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Author: zeleia

SUPER JUNIOR HOUSE 15 *5/14 - Repackage Album Version C release*

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 02:33 AM | Show all posts

Reply #900 nzhass79's post

komawoyo kaka mod

[090425/Kangin] Suju Kangin & Kim Byungman become MCs for "기막힌대결"

Gagman Kim Byungman and Super Junior Kangin have become the MCs for KBS's new variety show "게임쇼 기막힌 대결"

Kangin and Kim Byungman along with KBS's announcer Hwang Sookyeong and Han Seokjun have become the 4 MCs of the show for KBS's Spring reorganization. Therefore, it can bring energy to the show.

According to the production team, on the filming day, Kangin has showed people a gorgeous dance and also made a dance contest with Shiwon an Donghae

The show will aired at 10.55AM on April 26th

* "게임쇼 기막힌대결" : it can be literally "Gameshow stunned contest" but since I'm not good at translating title/name so I put the original Korean title and wait for the official translated name from KBS ^^

original article is here
translated by [email protected]
may take out with full credits but dont add in your own credits

appa stop dj& wgm tp dpt jd mc
mntk2 siar kt kbsw nnt

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 02:38 AM | Show all posts
[090424/SJ] Super Junior wins Music Bank monthly ranking

Everything is said in the title, I just realised it hadn't been posted anywhere news related and it needs to be. (and it's good for my 1000th post here ehe <3)

Super junior wins for the 2nd month in a row the monthly music bank charts, "crowned Kings of the Kings in April" with teary eyes.

I'm not translating the article because it's nothing new, but I loved the title so I just did that part xD <3

It basically says that they are very popular with their come back sorry sorry, blablabla, that they were in competition with SNSD Gee and Davinchi 8282 but Super Junior were the most popular (well, Gee was released in January, it would have been sad if they had won XD)

They say they proved once again their statut of great ido group etc.


If someone wants to translate the whole thing of course, they can I don't have the time sorry D:

cr sjworld

:pompom: :pompom:  chukhahaeyo
crowned Kings of the Kings in April~~wee dorg mng ms birthmonth me:pompom: :pompom:
mmg berjodoh dgn ledo

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 02:42 AM | Show all posts
[090425/SJ/Article] Star cook 3, Members' tastebuds~, Was off to bed.. then found this..!! XD HAD to translate.. lol

From sj-market, poster: Pleasing

&#49800;&#54140;&#51452;&#45768;&#50612;&#45716; ‘&#44396;&#51208;&#54032;’&#44057;&#51008; &#51020;&#49885;&#51060;&#50640;&#50836;. &#44033;&#44033;&#51032; &#51116;&#47308;&#47564; &#46524;&#50612;&#45459;&#44256; &#48372;&#47732; &#44536;&#51200; &#54217;&#48276;&#54620; &#51020;&#49885;&#51060;&#51648;&#47564;, 9&#44032;&#51648; &#51116;&#47308;&#44032; &#47784;&#51060;&#47732; &#54616;&#45208;&#51032; &#44540;&#49324;&#54620; &#44417;&#51473;&#50836;&#47532;&#44032; &#46104;&#51094;&#50500;&#50836;. &#47716;&#48260;&#46308;&#51060; &#46384;&#47196; &#54876;&#46041;&#54616;&#45716; &#44221;&#50864;&#46020; &#51080;&#51648;&#47564;, &#49436;&#47196;&#47484; &#45720; &#51082;&#51648; &#50506;&#44256; &#51080;&#50612;&#50836;. &#49800;&#54140;&#51452;&#45768;&#50612;&#45716; &#45572;&#44396; &#54620;&#47749;&#51060; &#50500;&#45768;&#46972; 13&#47749;&#51060; &#47784;&#46160; &#47784;&#50668;&#50556; &#50756;&#49457;&#46104;&#45716; ‘&#44396;&#51208;&#54032;’&#44057;&#51008; &#51316;&#51116;&#46972;&#45716; &#44163;&#51012;&#50836;

SJ is like 'Platter of Nine Delicacies' (mixture of different food - Korean traditional). If we divide them up, they may seem to be plain, but put all together, they make a grand palace dish. Members work separately sometimes, but we never forget each other. SJ is not individual members, it's all 13 gathered together to complete the Platter of nine delicacies.

