit why most of the time this graduate
students unsuccessful and still unemployed and stay at
home finish up their parents rice so to speak eh --.
I wouldn't be surprised though. Graduate students are students, they can't work full time, and there are not that many part-time jobs that fit their schedules. But if they just stay at home, now that's bad. They should be going to lectures. |
Originally posted by dexa at 12/21/06 08:40 AM
why talking with friends or at home in English?
cuz thats how u practice your pronunciation, your confidence
and your self esteem in mastering the language -
yeah, the best way to improve is to speak the language. but one has to find the right partner for it, not everyone will be cooperative enough. our people tend to think that when we speak English, we're berlagak (that's why most of the time I just stayed quiet when I came back to Malaysia last month). |
just 2 share my own opinion and experiences...some employees are looking for flexible,trainable and mobile employees...meaning that graduates are encouraged to be active,and able to take up any challenging positions in organizations...this is what happens to me rite now...it's just been 3 months i'm working in one of the private colleges in jb..i was appointed as an event coordinator for my college orientation nite dinner...i want to refuse this position with the fact that i lacked in term of experience and etc...but,my supervisor said...they purposely appointed me because they want to see young people to take part in certain major tasks..that's how they train people..so...graduands out there..!!be prepared before pursuing in a career world.. |
sebab tak dpt kerja sebab kena kongkong dr mak ayah macam mana tu? |
masalahnya time aku dulu university ada kurang dari 10 buah ....sekarang ni......umang aiii tak terkira......university swasta laa, twin university la bla bla.....bayangkan berapa byk graduan tu.....and yes.....i do agree with dexa they not master in english .....kalau tak master pun dalam english at least they need to converse in english taklaa tergagap gagap masa interview tu.......itulaa masalahnyerr
sikap dia orang pun satu.....cuba laa bidang lain ker,.....at least mencubaaaaa |
Originally posted by decent77 at 12-4-2007 11:37 PM
sebab tak dpt kerja sebab kena kongkong dr mak ayah macam mana tu?
macamana tu?
persoalan ni saya tak faham -
adakah maksud awak - tak dapat kerja sebab mak bapak tak beri
or tak dapat kerja sebab mak bapak yang tak setuju kerja yang
awak dapat or adakah mak bapak suruh duk rumah mungkin
tolong depa saja -
apa2 pun reason itu - we need to ask ourselves -
do we need a job now - or we want to travel first
to see the world - or we want to continue study --
things like that - kita buat decision - dapatkan nasihat
keluarga juga --
if we do need a job now -- barula kita gariskan panduan -
apa dia kerja yang kita mahu - kita nak yang sesuai dengan kelulusan ka
or kita mahu apa saja sebagai permulaan -
adakah mana2 kerja yang kita tak akan accept macam sales thru phone
or sales kat pasaraya pasaraya --
make a guideline for us - as what is we interested in -
dah ada tu - kita buat preparation - what do we need and whatnot - |
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Originally posted by mba at 13-4-2007 02:08 AM
masalahnya time aku dulu university ada kurang dari 10 buah ....sekarang ni......umang aiii tak terkira......university swasta laa, twin university la bla bla.....bayangkan berapa byk graduan tu. ...
exactly -
and yet a lots of them not even interested in improving themselves
in facing the employment world --
still suka nak manja manja in their comfort zone, malas nak ambil
courses yang boleh improve english or other skills such as computer skills -
many universities - menampakkan ramai dah rakyat malaysia yang bijak dan
boleh masuk ke University - but then what's the use when the quality
once they graduated is zilch and thus, they can't land the job - |
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Utk fresh grad sekalian n yg x brabe fresh..Skrg kita sorang graduan..ada otak yg tepu dgn segulung ijazah... Semua bender yg jd halangan hanyalah alasan..salahkan mak bapak, krajaan, bos, org keliling, masyarakat卆t d end of the day, yg rugi bkn mreke semua..diri sndri.. Alhamdulillah mak ayah masih ada.Doang akan protect ko..tp sampai biler.??!!
