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Author: PujaAn

Seni Silat Melayu

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Post time 17-6-2009 09:24 AM | Show all posts
Kat youtube ada sedikit sedutan KHBE dan filem lain seperti Matinya seorang patriot, semutar hitam dan sebagainya. Yang terbaru arahan ebby yus Gerak dalam tari ka apa nama citernya

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Post time 14-7-2009 12:47 PM | Show all posts
582# tdpp2006

bila citer tu nak kuar ek..???

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Post time 3-9-2009 12:46 PM | Show all posts
Silats biggest secrets finally revealed

Amir Hafizi

Thursday, August 27th, 2009 04:02:00

Word on the street has it that the silat tradition of mandi minyak or 'hot-oil bath' practised by silat exponents is a scam.

Underneath the layer of oil, as the story has it, is water. Water and oil don’t mix and each has a different boiling temperature. So, when you heat up a water and oil concoction in a big wok, the water, which boils first, gives the illusion that the oil is a bubbling hot liquid that would scald.

“That's what we thought!” said Khairun Lamb. “But Justin (Ong) and I, we were at the site of the ceremony since beginning, and it was all oil, all the way, and it was really, really scalding hot! That’s just one of the things that surprised us when we were making the documentary.”

Khairun is the director of photography and co producer for a team commissioned by National Geographic Channel to do a documentary on the traditional Malaysian martial art of silat. The result is Fight Masters: Silat, set to be premiered this Merdeka Day on the National Geographic Channel.

Joel performing the 'hot-oil bath' or mandi minyak ritual

The documentary follows American silat exponent Joel Champ who has been studying martial arts since he was seven, as he gets his next stripe in his belt — stripe being a level in silat.

The 32-year-old US Navy dry land sailor and master-at-arms fell in love with silat some 15 odd-years ago.

“In silat, it is said that the student  doesn't search for the master. The master will seek the student, only when he is ready,” said producer and director Justin Ong.

“Joel was approached by Cikgu Sam — Tan Sri SM Salim's son - in the States and he never looked back, discarding all other forms of martial arts in favour of silat. Joel is in fact the highest-graded silat exponent in the western world.

“However, his training was a bit soft,” said Khairun. “He was practicing in air-conditioned gyms, and had paddings on the floor.

“He wanted to experience what it was like in the birthplace of silat, so we didn't spare him anything. It would have cheated him if we did.”

Then, Khairun added, with a mischievous grin on his face, “And this look he had when it was revealed that traditional silat practice only has sand to fall onto, and training is done outdoors, in the sweltering heat and torturous humidity.”

The project began when silat was chosen as one of the martial arts to be featured on Fight Masters.

“We went on a pitching process to National Geographic and the production company commissioned by them,” said Ong. “Then, a three-month research and two weeks of shooting, and then six to eight months of post- production. We made changes after changes when we discovered new things about silat. Overall, it took a year. And it wasn't easy. Every single line had to be verified by at least two sources.”

That's how stringent the standards are for National Geographic documentaries. And yet, it was a golden opportunity for Ong and for Khairun who even though has done numerous work for international networks such as NHK, Discovery Channel, ABC News, Al-Jazeera, Channel News Asia, has yet to do something about Malaysia.

“I wanted to do this because I have done so many things for other countries,” said Khairun. “I thought it was time I got involved with something for Malaysia.

“Doing this documentary basically taught us a lot about silat,” said Ong. “It was a martial arts that was developed for its practical uses, so we don't see any flying kicks or stylish moves. Everything has its use. Everything is effective. Even spitting at someone's face is a move that could determine the outcome of a fight.

“We also inserted a lot of CGI to show the scientific effects of some silat moves and the force of the blow. We were very lucky as Cikgu Sam convinced the masters in Malaysia to reveal some of their closely-guarded secrets and the moves they rarely show outsiders. We then put some experts to the task of taking a medical and physical explanation why it works that way. It's the science behind the art,” said Khairun.

