Reply #697 buiscasey's post
kalau betul lah .. sedih aq dgr ..  |
Originally posted by buiscasey at 22-8-2007 06:44 PM 
apa yg lewat tayang???
opps, silap pos..... |
lawak tol.. |
Originally posted by buiscasey at 18-8-2007 12:21 AM 
setahu aku, kat cinemanila tu, jury dia ader quentin tarantino.... so, kalau dah nama quentin tu, picisan ker???
anyway, ko kenal ker quentin tarantino tu saper??
Tarantino bukan jadi juri, dia ke situ untuk terima lifetime achievement award..... anugerah khas. Mukhsin bertanding dalam asean competition dan juri2nya ialah Bee Thiam Tan, Jeffrey Jeturian dan Robert Malengreau.
p/s: Harap dapat kurangkan hinaan dan cercaan. Tak baik tau. |
"Robert Malengreau, festival director of Brussels International Festival of Independent Films, Belgium. In discovering great film talents of Asia, no one could possibly beat Robert Malengreau. The international festival of independent films in Brussels of which Malengreau is festival director must have the record of the most number of Asian films introduced to Europe."
"Bee Thiam Tan is the Founder and Executive Director of the Asian Film Archive, an organization that serves to save, explore and share the art of Asian Cinema. He is also on the organizing committee of the 3rd Southeast Asian Cinema Conference in Kuala Lumpur. A filmmaker himself, his short called Shelter: The City of Forgetting was the opening film for the .MOV International Digital Film Festival 2005 in Philippines."
"Filipino director Jeffrey Jeturian won critical acclaim with his first feature drama, I Wish It Were Love (Sana pag-ibig na) in 1998. His second film Fetch a Pail of Water (Pila-balde, 2000), about life in the slums, received the Gold Award at the 2000 Worldfest International Film Festival in Houston, Texas and enjoyed commercial and critical success at home. It has played at numerous festivals, among them the Far East Film festival in Udine, Italy."
mana best dengan usop selam?  |
Originally posted by mrstan at 24-8-2007 12:53 PM 
"Robert Malengreau, festival director of Brussels International Festival of Independent Films, Belgium. In discovering great film talents of Asia, no one could possibly beat Robert Malengreau. Th ...
kelas..profile usop selam ada tak? |
aku layan jer bila tgk mukhsin ni. santai dan leh berhibur. citernyer xde la memberatkan pikiran. 1st time aku tgk movie melayu bdk2 belakon selain citer omputih. |
Originally posted by KoSe at 22-8-2007 02:12 PM 
kelas..aku ada baca..
macam mana dia ni boleh terbabit dgn produksi mukhsin?
Die teman kawan die g audition..last2 die yg dpt.. |
i like it most
most fav among all yasmin's film
suka sangat... ada suka, nangis n evrything |
Originally posted by maberik at 16-8-2007 10:27 PM 
award picisan ke?
tapi ada filem Syndromes And A Century oleh Apitchapong Weerasethakul dlm kategori yg sama. filem ni femes secara international(dikagumi). tapi Mukhsin jugak menang. picisan ...
tak payah ko penat2 explain benda bijak dengan orang bodoh pasal orang bodoh takkan paham benda bijak nih. |
Originally posted by Dicota8 at 16-8-2007 09:46 PM 
kalau Raja Azmi yang menang, agaknya...adakah ko akan ini award picisan?
award filem terpencil konon.
pemikiran dengki dan busuk hati ala Raja Azmi.
ptui. |
Reply #714 mrstan's post
heheheheh, mcm mana nak terpilih.. sah sah copycat love actually.. tukor skrip and jalan citer sesikit jer....
thanks mrsm tan for the info.....
[ Last edited by buiscasey at 30-8-2007 01:50 AM ] |
tima kacih kembali. oh, by the way, it's mr stan. |
Kalau tak menang award kat luar pun, cerita tu mmg best. Aku puas hati dari segi acting. Ada la beberapa scenes yg tak ada pun takper...tp still...acting nampak natural.. |
hmmm... pada aku terlalu banyak overacting... |
i liked Cinta. it's a guilty pleasure of mine. |
tidak boleh dinafikan yang filem 'cinta' lebih baik daripada kebanyakan filem melayu sekarang.
aku suka kerjaya orang-orang baru ni, sebab yang old school tak boleh complacent lagi. |
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