Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 28-10-2013 12:48 PM
tertengok pagi tadi kat bod lawak jenaka nun.
Apasal la...semua dah kemaruk nak popular ni ...
mod eva tak suka ke video tu?
iols okay je.....in a world where it's normal for our young girl to need reassurance from others to feel pretty,this girl tahu sendiri mata dia cantik and she acknowledge it.....positive body image...
AisPrince posted on 28-10-2013 01:30 PM
first time I tengok orang survey buku dulu sebelum beli......
BCMUnlimited rated it 5 of 5 stars
Shelves: 2013
I was very impressed by this book. I thought it was going to be a typical book about autism but I was wrong. This book talks about how one mom rallies for her son, who happens to have autism, and fosters his genius mind. The love this mom has for her son is inspirational.
Jake Barnett has autism but he also has a brilliant mind. The autism is a barrier for him in some ways but his mom fights for him every step of the way. When a special education teacher told her that Jake would never learn to read, she pulled him out of the special education class. She called world class minds to help her son understand some mathematical equation or theory. She also fought for him to have a “normal” childhood and play.
Last edited by Elle_mujigae on 19-11-2013 01:12 PM
AisPrince posted on 28-10-2013 01:55 PM
Just Kidding......I tak baca novel....
hahaha so funny.
i tengok buku tu je mesti teringat my housemate..dia tgh baca buku ni...
and i pi tanya dia buku tu pasal apa....best tak... cuz that time i dont know pun buku tu pasal apa....
so funny...*awkward moment*
oh you lagi suka tgk movie la ye....orite.....hunger games tu femes tapi itulah don;t know why..kurang minat...
AisPrince posted on 28-10-2013 02:07 PM
hahah....mesti awkward sangat kan.....apa jawapan dia....
tak sangka ada orang malaysia baca 50 s ...
she said buku tu pasal romance..... then i terus cakap something like oh okay i kurang suka buku psl romance ni....
tapi i google psl buku tu sbb kat bookstore Popular buku ni best seller last year...
then i was like---->
so ya..kat Malaysia pun popular buku tu..jangan tak percaya........haha...nak buat movie dah pun....