keke.yo la sbb aku pakai t's yg nipis2 tu je..kalo ko pakai yg hat mmg tebal2 tu ok la kut..tp j ...
chimei Post at 21-1-2011 17:05 
uishh..seminggu tutup..biar betul..kiranya salah timing la aku pergi camni...
kalo macam thempark diaorg mcm everland dgn lotte world tu tutup gak ker time tu?
rugi r aku camni..huhu |
Post Last Edit by mrafidi at 21-1-2011 18:33
Reply Potpouri
hmmm cukup ek? 1k dah untuk accomodation..tak sampi actually, dlm 8 ratus ...
haszyoe Post at 21-1-2011 17:19 
IB Ville bagi discount? berapa banyak dia bagi? Berapa lama ko stay kat IBVille?.. aku book IBVille gak, tapi tak der pun dia ckp pasal discount?.. ko mintak ker? Byk soklan plak.. harap ko x kisah ler nak share pasal discount tu... nak gak tanya, kot2 dia boleh bagi... tapi harga dan janji dah...  |
Reply 550# azradiza
thanx azra.. senang jer cari... aku dpt 2.75, mintak kurang dah x dpt dah.. |
Ibville ni mcm best plk.. Klu amik condo type siap ada kitchen lg.. Ni yg nk beralih arah ni.. Hazsyoe dpt rate brapa? |
Reply 564# chimei
ooo i still think im going to stay at jeju hiking inn. Cuma masih tengah research ni pasal sewa keta cos tengok cita 2 days 1 night macam best gitu drive ard on jeju. |
nak tye.. ada kena airport tax x korea nie.. mcm indonesia?.. or... just kena charge kalo berat bag lebih kilo jer kena charge? |
Reply azlann1981
kat SACC tu mana ada barang murah.. ekekeke.. beli ejr kat sana..
divasweet_77 Post at 21-1-2011 05:06 PM 
nghahah..betui2 mahai nak mampuih kat situ sbb tu takde org dtg..gahahhhhaha |
heater kat bontot dalam subway yang paling best.. wakakaka
divasweet_77 Post at 21-1-2011 05:09 PM 
puhuhuhu...yg tu paling best..ekeke |
Reply chimei
ooo i still think im going to stay at jeju hiking inn. Cuma masih tengah research ...
DarkBaron Post at 21-1-2011 08:41 PM 
aha!no prob..nanti kasi review tmpt tu yer....wooooooooooo tgk cito tu ek..next trip my fren n i nak wat trip 2 day 1 night tuh...ikut jejak dorang ..best kan..ekekekke |
nak tye.. ada kena airport tax x korea nie.. mcm indonesia?.. or... just kena charge kalo berat bag ...
qif Post at 21-1-2011 10:05 PM 
tarak epot tax cam kat indon...extra luggage je bayo kalo ade... |
naik juling mata tgk subway map ni..bab transfer2 ni yg pening sikit.. |
Reply 630# chimei
tq chimei .......... for the info..
lg nak tye... budget hotel / gh yg paling TERmurah.. selain ahjeong hostel (suggest by kak jel) mana yek.. any suggestion.. nak dok tmpt ahjuma tu tp kak jel kata deme x gemor bdk2.. haisssssss... pegi angkut kids skali.. |
Reply 631# miss_blur
Hahahaaa.... betui2. |
otai2 semua, another question..
let say aku kene amik flight awal pagi dari incheon balik kl... AA flight kul 8.25 am..
kalau mlm before the flight tu agak2 ok ke tak kalau aku lepak kat airport jer..?
ade port bagus tak utk overnite? aku ade ternampak gambar 'Spa on Air' kat KTO fb... ade sape2 penah try tak..? sebab based on information yg diorang letak, kat sini mcm bleh overnite semua..? nih spa yg mcm kite tengok kat dlm citer2 koya tu ker..? yg masing2 tido kat atas mat ramai2 tu ehh...? |
Post Last Edit by naadianaa at 23-1-2011 03:19
Soklan bg yg dh penah jejak Mt Sorak. Hehehe... nk meng'adjust itinerary so tht can include Mt Sorak skali. 
Mcmne nk ke Sokcho dari Incheon? Ke kene pegi Seoul dulu baru leh naik bas ke Sokcho?
Pastu any idea if ade storage facilities dekat area jeti to Nami Island. Ingat 1st day nk go straight to Sokcho - Mt Sorak - overnight kat ctu and the next day baru move to Nami Island. Tp kalo ikut this route kene mengangkut backpacks merata2 mase visit Nami Island nnt. 
=== Edit ===
Rasenye dh jumpe solution for my questions. LOL. Adeh, sendri tanye sendri jwp. Anyway, for my terjah korea chingus, here is the plan. From Incheon ke Seoul, letak backpacks kat Seoul Subway locker. Just bring ape2 yg perlu utk overnight in Sokcho. Pastu heads to Nami Island, pastu ptg tu terus bergerak ke Sokcho, bermlm kat Sokcho, pastu gi Mount Sorak keesokkan harinye, after pusing Mt Sorak, pastu baru balik Seoul, ambik backpacks and check into hostel. ^^ Or vice versa. Mt Sorak dulu baru Nami Island. Anyway, the locker is big enuff to store backpacks. Cth, Korea Subway Locker
=== 2nd Edit ===
Pas kire2 jumlah jam perjalanan nk ke Mt Sorak ngan Nami Island nie, rasenye x bleh la nk gi Mt Sorak, mcm x sempat jek. Amcm? Sape2 ade pandangan psl route nie? |
Reply 632# qif
search kat agoda.com pon blh dpt murah2 tapi baca la review dulu b4 booking  |
Soklan bg yg dh penah jejak Mt Sorak. Hehehe... nk meng'adjust itinerary so tht can include Mt Sorak ...
naadianaa Post at 22-1-2011 23:53 
saya fikir pun mcm tu naadiadianaa...mln tadi dah cuba2 tgk mcmana nak gi sana..mmg byk masa nak di peruntukkan..pegi next trip je la ye...trip kali ni kita khatam seoul n nami island dulu... |
Reply 636# aciq
thx aciq.. i dah try email namsan guest house.. efficient sunggdu diaorg nie.. 3 email antar dlm 1 hari.. terus dpt reply each email.. hehhee.. maybe i book namsan gh la kot.. anyway lmbt lg pun and still survey..  |
Reply 638# qif
Bile nk gi Korea? |
naik juling mata tgk subway map ni..bab transfer2 ni yg pening sikit..
miss_blur Post at 21-1-2011 10:55 PM 
tak yah pening..tanda tmpt ko nak naik..and cari line yg paling dekat ko nak gi yg tak payah nak transfer byk2 kali...takyah fikir line yg lain2 tu... |
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