■ &#47140;&#50865;
&#45208;&#51060;&#45716; &#51228;&#51068; &#50612;&#47532;&#51648;&#47564; ‘&#50628;&#47560;’&#44057;&#51008; &#51316;&#51116;&#45796;. &#51020;&#49885;&#51012; &#47564;&#46308;&#50612; &#47716;&#48260;&#46308;&#50640;&#44172; &#47673;&#51060;&#45716; &#44163;&#51012; &#51339;&#50500;&#54620;&#45796;. &#50612;&#46500; &#45216;&#51008; ‘&#52292;&#49548; &#48288;&#51060;&#52968;’&#51012; &#47564;&#46308;&#50612; &#51452;&#47728; &#47568;&#54616;&#45908;&#46972;. “&#54805;&#46308;&#51060; &#50556;&#52292;&#47484; &#45320;&#47924; &#50504; &#47673;&#50612;&#49436; &#50612;&#46523;&#44172; &#54616;&#47732; &#44264;&#44256;&#47336; &#51096; &#47673;&#51012;&#44620; &#44256;&#48124;&#54616;&#45796;&#44032; &#51096;&#44172; &#50032;&#50612; &#48288;&#51060;&#52968;&#51060;&#46993; &#49438;&#50612; &#48420;&#45796;”&#44256;.
He's the youngest, but is a mother-figure. He likes to make dishes to feed our members. One day, he made a 'vegetable bacon' and said, "Hyungs don't eat vegetables, so I was thinking about how to feed them all the good things, so I chopped it up and mixed it with bacon".. (awwwwwwwww bless...)

■ &#51008;&#54785;
&#54644;&#47932;&#51012; &#50504; &#47673;&#45716;&#45796;.
- Eunhyuk
Doesn't eat seafood. (so short and concise lol)

■ &#44053;&#51064;
&#47716;&#48260; &#51473; &#44032;&#51109; &#48120;&#49885;&#44032;&#45796;. &#47579;&#51080;&#45796;&#44256; &#49548;&#47928;&#45212; &#51665;&#51008; &#51068;&#48512;&#47084; &#52286;&#50500;&#44032;&#49436; &#47579;&#51012; &#48380; &#51221;&#46020;.
- Kangin
The delicacy lover of the group. He even goes out to places where it's famous for that particular dish.

■ &#46041;&#54644;
&#47800;&#50640; &#51339;&#51008; &#44144;&#46972;&#47732; &#52286;&#50500;&#49436; &#52313;&#44200;&#47673;&#45716;&#45796;. &#48324;&#47196; &#50504; &#51339;&#50500;&#54616;&#45716; &#51020;&#49885;&#46020; "&#51060;&#44144; &#50612;&#46356;&#50612;&#46356;&#50640; &#51339;&#45796;&#45908;&#46972;"&#44256; &#54616;&#47732; &#47803; &#51060;&#44596; &#52377; &#54616;&#47728; &#44208;&#44397; &#47579;&#51012; &#48376;&#45796;.
- Donghae
He eats things that's good for his body. Even things he doesn't like, if he gets told that it's good for whatever part of his body, he'll get a taste of it (so cute....T_T)

■ &#49884;&#50896;
&#49885;&#49457;&#47564; &#48372;&#47732; &#46385; &#45684;&#50836;&#52964;&#45796;. &#50640;&#49828;&#54532;&#47112;&#49548;&#50752; &#50752;&#54540;&#51012; &#51600;&#44592;&#45716; &#44536;, &#45236;&#44032; &#48400;&#46020; &#51328; &#47691;&#51080;&#45796;.
- Siwon
His tastes are like a New Yorker. He enjoys espresso and waffles. He looks cool, I think.

■ &#51060;&#53945;
&#46972;&#47732; 1&#51064;&#48516;&#51008; &#44592;&#44032; &#47561;&#55176;&#44172; &#51096; &#45139;&#51060;&#45716;&#45936; 2&#51064;&#48516;&#51008; &#47803; &#45139;&#51064;&#45796;. &#49888;&#44592;&#54616;&#45796;
- Leeteuk
It's strange, he can make Ramen for 1, but not for 2.

