Originally posted by Kacip_Fatimah at 6-5-2008 12:25 PM
saya nk tanya..
ada tak sesiapa yg sempat salin resepi pancake mix Nigella?
saya tgk cara dia wat so simple..dia campur seme bahan2 mcm tepung,gula dsb pastu dia simpan dalam balang kaca. Once ...
dari nigella Express kan?
yg ni kot, Cip...
Homemade Instant Pancake Mix and Blueberry Syrup This is going to change your life irrevocably. Forgive any scintilla of self-congratulatory preening and accept my boast as simple, enthusiastic exuberance. That is the spirit in which it is intended. But I tell you: you just mix up the ingredients below, keep them in a container at easy reach and then every time you are required to be the usher-forth of good things of a morning, you just scoop some dry mixture out, mix with egg, milk and melted butter as directed and that's it. Pancakes a'plenty, without even having to think about it. You know it makes sense.
Pancake mix ingredients : Method: Pancake batter ingredients: Method: For each 1 cup pancake mix, add 1 egg, 1 cup milk, and 1 tablespoon melted butter. Do not overmix. Heat a flat griddle or pan over medium-high heat. Spoon drops of 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons of batter onto the hot griddle and when bubbles appear on the surface of the little pancakes, flip them over to make them golden brown on both sides. A minute or so a side should do it.
Source : foodnetwork.com