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Author: bluezink

Kim Jong Il dan Korea Utara

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Post time 25-12-2011 06:59 PM | Show all posts
semalam terlayan channel history pepagi buta pasal kehidupan org awam sehari di NK
dia tunjuk pekeja kilang, budak tadika dgn budak sekolah menengah

dekat tadika duk cerita kehebatan pemimpin mereka...hehari menda yg sama duk ulang...dekat sekolah menengah pun sama cerita dari tadika masih di bawa ke sekolah menengah
kmdn di kilang kalau letrik putus bos kilang tu akan salahkan amerika...dia kata pasal amerika la NK selalu putus letrik
dekat NK ni banyak jugak bangunan tinggi nampak hebat...dari luor nampak cun cantik je tapi bangunan tu kosong dan kat dlm tak berjaga pun...dari luor je nampak elok...
kmdn dekat sempadan antara NK & SK di pasang speaker 24 jam propaganda mengatakan NK ni maju la best la hebat laa hehe

mana la rakyat tak taksub sbb dari kecik hehari di ajor kata pemimpin tu hebat dah di anggap tuhan

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Post time 25-12-2011 08:12 PM | Show all posts
infographics pasal north korea ...
dica86 Post at 25-12-2011 14:12

   glupppp erkkk

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Post time 25-12-2011 08:16 PM | Show all posts
best kan docu tu? tak dapat bayangkan, mcam mane org2 NK ni leh hidup dlam keadaan mcam tu ...
oni313 Post at 25-12-2011 15:27

    kesian kan....dorang dari lahir lagi terus di brainwash oleh kerajaan.dengan radio kerajaan yg x boleh turn off.even kartun rancangan budak2 pun mesti ada kaitan dengan politik dorang.

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Post time 25-12-2011 11:45 PM | Show all posts
4. Di Korea Utara hanya golongan tertentu sahaja dibenarkan mempunyai akses internet yg terhad dan kebanyakkan kawasan di negara tersebut tada kemudahan talian internet bahkan telefon bimbit juga diharamkan penggunaannya untuk rakyat biasa.

Sekarang nih dah dibenarkan pakai Handphone.....

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Post time 26-12-2011 12:08 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 26-12-2011 09:07 AM | Show all posts
Yang nih FAQ i korek drpd diorg punye official website
1. Can I get a signed photograph from Leader Kim Jong IL?

The KFA Shop is offering this article. Please visit the following webpage:

2. Can I send a letter to North Korea and get a penpal in North Korea?

You can send the letter if you have an valid address and contact person. We provide no service for penpal friends.

3. Can I emigrate to North Korea and live in North Korea?

It’s possible only in very special situations and having honor/merits. You must send a request letter stating your reasons, together with your complete CV, copy of your passport and certificates to [email protected]

4. Can I work in North Korea as a teacher/interpreter/(other)?


5. Can I travel to North Korea? I heard it is impossible to travel to North Korea. Is it true?

You can travel to North Korea only as a tourist, or as a part of a delegation invited to the country by the Government. The Korean International Travel Company (Ryogaengsa) can give more information about tourist trips, and the Korean Friendship Association (KFA) also arranges delegations to the DPRK every year. See for more information

6. I am a US citizen / I am a South Korean citizen, can I visit North Korea?

Special protocols are in effect regarding US and South Korean nationals. Contact your local embassy for more information. The Korean Friendship Association (KFA) organize trips and will allow visas for some US citizens that contributed for the peace and friendship between USA and the DPRK.

7. I am a journalist / news reporter and I’m interested in doing a documentary in North Korea. Can I?

Send your details to Special Delegate Mr. Alejandro Cao de Benos in the e-mail [email protected]

8. Can I travel to North Korea as a backpacker?

(Independent travel)

No. You must travel as a group only, even if you are the only participant you must be with Korean guides at all times.

9. Can I join the Korean People’s Army?

No, only Korean nationals with DPRK citizenship

10. I’ve heard that everbody starves in North Korea. How is the food situation?

It is no secret that there was a crisis during the mid 1990′s in the DPRK. Because of the collapse of the Socialist market, and due to the isolation caused by US embargo and sanctions, the country suffered a difficult period. A natural disaster caused floodings, and combined with the other factors, it created a period which we now call the “Arduous March” where the DPRK had to recover from this situation, and the collapse of the Soviet union while still unduring hostilities by the US who continually to this day try to stifle and isolate the DPRK. Since the end of the 1990′s and around year 2000, the country has completely recovered from the “Arduous March” and has survived as a country which has now become even stronger and more independant than before.

11. I want to know why North Korea has nuclear weapons.

After the US failed to fulfill the terms in the Agreed Framework by supplying two light-water reactors to the DPRK as compensation for the discontinuing of Korean nuclear power, the DPRK withdrew in October 2002 from the NPT and thus restarted its own energy-producing program, and then started to recycle spent fuel-rods.

The DPRK has a nuclear deterrence as a life-insurance to protect the motherland. The US, who put the country inside the “Axis of Evil”, and is threatening with a nuclear holocaust pre-emptive strike has created this situation and made this neccessary. The situation is no less serious because the US side has nuclear weapons and other missiles stationed in South Korea.

