Post time 15-12-2013 08:02 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Smlm tgk the making utk lagu malangg tu..mak aii riso lak tgk kat n aamir terliuk liuk panjat sana sini
Both very professional..after 2-3 weeks dh leh buat dah
semalam tgk anupama chopra's talkshow, diorg interview aamir, uday n abhishek pasal muvi ni. then tgk interview aamir ngan bollywood hungama, yg tu best sbb aamir mcm candid sket cite psl muvi ni, xdiplomatik sngt. aamir siap ckp 'dhoom 3 is very entertaining, and like you've never seen before'. mlm ni tggu koffee with karan, aamir first time diinterview oleh karan johar!
haha cant wait for the muvi. im coming all the way from Tganu to KL this weekend! haha.. im sure it can live up to expectations.
btw, for those yg xtau lagi, hrithik roshan dh bercerai dgn suzanne roshan, selepas 17tahun kahwin.