“It's silat as you've never seen before!” interjected Ong.

However, the team does concede that the sheer scope of the documentary was narrowed down somewhat as the story of silat could not be encapsulated in just one documentary.

“We only have 47 minutes, and it’s jam-packed with as much information as we can,” said Khairun. “So it’s more of an introduction to silat. We covered Silat Gayung as it is the most established, and there are many other schools and styles out there.”

All the more reason, then, to give these guys another chance to cover silat again. This time, perhaps a whole series?

• Fight Masters : Silat will be shown on National Geographic Channel at 9pm on Merdeka Day, Aug 31 (premiere), Sept 11 and Sept 15.

- Malay Mail -


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Post time 3-9-2009 12:51 PM | Show all posts
Ayo Hang PC
Yang bengkok tu cam replika katana jer tapi gambar 1 tu ada gambar sundang lipas bugis...\,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click, ...
tdpp2006 Post at 27-5-2009 22:46

Pedang Melayu Ada Banyak Jenis/Rupa/Bentuk

Pedang Jenawi

Bentuk Pedang Menyerupai Pedang Dari Negara China (Jian)

Bentuk Pedang Menyerupai Pedang Dari Negara Jepun (Katana)


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Post time 7-9-2009 10:26 AM | Show all posts
584# HangPC2

dorang neh buka pun bukan rahsia sebenar gayong..

aku ada tgk rancangan neh .. kat national geographic tu...

nasib baik dia x bg btol buah seni tu..

kalo x..

harimau hilang kuku r..

*pesanan arwah dato` meor abd rahman bin daeng uda hashim (mahaguru gayong)

jangan ditepuk susu di dulang,
anak harimau x dapat menyusu,
jangan pecah rahsia hulubalang,
nanti harimau hilang kuku.

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Post time 14-4-2010 02:28 PM | Show all posts

minat betul baca kisah kat sini (walaupun tak khatam lagik)... ermm suami saya juga ada belajar silat... tapi dia ni asasnya gayong pancasila dan pernah belajar silat sendeng (sekadar ingin menambah ilmu.. katanya lah)

kat tempat saya ni.. yang aktif perguruan silat cekak harimau pikum dan perguruan  silat gayong pancasila... ada juga beberapa perguruan tapi tidak menonjol...

suami saya pernah bertanya kepada beberapa guru kokurikulum di sekolah2 mengenai persatuan silat di sekolah.. namun mereka tidak berminat untuk mewujudkannya di sekolah atas alasan masalah disiplin pelajar2 takut ianya dipergunakan untuk perkara2 negatif seperti bergaduh... hanya beberapa sekolah saja yang ada persatuan silat di sekolah..

namun atas inisiatif guru2 silat yang masih ada untuk menanam minat pada generasi muda.. mereka adakan pula gelanggang2 di kg.. harap2 ianya dapat membuka mata pihak luar..

moga silat2 melayu tidak tenggelam ditelan zaman..

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Post time 26-4-2010 12:56 PM | Show all posts
aku pun dulu minat gak belajar silat, tp sekrng mungkin sbb masa n keadaan kot.apa pun aku suka baca pasal ilmu bela diri.thnks

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Post time 29-9-2010 09:03 PM | Show all posts
kuntau melayu atau silat melayu sama kah?

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Post time 29-9-2010 09:13 PM | Show all posts

dorang neh buka pun bukan rahsia sebenar gayong..

aku ada tgk rancangan neh .. kat  ...
selendangmerah Post at 7-9-2009 10:26 [

ilmu itu mana boleh di beri habis kepada org luar ...betul apa yang mahaguru kata itu..nanti harimau hilang kuku..
aku pun rasa mcm itu juga..tak semua dia org bagi dgn mat salleh itu..masa aku belajar dulu pun lama baru cikgu beralih buah..
ini kan pula dgn org putih kuffar itu.

