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Author: hhhhh

Hana Kimi aka Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu(Wu Chun/Ella/Jiro Wang)- Part 2

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Post time 14-1-2008 10:53 PM | Show all posts

Reply #937 errasazza's post

tuh laa..frust giler S.H.E tak perform Xin Wo dengan Fahrenheit ..lepas tu leen perasan asal Chun malam tu macam tak bermaya jer?leen baru je lepas tgk gambo2 diorang  masa press con dengan photoshoot..ade gambo S.H.E dengan Fahrenheit ..Ella dan Chun duk jauh giler..huhuhuh...

Chun dan Ella duduk paling akhir dalam grup diorang ...huk aloh ..bakpe la tu ..Chun pun tak semangatnyer..rerasa Ella tgh tgk ke arah Chun ker ni ?

sebenarnyer meja S.H.E dan Fahrenheit sebelah menyebelah je masa makan ni ..Jiro duduk berhadapan dengan Chun , practically ..Chun duduk mengadap belakang Ella..kira Chun nampak belakang Ella je la time ni ..huhuh..takpe la..harap2 ade interaksi kat backstage .

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 14-1-2008 11:11 PM ]

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Post time 14-1-2008 10:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #945 yufa_321's post

joseph tu nama joe dulu2 sebelum dikenali sebagai joe cheng ..dulu joseph cheng yuan zhang kalau tak silap fans kat jepun panggil nama joe dengan panggilan joseph ...

hehehe...mmg la..saper yg thn ditenung semacam tu ?? dalam renungan tu woo..ekeke..

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #952 smith14's post

ekekeke..tuh la pasal ..dah la masa ella pakai tuala hijau tu pun chun ade jugak ..ahaks. lawak giler mimpi tu ...yup ..ade dengar jugak pasal gokusen 3 tu ..heroin dia org yg sama jugak ker?

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #953 smith14's post

yup ..tu yg akak suka tu ..walau pun dia pakai simple ..but she really stands out la..sebab dia mmg berusaha utk perform yg terbaik ..nanti kejap lagi akak letak gambo2 S.H.E hadiri awards lain semalam , Ella lawa gilerrrr..bergaya giler..masa red carpet siap pakai high heels lagi ..time perform baju lain lakss..nanti kak leen letak gambo nyer kejaps lagi ..

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #955 errasazza's post leen dah online balik ..dapat anak sepupu baru ..ekekeke..leen sampai balik umah lewat petang tadi .

tuh laa..chun amik berat kat fans CE ..huhuh..nak tau chun tanya apa masa dia sampai bebetul depan fans yg pegang plat CE tu ? dia tanya .. "are u happy guys ?" dia yg happy sebab nampak plat tu ..?? tp leen risau gile la kat chun ..asal yg dia nampak penat giler..tak bermaya ..eye bag ketara ..kurus giler..perasan dia makin cengkung ..aduss..ella pun makin cengkung ella nampak sihat...a'ahh..rambut dia pelik sket..asal la stylist Fahrenheit kali ni teruk giler? seb baik stylist S.H.E tak de teruk sgt cam stylist Fahrenheit ..cuma Hebe nyer baju je pelik seb baik dalam awards semalam baju diorang best..

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #965 errasazza's post

baru perasan yg akak dah pos gambo2 ni semer..thanks..huhuh..ku rs sedeh tgk chunnie tak bermaya nii ..tolong la chunnie ..kena naikkan balik sket berat badan tu ..ketara sgt kurusnyer.

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #968 fazy's post

uikss..bukan anak sedara baru ..huhuh..camner nak dapat anak sedara..leen sendiri tak kawen lg (leen anak sulung) .leen dapat anak sepupu baru kak fazy ..ehehe..

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #971 errasazza's post

mmg takde interaksi ..huhuh..sdh ..dengar citer ..kononnyer diorang company diorang dah sound jgn rapat sgt (erms..sebab masa shooting Xin Wo tu kan diorang rapat giler..) , jadi sebab tu utk kali ni ..takde leh ade interaksi ..tak tau sejauh mana betulnyer menda ni ..and diorang ckp sebab tu jugak Chun macam sedeh malam tu ..Ella laks dapat control sebab Ella mmg dah biasa berhadapan dengan ade beberapa keping gambo Ella kat photoshoot , she looks like spacing out and not smiling too . sekali lg leen ckp adelah spekulasi ..tak tau betul ke tak.

