whiteberry posted on 28-4-2013 04:17 PM 
Okeh sambung. Esoknya akak check out and letak barang kat Valley hostel.. Pastuh iols akan naik Murr ...
mcm tak bersenggulan la kiter
sebab i will be at VH from 14th to 16th sept
and your itenary tu almost similar
i read somewhere that they can arrange your luggage to be sent to the train station of ur destination
maknanya if i nak diorang arrangekan from geneva train airport to lauterbrunnen boleh ke?
so that i have less thing to worry and focus on my visit to montreux (chateu ape bende tu)
aishahahmad posted on 29-4-2013 01:07 PM 
dah jatuh hukum wajips noks, swiss pass itu ..
dah tentu uolls turun geneva khennnn .. panor ...
I kan mula2 duk contemplate wherher i should get the swiss pass ke tak
banyak sgtla jenis ticketnyer
ada swiss pass ada swiss transfer
sebab amik kire faktor 4 adults and 1 child
tapi my son tu foc sebab he is below than 6
hat dewasa tu
if CHF 200++ per person, darab 4
Seb baik ada la diskaun 15 percent for group purchase
ni duk gege isi e-filling, alangkah bagusnya kalau dapat refund harga 4 ticket swiss pass
in my dreamssssssss jer lah
dlisa posted on 29-4-2013 08:47 PM 
tak silap i dulu 4+ jam gak la from Tirano ke Chur
weols dulu ingat nak naik gak GE tapi tak leh ...
i tot of cutting the trip shorter
GE stop kat tirino, pastu naik bas lagi
I nampak kat route dia mcm boleh stop kat Andermatt, sebab mcm route tu bercantum dgn BE
stikl got some reading to do
or else maybe i email diorang and tanya whats their suggestion
3 jam gagah lagi kan kalau 7 jam dgn anak duk menawaf 7 kali.berpeluh tu
Lady_Di posted on 29-4-2013 08:53 PM 
I kan mula2 duk contemplate wherher i should get the swiss pass ke tak
banyak sgtla jenis ticke ...
guna ni utk nak tentukan pass mana terbaik utk anda 
kalo ada bawak kids:
The Swiss Family Card is available free of charge at attended Swiss railway stations or when you book online
Children under age 16 travel free of charge when accompanied by at least one parent holding a Swiss Travel System ticket
kene mintak swiss family card tu... free je
Vokuro posted on 29-4-2013 02:30 PM 
kak, tentatively plan weols gerak ke roma on 2nd nov dan gerak ke geneva from roma on 4th sebegitu ...
ur dates tu mmg kena tine tgh peak price la
i try wegofly tadi pun, the cheapest from lon to rome on 2nd nov is rm235 by british airways
ryanair pun mahai lagi
dlisa posted on 29-4-2013 09:10 PM 
mmg ada service tu but with a cost of coz
cek here http://www.sbb.ch/en/station-services/services ...
Alamak ada cost ka
hahaha nothing is free ek kat swiss heehehe except for the view
dlisa posted on 29-4-2013 09:28 PM 
I cek route dua2
yg I nampak point yg bleh U change ke BE is at Chur, Davos or St. Moritz
BE tak ...
Hmmm kena study balik ni
my destination after swiss is either rome or florence
not keen on flights la sebab i malas buang masa 2 jam kena sampai kat airport tu
luggage lagi
itenaryitaly jer tak iron out lagi, still kena read up on mode of transportation
last time duk kat lugano, then naik train ke milan
this time ard since i will be settling with SP, ingat nak utilize the card betul2
i KIV dulu my last 2 days itenary kat zermatt
if 7 jam pastu stop kat Chur, then naik train lagi ke milan
wahhhh fengsan hahaha
dlisa posted on 29-4-2013 09:10 PM 
mmg ada service tu but with a cost of coz
cek here http://www.sbb.ch/en/station-services/services ...
CHF 12 per luggage
harga kebab kat lugano dah
if keep in the luggage storage tu mahal x?
price range?
dlisa posted on 29-4-2013 09:17 PM 
guna ni utk nak tentukan pass mana terbaik utk anda
http://www.swisstravelsystem.com/en/home/t ...
There was 1 blog yang state that she bought the swiss pass buy 1 free 1
meaning that if usually we pay CHF 220 per person, for that particular travelling time dia pergi tu, it was CHF 220 for 2 person
which is soooooo darn cheap
bila la promo gitu nak ada lagi
Lady_Di posted on 29-4-2013 10:19 PM 
There was 1 blog yang state that she bought the swiss pass buy 1 free 1
meaning that if usually ...
