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Author: kecibung_abang

Not Beauty Inside.. means?

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Post time 26-1-2010 11:49 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by ParinAmat at 26-1-2010 08:59

so damn ugly n kampung-ish that once have an affair with him....
n she is already married with kids,
when i said to my hubs, like omg is that the person you betrayed me with
she is fugly, he admits that i am wayyyyyy prettier than her....
kecibung_abang Post at 25-1-2010 17:35

first of all, can you please sort out your phony-movies-pick-up-lines American wannabe English? Its so all over the place, man.

Secondly, when you said something like the above, it shows what kind of a person you are. Forget about outer beauty, k cause beauty is really subjective and it really depends on how people see it. To your hubby, you might be pretty but to others, you are just so-so. But it's your superficial mentality and that tiny piece of wicked soul that need to be fixed.

Frankly speaking, i swear too but i don't criticize, let alone insult the way people look.

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Post time 27-1-2010 12:26 AM | Show all posts
first of all, can you please sort out your phony-movies-pick-up-lines American wannabe English? Its so all over the place, man.

Secondly, when you said something like the above, it shows what  ...
Core Post at 26-1-2010 23:49

kan dah kena ngan ahkak core sejibik..

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Post time 27-1-2010 01:29 AM | Show all posts
kan dah kena ngan ahkak core sejibik..
NURMIMIE Post at 27-1-2010 00:26
...eerrr....sejibik tu apa mimie??...sexplain sikit...

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Post time 27-1-2010 01:40 AM | Show all posts
...eerrr....sejibik tu apa mimie??...sexplain sikit...
blackmore Post at 27-1-2010 01:29

ko neh black. aku nak glamer ala2 artis pun tak leh ke??

kan tuh konon2 nya kata ganti nama untuk 'sebijik' gitu..

yea laaa.. ala2 supan kan.. tak nak sebut biji2 neh.. kalau ada sebijik, mesti ada dua bijik.. kalau dah dua bijik, harus lah tukar kategori 18SX polakkk..

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Post time 27-1-2010 02:12 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by ParinAmat at 26-1-2010 08:59

Just need a point of view from dudes out there,
what does it means when my hubby said that i'm beautiful on the outside
but not in the inside?
To t ...
kecibung_abang Post at 25-1-2010 17:35
...kata orang...hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...and based on your posting and language used...aku rasa memang betul lah tu...

...anyway...given a situation like yours...aku rasa kalau aku pon mungkin aku akan freaked out jugak...yelah...afterall...kalau dah tau aku takde inner beauty then why the hell did u marry me in the first place??...tak gitu??...

...and...on top of that...kalau nak ada affair pon...biarlah pilih someone yang lagik cun daripada aku kan??...yang mungkin boobs dia lagik besao ke...kan kan kan?? hurts to find out that he chose someone yang less attractive and less seductive kalau nak compare ngan diri kita sendiri...dan aku dapat rasakan betapa perit dan sakitnya hati ko ketika itu...not to mention feeling insulted...

...having a beautiful and pretty face is a blessing from Allah...having a less beautiful and pretty face pon adalah blessing from Him jugak...this we cannot bargain and asked for...kalau dapat muka yang cun...good for u...tapi...kena ingat...muka yang cun mestilah sepadan ngan akhlak dan peribadi yang cun jugak...baru diri kita nie jadi cun melecun...sana sini kita pi meletopppssss...banyak kawan...orang senang nak damping ngan kita...and kalau dapat suami pon mesti suami melekat giler kat kita...

...akhlak dan peribadi yang baik pulak is something yang kita acquired from our upbringing...from our environment dan daripada pergaulan is something yang bley dibentuk dan dilentur....dan of cos...bley diubah...cos really...whats the point of having a pretty face tapi hati dan perangai macam iblis??...macam tak sepadan kind of a loss isnt it to let that pretty face being wasted hanya kerana sikap dan peribadi yang kurang elok...tak gitu??...

...good news ive said...akhlak nie is something yang kita bley suami dah sound yang inner beauty kita nie elek...tu bererti yang kita memiliki keperibadian yang kurang what ways yang ko kurang elok??...nie ko kena tanya kat suami sendiri...cos he is the only one yang can tell u exactly apa yang dia maksudkan...

...personally...based on your postings...aku rasa mungkin ko nie seorang yang panas baran...yang tend to hurl hurtful and rude words when u are angry...words yang bley mengguris hati suami ko...but...orang2 seperti ko nie...usually cepat cool down jugak...dan akan merasa kesal ngan what u have done...but...the thing is...once damage dah done...agak sukar tuk repair it...and this is esp so when it comes to relationship between husband and wife...

