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Author: my-alja

educated vs uneducated

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 Author| Post time 26-10-2008 03:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 25-10-2008 11:15 AM

well for one Alja, it is all stemmed from  crude generalisation  based on  perception of what is "educated' l and what is not actually.So, again with this kind of perceptive assessment , it t ...

and perception based on sumthing that we shared in our society , btul tak? ..
my simple defination of "educated person" is someone who can express themselves geniunely regardless of what kind of society is he in, without making a prejudice statement to the other party/ies....
bila u bersosiol with diff group of people, benda nie sgt i selalu perasan org yg highly respected by group of people, when they know how to deliver and express their perspective and varies in thinking thru diplomatic way....
dia tak kata, dia SELALU btol...dia bagi ruang utk org lain argue his point and happily end up the conversation with satisfaction in him and others...

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 Author| Post time 26-10-2008 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 26-10-2008 03:13 PM

our society  tend to be impressed by the FORM u see.. NOT THE substance.. lelaki especially sama saja !

heheh...u rite
they impress with what u have...

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Post time 26-10-2008 07:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HOTlips at 26-10-2008 09:17 AM
eheh!! Kan?


U r absolutely right!

Hubby selalu ingatkan pasal ni. Ilmu saikologi manusia juga perlu ada. Oh, he's in the business n marketing line. And i was i ...

Yeah, in the end, as a social entity, it is how one relate to others. Granted that one may have all the facts in the head. Until  one is
able to make a difference to oneself or others, it means nothing...!

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Post time 27-10-2008 01:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #41 my-alja's post

i sometimes saw this in people...kekadang your ability to see past the physical is vital too. how she/he talks, the body language, the words they used. sometimes muke hensem, tapi ckp mcm mat rempit. heavens, God forbid me to witness such incidences.
i think i see educated in an overall sense. EQ & IQ. w'pun ada degree tapi tak reti nak pk, tak gune gak. ada juga org yg ada degree tapi look down on other people, mcm dia sorang yg ada degree.

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Post time 28-10-2008 11:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #44 redsinner's post

ada juga org yg ada degree tapi look down on other people, mcm dia sorang yg ada degree.

A family that is nurtured to hold the qualifications as such important and proud possessions etc would have members thinking them as such. Those that learned that the more they learn the less they know, may feel more humility in the face of the vast knowledge they haven't even started to know. Alas, some people think that the degree is all.

So, it is subject to what one really learned.

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Post time 29-10-2008 06:29 AM | Show all posts
when it is raining......

stop whatever u do and try listening to it..the rain drops, feel the droplet

spend a bit time with it, bonded with it, have some intimacy with it

dont use the brain, use the heart, let the 'divine spark' ignited

blank ur mind, breath slowly, feel in the heart all the inputs surrounding u

this is what an education is all about, being empathic with nature.

the uneducated will go to bed instead

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 Author| Post time 29-10-2008 09:28 AM | Show all posts

Reply #46 ajinomotonosuga's post

hahahah....pity myself,  i like to sleep when it's rain

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 Author| Post time 29-10-2008 09:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hamizao at 28-10-2008 11:10 PM

A family that is nurtured to hold the qualifications as such important and proud possessions etc would have members thinking them as such. Those that learned that the more they learn the less ...

yess...u r rite, some people do have that kind of thinking
pity on those kids who are not educated enuf...

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Post time 29-10-2008 11:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by my-alja at 29-10-2008 09:28 AM
hahahah....pity myself,  i like to sleep when it's rain

ko tak sensitif pada alam semulajadi laa tuh

favourite aku ialah overcast dan the blue sky during spring

nabi duduk dalam gua hira' bertaun taun tu buat apa alja? kalo ini bukan self education..kita nak cakap apa? haa kan?

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Post time 29-10-2008 08:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #46 ajinomotonosuga's post

dulu mase my room belum renovate lg i spent my rainy days tgk splashes of water on the corrugated roof... mak aku kata aku giler but i think the ability things beyond the physical is key to understanding.
critical analysis perhaps? i tend to think too much as well...

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Post time 30-10-2008 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by redsinner at 29-10-2008 08:26 PM
dulu mase my room belum renovate lg i spent my rainy days tgk splashes of water on the corrugated roof... mak aku kata aku giler but i think the ability things beyond the physical is key to under ...

intimacy with natures, making love with natures, bonding with nature..bukan keje gila, manusia jek  tak faham dan tak ramai mampu buat (pro active)

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 Author| Post time 31-10-2008 10:12 AM | Show all posts

Reply #52 aizverus's post

i pun dah puas jumpa org eduacted tak educated nie
satu aje konklusinya....perangai kena betul, barulah berkat hidup nie

formal education sekarang nie pun byk berpihak pd yg berduit...

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Post time 1-11-2008 11:51 AM | Show all posts

Balas #54 aizverus\ catat

Rasanya la Aiz, apa yg kita pelajari tak sama dgn apa yg kita percayai. Kita belajar teori darwin, manusia dr monyet tp kita tak percaya. Darwin pulak percaya manusia berevolusi tp tak percaya kita dari Adam. Tak educated kah kita tak percaya dgn Darwin. Dan tak educatedkah darwin sebab tak percaya dgn Adam?

Pd akak, educated dinilai dr segi pemikiran kita bukan kepercayaan.
Ada org tak sekolah tinggi tp dia pandang org sekolah tinggi tu berlagak.
Ada org sekolah tinggi pulak, tapi dia pandang rendah kat org tak sekolah tu
So, semua tu atas kepercayaan masing2kan? Dan ini berbalik juga pd akhlak. Dua2 salah kalau takde akhlak.

