I have two cats now. Their names are 'apricot' and 'short arm octopus'. Becoz of that, i came home after 4 days (<--not sure whether this sentence is correct). My mom still doesn't know about it (referring to the cats). For now please keep it a secret. There are 5 dogs and 2 cats at home now.
Recently, i'm looking for trouble. I'm in the midst of an interesting work. whatever. I hope it will turn out to be enjoyable for both me and you. All right, let me get started now.
Goo Hye Sun uploaded a picture of her new hairstyle onto her Twitter on the 13th and surprised her fans. She wrote, “I cut off my hair. I might cut more. hahaha.”
She really knows how to pull off everything, doesn’t she? Netizens complimented,
“It was feel nice since it’s so hot.”
“You look good in this hairstyle too.”
“Wow, even shorter!”
dn pasal fb tuh jugak..kaka ley pon baru jer update arini..mian hyesun..tersgt bz jugak..cm nora ...
Ley Post at 14-7-2010 23:09
pasal Yt tu.. xpe.. nnti ai godek2 balik..
baru leh tepek segala bpk benda kat situ..
p/s:gamba tuh kan..nora nampak tak ape yg kaka ley nmpak..agaknyer mino tengok ker gamba hyesun tuh..die tk rase geram ker tengok hyesun..hehehe
nape kaka ley ckp mcm tu... kaka ley xrasa ke yg diorg tu mmg dh janji nk potong rambut sesama.. update sesama...
masa dating ari tu mino dh bgtau.. "yang..mlm ni kita update gambar terbaru kita kat twitter nak? mesti fans suke..."
kaka Ley & kaka Minho mane?
anonymous5050 Post at 19-7-2010 08:02
yer..yer saye update skang
mula2 nk tempek posting kak sus yg ini
thanks susAmerica for translations from soompi
GHS is having a fan signing for her new book on July 18 Friday, at 7PM, (I think) at the Young Dong Po's Students' Book store or Library.It was suppose to be at 5PM but changed to 7PM. HOpefully many people come to the signing and give her lots of encouragement for her nex project of both acting and directing.
thanks to sidudul and credits to susAmerica for translations from soompi
2010. 07. 11. Manolin
예쁜 인테리어에 예쁜 카페를 찾아가는 것을 좋아하는~I like visiting pretty cafe's
내가 인터넷 검색을 하다가 우연히 찾은 카페촌♡~I accidentally found this one while surfing.
카페촌에 있는 갤러리 카페 manolin 고고싱!!Let's go to Gallery Cafe Manolin in Cafe Village.
저번에 영화 포화 속으로 보고 저녁에 왔었었다.Last time I was here at night after seeing a movie.
이렇게 밝은 대낮에 오니 느낌이 다른 거 같다 +_+ To be here at daytime gave me whole different feeling.
빗살무늬 모양의 나무로된 대문이 독특한 느낌~The wooden front gate with comb-like design very unique.
발렛 파킹까지 해주기 때문에 하얀 주차장 문까지 보인다.Even valet parking is avaiable through the white valet parking door.
입구엔 카페 운영 시간과 함께 카페 소개와 사진~At the entrance is the cafe hours, about the cafe and pix
미니 칠판엔 카페에 유명한 메뉴들이 수두룩룩~~On the blackboard is the cafe's famous menu~~
1층 입구엔 컬러풀한 의자 몇 개와 곰인형과On the first floor entrance is few colorful chairs and teddy bears and
아기자기한 소품으로 1층 갤러리 입구를 꾸몄었다. various cute knick knacks that enticed one to go to the gallery.
갤러리를 보고 싶었지만 물기가 가득한 바닥에;;I wanted to go but there was a puddle of water on the floor;;
흔들 그네? 의자?가 한 켠에 놓여 있고~Also a rocking swing or chair? on the corner of the first floor
곰돌이 삼남매가 앉아 있는 야외 인테리어도 눈길을 끈다.Three teddy bears are sitting on a chair and pulls your eyes to them.
2층 카페로 가는 계단은 계단마다 작은 화분이 가득~On the way to the 2nd fl cafe, there are small flower pots on each step.
주택을 개조한 카페라서 그런지 더 색다른 느낌♡ Such uncommon feeling as it is a cafe in a residential area.
카페 안은 생각보다 넓은 구조로 구성 되어 있고-The inside of the cafe was bigger than I thought-
각 테이블마다 다른 의자와 테이블로 듬성듬성 구성!!Each table is different with different chairs!!
구화가가 그린 그림으로 한 켠 벽이 장식 되어 있고-One part of the wall is decorated by Painter Goo's works of art.
하얀색 벽에 하얀 시멘트에 레고로 인테리어 되어 있다.White walls with white cement and decorated by the leggos.
커다란 차창 앞엔 보드게임, 소설, 만화, 잡지 등이 놓여있고~In front of a big car window are board games, novel, comics, magazines, etc.
야외는 색색의 의자와 화분들과 꽃이 가득 놓여 있다.Out on the terrace are colorful chairs and flower pots everywhere.
화인병을 꽂은 바이올린 장식도 눈에 띄었고~~The violin holding the wine bottles caught my eyes~~
정우성 이정재 김현중 김범 김준 구혜선의 사인 컵, 공 보이고~~Signed cups by Jung Woo Sung, Lee Jung Jae, Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Bum, Kim Jun, Goo HYe Sun ( I thought it was signed by Daniel Choi!)