....rite now...forget about that kampongish girl...if a kampong girl can seduce your husband...why cant a sexy and pretty chick like u do the same?? from here u figure out lah kan?? hasnt got nothing to do with her looks rite?? has got to do with her personality...her attitude...walaupon muka dia tak se cantik ko...her inner beauty aka her good personality and attitude is able to keep your husband thinking of her day and nite...

...kalau ko nak selamatkan your marriage...u have to do something about your attitude...u have to learn how to control your anger...and especially your mouth...the next time rasa2 ko nak naik angin...ko ingatkan diri ko sendiri to hold on to that anger first...u can count from 1 to 20 or whatever no. yang ko bley kira till u cool down...kalau tak pon...pi amik wuduk...and...before u open your mouth...please choose your words wisely...agar suami tidak terasa hati...

...all these...u have to learn on your own...cos only u can control your own emotions and doings...its not going to be easy...but...if u put in a little extra effort more...cekal dan tabah hati...insyaallah...u can do me on this one ok??...

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Post time 27-1-2010 06:16 PM | Show all posts
58# tina^^

Geget tu semua orang geget.............jangan sampai luka dah ler

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 Author| Post time 28-1-2010 09:15 AM | Show all posts
First and foremost I would like to apologize for the usage of words that has offended a lot of ppl here,
To tell you the truth, those language that I’ve chosen does not in any way defines me,
I know I shouldn’t have written it that way, but I am kindda pissed n emotionally unstable…
Btw thanks for all your kind remarks, n for ppl that would say bad things bout me based on my post, thanks as well, I accept that…

Just wanna tell you what happened actually,
Now it’s the 8th years of my marriage, n things are not looking up at all,
As I am reproductively challenged…
Btw that is not an issue….we still love each other…

But this questions arises on my mind as that incident happened as I mentioned earlier,
We were about to go for a vocation with my in laws (fil, mil n sil – me n hubby)
And my hubby’s ex was there checkin in our luggage
Later, she has the nerve to come and say hi to all of us
(She shook my hand too and I accept it cuz of being courteous)
My mil was shocked cuz one of the reason that her looks has changed
She’s married with three kids, so maybe she look a lot different than those days…
I too thought that my hubs first love was pretty as he has describe before
But was kindda relieved actually….

After the trip, I was fine with the whole deal,
But I got mad later when I found in his phone that he actually store his ex’s hp number,
Before this when he had betrayed me
He promises that he won’t have anything to do with that woman,
I went ballistac and one of the reason he stored the hp was that he just wanna be friends…
Omg! I went beyond mad, knowing that it hurt like crazy
Before this when he betrayed me even its like 2 years ago…

Btw that woman that some of you are trying to defend,
Is married with 3 kids, she eloped to Thailand to get married (but I don’t judge her, but that is the truth) after broken hearted with my hubby as she sees my hubby as the man of her dreams, - got this info from my sil
But not happily married cuz of the husband is ‘kaki pukul’ n ‘kaki perempuan’ – Wallahualam
Always call my hubs to share stories bout her kid n hubs,

And a few messages which I caught in my hub’s secret sim card (at the time he was cheating on me) were:
Good morning papa, I miss you, love you, rindulah jom jumpa (I think they meet up a couple of times during that time)
Dengar tak radio era cuz ada lagu I tuju utk u- lagu kekasih gelapku at that time

Is that what a righteous woman would do,you think?
but later I forgave him, he decided to change phone numbers n will not contact his ex
So I took his words, and we patched it up…

Recently, when I found out bout the phone number,
I confronted him, n he said he has his own reasons,
Would you in you right mind would accept that?

When I mentioned that what’s wrong with me n why you still wanna be friends with her?
I also mentioned bout her physical attributes,
And the fact that I’m not intimidated by her cuz I am better than her,
Then he said that word ‘dia pentingkan dalaman not luaran’

Ok, I have to admit that I do have some negative traits that he constantly nag about which are:

I’m a shopaholic (till his family labeled me that I am ‘boros’ – but which woman doesn’t like to shop?)

I love to gossip (I hog in front of the tv for E News, Daily 10, Keeping up with Kardashian n etc – he hates all of that)

I’m a bit immature (I admit that maybe ex dia lagi mature based on her appearance)

Always ‘muncung’ if things don’t happen the way I want it to (I dunno how to have a fake smile – like really!)

Stubborn – Sometimes I love to answer back to him, n don’t really do the things he ask me too….but usually it’s just teeny weeny things…nothing major!

