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rodet..pls PM me yr rate for 2 bedrooms ( since I x tau apartment mana tlg listkan few apartments ) on 1-2 aug..thanks.. |
796# pashminamerah
sure bole
nanti nak dtg honeymoon bgtau la ek
thx again coz promote kat kwn2 pash
really appreciate ur effort! |
797# cranko21
legend ni mmg strict sket
org luar x leh suka ati je masuk
cuma guest legend je yg leh kuar masuk
so mmg privacy n secure la dok sane |
Dah sent PM to rodet and vvisitor, harap dpt baca yek..tq  |
i dah email santos.. 1/8 2/8 ni dia kata kat glory dh fully booked..
cmna nieeee............... anyone boleh suggest x.. plzz.. |
805# stanum
Stanum, I tak sure kalau ada kita respond kepada PM, sebab tak tahu nak pakai format baru... tapi untuk pengetahuan Stanum, kami ada 2 units of 2 bedrooms sahaja... sila layari blog kami untuk information selanjuntnya...
or email kami di [email protected]
Terima Kasih...
vvisitor. |
ayumi..accomodation u ada lagik x for 1-2 aug nanti..pls PM me details..urgent la..tq.. |
Post Last Edit by vvisitor at 27-7-2009 22:47
Cuti Cuti sekolah di Bulan Ramadhan... Kunjungilah Blog kami untuk special rate sepanjang Bulan Ramadhan... jangan lupa Port Dickson...
http://cocobayresort.wordpress.com atau email kami:- [email protected]
vvisitor |
808# que_eight
still available
meh cpt2 booked
1st come 1st serve
hehe.. |
796# pashminamerah
sure bole
nanti nak dtg honeymoon bgtau la ek
thx again coz promote kat kwn2 pash
really appreciate ur effort!
ayumi_takashi Post at 22-7-2009 09:28 
girl as sweet as you, layak dapat prmoter macam pash..
hehhehehe |
Ada sesapa info ttg Sunshine Bay Resort? Saya da beberapa kali check in resort ni sblm ni tp kali ni spesel skit coz me bawa bakal mentua :cf:
Bkn pe, sblm ni sy men redah je tanpa booking sbb g ngan member kan. Sabtu ni kami g tp takut klu2 da full, malu la kat bakal sy ni huhu. |
kak wati,
cha dh called santosh laa...
ok, rege berbaloi..
everything dh confirmed...
jasamu kukenang... |
ok babycha...
tapi like I said. jgn put too high expectation to the rooms.
But bab makanan dan games yg di organize mmg berbaloi ngan harga yg di bayar. |
kak wati,
actual room cam gambo kt tenet tue kn...
kira ok ler tue... lg pun honeymoon pun...
byk mase kt luar wat xtvt...
mlm pun tido entah kul brape...
overall mmg murah ler... |
Alhamdulillah.. I hope all will go well for you.
Have fun! |
810# ayumi_takashi
cik ayumi,nadya ade hantar email kt awk nk tanye pasal legendary water chalet(premium tower seaview ) utk 7 nov. still available lg ke?nk book utk semalam..if possible leh reply sini or through email nway thanx! |
xde pun dpt email from u
btw still available
leh refer kat blog i
slmt ari raye!
:pompom: |
oh! legend water chalets ker...pernah lunch jer kat situ....oklah food dia... |
try la tdo sane lak
huhuhu..  |
818# ayumi_takashi
ngeeee yeke cik ayumi?aiseh nanti i fwd balik email i kat u.by the way i nak book premium tower seaview utk 7 nov ni, semalam okeh?nak tanye kalo nak bbq plak mcmane ek?ade ke facilities? we all ingat nk buat bbq la mlm tu hehehehe |
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