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Author: MrsMoshi

Fenomena 2012

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Post time 3-1-2012 02:25 PM | Show all posts
tidak akan berlaku kiamat selagi ada org menyebut nama Allah dmuka bumi ini..

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Post time 3-1-2012 03:44 PM | Show all posts
Reply 39# razhar

    selepas berlakunya pole shift, then what happen? adakah matahari akan  terbit di barat n tenggelam di timur, artik bertukar ke antartika dsb? bagaimana pula dengan kehidupan makhluk di muka bumi ini? adakah ada survival atau semua k.o. ? mohon pencerahan..

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 Author| Post time 3-1-2012 03:47 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by MrsMoshi at 3-1-2012 15:57

Reply 37# missyqaldina

Planet X, or ini? Olympics scheduled time bulan puasa kan?
Nuclear Attack London Olympics

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Post time 3-1-2012 04:21 PM | Show all posts
kita x bole prcaya sgt kt ramalan tu. kiamat itu rahsia Allah.
tp yg pasti, terlalu byk tanda2 dh muncul skrg yg menunjukkan bhwa hari tu nak hampir. dekat sgt2 dh
jd, better korg perbetulkan diri. org yg dulu2 beriman kini byk dh terpesong sbb dunia.
masya-Allah. baik kta perbetulkan diri dan tingkatkn ibadah. dan juga Allah tabahkan kita supaya x terpengaruh dgn Dajjal.

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 Author| Post time 3-1-2012 04:29 PM | Show all posts
Honestly, I tak berani speculate kiamat. Kiamat Akan dtg but bila, not me to say. I believe tahun 2012 ni akan terjadinya some sort of spiritual awakening melalui satu kejadian bsr yg Akan menguji keimanan Dan ketaqwaan umat Islam seluruh dunia.

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Post time 3-1-2012 04:31 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by mr_evergreen at 3-1-2012 16:43

pasal kiamat 2012 kan agenda yahudi...menggelupur lebih pun tak guna

...kalau gosok gigi tak  berus lidah
kononnya nak merawat org...tiup plak mentera yg dibaca complete dgn baunya

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Post time 3-1-2012 06:00 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by razhar at 3-1-2012 18:01
Reply  razhar

    selepas berlakunya pole shift, then what happen? adakah matahari akan  terbi ...
mesmerize Post at 3/1/2012 15:44

mana2 kehidupan yg telah bersiap sedia dgn pindah ke kawasan yg tinggi dan jauh dari laut DAN telah menyedia kan persiapan makanan dan brg2 spt jaring,small boat utk menangkap ikang..dgn izin Allah..akan selamat...

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Post time 3-1-2012 06:01 PM | Show all posts
Pole  utk North di jangka berpindah ke India.... dan south pole berada di South America...

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Post time 3-1-2012 06:04 PM | Show all posts
Oleh kerana North Pole akan berada di India,maka Asia spt Tanah Melayu, Tanah Thai,Kemboja,Indonesial..India of course..akan diliputi salji tebal...ce compare kan dgn negara2 di sekitar North sekarang...itu la kita semua di masa akan datang....

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Post time 3-1-2012 06:07 PM | Show all posts
Future maps?


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Post time 3-1-2012 06:11 PM | Show all posts


Throughout the world, survivors of the shift will react in different ways, depending upon their level of prior knowledge and their personality. Look about you to the survivors of sudden storms, tornadoes or lightning strikes. These individuals are devastated and basically in shock.

They understand that something unexpected has occurred, and they have lost loved ones, lost possessions, perhaps themselves are injured so life as they remembered it can never return, and are grieving.

If the result of an expected catastrophe, like an approaching hurricane where they boarded up windows and tied down all that might blow away, the survivors might be angry at themselves for lack of proper preparation, or angry at the gods for delivering the storm, or angry at the authorities for not issuing an earlier warning, or angry at the insurance companies for not replacing lost goods, but anger is the mode.

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Post time 3-1-2012 06:11 PM | Show all posts
Now add to this the additional devastation of no helping hands arriving, and even those simply grieving at the loss will become angry. If the survivors were expecting the shift, were in what they considered a safe place and all supplies and loved ones tied down and out of the wind and water surges, there will still be anger.

Even had they convinced themselves that they understood this to be a normal astrophysical occurrence, and prepared for it, anger is a normal reaction to loss, or assault. Thus, survivors, even in camps where all were mentally prepared, will be angry, red faced, and wanting to explode on some excuse of another. What to do with all that anger?

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Post time 3-1-2012 06:13 PM | Show all posts
The Planet

While survivors are in shock, following the hour of the shift, the planet itself is returning to normal.
First, rotation restarts, within a day.