■ &#55148;&#52384;
&#50556;&#50745;~. &#46888;&#44144;&#50868; &#51020;&#49885;&#51012; &#47803; &#47673;&#45716; &#51204;&#54805;&#51201;&#51064; &#44256;&#50577;&#51060; &#54784;. &#44277;&#44592; &#48165;&#46020; &#44536;&#47495;&#50640; &#54140;&#45459;&#44256; &#49885;&#54784; &#47673;&#45716;&#45796;.
- Heechul
Meow~ Has a typical kitten tongue. Can't eat hot (as in the temperature) food. He has to wait for his rice to cool down, even.

■ &#44592;&#48276;
&#47952;&#46304;&#51648; &#51096; &#47673;&#44256; &#47566;&#51060; &#47673;&#51648;&#47564; &#50868;&#46041; &#54624; &#46412;&#45716; &#50628;&#44201;&#54616;&#44172; &#49885;&#45800;&#51312;&#51208;&#51012; &#54620;&#45796;. &#51088;&#44592;&#44288;&#47532;&#50640; &#52384;&#51200;&#54620; &#54200;.
- Kibum
He eats a lot of everything, but restricts himself strictly when he's working out. He's really strict on looking after himself.

■ &#54620;&#44221;
&#49444;&#47105;&#53461;&#50640; &#44621;&#46160;&#44592; &#44397;&#47932; &#48512;&#50612; &#47673;&#44256;, &#46972;&#47732; &#45139;&#51068; &#46412; &#44256;&#52647;&#44032;&#47336;, &#54028; &#45347;&#50612; &#47673;&#45716; &#44144; &#48372;&#47732; &#54620;&#44397; &#49324;&#46988;&#48372;&#45796; &#45908; &#54620;&#49885;&#51012; &#51600;&#44592;&#45716; &#44163; &#44057;&#45796;.
- Hangeng
He pours kkakdukki sauce (kind of kimchi made with radish instead of chinese leaf) into &#49444;&#47105;&#53461; (type of soup).
When I see him put chilli powder and spring onion when making Ramen, it seems that he enjoys Korean food more than a Korean person.

■ &#50696;&#49457;
&#51312;&#44552;&#50473; &#51088;&#51452; &#47673;&#45716; &#49548;&#49885;&#44032;. &#48152;&#52268;&#51012; &#51665;&#51012; &#46412; &#51219;&#44032;&#46973;&#51012; &#53805;&#53805; &#53552;&#45716; &#53945;&#51060;&#54620; &#48260;&#47495;&#51060; &#51080;&#45796;.
- Yesung
He eats little, but often. He has a strange habit of tapping the chopstick when picking up the side dish. (lol my relatives do this too XD)

■ &#49457;&#48124;
&#49457;&#44201;&#51088;&#52404;&#44032; &#50896;&#47000; &#45224;&#54620;&#53580; &#51096; &#47582;&#52656;&#51452;&#45716; &#49828;&#53440;&#51068;&#51060;&#46972; &#47673;&#51012; &#46412;&#46020; ‘&#54805; &#47673;&#44256; &#49910;&#51008; &#44152;&#47196; &#47673;&#51088;’&#47728; &#50577;&#48372;&#54620;&#45796;. &#52712;&#48120;&#45208; &#49885;&#49457; &#46321; &#50668;&#47084;&#47784;&#47196; &#45208;&#50752; &#44032;&#51109; &#51096; &#47582;&#45716; &#47716;&#48260;&#51060;&#45796;.
- Sungmin
His character tends to be flexible, so he is more considerate to others when making choices. With food choices, he likes to concede his choice for me, so he says, choose food that Hyung want to eat. He is the member most similar to me with hobbies and tastes.

