Second Week of Goo Cine—part 3/3
(thanks meow13!)
Scene is: JoDirector is in distress
Dir: GHS
Film Location: Gwang Hwa Do
Date: Jan. 23, 2010
(We see GHS and CamDir talking together. Then JoDir walks in and talks about work.)
GHS: This is Jo Director and he says that all staff and actors are either pigs or equipments. (Poor JoDir! How does he tolerate all of GHS’s teasing for so long?!)
(JoDir is asking the cameraman to edit this part out with a hand gesture of scissors cutting.)
CamDir and YG Producer are asking JoDir what that hand gesture means and laughing.
Screen: Sorry, we only take side of Dir Goo!
GHS: He told us yesterday in such an exaggerated manner that he fainted and was taken to the hospital for enteritis….made us all worry ,,,(JoDir is fine today! Is he a joker too? )
CamDir: He made us all so worried…
(Jodir runs away again! )
GHS: Yesterday, he called over female staff to him and told them he will give them sex education. (laughter all around.). (addressing CamDri What else did he do?
CamDir: When was your last kiss?
GHS: He asks them when was the last time they kissed…
Screen: JoDir is the public enemy? (JoDir does not sound all that innocent either! He also sounds like a mischievous character like GHS!)
Screen: Today is outdoor filming day. But it is raining.
JoDir: if we just work, it will end?
CamDir: (to JoDir) Actually, the weather is JoDir’s doing!
(JoDir laughs and he looks up at the sky. I hear GHS saying to Jodir to do something about it.)
Jodir: I’m going to make a telephone call and ask it to fix it.
CamDir: Yeah, ask how can it mess up schedule like this?!
They, including the YG producer, are all talking in jest about the weather and making JoDir the culprit again. …that JoDir makes the weather cold and rainy,,
JoDir: OK, I will tell it to stop raining by 6PM.
GHS: Let’s make a bet about 6PM. If it does not stop raining by 6PM,,,,
YGproducer: we will send JoDir to Seoul.
(I cannot tell who is talking . One says, if it does stop raining, let’s give him a day off. Another says, send him away forever,,,,whatever happens, JoDir is getting cut! )
Screen: Anyway, let’s wait until the evening…
GHS and a female staff are talking about scenes and what remains to be filmed and etc.
GHS: I’m going to sleep now.
Cameraman: are you sleeping until the rain stops?
GHS & female staff: No, our daytime filming ended. So we take a daytime nap,,,
(GHS sleeps)
Screen: Finally, time for the night time filming..
(GHS has a box of chocolate goodies and smiling.)
GHS: Can I give you one?
JODir: No, not me. I don’t want to eat.
Screen: JoDir seems uncomfortable with GHS being kind to him.
JoDir: I’m laughing because it is crazy. (I think that is what he said—sound is not clear)
Screen: GHS hands out choco-pie to staff who work so hard.
One male staff sitting next to JoDir: Goo Director is handing out food to staff now that she is on camera. Most of the time, she takes food away from people.
GHS: I now am going to pick on him! laughter ( the one who just tattle-tailed on GHS!)
Male voice: It is because JoDir is sitting next to you.
Tattle-tailer: (getting up) I better not sit next to him.
Screen: Poor JoDir! Poor JoDir!
GHS: HyunJin-ah! (calling Suh Hyun Jin) I want to tell you something shocking!
SHJ: What!
GHS: (to SHJ) He said that, except for you, all the staff and actors are pigs or equipments.
SHJ: Why! Why not me then?
Male voice: because he loves you. (all laugh)
SHJ: Director-nim. You have to say that directly to me. I like courageous man. (all laugh)
JoDir: (dejected or embarrassed) Thank you.
GHS: As a friend, I want to stop her.
GHS: (to JoDir) From now on, do not appear in front of HyunJin!
Another male voice: If it were I, I would just forget about the movie.
(poor JoDir!!)
GHS: (holding JoDir who is next to her) Please take a pic of JoDir.
JODir: Ahh! Please stop now!
Screen: JoDir’s suffering does not end!
GHS working on scene with Lim Ji Gyu, monitoring him on screen and telling him that it was good again.
Screen: The night filming continues in a harmonious mood..