I’m a tad chubby – I love to cook at home n both of us are foodies…

Berkira – this one I have to say, since I lend him a large ammount of money for investment n his friend cheated on him, but he never paid back….When I constantly ask bout it he said I berkira….Of course I have to ask cuz it involves thousands k….but I have the right to do that…’s my money

Rude – he said the tone of my voice when I speak to my dad, my brother or even brother in law is totally soft spoken but with him it’s not…. (He actually always yells at me in front of my sibling n even friends-even my mom hates it when he yelled at me) – So what comes around goes around…..rite?

He basically said that he’s a simple man and just need a simple woman to be his wifey…Maybe cuz of my lifestyle before has made me who I am (my dad spoilt me, with money n all n he has a ‘status’)…But I want to change for him
But I don’t think it’s my entire fault, none of his…
Shouldn’t it be him the one to guide me?

Btw, glad that I can express my feelings here….
You are most welcome to give me valuable thoughts….
To married ppl that has been betrayed you must’ve know how I feel
I always feel that if the one you love betrayed you cuz of sleeping with other person
Which they have no feelings with; maybe you can give a second chance
But if it’s emotionally betrayed
It hurts like crazy…so please understand my predicament here….

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Post time 28-1-2010 09:30 AM | Show all posts
dear kecibung...

ok faham lah now.. patut hari tu you expressed all these before others judging you negatively. tapi bukan semua orang ada masa pun kan nak taip panjang2 kat forum.. so understood.

since you yourself already listed all the traits that you think are unappealing about yourself to your hubby's eyes.. why don't you work on that?
i mean, improve on all those things.

i'm a woman but not a shopaholic, but i don't think there's anything wrong with it if you have the means. since you are reproductively challenged (are you seeking costly treatments for it, or tak buat apa2?) then you are financially less burdened than most of us here... so.. shop away, i guess.. yang hubby tak berkenan tu, kenapa? ke sebab you guys are not exactly in the mewah mode in actual?

yang lain2 fakta tu.. me rasa bukan je kurang manis seorang isteri ada.. tapi memang kurang manis any on of us ada, as a human being.
so try to change that, gradually, if not drastically.

you love him, and you don't want him to stray away.
so try to win him back ON HIS TERMS. meaning, buat apa yang dia suka.
unless you loathe him like madness, then it's ok to keep on with your antics. tak payah lah nak fikir nak gembirakan dia. there's a two way street here, you choose the way.

furthermore, you already know how to correct yourself so as to be more appealing to him on the inside. cuma like you said so up there, you are stubborn, refusing to bend towards his wants.

girl, you can't win all the time... you want something, you have to sacrifice something... even if it's your ego..

good luck on your marriage, hope it'll last forever, and he will eventually forget the married ex.

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Post time 28-1-2010 10:08 AM | Show all posts
[quote]First and foremost I would like to apologize for the usage of words that has offended a lot of ppl here,
To tell you the truth, those language that I’ve chosen does not in any way defines me,
I kno ...
kecibung_abang Post at 28-1-2010 09:15 [/quot


jom kita tengok sapa yg akan wat 360 darjah..wawawaahhahhahhaaha..

btw, TT aku cam dah agak 'apa citer kau'..he...he...
biasalah..pompuan pung cam lelaki..
ada yg pangai menyakitkan hati...
tp ramai gak yg tak hensem..pastu pangai hazab..he.he..
pompuan pung sama..he..he..
muka bodoh2 gitu..appearance cam lurus2 lah konon..
bercakap lembut, mcm tak dengar suara..muka tunduk,sampai dagu nak cecah dada..
tp tang skill mem..biraaaaaahhhhh..mak aiiii.....

oppss..sat lagi aku kena sekolah ni sbb pengunaan kata2 yg tidak beradap..

btw, kesian TT..he..he..tak pasal2 kena prejudice..

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Post time 28-1-2010 10:15 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by hereana at 28-1-2010 10:36
And a few messages which I caught in my hub’s secret sim card (at the time he was cheating on me) were:
Good morning papa, I miss you, love you, rindulah jom jumpa (I think they meet up a couple of times during that time)
Dengar tak radio era cuz ada lagu I tuju utk u- lagu kekasih gelapku at that time

erk..aku malas nak komen 'keburukan kau'..yg kau listkan tuh..
sbb nampak kau membodohkan diri kau aje..downgrade diri sendirik..
kang aku listkan keburukan aku plak..meraung kau buat sujud syukur..   
hello..baik kau listkan kelebihan diri kau..mcm cthnya..kau anak org kaya, pandai masak,suka masak..pandai bergaya, body mantap..etc..etc..
appreciate diri sendirilah..jgn harap org lain do so..

aku pun cam kekawan lain yg bg opinion..
mmg laki kau saje carik alasan..yg inner sesgt..
padahal tak lain tak bukan..hanyalah semata2 nak 'apam extra'..(uppss..sekadar mengambil ayat Mr Kuda..dan sebilangan forumer lelaki di sini..he..he..) kau pasal si fugly tuh...dah cukup wat aku meluat + nak muntah..
aku tak kisahlah sihina mana tt kampung-ish tuh dah cukup melampau..
cam s&y*l..jer..mengadu domba dgn laki kau, merayu bagai...rindu dendam..yucks..