Cuma aku x stuju bile org salahkan graduan nk gaji 4 angka..bkn 5 angka tu..4 jerkk...mmg logiklah..aku pon!!x kan ko blaja bthn2,kuar2 gaji ko 700..tp, klu cite2 tinggi, usaha stakat tbaring dpn TV, duk mrengek x henti2, mengeluh x putus2, tunding jari kulu kilir..ko layaknyer duk dpan TV..!!!jd lah penganggur profesional (profesional sgt ker..??!!!)
Aku hrp bdk2 yg tgh kat U skrg ni bace forum kat sini dan sgala artikel len jgk..Krn dh grad nnt, dorang lah org yg mjadi topic pbincangan x abis2 nih!Dan jgk ibu bapa, masyarakat, kerajaan boleh memainkan pranan masing2.Graduan sndri mmg patut..!! |
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Yesterday I conducted interviews for vacancies at my company. I have over the years conducted numerous interviews for various positions. Pathetic sungguh la local grads ni. Honestly I wonder why they are like that. A victim of situation? You can blame it on anything but the buck stops with you! No point in blaming parents, school system (Bahasa Malaysia), etc etc. Take action to improve yourselves.
I felt so sad talking to these people. We had people who were young in the their 20s and those in their 40s. Looking at the youngs ones I can't help thinking that might just end up like the ones in the 40s - still looking for a decent job when by that age they should be established in their career with growing family and property and car to their name. But these people were like lost souls drifting along in life.
Anyway, some of the comments that I got from them :
1. I kena bayar monthly kereta I - myvi so I will not settle for less than RM1600 (for a junior researcher post)
From someone with no working experience and jobless for more than 2 years and doesnt' understand English.
2. I no speak Engliss....
3. No sales job hah....
4. I suka menyanyi dan I minat business (40s and still unemployed!)
If you are interested in a particular field - pursue it and don't let opportunities come falling from the sky. You have to work at it.
5. All had mulut busuk. I offered them mints but none took them.
Next time I'll insist they suck on the mints. Their mulut busuk almost killed me!
Sharpen your communication skills (practice English - use a mirror if you can't find a partner), look your best at the interview (invest in a real nice outfit which you should wear to inverviews), make sure your breath does not smell, use soft perfume (just nice - not overpowering), face is very important (clean your face - no oily business, zits etc.), make sure you are computer literate (amazingly there are people who are not IT literate).
Okaylah. Will add if I can find time. |
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Originally posted by BeanDiesel at 12-4-2007 12:03 PM
I wouldn't be surprised though. Graduate students are students, they can't work full time, and there are not that many part-time jobs that fit their schedules. But if they just stay at home, ...
what i meant to say re: graduate students when i mentioned in previous post-
were graduated students -
they graduated already and seeking job --
perhaps i should omit the word 'students' cuz that would make a confusion -
i think i made an error regarding that
my bad. |
oh yeah, my bad too for not predicting what you meant. |
Originally posted by reinloch at 31-1-2007 08:29 AM
In the 90's and beyond, our country began to experience growth. A strong demand for engineers and other professionals emerged, to fill in the rapidly expanding vacancies in various sectors. However, the infrastructure available since the 70's and 80's was unable to cope, unable to produce the required manpower in appropriate numbers. So what did they do? They lowered the threshold to become a graduate. They lowered passing grades for public exams, lowered the difficulty of public exams, and subsequently lowered the quality of university exams and lecturers. Consequently, large numbers of graduates began to flood the market year after year. But these graduates were hardly the level of those trained to be future leaders.
To whom you are referring `they' here?
I can't deny the facts that some of the Univ. exams are tuned by the lecturers...a project paper, sometimes quizzes for those attending lectures, mid term, group presentation. Eventually the final exam will be around 30% to 40%.
Only a few no. of distinguished graduates shall prevail in the well known market...others shall be normal employees...or unemployed in the worts case. Mind you, among my peers, it is not the best student (female) who ahieved a CGPA of 3.8 that become the first owner of Mata Belalang/Mata Kacang Merc....it is the one not doing very well in the studies (CGPA of 2.5) who become the proud owner of that Merc...with the income from contracting job to the prominent oil & gas company...Our best student remains as normal exec at one of the well known bank in KL....