Scene: Goo Cine Band First Practice
Director: GHS
Location: Practicing Room in Hong Dae
Date: may 29, 2010
They are practicing the song, <you in my embrace> when the female singer notices Director Goo. Everybody gets up to greet her---Woah! What respect!
GHS: (yelling loudly) You are doing great! Great!
Screen: They all seem glad to see the director in a long time.
GHS: Did you all hear that we would like to do a street performance? (Choi In Young was there. They all heard.) The song that you sang during filming is the ending song.
Female: (sound of surprise) Really? It is going to come out? We thought it will be edited out.
GHS: no, That was the highlight! I really liked it. ,,,We are just going to go there and perform. It is important to do the movie but it would be also nice to do something meaningful. (screen: GHS is explaining why she is doing the guerilla concert.)
Also, I really feel that all of you are just too good to waste. I am just a piece of raddish kimchi following along. I want to show off all of your talents and also to use the opportunity to do some good (she is talking about the charity work). That is why I asked (pointing to Choi In Young, the YoSool’s Musical Director.) So, I thank you all for coming together.
All: It will be fun. (mutual clapping)
GHS: I just sound like I’m just so good! (GHS usually seems uncomfortable with praise for her and turns the situation into something more comical…Great Gal!)
Choi In Young takes charge and gets people to start with <Brown Hair>. They were little confused about the title at first.
Screen: Even though it is their first practice, they all harmonize so well.
Screen: Next song to practice is the movie song, <you in my embrace>.~by Yoo Jae Ha, right?
Screen: It is hard to imagine such fantasy performance from the very first practice. The guerilla concert is greatly anticipated!
Screen: Please wait for the next week segment of Yosool,,,,,
(Yipeee! Another one next week!!!)
Goo Hye Sun at “Gallery TLJ” Opening Ceremony Showcase
(Translated from 스타뉴스) Actress cum director Goo Hye Sun participated in the opening ceremony and showcase for gallery “Gallery TLJ” arranged for her at Seoul Gangnam-gu Tous Les Jours Sinsa outlet level 2 on June 23 afternoon.
“Gallery TLJ” is a gallery outlet which is appointed for Tous Les Jours’s CF model Goo Hye Sun who displayed talents in various fields such as movies, arts, music, literature etc.
Goo Hye Sun putting up her artwork:
Goo Hye Sun cutting the opening ceremony cake with Seo Hyun Jin
Goo Hye Sun performing a mini acapella music concert showcase on her movie "Magic" with her band.
구혜선은 평소 스트레스를 받으면 어떻게 해소하냐는 앵커의 질문에 "사실 크게 스트레스를 받지 않으려 한다. 오해가 생기면 그때그때 얘기하는 스타일이다"며 "스트레스를 받는다 싶으면 친구들을 만나고 직장 동료들 만나 술을 먹는다"고 말했다.
이어 "내가 영화 찍으면서 능청이 많이 늘었다. 능청스러워져서 모든 것을 여유롭게 보게 됐다"고 덧붙였다. YTN asked her how GHS deals with stress. She said that she tries hard not to receive stress. If there is any misunderstanding, she likes to be open about it. If she does get stressed, she would get together with friends or coworkers and have drinks. While making movies, GHS says that she has become more neung-chung~guileful or sly?? Because she has become more guileful, she feels that she looks at things with more open/understanding mind (does this make sense to poeple? Webby? Lolli?)
또 구혜선은 자신의 성격과 영화감독과 배우 둘 중 어떤것이 더 잘 맞는가라는 질문에 대해 "개인적인 성격은 내가 오지랖이 넓어서 감독 쪽이 더 잘 맞는다. 반면 내 성향은 연기(배우)가 더 맞는 것 같다"고 밝혔다. YTN also asked GHS which job she prefers: director or actor. She responded: As I tend to meddle into things, my private personality fits the work of a director. However, my inclination is to do acting. (I wonder what she really means by that??)
이어 "영화를 찍는 것은 굉장히 즐거운 작업이었다. 많은 사람들과 의견을 나누고 소통하고 이렇게 작품을 만들어가는 과정이 너무나도 행복한 과정이었다"고 영화 감독으로서의 소감을 전했다.GHS added: Making a movie was an immensely enjoyable work for me. Communicating and talking things over with people to make a product was an extremely happy process/situation for me. (I am betting that ultimately, GHS loves the job of a director over acting! Right?!)