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Post time 12-10-2010 02:47 AM | Show all posts
aku nak tanyalah korang ada tahu tak silat-silat lama di Johor Bahru.Saya sedang mencari kot kalau ada yg ingin membantu

bukan silat Gayong Malaysia,Sendeng,Pukulan,Cekak dan Kalimah..nak silat-silat yang lain...nak merasa sesuatu yg baru dan mungkin sesuatu yg dah nak pupus..

terima kasih

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Post time 30-6-2011 01:51 PM | Show all posts
Silat Gayung


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Post time 30-6-2011 02:00 PM | Show all posts
kuntau melayu atau silat melayu sama kah?
hjrayle Post at 29-9-2010 21:03

Silat Kuntau Tekpi, Silat Lian Padukan dengan Silat Bentayan memang berasal dari Selatan China

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Post time 11-8-2011 11:23 AM | Show all posts
kuntau melayu atau silat melayu sama kah?
hjrayle Post at 29-9-2010 21:03

sama je .. silat org malaysia .. kuntau org indonesia ..

tp .. maknanya sama..


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Post time 11-8-2011 11:31 AM | Show all posts

minat betul baca kisah kat sini (walaupun tak khatam lagik)... ermm suami saya juga ada bel ...
cmf_honeysweet Post at 14-4-2010 14:28

dalam hal yg mcm ni laa org melayu harus bersatu ..

silat adalah satu warisan melayu dan ianya sebagai seni utk mempertahankan diri..

kalo cikgu2 kat sekolah sendri xnak bantu naikkan warisan melayu .. then sapa lg nak buat..?

satu perkara yg menghantui para jurulatih silat .. adalah double standard di sekolah dan juga pada pikiran ibu bapa budak2 sekolah..

mereka lebih menyanjung tinggi seni beladiri asing berbanding dengan seni beladiri warisan sendri...

malahan, depa ni semua sanggup byr beratus-ratus ringgit sebulan dlm nak belajar benda tu semua ..

tp, bila dengan warisan sendri .. berkira .. suruh byr yuran sebulan rm5 pun x bleh ..

tp.. kalo ngan yg lain rm150 pun ok je ..

kekadang mentaliti melayu itu sendri ..

lebihkan yg asing dr warisan sendri ..

bak kata mahathir .. Melayu Mudah Lupa..


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Post time 22-9-2011 10:02 AM | Show all posts
dalam hal yg mcm ni laa org melayu harus bersatu ..

silat adalah satu warisan melayu dan ia ...
selendangmerah Post at 11-8-2011 11:31

   yup setuju, silat kalau boleh nak free, satu lagi alasan yang langsung x dapat diterima otak ialah.."cikgu ayah saya suruh stop sbb nak periksa......"
aduhaiii, latihan 3 jam sekali seminggu boleh ganggu pelajaran ke?

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Post time 24-10-2011 12:51 PM | Show all posts
Silat Kuntau Tekpi, Silat Lian Padukan dengan Silat Bentayan memang berasal dari Selatan China
HangPC2 Post at 30-6-2011 14:00

    Silat Kuntau Tekpi bukan berasal dari China.Kuntau Tekpi berasal dari Panglima Kesultanan Kedah.Sama macam Silat silat lain yg beraliran dari Istana Kedah.

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Post time 17-1-2012 11:00 AM | Show all posts
anak me duk bawak balik borang taekwando.. me tak bagi masuk... kalau ada silat nak jugak bagi masuk.. nak tanya... betul ke saper2 yg belajar silat ni .. tok guru bagi pendamping? just tanya bukan condemn..

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Post time 27-1-2012 01:08 PM | Show all posts
pyah nak cakap...
yang juju maka jujur la yang pakai pendamping nikena la pandai2 tapis

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Post time 25-10-2015 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Badai Mencak Kelambit


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Post time 26-5-2016 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Darkkiller..buah pukul byk kat JB ni..leh la try gi riki..rasenye buah pukul ni lama la gak senibeladiri ni..permainannye pun rasenye bole thn gak

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