■ &#44508;&#54788;
&#47952;&#46304; &#51096; &#47673;&#45716;&#45796;. &#49885;&#49457;&#46020; &#49457;&#44201;&#46020; &#44620;&#45796;&#47213;&#51648; &#50506;&#51008; &#54200;&#51060;&#45796;.
- Kyuhyun
He eats everything well. Not a fussy eater or a fussy person. (Aww Kyu... yes.. babies need to eat well lol)

translated by soundscape @
take out with full and proper credits, do not add your own credits.

rsnye neh dorg translate dr dong2

fail uri nampyeon bab msk2 neh
same cam minik die kekdahnyew

[ Last edited by  zeleia at 26-4-2009 02:44 ]

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 02:49 AM | Show all posts
[090425/Shindong/CY] 4 photo entries

&#46028;+ I (Dong,&#8323;folder)
2009.04.25 04:31

&#46028;+ I (Dong,&#8323;folder)
2009.04.25 04:32

It's You (Dong,&#8321;folder)
2009.04.25 04:35

&#46028;+ I (Dong,&frac12; folder)
2009.04.25 04:57

source; shindong cy
cr sjworld

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 02:58 AM | Show all posts
[090426/Heechul/CY] 2 entries


After cross-dressing as a female, while I was backstage thinking of a good name


Me : Hmm.. What should I named? (-┏) &#55148;&#49692;&#51060; (Hee Sun Ah)? &#55148;&#51088; (Hee Ja)? There's no character in these kind of names..


Script-writer : Heechul-sshi~ Have you decided on a name?


Me : Hmm.... Do you have SNSD's songs? Can you play it later?


Script-writer: Ah yes.. We should be the one thanking (you)&#12622;&#12622; I will communicate with them^-^


Me : Good~ Then my name.. Yuri? Heeri.. That's weird;; Yoona? Heeah..(-┏)
Heefany? More shining than a gemstone TiffaTiffa Tiffany.. Is this right?


Stylist : It should be FanyFany Tiffany..;;


Me : This is difficult.. Heesica? Ice-cold princess!! Ah gaegood &#12619;&#12619; I should dance to Gee &#12619;&#12619;


Behind story ends


I really really hate cross-dressing..

That day after cross-dressing, we played a little too crazily, and even got exposed.. Annoying..(-┏)


Heechul's Cyworld Entry 2009.06.04 00:15
In the '天' folder..

Please save this picture ^-^

Sidebar Avatar Update:

Minihompy Title (P.S I think he made a typo?):
&#48736;&#48372; (Idiot)

Credits; 久久@LoveChul, Tachi@OnlySJ13.
Translated by; [email protected] from Chinese to English.
Please do not add in your own credits!

omo...tetibe tingat blk jeolchin note....wakakakkakakakka~~~ tlg la heenim gle lwk...xabis2 dgn pabo nye
mmg lwk nk mati la ep. ni....sakit perut thn gelak...dh rs cm org gle je dpn pc
tp siyes la cun gilos heenim neh...msti hannie mekapkan die neh...dan2 die pilih hannie ms soh pilih member tuh....
hyukjae pn cun...ahahahah cam muke kakak die pulak ...msti teukie mekapkan
part dorg men2 teka gambo tu pn...pehtu men pusing2 bwk beg...sian dorg men cmpk je member dorg
tp yg part jeolchin fighter tu cam scary sket
kesimpulan nye mmg sume lwk

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Post time 26-4-2009 03:11 AM | Show all posts
hehe nak tnye dgn korang nih..
tp sebab aku jarang dengar radio jadi nak tanye pernah xdengar lagu2 super junior kat radio dalam malaysia nih..
sebab dalam fikiran aku ni..
nak aje request kat radio2 yang sedia ade kat malaysia ni main lagu diorang..
tapi xsure boleh ke tak?
aku pun xpernah request2 kat radio nih.. babo

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Post time 26-4-2009 03:34 AM | Show all posts

Balas #906 teru\ catat

y biase kt 988 la kan......

tp kt muzik fm pon ak ader penah dgr....tgh2 mlm.....

diorg cmpur jepun korea mandarin etc....

terkejut 1st dgr kt muzikfm tuh....

y len xpasti.....pasal rekues pon aku tatau......nti otai2 AC/ bod ni akan jwb......

