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Author: kirawang


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Post time 1-10-2009 12:57 PM | Show all posts
Financial year end untuk PCIF 30 Nov..may be ada kot..

btw.,as i said, div does't reflect any value.
kirawang Post at 1-10-2009 09:53

so apa faedahnya ada dividen klu xde beza pada value.
yg mana lebih bagus klu nak tambah investment, buat sebelum atau selepas dividen diberi
mohon penjelasan yang arif...

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Post time 1-10-2009 03:18 PM | Show all posts
div ada ke tak de, nilai sama je..
hanya price je jadi rendah sikit....

kalau EPF inv, saya rekomenkan PIEF or PISSF, or PIDF..
u boleh pilih mana satu....

(just my own personal view..)
kirawang Post at 1-10-2009 09:49

apa pendapat ttg Public Islamic Optimal Growth Fund???

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2009 04:26 PM | Show all posts
so apa faedahnya ada dividen klu xde beza pada value.
yg mana lebih bagus klu nak tambah investment, buat sebelum atau selepas dividen diberi
mohon penjelasan yang arif...
chayuk Post at 1-10-2009 12:57

before div .. once mereka declared, dapat div, unit bertambah, value sama..

after div..harga rendah, psl mereka slash unit pon bertambah..
lebih kurang je, antara before and after....kalau be4 pon ok gak..

Nov tu, hujung tahun, baisanya market uptrend..

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2009 04:27 PM | Show all posts
apa pendapat ttg Public Islamic Optimal Growth Fund???
MrFed Post at 1-10-2009 15:18

so, far, kurang siket return dr contoh2 saya bagi kat far lah, tak tahu in d future..

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Post time 1-10-2009 08:26 PM | Show all posts
ermm maksud same value nie macam maner yer...?? so kalau nak jual balik ker camner calculation...? bleh bagik example....

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2009 10:57 AM | Show all posts
belom div 10k, value dia,..hari bg div tu pon 10K jugak, kalau dijual..

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Post time 2-10-2009 01:46 PM | Show all posts
ehhh...naper ek jadik cenggitu....?? hmm ibarat macam not sekeping rm 10...biler dividen jadik 2 not rm 5 ker...??

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Post time 2-10-2009 02:19 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by chayuk at 2-10-2009 14:21
ehhh...naper ek jadik cenggitu....?? hmm ibarat macam not sekeping rm 10...biler dividen jadik 2 not rm 5 ker...??
iena_kindaichi Post at 2-10-2009 13:46

gini la....value sama, tapi ada xtra unit.
cth: value investment 1000, nav 20 sen, unit=5000
lepas bagi dividen, kata la 2 sen
nav lepas tu akan turun 18 sen, tapi unit meningkat =5555
value investment tetap 1000 (18 sen X 5555 unit)

kata la ada kenaikan nav 5 sen:
klu tak ada dividen = 0.25 X 5000 unit = value jadi 1250
klu ada dividen mcm cth tu= 0.23 X 5555 unit = value jadi 1278
1278-1250= 28 hinggit.
nampak tak...kan ada beza tu

eayyy...betul ke apa aku mencarut nh, aku agak2 je ni weyy
kalo salah betulkan eak muakakakaaaaa...

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Post time 4-10-2009 08:57 PM | Show all posts
mana en.masri..

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2009 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by chayuk at 2-10-2009 14:21

gini la....value sama, tapi ada xtra unit.
cth: value investment 1000, nav 20 sen, unit=5000
lepas bagi dividen, kata la 2 sen
nav lepas tu akan t ...
chayuk Post at 2-10-2009 14:19

berullah tu...tunggu harga naik...

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Post time 5-10-2009 07:37 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by chayuk at 2-10-2009 14:21

gini la....value sama, tapi ada xtra unit.
cth: value investment 1000, nav 20 sen, unit=5000
lepas bagi dividen, kata la 2 sen
nav lepas tu akan t ...
chayuk Post at 2-10-2009 14:19

ada beza rm 28 tuh kire value dah tak samalah ekk....

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Post time 6-10-2009 09:41 AM | Show all posts
ada beza rm 28 tuh kire value dah tak samalah ekk....
iena_kindaichi Post at 5-10-2009 19:37

tu contoh kalau lepas dividen harga naik...
kalau lepas dapat dividen harga jatuh...then negative la value.

tapi pada hari dividen diberi...value memang tak berubah.

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2009 10:02 AM | Show all posts
good article..


Do stock markets need to correct?
Singular Vision - By Teoh Kok Lin

Past records have shown that markets can rally for long periods without any major corrections

ONE of the most frequently asked investment question in the world over the past few months is: When are we going to get the major stock market correction we have been waiting for?

Amid the doom and gloom predictions of global economic freefall and capital market disasters, the strong rebound in stock markets (worldwide but more so in emerging Asia and Latin America) since March has surprised many market participants.

Asia’s stock markets have been rallying for the past seven months without any major corrections, with the exception of a 24% and 20% drop in China’s Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets respectively in August. Furthermore, the size of the market rallies have been pretty impressive – for stock markets such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia (up 67% to 92%), it has been the best rally since 2005.

Many view the global economy to still be in a fragile state over the past seven months, and it seems logical to say (and many did) during this period that the rally was too high, too fast. Consensus view throughout this period is that stock markets are due for a major correction in excess of 15%-20%. Yet months have passed and the global market rally still continues. Rather than follow the consensus view that markets should pullback as stocks have rallied throughout this period, we should ask ourselves two simple questions:

·Do stock markets necessarily have to correct sharply?

Past records have shown that stock markets can rally for long periods without any significant correction. In fact, the sharper the drop, the stronger the rebound; long sustained rallies are not totally unseen before. In 2003, MSCI Emerging Markets rallied 13 months while in 1987, the S&P 500 rallied for 23 months without any significant correction in excess of 10% (see chart below).