I baru baca hari tu.. offer 1 get 1 free tu dah takde thn ni instead diaorg buat 4+1 day free tapi hanya utl 1st class jah
then offer valid: The offer is available for the travel periods of 01 Feb 2013 to 30 Apr 2013 and 01 Nov 2013 to 27 Dec 2013.
Lady_Di posted on 29-4-2013 10:17 PM 
CHF 12 per luggage
harga kebab kat lugano dah
I dah tak ingat la brape ratenye tapi rasa cam tak la mahal sgt
ni antara yg I google:
We were in Zurich in August 2011.There are medium and large lockers at the station, cost about 5 CHF medium, 9CHF large. There is a also a machine to change money nearby, but it's a good idea to have some 1CHF and 2CHF coins with you
Last edited by dlisa on 29-4-2013 10:49 PM
whiteberry posted on 29-4-2013 09:14 AM 
olss suggest camni:
day 1: LBN-Grutschalp-Murren-Schilthorn-Gimmelwald-Trummelbach
uols akan hi ...
So kalau start aktiviti ni kul 830 pagi, from Interlaken OST to lucerne lebih kurang 3 hours.. Kan lucerne agak2 sempat tak if iols nak p mount rigi. Say kalau iols sampai noon around 1am?? Nak pi mount rigi another cruise kat lake lucerne plak.. or tak payah sbb ptg takot cuaca tak elok naik mount rigi pon ape tak nampak?? ke guane?? Kalau tak pi Mount Rigi, mana iols leh terjah kat Lucerne??
sempat lagi kot. tapi biasa la kan everytime uolss kene cek weather kat mt. rigi tu & tanya jugak kat kaunter enough time ke tak nak naik ke atas. kalo tak sempat gi sana, just merayau2 kat luzern je la.. gi tgk lion yg tido tu ke. kalo bleh uolss start awal lagi dari interlaken
Iols kalau boleh nak stay till malam kat lucerne sbb nak tgk chapel bridge time malam cam cantik jeee lampu2 bagai... then catch next train to basel. Sbb kitorang tidoq kat basel
yup.. thats a brilliant idea pastu tepek pic kat sini ekk 
And iols nak tahu Swiss Pass tu akan kire camne ek days dia tu?
dia kira hari, bukan kira jam. so by 12am dah abis la 1 hari
Then esknya, flight from basel to kayseri kul 1425. So pagi2 tuh, ape nak buat kat basel. any idea??
ni kene tanya @aishahahmad
apa plan ahkak ni bila kat basel, iolss blom sampai lagi sini. dgr2 ade museum, old town & botanical gardens
dlisa posted on 30-4-2013 07:11 PM 
So kalau start aktiviti ni kul 830 pagi, from Interlaken OST to lucerne lebih kurang 3 hours.. Kan ...
if swiss pass kire by jam, then siapa yg beli SP 8 mlm day 1 rugi la ek banding if those yg beli at 8 am, sbb day 1 tu pakai for 4 jam jer 
dlisa posted on 30-4-2013 07:58 PM 
ehh.. kalo by 12am dah abis 1 hari tu kira jam ke kira hari? iolss pun dah konpius
tapi for ...
Meh kita baca terms and conditions dia hehehe
mcm HOHO bus kan, dia ikut time we start to use the ticket
if SP mcm tu then okla kan
Lady_Di posted on 30-4-2013 09:25 PM 
Meh kita baca terms and conditions dia hehehe
mcm HOHO bus kan, dia ikut time we start to use t ...
I'm sure SP tak sama mcm HOHO sebab dulu I beli yg 15days (4-19 july) then the last day tu (hari yg ke 16, 19 july) SP dah tak bleh pakai
Last edited by dlisa on 30-4-2013 11:34 PM
dlisa posted on 30-4-2013 09:38 PM 
I'm sure SP tak sama mcm HOHO sebab dulu I beli yg 15days (4-19 july) then the last day tu (hari y ...
true what u said
its base on days not hours validity
i googled and found this http://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g188045-i336-k4402341-Swiss_Pass_hourly_validity-Switzerland.html
and the clausa is here http://data.ch-direct.org/Tarife/SBB/T673_e.pdf
so maknanya best to start ur SP on early day of Day 1
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