12. What does the DPRK want regarding the nuclear standoff?

The DPRK wants a peaceful solution to the nuclear standoff by having unilateral talks with the US, and that the US side signs a non-aggression treaty. The DPRK is open and ready for a switchover in the hostile policy of the US.

13. Is North Korea a dictatorship?

No, the DPRK is a single-united-party constitutional democracy guaranteeing freedom of speech and assembly to all citizens. DPRK citizens play an active role in their nation’s political life at the local, regional and national levels, through their trade unions or as members of one of the nation’s three political parties, which include the Workers’ Party of Korea, the Chondoist Chongu Party and the Korean Social Democratic Party.


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Post time 26-12-2011 09:11 AM | Show all posts
14. Does North Korea suppress religion?

The DPRK is a multi-confessional society with sizable Christian and Buddhist populations, for example. While most North Koreans are non-religious or atheist, all citizens of the DPRK enjoy full religious freedom under the Socialist Constitution.

15. Can North Koreans travel abroad?

In spite of accusations to the contrary, North Koreans enjoy the full freedom of travel. Many DPRK citizens travel abroad for scientific research, education, language training, religious conferences and trade fairs, for example. There are also thousands of DPRK citizens living abroad, in China and Japan, for example.

16. Has North Korea’s economy really collapsed?

On the contrary, the DPRK enjoys a highly diverse and productive economy with a wide array of thriving manufacturing industries that produce automobiles, computer hardware and software, electronics, textiles and processed foods, just to name a few. While the DPRK economy has historically been geared towards heavy industry, the country’s light industrial sector is quickly taking off. Korea’s specialized and educated workforce provides an ideal environment for joint-venture projects and investment.

17. I hear that North Koreans are very poor. Is this true?

By international standards, DPRK citizens enjoy a very high standard of living. In Socialist Korea, the state guarantees all citizens the right to quality healthcare, education, stipends for the disabled, retirement pensions and access to recreational facilities, as well as a wide array of other state-supported services. Indeed, DPRK citizens are guaranteed many provisions that are uncommon in many developed capitalist societies, which are home to real poverty. Unlike in many countries of the capitalist world, the DPRK is a state free of homelessness, unemployment, prostitution and starvation.

18. Is North Korea a ‘Stalinist’ state?

The term ‘Stalinism’ is highly loaded and is most frequently employed not as a descriptive term but as an insult. The DPRK political system is based on the Juche Idea, an original theory developed by the late President Kim Il Sung stressing national self-reliance and development according to the unique characteristics of individual nations. ‘Stalinism,’ on the other hand, was articulated as a universalistic political ideology. The DPRK is indeed a socialist state, meaning that all the means of production are socially owned. However, the central implication of the ‘Stalinist’ accusation–simply that the DPRK is a dictatorship–is inaccurate. Korea is a socialist democracy guaranteeing its citizens the full range of individual liberties and rights provided by many liberal regimes, and more.

19. Is North Korea ‘reforming’ its economy and moving towards capitalism?

While the comparison between the DPRK and ‘China in the 1980s’ is frequently evoked by many so-called ‘experts’ these days, it is completely incorrect and misleading. The DPRK remains a planned socialist economy and has no intention of embracing the capitalist developmental model.

20. What is North Korea’s stance on homosexuality?

Due to tradition in Korean culture, it is not customary for individuals of any sexual orientation to engage in public displays of affection. As a country that has embraced science and rationalism, the DPRK recognizes that many individuals are born with homosexuality as a genetic trait and treats them with due respect.

Homosexuals in the DPRK have never been subject to repression, as in many capitalist regimes around the world. However, North Koreans also place a lot of emphasis on social harmony and morals. Therefore, the DPRK rejects many characteristics of the popular gay culture in the West, which many perceive to embrace consumerism, classism and promiscuity.

21.What does your flag symbolize?

The North Korean National flag represents the history, economic and political situation of Korea. The red colour represents the blood shed by the anti-Japanese fighters and revolutionaries in the struggle against the Japanese (of whom the Korean peninsula was a colony for 45 years) and fight for national freedom. The white represents the long history and culture of the Korean people depicting that Korea is one homogeneous nation. The red star represents a prosperous future for the Korean people and their impeccable integrity while the blue means that Korea is a sovereign nation.

22.What is the symbolism of your emblem? In particular I want to understand what the red star means. In other communist/socialist countries the starts were yellow and not red.

The red star represents a prosperous future for the Korean people and their impeccable integrity.

23. What activites does the average person do in a week for fun?

Hiking, Bowling, Reading, listen to music etc – it differs from person to person.

24. Is it true that all citizens of the DPRK work for the government?

Government and people are one. There is no distinction of them.

25. What is the favorite sport in the DPRK?

That must be football, based on popularity, but traditionally native is Tae Kwon Do, but since so many sports are popular in the DPRK, it’s difficult to name just one.

