Koleksi Petikan Kata Hikmat/Ahli2 Falsafah (merged with simplelife)
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Education is the process of driving a set of prejudices down your throats. ~Martin H. Fischer |
Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't. ~Pete Seeger |
We are students of words: we are shut up in schools, and colleges, and recitation-rooms, for ten or fifteen years, and come out at last with a bag of wind, a memory of words, and do not know a thing. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson |
The more that learn to read the less learn how to make a living. That's one thing about a little education. It spoils you for actual work. The more you know the more you think somebody owes you a living. ~Will Rogers |
All the learnin' my father paid for was a bit o' birch at one end and an alphabet at the other. ~George Eliot |
Education is the transmission of civilization. ~Ariel and Will Durant |
ust living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Anderson |
The purpose of life is a life of purpose. ~Robert Byrne |
The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water, but to walk on the earth. ~Chinese Proverb |
Life is simple, its just not easy. |
A life without cause is a life without effect. ~Barbarella |
Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you're alive, it isn't. ~Richard Bach |
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. ~Henry David Thoreau, Walden |
hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it. ~Jack Handey |
Life is a foreign language: all men mispronounce it. ~Christopher Morley, Thunder on the Left |
As we struggle to make sense of things, life looks on in repose. ~ |
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One must be fond of people and trust them if one is not to make a mess of life. ~E.M. Forster |
I think we may safely trust a good deal more than we do. ~Henry David Thoreau |
Our distrust is very expensive. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson |
You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment unless you trust enough. ~Frank Crane |
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Category: Belia & Informasi