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #973 errasazza's post

thanks kak erra...huhuh..nampaknyer mmg kebanyakan fans adelah fans S.H.E dan Fahrenheit ekk..huhuh..thanks jugak gambo same pose tu ..hurm dah start terasa rindu kat CE balik la ni.

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #978 errasazza's post

tak sempat tgk lagi ..nanti leen tgk ..banyak betul diorang endorse barang kan ..

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #979 yufa_321's post

tak pasti yufa rasanyer sponsor ..cuma S.H.E boleh plh dan voice out apa yg diorang nak pakai..

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #983 yufa_321's post

thanks yufa..ehehee..suka tul adengan yg chun caring kat ella tu ..mmg bebetul nampak caring ..

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #987 babyface76's post

hai kak baby ... .tuh laa..lama tak nampak kat sini ...hari tu dah sempat lum download clip yg leen bagi link nyer?

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #988 azzas7's post

hai azza ...welcome to the board..tu laa..sama laa..leen suka part tu jugak ..actually suka semer sekali part yg ade rui xi dan quan .chemistry diorang mmg bestt...walau pun tak banyak adengan menyentuh perasaan kita..huhuh..

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Post time 14-1-2008 11:53 PM | Show all posts

S.H.E @ China Mobila Awards 2008 (13.01.2008)

S.H.E dapat 3 awards kat anugerah niii ... Ella lawa gilerr..aaaa..serius cantik sesangat..walau pun dia tak pakai dress still she looks so sexy ..the way she carries herself tu yg buat dia nampak sexy ..nanti korang tgk masa dia berjalan kat red carpet ...and mmg warna putih sesuai dengan dia ..kalau laa Chun dapat tgk Ella semalam ...huhuh..

at red carpet

leen paling suka gambo no. 1 , yg second last dengan last ni ..huwaa..Ella nampak macam anak patung ..suka giler tgk features dia ..rambut pun lawa..rambut dia dah panjang sket..Ella ni mmg kalau dia pakai makeup tebal sket dr biasa je dah menyerlah giler..dah la masa ni pakai high heels tu ..boleh kata semer gambo lawa..masa dia pakai baju gold nanti lawa jugak leen lebih suka mekap dan penampilan dia kat red carpet nii ...tetap nampak sexy walau pun pakai long pants dan bukan skirt ..

ni dia klip masa S.H.E jalan kat red carpet ...huhuh..serius ms tgk dia jalan dengan high heels dia tu ..terasa bergaya sakan ..sebab jarang tgk dia pakai high heel and she really looks feminine


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Post time 15-1-2008 12:01 AM | Show all posts

S.H.E @ China Mobile Awards 2008 (13.01.2008)

huhuh..bila tgk kali cam sama cantik jugak mekap dan rambut dia time ni ..tadi memula rs lawa yg time red carpet ( la dia kata2 fanatic fans Ella ..).

presenting awards  , performance show and press conference

中國話》獲最暢銷說唱金曲 Ella感言

S.H.E演唱《中國話》 Ella金裝帥氣登台

S.H.E登台演唱 ELLA金色夹克帅气十足

S.H.E登台演唱《中国话》 金装闪耀舞台


S.H.E演唱《中国话》 三姐妹劲爆登场

S.H.E演唱《中国话》 动感热舞秀绕口令

mmg macam anak patung betul masa ni..

huhuhuh..mmg dia feminin giler semalam .. suka tgk bila dia senyum dan gelak tuu ..

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 15-1-2008 12:05 AM ]

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Post time 15-1-2008 12:48 AM | Show all posts