26. The DPRK is being attacked with a flood of negative press and media. How does the DPRK respond to the so-called documentaries of the current despair in your nation?

We have an article that will shed some light on this: The DPRK and Western media fairy tales.

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Post time 26-12-2011 12:54 PM | Show all posts
Bandar Pyongyang

Upacara Pengebumian Kim Jong Il


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Post time 26-12-2011 06:03 PM | Show all posts
cemon la lg satu propaganda u.s aku tak rasa north korea teruk sampai cam tu sekali ala kat malaysia ni pun semua tempat disaran letak gambar pemerintah kan so apa bezanya.......... hahaahahah sekarang pun apa yang kerajaan buat adalah membuatkan kita terlalu mengharapkan diorang mcm la kalu diorang takde kita terus mati.......... so apa bezanya.......

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Post time 26-12-2011 06:12 PM | Show all posts
Aku pernah sahaja bertemu dengan orang Korea Utara di Kuala Lumpur. Ada setengah mereka masuk untuk lawatan bagi hal ehwal kesukanan. Bila Korea Utara akan berubah sedikit seperti negara China pun tidak tahu. Negara China boleh dikatakan ok lah sedikit walaupun Komunis juga. Di China Utara, etnik Korea ada di wilayah Liaoning. Ada pernah terbaca orang Korea Utara yang terlepas ke China Utara setengahnya yang bernasib baik akan diselamatkan oleh rakyat China etnik Korea lalu diambil menjadi pembantu rumah atau pekerja.

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Post time 26-12-2011 06:20 PM | Show all posts
Oh ya, semasa kelas Pengajian Diplomatik dahulu kami mendapati bahawa Korea Utara telah disekat oleh Amerika Serikat dari segi ekonomi. Tak dapat dipastikan jika Korea Utara mempunyai nuklear tapi kemungkinan ini bukan sesuatu yang mustahil. Sekatan yang dikenakan juga menjadi penyumbang kepada rakyat di kampung2 dalam Korea Utara yang menderita.

Tak silap dalam the Guardian tahun 2008 bertarikh 9 September ada rencana tentang seorang rakyat Amerika Serikat pernah ditahan kemudian terus tinggal di Korea Utara dikenali sebagai James Joseph Dresnok. Rencana ditulis oleh Mark Seddon.

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2011 08:33 PM | Show all posts

Kim Jong Il's Pleasure squad:Kisaeng aka Gippeumjo aka Kippumjo


"Gippeumjo is originated in Kisaeng the Korean sex servants for Yangban. "
Joseon Dynasty had ministry of prostitution(Kisaeng).        

The Gippeumjo is a collection of groups of approximately 2,000 women between the ages of 13 and 40 (although most are believed to be between 18 and 25), which are maintained by the head of state of North Korea for the purpose of providing pleasure and entertainment for high-ranking Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) officials and their families, as well as occasionally also distinguished guests. (primarily for Kim Joing Il)

Little is known outside North Korea about the Gippeumjo, but information has gradually emerged through the testimony of North Koreans who have defected to the West.

Each "pleasure group" is composed of three "teams":
  • Manjokjo (滿足組) – a "satisfaction team" (which provides sexual services)
  • Haengbokjo (幸福組) – a "happiness team" (which provides massages)
  • Gamujo (歌舞組) – a "dancing and singing team" (whose members are sometimes asked to dance semi-nude)
Girls from throughout the country are recruited to be Gippeumjo members according to government criteria (one of which is that they must be virgins).

The face has to be oval shaped by the time they're 16, more than 156cm tall if you're 15, 160cm once you hit 20 and 162cm once you are over 24. Your hucklebone to heel length has to surpass your height when you're sitting down by at least 5cm. The After being selected, they undergo a rigorous training period, with some Haengbokjo members being sent overseas for massage and vocal/dance training. 6 members of the Haengbokjo is currently known to be training in Vienna, Austria, in dance school. Gippeumjo members typically "retire" at age 22 or 25, at which time they are often married to other members of North Korea's elite, and their former membership in the Gippeumjo is kept secret.

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Post time 26-12-2011 09:12 PM | Show all posts
Tak tahu menahu sangat pasal dia ni

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Post time 26-12-2011 09:21 PM | Show all posts
Off topik sebentar. Bercakap pasal dua Korea ini. Korea selatan aku x tahu mengapa aku berasa kurang suka kepadanya. Mungkin kerana budaya K-pop yang entah hapa2 itu Animasi korea selatan yang bagus aku rasa bertajuk Oseam. Cuba lah menontonnya dan merasa linangan air mata jatuh tanpa disedari


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Post time 27-12-2011 01:40 AM | Show all posts
orang korea makan sayur macam lembu makan rumput

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Post time 27-12-2011 07:46 AM | Show all posts
awek stok2 cun kat korea utara byk jadi polis dan askar je..kat korea selatan kompem jadi artis k pop..

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Post time 27-12-2011 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Mangyongdae – The Last Funfair in North Korea


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Post time 27-12-2011 10:35 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 27-12-2011 10:36 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 27-12-2011 10:39 AM | Show all posts

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