Yg tak sekolah tinggi, kalau berakhlak, kena dgr dulu pandangan yg bersekolah tinggi tapi tak semestinya bersetuju. Yg sekolah tinggi pun samalah juga. Dgr dan nilaikan juga pandangan yg tak sek tinggi tu. Kan aman? Senang citer....  respect each other. So, educated person is one who thinks and respects others.

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Post time 1-11-2008 01:40 PM | Show all posts

dia ni macam ni tau dear..

Originally posted by aizverus at 31-10-2008 02:28 PM

duit tu laa menampak org tu educated tapi actually tak educated pun..
mata masyarakat dah tumpu kat situ..nak wat camner..

even kita dapat phd or jadi prof ape semua, tapi, kalau  ...

rasanya being educated or not is just OUR attached values on the criterion of what is constituted as being one , what is not - both are all subjective perceptions. Maksudnya, kalau kita meletakkan being educated is also meant to accept metaphysical things then org yg tak accept or being sceptic rather tu tak educated itu pendapat kita dan that's ok.

Tapi, pada pendapat saya yg juga subjektif, kita boleh luaskan pandangan kita dengan u know , menerima  hakikat [ betul tak frasa kerja ni ???] bahawa setiap manusia melihat satu perkara iu dengan pelbagi sudut dan "lapisan"/ level yg berbeza dan selalunya org org ini akan akan being open about it, dan tak lah terlau judgmental ttg sesuatu sebab the more they "learn" the more they insaf yg banyak lagi depa tatau and will somehow derive to a conclusion that  apa jenis ilmu dan pengalaman yg ditimba adalah  bersifat u know "betul dan benar sehingga dibuktikan " tak betul yg tahu segalanya adalah Al - Khalik...

so manusia tengok benda tu dari pelbagai sudut so it's worth it sometimes just to know the way they "see" things, rasanya

[ Last edited by  mbhcsf at 1-11-2008 01:43 PM ]

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Post time 1-11-2008 01:43 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by my-alja at 31-10-2008 10:12 AM
i pun dah puas jumpa org eduacted tak educated nie
satu aje konklusinya....perangai kena betul, barulah berkat hidup nie

formal education sekarang nie pun byk berpihak pd yg berduit...

manifestasi ilmu dan iman adalah akhlak ...sapa cakap ni ...
so it's about integration of things.....
being the learned ones does not mean seseorg tu a saint

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Post time 1-11-2008 01:53 PM | Show all posts

Balas #49 ajinomotonosuga\ catat

he he teringat taim zaman jad sekolah form 1, suka tengok kehijauan pokok kat luar kelas. Rasa tenang gituh, relax the brain. kalu tak silap, pernah kena ditegur oleh cikgu  sbb dia ingat jad berangan dlm kelas.

Habit nih sampai ke tua. Green trees, blue sky berlatar belakang masjid wilayah...Cantik sungguh + penyejuk mata + penenang hati & kepala yg penat. Rasa syukur gituh, walau susah, walau penat keje yg sdg dibuat, tapi Allah masih bagi peluang tgk keindahan alam.

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Post time 1-11-2008 02:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #58 jadree00's post

u know anak perempuan Albert Eistein pun pernah dimarah cikgu dia atas sebab yg sama but Eistein wrote keep on observing ...tapi u knowlah ..cikgu cikgu kita pun....

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Post time 1-11-2008 04:13 PM | Show all posts

Balas #59 mbhcsf\ catat

he he Nampaknya sejarah berulang lagi yer.

Kalu jad seorang cikgu pun, jad akan tegur gak ler student tuh. yer la cikgu sdg ngajor, maka student perlulah fokus kat depan kan...he he ni sibuk tgk kat luar kelas. Sebenarnya, jad duduk asrama taim sekolah dulu. Jadiknya, dgn lihat pokok2 & umah kat luar sekolah tuh terubat rindu kat umah.

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Post time 1-11-2008 06:30 PM | Show all posts

Balas #56 mbhcsf\ catat

Dgn erti kata lain.... persepi lah kan?
Apa yg org percaya or pandang terhadap sesuatu. Betul?

Tapi tu lah emmbi, persepsi seseorg kdg2 tak mencerminkan education level.
Kdg2 education level tinggi tp persepsi dia haru. Vice versa

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 Author| Post time 1-11-2008 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HOTlips at 1-11-2008 11:51 AM
Yg tak sekolah tinggi, kalau berakhlak, kena dgr dulu pandangan yg bersekolah tinggi tapi tak semestinya bersetuju. Yg sekolah tinggi pun samalah juga. Dgr dan nilaikan juga pandangan yg tak sek tinggi tu. Kan aman? Senang citer....  respect each other. So, educated person is one who thinks and respects others.


teorinya senang hot...nak buat tu kena yg bebetul ada ilmu dan amal

dlm pengamatan i nie, betul kata mbh...sesorang yg boleh terima perspectif org lain sekiranya dia berILMU luas...dia nampak kemungkinan utk sesatu jawapan tu dr byk angle, byk layer, byk kolor dan utk mencapai tahap yg sedemikian oneself has to equip with knowledge...

katalah sorang engineer yg sgt taksub ilmu "spring" dia...ilmu dia memang tak disangkal hanya dlm isu2 spring tapi kalo dia taknak belajar atau ignorance dgn segala ilmu selain drp ilmu spring tu...cemana dia nak appear as educated one?...i kekadang tgk engineer nie nak tergelak, canggih btol dgn ilmu kapal roket dia tapi ilmu nak bercakap dgn manusia dia tak nak cam hami kata kat previous post, whatever degree we have but when we make connection with human, soft skill must be applied...lainlah kalo kawan dgn kambing  kenalah mahir cemana nak mengembek...

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