After [Planet X] passes, the Earth's rotation begins again due to the factors that guide rotation of the planets in your solar system. Many humans assume rotation to be simply leftover motion resulting from some past activity such as the big bang, but rotation is guided by gravitational and electromagnetic influences on the liquid cores of planets and moons.

Parts of the core move away from or toward these influences, dragging the crust with it, and as the turning motion brings those parts of the core back to where they don't want to be, motion is re-instituted and continued. For the Earth, frozen in place at the moment of passage, rotation begins again within a day after [Planet X] moves from its influential place between the Earth and the Sun.

Rotation restarts, at first slowly but then picking up speed until a day on planet Earth is much as it used to be. Just as rotation stops within a day, just so rotation returns within a day, much to the relief of the frantic survivors who fear the long day or night they have been experiencing will never end.

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Post time 3-1-2012 06:13 PM | Show all posts
Reply 49# razhar

    bro...maknanya semua nie akan berlaku sebelum dec 2012??..... yg mane kalau nak buat persiapan.... rasanya tak cukup/sempat dah utk semua rakyat....

awat takde ape2 persiapan dr kerajaan2 mane2?..... takkan diaorg senyap + biarkan semua berlaku?....... takde perbincangan/nasihat2 ke pakar2 cth malaysia akan salji + sejuk........

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Post time 3-1-2012 06:14 PM | Show all posts
After the cataclysms the existing polar ice will melt, while at the same time reforming over the new poles. The melting will occur faster than the reforming. The ice over the former poles will now be facing the Sun. Any water at the new poles will freeze. The buildup comes from precipitation, and this accumulates over hundreds of years.

At some point an equilibrium is established, with icebergs breaking off and floating to warmer waters and the like. The Earth, therefore, will experience More Water in its oceans for some time after the cataclysms. Where new poles take centuries to fully form, existing poles thrust under an equatorial sun melt rapidly.

The melting poles will thus raise the sea level, worldwide, by 650 to 700 feet within two years. Survivors living below this level will find themselves moving repeatedly as rivers begin to overflow their banks and marsh areas become lakes.

Those planning survival sites should consider this as well as escape routes for survivors who might be trapped by the rising water. Survival sites should be selected for their ability to link to other land areas that will be above the water line as well, so that technologies and skills can be shared among the survivors.

Survivors thus will find visiting each other possible rather than impossible in a new world without maps and certainly without guidelines for boats setting out on what will seem to be an endless sea.

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Post time 3-1-2012 06:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply  razhar

    bro...maknanya semua nie akan berlaku sebelum dec 2012??..... yg mane kalau  ...
darkharis Post at 3/1/2012 18:13

Jawapan nya senang je.....Tidak ada mana2 kerajaan di dunia akan MAMPU MENYELAMATKAN RAKYAT NYA dalam menghadapi total disaster mcm ni.....ini soal logistik dan the best way utk depa? senyap kan sahaja..wat tak tahu....yg aware,akan selamat lah..the rest? drown....most politicians dan elites aware dan telah cari safe heaven depa...

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Post time 3-1-2012 06:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply 50# razhar

    yg ijau pekat tu tak tenggelam ka???..... agak2 mane selamat?.... genting highland selamat tak?

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Post time 3-1-2012 06:21 PM | Show all posts
Org kita sibuk dgn debat pasal benda2 yg dah sah halal dan haram..white men dah awal2 cari safe heaven..Komunis China dah siap buat ghost cities di utara negara mereka..ghost cities- bandar2 yg dibuat dan lengkap dgn segala kemudahan..sehingga sekarang,ianya tidak di huni oleh sesiapa....dibuat khas utk pole shift...

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Post time 3-1-2012 06:22 PM | Show all posts
Reply 56# razhar

    dah macam cerita dlm movie hoollywood pulak.... kejam lah pulak biarkan semua org macam gitu je.... mcm pembunuhan beramai2 pula....

kalau benar2 berlaku... ape yg pertama yg berlaku?? bila anggaran tarikhnya........ mane yg tenggelam dulu??.... lepas 1st ramalan tu betul2 berlaku...huhuhuhuu ada kemungkinan berlaku next2 lah.... so prepare lah....

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Post time 3-1-2012 06:23 PM | Show all posts
Reply  razhar

    yg ijau pekat tu tak tenggelam ka???..... agak2 mane selamat?.... genting hi ...
darkharis Post at 3/1/2012 18:18

    ang bley lupa kan tanah melayu ni..let's move to NZ ke,North China ka...hijau pekat tu tenggelam terus...hijo muda tu tenggelam setelah paras air laut naik ...sekiang..

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