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Post time 28-1-2010 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Laki TT masih lagi beraffair ngan ppuan tu ker?

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Post time 28-1-2010 10:36 AM | Show all posts
aku cuma ingat perkataan fugly ni masa aku tgk citer Mean Girls, Lindsay Lohan ngan sape lagi sorang ntah.

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Post time 28-1-2010 10:38 AM | Show all posts
87# kecibung_abang

ermm....padanlaaa berapi-rapi....

my thot is, when u hit the lowest point in ur life...
try to point out gud things/traits about urself...
when focus too much on the negative traits cam kat atas tu
u tend to blame urself....
percayalah dear, org nak beraffair...dia tak perlukan alasan....k

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Post time 28-1-2010 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Aku rasa TT ni kena ada anak le... baru ok kot...

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Post time 28-1-2010 11:58 AM | Show all posts
93# my-alja

bagus jugak kalau kita dpt listing keburukan diri sendiri..
dapat muhasabah diri..
BUT penatlah kalau sorang je nak muhasabah..
yg sorang lagi just cari alasan demi alasan utk menutup kesalahan..
for me kalau TT rasa ader yg perlu diperbaiki.. perbaikilah..
tapi utk diri sendiri..
jgn buat utk org lain.. x kemanaaaaaa...
buang kareeeeeeeennnnn jeeeeeeeee..

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Post time 28-1-2010 01:17 PM | Show all posts
tt paham apa makna


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Post time 28-1-2010 01:24 PM | Show all posts
kalau tadek dugaan, cabaran & halangan mcm mana nak uji sesatu relationship tue telah naik ke satu peringkat yg lebe tinggi yer dok?

so, dugaan, cabaran & halangan dlm sesatu perkahwinan tue bagus  .......

sedangkan lidah lagik tergeget, inikan pulak nipple isteri.........
tina^^ Post at 26-1-2010 14:46

mula-mula baca kak emo serious je memahami sambil angguk-angguk your sentences, sekalik sampai part highlighted in red tersedak sambil tergelak dibuatnya- terus imaginasiku SX18

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Post time 28-1-2010 02:01 PM | Show all posts
93# my-alja

bagus jugak kalau kita dpt listing keburukan diri sendiri..
dapat muhasabah diri..
BUT penatlah kalau sorang je nak muhasabah..
yg sorang lagi just cari alasan demi alasan utk menu ...
bakawali_04 Post at 28-1-2010 11:58

listing keburukkan dgn NIAT yg btul...utk muhassabah diri
bukan dlm bentuk reaktif camni....

benda2 reaktif camni....u akan tertarik pd negatip perception of urself
bukan dah mahassabah jadinya....blaming oneself
silap ari bulan, pasangan akan letak semua kesalahan dia kat bahu bini
and bini plak indulge in selfpity...:kant:

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Post time 28-1-2010 02:48 PM | Show all posts
87# kecibung_abang [/b ]

U ada almost all the quality that turn off men...

1.)Pandang rendah pada orang lain.

2.)Mulut kuat menjawab

3.)Kedekut dengan suami - berkira

4.)Tak pandai hormat suami....

Dari penulisan you..i tahu u cantik....sebab tu u ada ego...dan ego ini lah yang buat hubby benci kat u..dan pastinya u orang yang terlalu serius

Beleive me..i wife was like u...

It takes me years to mold her...

Improve yourself first..then only say if your hubby if finding reason or not..

Orang kat sini memang jenis bersorak kalau ada orang bercerai..

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Post time 28-1-2010 04:11 PM | Show all posts
98# my-alja

betul tu alja..
me dulu2 zaman stress pk mcm tuan umah jugak..
tapi lama2 apsal pulak lah nak membodohkan diri sendiri..
i admit i pun ader buat salah..
but meletakkan semua kesalahan pada me.. itu unfair..
tapi benda dah lepas kan.. yg penting i upgrade diri sendiri..
kalau pasangan yg itu cuma tau hargai yg baik tentang u
tanpa membantu mengurangkan ketidakkbaikkan u
atau sekurang2nya menerima u seadanya..
itu worthlah nak muhasabah diri..
tapi kalau semata2 nak please dia..
then perubahan hanya sementara..
baik x payah..
kalau nak berubah..
buat dgn ikhlas n utk kebaikkan u..

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