장식장엔 카페에 필요한 아기자기한 도구들이 가득♡ Inside the cabinet are adorable things needed for the cafe.
한 켠엔 원두가 담긴 통화 핸드 드립 커피 기구가 놓여있고~Another corner is a Dong Ha hand drip coffee maker with a melon on top~
명함을 집게로 찝어서 만든 꽃 모양의 인테리어와~The flower shaped design that holds name cards with a cloth clip (I wonder if GHS made that flower design with a wire since it resembles her favorite drawing.)
앤디 만두 짱아 밥 꽁치 순대의 폴라로이드 사진이 가득♡ Polaroid pix of Mandoo, Jjangah, Bhap, Ggongchi, Soondae
인형이 자리에 앉아 있는 인테리어도 보이고~I see a corner with dolls sitting on chairs~
계산대엔 커플룩 입은 순대와 만두의 폴라로이드 사진~On top of the calculator is a polaroid pic of Soondae and Mandoo looking like a couple
계산대 앞엔 캐릭터들이 일렬로 서 있었고~In front of the calculator is a straight line of characters~
집에 나올 때 밥이를 발견하고 구경하다가 나왔었던♡ As I was coming out of the house, I saw Bhap and watched him before coming out. (hehe, this blogger called the cafe Manolin, a house )
thanks sidudul for the article and credits to susAmerica for the translations from soompi
구혜선·박경림, 숏커트 변신..왜?
GHS and Park Kyung Lim changed to short hair cuts.
스타뉴스 원문 기사전송 2010-07-15 08:57 Star News
배우 구혜선과 방송인 박경림이 최근 머리모양을 숏커트로 바꿔 눈길을 모으고 있다.
Actress GHS and MC Park Kyung Lim are attracting attention by having their hair cut short recently.
두 사람 모두 얼굴선이 훤히 드러나 보이는 마치 소년을 연상케 하는 짧은 길이의 머리모양으로 변신했다. 구혜선과 박경림이 숏커트 머리모양으로 변신한 이유는 드라마를 위함이다. Both cut their hair short revealing their facial shapes more clearly and their cuts make us think of them more as boys. Both GHS and PKL changed their hair style for the drama.
두 사람은 최근 촬영이 시작된 드라마 '더 뮤지컬'에 동반 출연한다. 자신의 연기하는 드라마 캐릭터를 위해 여성스러운 모습을 벗고 톰보이로 이미지 변화를 시도했다고 관계자는 설명했다. Both are cast for the drama called THE MUSICAL. For the drama characters, they both threw away their feminine image for the more tomboyish look, as explained by the associate of THE MUSICAL.
구혜선은 이 드라마에서 뮤지컬 배우를 꿈꾸는 주인공을 연기한다. 티없이 맑고 발랄한 성격의 소유자다. GHS plays the lead actress who dreams of becoming a Musical actress in this drama. She plays a bright and lively character without any flaws. (Really? I hope the character has some human quality! hehehe!)
드라마 관계자는 15일 머니투데이 스타뉴스에 "구혜선이 연기하는 인물은 외모가 뛰어나 눈길을 끄는 인물이 아니다"면서 "구혜선이 연기한 드라마 '꽃보다 남자'의 '금잔디'형 인물이다. '제2의 금잔디'가 될 것이다"고 설명했다. The associate of THE MUSICAL mentioned on the 15th to the Star News that, <GHS plays a character that does not possess appealling body that attract the viewers. She plays a character that is more like the appearance of BOF's Geum Jan Di. (GHS did mention in Talk Show Rock that she will be playing the next, 2nd Geum Jandi. She was telling the truth!)
이어 "구혜선은 캐릭터를 보다 잘 소화해내기 위해 숏커트로 머리모양을 바꾸고 톰보이로 변신했다"고 덧붙였다. That is why, the associate says that <GHS, to truly portray her character well, has cut her hair short, looking more tomboyish.> (on the side: It is somewhat ironic and funny that, once in a TV interview at the end of the High Kick Through The Roof sitcom, Daniel Choi said that his ideal female is someone who is more energetic and tomboyish! I wonder if he knew back then if he will be working on the next drama with GHS! Sorry I do not have any clips but it was on a MBC celebrity news program.)
박경림 역시 마찬가지. 5년 만에 이 드라마를 통해 안방극에 복귀하는 그는 이 드라마에서 구혜선의 친구로 등장해, 구혜선이 뮤지컬 배우로 성장하기까지 많은 영향을 미치는 인물은 연기한다. It goes the same for Park Kyung Lim. It has been 5 years since PKL appeared in a drama. In this drama, PKL plays GHS's friend who greatly influences GHS's character as she develops her dream as a musical actress.
박 경림은 "드라마 캐릭터를 위해 숏커트를 했는데 남자 아이돌처럼 보인다"고 밝히며 자신의 트위터에 사진을 공개해 화제를 모았다.PKL says in her tweeter along with a pix of her short hair: <I cut my hair short for the drama but I look like a male idol.>
한 편 '더 뮤지컬'은 최근 촬영이 시작됐으며 이달 말부터 본격적인 촬영에 돌입한다. 구혜선 최다니엘 옥주현 등이 출연한다.THE MUSICAL alrady started filming and will officially start its full filming at the end of this month. GHS, Choi Daniel and Ok Joo HYun appear in the drama. (I still do not know which TV station is sponsoring this drama!