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 03:56 AM | Show all posts
[090425/AD] PEA Endorsement, LT, SD, SM, RY

                                credit PEA + BLG


cr sjworld

nomu motjyeo uri seobangnim

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 11:28 AM | Show all posts
Super Junior K.R.Y Toast MP3

I made an audio rip for K.R.Y's performance of Toast at Chocolate, but the song is pretty nice and their vocals are good <3 (And I want it on my MP3 lol) Not sure whether it has been shared elsewhere, but it took me some time to rip one where the audio is somewhat decent ^^;

Toast (224kpbs) - 5.3MB (for people who might want a smaller file?)
Toast (320kpbs) - 7.6MB

If anyone's wondering why the front part is a bit cut off, it's because I used CodeAnalysis's Youtube video to get this audio. Out of all the videos on Youtube that I've seen, his/her video sound is the loudest. It shouldn't matter much because only the part with the tinklish sound got cut off..?
I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to audio quality, I don't like it to sound too muffled on my MP3 player (especially if I have songs of good quality playing before or after it... it makes the rip sounds really bad D After experimenting with the different versions on my MP3 player, I found that CodeAnalysis' audio seemed to be the best (other than downloading a humongous HD Chocolate video, to which my hard drive scream NOooo)

cr pearlchasm@LJ

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 11:38 AM | Show all posts
[090423/INT] (ENG SUB) Flowerboy Interview on "30m Record", [YT]

Credits : eternalove4suju @ Youtube

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Post time 26-4-2009 11:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #903 zeleia's post


kyu nyeww style mkn same dgn anhae2 die~~x memilih~~ tringat kot mkn dgn madus ku, kia~~


bnyk nyeww bnde kene tgk~~:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

out dolu~~

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 11:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #911 jeanlouisfinch's post


kejam gle kyuhan men campak je teukie ...ala2 campak brg xgune jew
kangmin sopan sket campak still kejam

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 11:58 AM | Show all posts
[090425/SELF] Eunhyuk with sister Sora, Sora's CY update 2009.04.25 22:25

credit Sora's CY, aisungmin & sj baidu
the pictures aren't recent.

cr sjworld

tgk noona hyukjae neh tingat hyukjae versi yoja kt jeolchin notes

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Post time 26-4-2009 12:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #913 zeleia's post

gmbr neh mcm kat blkg umah makcik me jeww~~ekekeke kes ade palm oil tree tuh~~

wuwuuwu bestnyeww diorg g bercuti~~~

ha'a~~same dgn kakak die nyeww style~~seb bek rmbut x pnjg~~wakakaa

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Post time 26-4-2009 12:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #896 miss_mulan77's post


lawak gilosss muke tekie time ckp apa kabar, kes jd hwangja kat Msia neh~~aku rase isu nyeww, kat negara2 tuh, sape yg glemer@bley represent suju kot~~ekeke

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Post time 26-4-2009 12:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #913 zeleia's post


me masuk balik neh~~nk post ulasan sindri~~

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 12:04 PM | Show all posts
[090424/SHOW] SBS Intimate Note Ep 25,[MF] [4shared]

Mediafire: Full show: (Join all parts with HJ Split.)

4shared: Full show: (Join all parts with HJ Split.)

cr sjworld

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 12:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #915 jeanlouisfinch's post

harus la teukie blajo ckp bm senang nk berkomunikasi dgn in law die kang
pandai ckp apa khabar pn kre ok la...nnt me ajo perkataan len yg lebih bermakne

Super Junior Guerilla Date

[MEGAUPLOAD] [.flv; 480X264 27.3MB] [.avi; 1024x768 248mb] [.avi; 1280X720 501MB]

.001 .002 .003 [.avi; 1024x768; 248 mb]
join files with hj split

credits: CodeAnalysis@YT; &#54252;&#49380;Ol&#53945;&#9825;; &#48708;&#48148;&#51221;&#49688;@sj-market; pri3an, [email protected] (for re-upload)

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 12:14 PM | Show all posts
[90426/SHOW] 1000 Songs Challenge - Suju Cuts - Yesung [YT]

Yesung singing "Marry me"

Yesung's singing "&#45236;&#45576;&#47932;&#47784;&#50500;"

credits to | + GemieSJ@youtube for reupload

br ade part yesung

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Post time 26-4-2009 12:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #918 zeleia's post


majayo~~die bley jeww ikt klas bahasa dgn mu later~~ehehehe

omigod~~bnyk gilosss dh neh donlod link~~ntah bile nk mule operasi xS&#9829;Jx neh~~

neway, komawo kak ipar tepek sgale2 nyeww~~

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