Hebe disclosed that Ella wants to get married this year

hhuhuhuh....ermss..actually ingat tak yg leen ade ckp leen nak letak something hari tu takut nak letak kat sini sebab ia berkaitan dengan ramalan memandangkan klip kali ni ade kena mengena dengan ramalam tu ..leen ckp secara basic jer apa yg dah dibincangkan sebelum ni .. ermss..macam ni ..dalam bulan 10 hari tu (masa ni gossip Chun dengan Angela Zhang masih hangat diperkatan sebab Romantic Princess sedang ditayangkan) ..kebetulan ade satu grup media ni ..bawak gambar sekumpulan artis utk ditilik oleh seorang psikik yg bernama Elizabeth ..Elizabeth ni tak silapnyer psikik dari Portugis ..dalam bebanyak gambar tu ..diorang bawak gambar Chun bersama Angela , wartawan ckp kononnyer Chun dan Angela digossipkan bercinta..bila Elizabeth tgk gambar tu ..tetiba Elizabeth ckp kat wartawan ...apa wartawan pasti ke diorang berdua bercinta ? then Elizabeth kata..dia boleh nampak yg Chun sekarang sedang hangat dilamun dia sangat pasti orang yg dicintai Chun tu bukan Angela ....kemudiannyer dalam berita yg berasingan ..diorang tulis jugak pasal tilikan Elizabeth ni ttg S.H.E ..oh yer , Elizabeth ni tak kenal artis2 Taiwan ni ..dia cuma buat tilikan berdsrkan gambar yg dia tgk ..lepas Elizabeth tgk gambar S.H.E ..Elizabeth tanya diorang ni dah ade bf ker belum? so wartawan ckp takde..then Elizabeth dengan tersenyum ckp , ade salah sorang daripada anggota S.H.E ni yg sedang memikirkan soal perkahwinan pada thn 2008 nanti (rsnyer kalau tak silap bukan kawen thn 2008 , tp serius pk kan soal perkahwinan pada thn 2008 ) .. tp Elizabeth ckp dia tak nak reveale saperkah org tu dalam S.H.E .  Fans mmg dah dapat agak Ella sebab sebelum ni Ella suka ckp pasal keluarga dan anak2 ...

*bukan nak suruh percaya pada tilikan nak bagitau ttg kebetulan laks jadi cam tu ...

tup ..dalam klip kali ni adelah interview S.H.E pd Wild Day Out ..Hebe tetiba terckp yg kononn2yer thn ni Ella nak kawen ..then Ella cecepat nafikan  .. .so Hebe nak kaver balik , dia ckp macam mana Ella nak kawen sebab Ella tak jumpa lg her other half ..ehehe..then Ella ckp tu dia nak gi berdoa.. .tp perasan muka Ella cam panik kejap lepas Hebe ckp cam tu ..ekeke..then notice Selina dan Hebe duk gelak jer masa nii ... ehehe..kalau dalam Fahrenheit , selalunyer Calvin dan Arron yg akan bagi hints ttg 'rahsia' Chun  melalui senyuman diorang..yg ni , Selina dan Hebe pun macam buat menda yg sama jugak ..

at 1 min 24 sec

Ella: Heard that the songs collected are not too bad (Ella duk berckp pasal album diorang yg akan datang nanti ..skang ni dalam preparation Hebe tetiba randomly pi ckp pasal ade org nak kawen .. )
Hebe: Eh, don't someone wants to get married? (referring to Ella)
reporter: Ella wants to get married mah?
Ella: I haven want to yet lah!
Hebe: She doesn't have her other half how to wed?
Ella: I dun even have my other half, how to wed? I want to go and pray lah. I want to pray to yue lao. I want to pray for a piece of red string.

credits CEFC

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 15-1-2008 01:02 AM ]

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Post time 15-1-2008 01:04 AM | Show all posts
Female stars get even bigger when they take on tomboy roles,4136,153276,00.html

TAIWAN'S Ella Chen faked it. So did Japan's Maki Horikita.

And now, Korea's Yoon Eun Hye is doing it too.

Fake what?

Well, all three actresses have, in the name of art, chopped off their hair and flattened their chests to play female characters who cross-dress and pretend to be guys.

This appears to be the new phenomenon in Asian TV dramas, following the trend of actresses uglifying themselves and putting on weight in breakthrough roles.

And it has proved to be a sure-fire way to grab headlines, boost popularity and even score brownie points for acting credibility.

Student Karu Fong, 21, who has watched all the three cross-dressing dramas, said: 'It's a huge sacrifice to cut their hair and flatten their chests, but all three actresses played their roles successfully.

'It's a new challenge for them and they definitely earned more respect because of that.'

The trend started in late 2006 when Ella, 26, trimmed her short hair even shorter for the Japanese manga-adapted Taiwanese drama Hanazakarino Kimitachie.

She played a teenage girl who disguised herself to enter an all-boys school so she could get close to her idol (Wu Chun).

The S.H.E member was a natural choice for the role since she is known for her androgynous appeal and tomboyish image.


What was unexpected was the fanatical fan response that propelled the drama's ratings to the highest among those shown in the same slot.

It attracted high ratings in Singapore too, when it was shown on Channel U last February.

Newbie lead actor Wu Chun shot to fame overnight, while Ella won praise for her cute portrayal of a love-struck girl who tries her best to cheer up her brooding idol-turned-roommate.