Merc is not a sign of success isn't it...but at least it shall be one of the yardstick to measure prosperity... |
Reply #1 dexa's post
Punca pengangguran graduan
Mengharapkan gaji lumayan setimpal dengan kelayakan akademik.
Kelemahan utama ialah sangat lemah dalam penguasaan bahasa Inggeris.
Sikap boros dan mementingkan kebendaan ketika masih bergelar siswazah dengan menyalahgunakan pinjaman diberikan.
Graduan malu dan segan untuk berniaga.
Tidak serius sediakan diri memasuki alam pekerjaan dengan sikap malas menilai diri dan menambah baik prestasi.
Bahasa sebenarnya bukan boleh dijadikan satu sebab utama kelemahan sesuatu bangsa dan pelajar khususnya. Mengapa org2 Jepun, Peranchis, Jerman dll yang tidak mahir bertutur BI boleh maju dalam kehidupan mereka? Adakah kerana BI atau kerana ketamaddunan yg dimiliki?
Bangsa asing terpaksa belajar bahasa Jepun, Jerman, Peranchis kerana hendak menuntut di Universiti2 mereka...ini adalah kerana teknologi yg dimiliki mereka, menyebabkan org luar terpaksa belajar bahasa mereka untuk menuntut ilmu.
Dalam bahasa aper kita berfikir sekalipun, `lateral thinking', `think outside the box' dll ciri leadership adalah lebih penting utk dimiliki oleh graduan. Itulah yg membawa kepada kepimpinan...bukan tau atau terer cakap BI sahaja tapi kerja hancus...
I never deny the facts on the importance of English in life, but it is not a MUST. |
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Originally posted by AnitaSabrina at 13-4-2007 09:25 PM
Yesterday I conducted interviews for vacancies at my company. I have over the years conducted numerous interviews for various positions. Pathetic sungguh la local grads ni. Honestly I wonder w ...
ada kerja kosong lagi tak kak long......................... |
Originally posted by lilyzhaowei at 20-12-2006 02:34 PM
keje kilang pun boleh dapat gaji 4 angka la weyh
aku keja kilang
tak malu pun |
Originally posted by hitamputih at 17-4-2007 11:52 AM
aku keja kilang
tak malu pun
Yelah Hitamputih...ko kan MD kat situ...OK lah
tapi kalu hang operator pengeluaran lelaki/wanita pon hang tak perlu malu
janji hang kerja kilang halal punya... |
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Reply #54 maxxsa's post
English is a MUST in Malaysia sbb kite consumer-based industry. heavily relying on services, so communication is vital.
kalo nak pertahankan bahasa melayu? bape negara jer kita bleh buat business with? indonesia? diaorg pun dah bleh sustain sendirik sbb ramai penduduk. kita still bergantung kpd export n import industry.
nak taknak, telanla reality yang ada. byk MNC pun dtg mesia sbb diorang tau graduates kita ada otak. ramai ada degree in malaysia.
rata2 byk rakyat di European Union pun tau at least 2 bahasa sbb diaorg keep doing business with each other and in fact in Switzerland diaorg gune French, German and Italy to converse. come onla, sebenarnye in Malaysia, sepatutnye sume org kena tau at least 2 bahasa - Malay and English n lagi 2 juga - Mandarin n Tamil. |
Reply #58 redsinner's post
Dear Sinner,
Let's put this this way...
In some sectors where companies are dealing with external markets, or when dealing with non-Malays speaking nation, then we have no choice but to use English as a medium of communications.
What I'm trying to say, there are domestic sectors where English is not widely used...some government agencies, some GLCs, government schools (except for English. Math & Science) etc...
So, fresh or `old' graduates shall analyse themselves...if they are conversant in English (plus all the required skills), pls grab all the opportunities to work with highly paid salaries in MNSs, if not...ya all shall end up in companies where English is not widely spoken or being used once in a blue moon... |
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Reply #59 maxxsa's post
it doesn't matter if some companies don't use english
as their primary language to communicate -
what matters is - the individual/employee motivation to seek
more knowledge in learning english properly as well
signing up for some english courses and whatnot -
in fact, although there're a lot of companies which are using
english as a medium of communication, some of
their employees can't even speak the language properly
and didn't even give a sheep about the language - |
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Category: Belia & Informasi