이어 "이외수 선생님은 원래 그림도 그리셨고 화가를 하고 싶어했다. 근래에는 작곡도 하시고 모든 일을 즐기시면서 사신다"며 "이외수 선생님은 끊임없이 많은 분들과 소통을 한다. 내가 선생님보다 나이가 젊은데도 불구하고 나보다 더 많이 인터넷상으로든 어떤 방식으로든 소통을 하는 것을 본받아야 할 것 같다"고 전했다. GHS has another role model for her life. That is the prolific writer, Lee Weh Soo, whom she visited not too long ago and posted in her tweeter and minihompy. GHS says: <Lee Weh Soo originally wanted to be a painter. Recently, he also composed and enjoys everything that he does. He also endlessly communicates with many people. Even though I am younger than he is, Lee Weh Soo uses more of the internet and other methods to continually stay in touch with people. I want to follow his example.>
또 구혜선은 이외수 선생님의 조언을 전했다. "선생님께서 '지금처럼 잘 살라'며 '계속 자기 개발하라'고 하셨다"며
"'모든 것을 오래 즐기고 한다면 결국 재능화가 된다'고 조언했다"고 말했다.GHS reiterated some of the advices that she received from Lee Wh Soo: <Continue to live as well as you do now. Continue to develop yourself. If you enjoy everything that you do for a long time, they all ultimately become skills/ability.>
이에 구혜선은 "나도 처음부터 그림, 소설, 연기 등을 모두 잘했던 것은 아니다. 좋아하는 시간이 길어질수록 재능화가 되는 게 아닌가 생각한다. 계속 노력할수록 개발화가 되는 것 같다"고 자신의 생각을 피력했다. GHS also said that: <I was not good in drawing, writing or acting from the very beginning. The more I liked them and enjoyed working on them, I think they became part of my abilities. I feel that the more and harder I try, the more developed they become.>
이날 구혜선은 남자친구가 있냐는 질문에 "아직 남자친구가 없다. 방송이어서 하는 말이 아니라 진실이다"며 "이렇게 남자친구가 없어서 이런 일(그림, 연기, 소설, 영화감독 등)들을 많이 할 수 있었다"고 웃으며 밝혔다.
이어 "일단 앞으로는 일하는데 전념하겠다. 혹여나 남자친구 생긴다면 밝히겠다"고 당당히 말했다.
YTN also asked GHS if she has a boyfriend now. She said she does not have one. She said that she is not just saying that because she is being interviewed on TV. She is truthful about it. She also said laughing that, because she does not have a boyfriend, she was able to do many of her work (i.e. painting, acting, writing a novel, directing. GHS also said that, at this time, she wants to focus wholeheart into her work. If by chance she does have a boyfriend, she decisively said that she will reveal it!
It was revealed that Goo Hye Sun has been chosen to be the main model for Pantech’s new smartphone.
Because of her multiple talents, with the most recent being her movie director’s role for her movie, Magic,Pantech has decided to rope in Goo Hye Sun to become the model fortheir new Android smartphone, IM-A630K which targets female consumers.
They felt that Goo Hye Sun was a perfect fit because of her manytalents and looks. In addition, Goo Hye Sun had came out top in amarket poll, where consumers felt that she was the best person topromote the smartphone’s overall concept.
Goo Hye Sun also filmed a CF for the phone in which it was describedthat she had displayed her innocence and mysteriousness ina dreamyenviroment.
thanks susAmerica for translations from soompi
YTN also asked GHS if she has a boyfriend now. She said she does not have one. She said that she is not just saying that because she is being interviewed on TV. She is truthful about it. She also said laughing that, because she does not have a boyfriend, she was able to do many of her work (i.e. painting, acting, writing a novel,directing. GHS also said that, at this time, she wants to focus wholeheart into her work. If by chance she does have a boyfriend, she decisively said that she will reveal it!
Ley Post at 24-6-2010 13:51
byk gamba hyesun shantek2 kt dapek dn nk menempek..T__T disbbkan snailmyx yg terlalu lembap cm babun..babun pong tk lembap cm nih..geram tol aku ngan perkhidmatan cm nih...menyusahkan!!!!!!!!..>_<!