azlan, ko nak dok lepak ehwa ek..wala..best2..bleh cuci mata sbb situ mmg tmpt lepak awek2 ..a ...
chimei Post at 21-1-2011 10:35 
chimei..best tak ehwa women street tu?hal tak brg2 kat situ? |
chimei..best tak ehwa women street tu?hal tak brg2 kat situ?
miss_blur Post at 21-1-2011 01:42 PM 
best..best..pada yg suka fashion la sbb kat sini byk kedai2 baju..mmg pompuan punye semua...harga lak..murah la gak sbb tmpt student kan...bleh gi tgk2 ek.. |
Reply 576# chimei
nk tanya pasal sub way kat sana..
say saya pakai Tmoney ..untuk kids below 5 kena beli juger ker?
terbaca yg tambangnyer diskon jadi 900 won kan kalu pakai tmoney..applicable untuk sumer destination ker?
kalu nak ke lotte world tu rasanyer berpa tambang? |
Reply chimei
nk tanya pasal sub way kat sana..
say saya pakai Tmoney ..untuk k ...
haszyoe Post at 21-1-2011 02:14 PM 
hem...kalo pasal kids punye fare tu chimei x bape pasti sbb pakai t-money rasenye dia x scan pun kita budak kecik or beso..every destination yg berdekatan mmg charge 900won..top up je 10k dah bleh pegi merata tmpt yg nak..gi lotte tak mahai mane lak..takat 900 to 1000won je..if balance dah skit boleh topup kat machine kat subway to melambak..ade english language so dun wori..... |
Reply 584# chimei
so it measn that beli 1 card pun cukup la ek?
swipe sekali..ie: untuk ke itaewon..masuk 4-4 beranak sekali..
or swipe 2 kali untuk dua adult
sori banyk tanay skit hehe |
Reply chimei
so it measn that beli 1 card pun cukup la ek?
swipe sekali..ie: untuk ke it ...
haszyoe Post at 21-1-2011 02:46 PM 
oh!!! satu kad tu cuma sorang je bleh pakai...t-money ni sama function dgn touch n go cam kita punye tu..sebijik gitu |
Reply 585# haszyoe
aku pun nk tya psl ni gaks..anak aku 4 taun...dulu naik mrt kan sgapore, aku belikan tiket utk dia..sdgkan org len bwk msk free je tak beli tiket pun..
so naik subway n bas kt seoul kene byr ke utk dak2 kecik nie.. hrp sapa2 yg bwk anak kt seoul leh tlg jawab.. |
Reply haszyoe
aku pun nk tya psl ni gaks..anak aku 4 taun...dulu naik mrt kan sgapore, aku be ...
Potpouri Post at 21-1-2011 03:15 PM 
mianne..x dapek jawab sbb takde anak ekekee..
tp this info might help...chimei beli slalunye kat machine je t-money tuh..tp kalo gi kaunter dia kat subway tu mgkn buleh tanye kalo tuk children ade kad yg lain tak
The Metro transit fare is set to a distance scale that unifies all of the metropolitan subway sections (based on the shortest traveling distance). | fare | Classification | Traffic Card | Single Journey Traffic Card | Adults | * Basic Fare : 900 won up to 10km
* Additional Fare
-Between 10km and 40km : Additional 100
won per 5km
- Over 40km : Additional 100 won per 10km
* But, if you are using the inner suburb
section and those non-suburb sections
(Gyeongbu Line~Chonan) successively,
the fare for the inner circle will be
charged first followed by an additional
100 won for every 4km of the non-suburb
sections you have travelled. | Additional 100 won on the
traffic card fare | Students | * 20% discount on the basic fare
(Basic fare of 720 won) | No discount
(Regular ticket fare) | Elementary School Students | * 50% discount on the basic fare
(Basic fare of 450 won) | 50% discount
on the regular
ticket fare(500 won) |
Reply 587# Potpouri
Ni i dapat dari web...loooks like free below 5 7 yeras old
cuma tak sure kalau additional kilometer/outsidfe seoul tu cam ne..
Seoul Subway Fares Base fare for 12km | 19 years and older | 13-18 years old | 7-12 years old | Transportation Card | 900 Won | 720 Won | 450 Won | Cash | 1,000 Won | 1,000 Won | 450 Won |
- Free for children 6 years or younger.
- For total distances exceeding 10 kilometers, the charge is 100 won for each additional 5 kilometers.
- For total distances exceeding 40 kilometers, the charge is 100 won for each additional 10 kilometers.
- For journeys outside Seoul, the charge is 100 won for each additional 5 kilometers and 100 won for each additional 10 kilometers if the total trip exceeds 35 kilometers |
pagi tadi saya pun pegi warisan..blakang balai polis tu..
tapi tak teringat nak tgk koye ...
zul_khaleeda Post at 20-1-2011 16:46 
wah kak zul_khaleeda nak gi china n indon jugak ke? melancong habis2an ye tahun ni.. ..jelesnyaaa...x mula apa pun lg pasal trip kita autumn ni..jeles kat naadianaa..dah siap dah itinerary..hebat habisss..chimei...dah tergoda ni nak gi ehwa street tu..hehehehe.. |
wah kak zul_khaleeda nak gi china n indon jugak ke? melancong habis2an ye tahun ni....je ...
miss_blur Post at 21-1-2011 03:31 PM 
sila..sila..to chimei semua tmpt best je..ekeke.. |
just my 2cent.....kalo nak beli baju or barang yg dorang jual kat jalanan or kedai please avoid utk selak2 or kacau2 kain tu nnti dorang marah....boleh tenung je...ahahhhaha...trust me! u will find it's annoying tp mmg dah culture meniaga kat sana camtu....x bleh buat mcm kat sini..buleh selak2 bagai...kalo betui2 nak beli baru tanya harga dan tunjuk nak tengok yg mane...tanye dulu boleh pegang tak? kang x pasai2 kene tepis tangan...
chimei dulu penah kene tp sbb dah tau dah budaya tu so kalo betui2 nak beli baru masuk n tanye...kat mane2 pun cam tu..especially kat yg meniaga di jalanan tuh...just to share the xperience ek.. |
Reply 594# chimei
mngapakah mcm tu...aku suka belek2 dulu..kalau menarik tertarik br beli..
so mksudnya window shopping leh tenung tenung jelaa...x puas laa cenggitu..
tp itu jalanan je ekk chimeii...kalau shoping kompleks leh belek2 n cuba2 dulu kan..  |
oic..nasib baik chimei bgtau..senang la nanti..tq...niat dihati x nak shopping 1st trip ni..juz nak tgk2 tempat je tapi takut jugak nanti x tahan godaan tgk brg2 kat sana.. |
oic..nasib baik chimei bgtau..senang la nanti..tq...niat dihati x nak shopping 1st trip ni..juz nak ...
miss_blur Post at 21-1-2011 03:52 PM 
uishh..harus la shopping skit2 dulu at least tahu la jugak range harga benda2 tu bape kan.. |
Reply 595# Potpouri
"..boleh pandang-pandang..jangan pegang-pegang..."  |
| |