Then came the Japanese version of Hanazakarino Kimitachie last July.

As if cashing in on the success of the Taiwanese version, it starred Maki, 20, as the same cross-dressing protagonist.

Except that her transformation was even more stunning to see because she was known for her feminine, long-haired image all along.

Maki herself told reporters that she was 'a bit worried' about whether she could pull it off.

But she acted so well that she won the Best Actress trophy at the recent 54th Television Drama Academy Awards.

'At first I thought I'd get Best Actor,' she joked, according to

'This fake guy character is really difficult to portray, it gave me a tough time.'

But her efforts were worth it.

Not only was the drama a massive hit with ratings going as high as 21, it also turned Maki into one of the hottest stars in Japan last year.

Magazines had to queue up to feature her in their pages, and her face also hawked beverages and snacks.

She is reportedly the fifth highest-paid product spokeswoman in Japan, commanding a fee of 31 million yen ($403,000) for each deal.

More recently, she was voted Best Actress by the readers of popular magazines Junon and Popolo.

Meanwhile in Korea, Eun Hye also earned critical raves for faking it as a guy in the popular drama Coffee Prince.

She plays a tomboy who disguises herself to work in a cafe that employs only guys, and ends up falling in love with the hunky owner (Gong Yoo).

Reviewers raved over her superb acting and how her 'large and kind-looking eyes, coupled with her amiable and cute facial features' made her character so loveable, according to Dong-A Ilbo.

Her secret? Eun Hye said she spent a lot of time studying male behaviour.

It's not just the way they talk and gesture, but also how they keep their legs apart while sitting down and walking, and how they use their fingers, hair and eyebrows to express their thoughts, she said.


To speak in a low, husky voice, Eun Hye apparently sang herself hoarse at karaoke lounges.

'I emulated a laid-back type of guy instead of a gentleman,' she told Dong-A Ilbo.

The producers were initially worried about casting the 24-year-old former girl band member, as she had always been known for her cutesy, girlish image.

But her makeover was so successful that she inspired a horde of fans copying her tomboy image.

Chosun Ilbo reported last August that young women could be seen cutting their hair short and dressing in the baggy, androgynous-looking T-shirts, bermudas and sneakers that Eun Hye's character often wore.

There was also fervent discussion online about Eun Hye's role and how to dress like her.

In a way, the trend was deemed a 'backlash to the society which puts too much emphasis on looking feminine, sexy and glamorous', reported Dong-A Ilbo.

Not surprisingly, the drama, which is now showing here on Channel U, drew impressive ratings.

MediaCorp's vice-president of branding and promotions, Mr Paul Chan, thinks that it is Eun Hye's bubbly appeal that makes the drama work.

'She's super likeable, not a great beauty but more of a girl next door, and she breaks down walls between you and her.'

Administrative executive Yvonne Tan, 26, also gave Eun Hye the thumbs up for her convincing acting.

'She was very natural and the way she ate noodles was scary, so uncouth and totally like a guy.'

If Singapore were to make its own version of either Coffee Prince or Hanazakarino Kimitachie, which actress would make a great fake guy?

Some viewers named MediaCorp artiste Jesseca Liu.

Ms Tan said she 'looks guyish' in the currently showing serial Kinship 2, in which she plays a tomboyish character.

Student Ms Fong added: 'She looks good in short hair and she's played tomboy roles before. She can carry it off.'

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 15-1-2008 01:07 AM ]

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Post time 15-1-2008 01:25 AM | Show all posts

S.H.E and Fahrenheit collaborated for Meng Niu Ad (Milk ad)

ni yg leen ckp hari tu ..huhuh..akhirnyer kuar jugak coverage pasal iklan ni melibatkan kumpulan diorang ..ehehee..tgk Ella dan Chun ..walau pun Chun tak duk bebetul belakang still rapat dah tu kiranyer..mmg dah kira belakang Ella jugak tu ..huhuhh...

. yg ni lg rapat nampaknyerr..huhuhh..

credits CE Baidu Bar and CEFC

huwaaaa..serius tak sabo dah nak tgk iklan ni nanti ..dalam masa 2 ker 3 hari ni kita akan dapat tgk rasanyerr..

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Post time 15-1-2008 03:38 AM | Show all posts

Reply #983 yufa_321's post

thx yufa...posting balik gambo2 hana kimi...windunyaaaaaaaaaaaa....

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