We define significant correction as a drop of more than 10% as we have seen periods where stock markets hardly experienced any significant corrections for one to two years.

We believe the values of many companies were already emerging in late September and October of 2008. The subsequent panic sell down were mostly driven by fears of a systemic meltdown of the global financial system. Since then, governments have successfully propped up the financial system.

It is not surprising that global stock markets have recovered to pre-September 2008 levels today. In other words, this rally has placed us back to where we should be.

Markets therefore are not running ahead of fundamentals and there should be more room to improve as companies and economies recover in the months ahead.

·Should we wait for a major stock market correction to buy?

It is great if one is able to time the market; sell before the market corrects and buy back at the dips and make profit. In reality, we all know that it is easier said than done.

Even if one were to know a correction is likely to occur, one may not necessarily be better off. For instance, if one purchases a share at 50 sen and then sells it at RM1.00 anticipating the market is about to correct. Subsequently the share goes up to RM1.20 and then dips to RM1.05, before recovering back to RM 1.20. In this scenario, is one really better off?

Market timing abilities and transaction cost is one part of the story. Equally important, even if broad market corrections are expected, individual stocks may be affected differently.

In the case of good companies, share price behavior may not be so dependent of the broad market, even if a correction does eventually occur. Companies such as Tencent, a China Internet company listed in Hong Kong and Indocement, one of the largest cement producers in Indonesia, are good examples of strong fundamental companies doing well despite broad market movements.

Rather than trying to second guess when the market correction is coming and how deep the correction will be, we find it easier to identify and stay invested in companies that are still undervalued and benefiting from the global recovery.

Finding good value companies to invest in however involves a lot of persistent leg work, research and company visits. But then again, isn’t that the challenge for value investors?

·Teoh Kok Lin is the founder and chief investment officer of Singular Asset Management Sdn Bhd. Readers’ feedback to this article is welcomed.

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Post time 7-10-2009 11:58 PM | Show all posts
plek la.... cmne keadaan skang yg byk bencana dgn politik isu serantau tp harga saham stil blh naik ye?? bkn ke tu antara perkara yg ada kaitan besar dgn saham?
mtk pakar2 tlg jawab...  
plek tp benar...

p/s : saya bdk baru belajar, klu salah tlg bg tau...

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Post time 8-10-2009 07:17 PM | Show all posts
plek la.... cmne keadaan skang yg byk bencana dgn politik isu serantau tp harga saham stil blh naik ye?? bkn ke tu antara perkara yg ada kaitan besar dgn saham?
mtk pakar2 tlg jawab...  
plek tp ben ...
are_sun87 Post at 7-10-2009 23:58

kekadang kiter kene refer kat data2 macam value export & import, gross domestic product (GDP)

inflation & deflation rate,Corporate data (Corporate Earnings), unemployment rate, commodity prices(klo malaysia tgk kat CPO Crude Palm Oil), interest rate, consumer spending etc

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Post time 9-10-2009 08:29 AM | Show all posts
plek la.... cmne keadaan skang yg byk bencana dgn politik isu serantau tp harga saham stil blh naik ye?? bkn ke tu antara perkara yg ada kaitan besar dgn saham?
mtk pakar2 tlg jawab...  
plek tp ben ...
are_sun87 Post at 7-10-2009 23:58

Bila ramai orang dah tahu market nak buat correction/crash, lagi mencanak dia naik. fundamental, news etc etc tuh takyah tengok sangat sure rugi kalau follow sebab dia lag indicator. Ni sure dah tinggal bas nih

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Post time 9-10-2009 08:31 AM | Show all posts
kekadang kiter kene refer kat data2 macam value export & import, gross domestic product (GDP)

inflation & deflation rate,Corporate data (Corporate Earnings), unemployment rate, commodity prices ...
tauke Post at 8-10-2009 19:17

ni suma lag indicator, kalau main long term (play safe) leh lar refer.

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Post time 9-10-2009 09:30 AM | Show all posts
bagi aku baik masuk sblm dividen...tambah lagik masa mrket tgh bull....
contoh aku yg baru kenal UT dan baru 2 kali wat skim EPF....
Fund aku PIEF...dividen declare pada consultant aku sbmit utk topup pada 18May2009....(klu check balik around May ada correction minor) aku dpt buy unit pada higher low....lbh kurang price nav RM0.27xx (klu tk silap)....then bila 31MAy2009 entitle utk dividen....bila kira2 lbh kurang gross dividen aku tu 6% la...(better than EPF)....tapi esoknya NAV diadjust turun.....tapi tkper sbb unit dah btambah hasil dari duit dividen...
Dan kemudian bila mrket terus naik....NAV aku pun trus naik...dan skang sudah nav dah RM0.30xx

ni pun dah sampai haul utk topup kali ketiga tapi consultant aku tu busy jaga anak..maklum  la single father...kena gilir2...

satu yg aku nk highlight disini bila aku submit ke branch utk topup..katakan pada 18May2009....EPF akan approve 2 mggu kemudian...walaupun aku dpt price pada 18May2009 dan topup tidak pada 18August tapi kena tgk tarikh pada approval dari circel utkl topup menjadi 3bulan ++

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2009 09:33 AM | Show all posts
u all perasan tak 2-3 hari ni, market HS naik 2-3 percent, tapi PCIF selow je...may be china market ak start trading lagi, psl national day mereka..

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Post time 9-10-2009 09:44 AM | Show all posts
u all perasan tak 2-3 hari ni, market HS naik 2-3 percent, tapi PCIF selow je...may be china market ak start trading lagi, psl national day mereka..
kirawang Post at 9-10-2009 09:33


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