thanks to susAmerica for the translation from soompi
대만에다녀왔어요...즐거웠어요~~내일은부산갔다다시평창으로고고싱~~=Just returned from Taiwan. I enjoyed it~~Tomorrow, I will go to Busan then to PyeongChang again, GO,GO,GO~~
(Is this GHS tweeter??)
<옥주현 트위터>=Ok Joo Hyun Tweeter
오는새벽4시에 촬영하러 또 평창가야하기에 오늘 자유시간은 완전 꿀이다=I have to travel to PyeongChang at 4 AM again today so there goes my free time.
오늘 은 구혜선씨를 만나러 갔다! 예뻐서 개성도 좋다. . . 훌륭한 사람이라고 생각하는 ww 어제의 「절대남자친구」기자회견도 맞은 【랏키】! XP비륜해의 외국팬이 많이 왔다. 모두 오존의 생일의 축하 때문에 대만에 들어온다. 아직 어떤 일본의 어머니와 어린이와 함께 참가했다. 대단하네요 ∼==(This is a tweet by a Japanese fan whose original post was translated into Korean but must be a google trans--so I will modify.) Today, I went to see GHS-ssi! She is pretty and I like her personality...I think she is admirable. Yesterday, she had a press conference for the drama [Absolute Darling]! Many of Fahrenheit's foreign fans came there. Many of them came to Taiwan just to congratulate WuZon's birthday. I came with another Japanese mother and her child. It is truly amazing.
오존과 구혜선이 드라마 하는 것이다 ∼! 그러므로 대만의 관광CM이 비륜해와 구혜선이었던 것이네요 ∼!= (another Japanese tweet) WuZon and GHS are teaming up for drama! Maybe that is why Fahrenheit and GHS teamed up to make the Twaiwan Tourism Promotion CM Music Video!
절대남자친구☆대만 판에!! 오존&구혜선!! 조금 보고 싶구나 ∼ww=(Japanese tweet) [Absolute Boyfriend] Taiwanese version! WuZon and GHS!! I want to see it a little. (?)
한국에 리메이크되면 일본보다 재미있어지기 때문에구나 …. 과연 한국. 절대로 남자친구가 구혜선쨩 지나치게 귀엽다 ―
(Japanese tweeter) If Korea remakes the drama, it will be more interesting than Japan's. Maybe that is why....( ?) Korea is really...[Absolute Boyfriend] and GHS is best---amazingly adorable-- (I did not quite understand this person's hidden meaning..)
「絶対彼氏」のリメイク決まったんだね~ ウーズンと韓国版花男のク・ヘソンでやるんだね~~ 楽しみ♪
「절대남자친구」의 리메이크 결정된 것이네요 ∼오존과 한국판 꽃남의 구혜선쨩이 하는 것이네요 ∼∼ 즐겨♪
[Absolute Boyfriend]'s remake has been confirmed. WuZon and Korean BOF's GHS-jjang will be the lead actors. Very happy.
구혜선이 귀여워서 자 !!!!! 자 한국의 여자 아이가 귀여운 것이에요!!! !!!
GHS is so cute!!!! To me, the Korean female kid is adorable!!!
처음 뵙겠습니다 ∼ 감사합니다! 곧 지원해 보았습니다. 구혜선, 미소가 뭐라고 말할 수 없이 귀여워요.
Nice to meet you. Thank you. I will soon support. GHS, her smile is undescribably adorable.
ク・ヘソンは好きっていうよりも… 尊敬の域に入る!
구혜선은 좋아한다고 말하는것보다도 …존경의 영역에 들어간다!
It is not enough to say that I like feeling for her enters the realm of respect.
普通なら女優で成功したら… リスクをおかしてまで他の活動はしないのに… ク・ヘソンは挑戦し続けるから尊敬する\(^o^)/
보통이라면 여배우로 성공하면 …리스크를 범해서까지 다른 활동은 하지 않는데도 …구혜선은 계속해서 도전하기 때문에 존경한다 \ (^o^)/==If she is just a typical/average actress, she would not have taken the risks to carry out other activities,,,But she constantly challenges her limit and that is why I respect her.
The host asked which taiwan celebrity she admires most, Hyesun again answered Wuzhun (for the sake of promotion ) then the host asked when she look at a man for the first time, which part she would look at, at first Hyesun answered the eyes, then the host ask what about lower body. Then hyesun said the thigh. (this is purely for the next game). then there are fans showing their legs for Hyesun to choose from; then the tummy, and then the hands, and then... shake the bum . the ones chosen by Hyesun got an autographed "Breathe" album from Hyesun. (Hyesun was so nice to ask everyone for their names to write on the CD with her autograph )
갈수록 YG 너무 맘에 안듦
thanks to susAmerica for the translation from soompi
Just a summary: This is a fan who is not very happy with YG and blames it for not updating GHS's pix, her schedule and even her style. The fan is really sad that most of the information about GHS is found out by hard work of the fans themselves--s/he wished that the information about GHS's Taiwan fan meeting, GTV drama and PIFF well in advance.
Selca queen Goo Hye Sun’s latest pictures have been earning much interest amongst netizens.
Netizens were especially amazed with how much dedication she put in taking her selcas, going as far as to take them underwater. She showed off a variety of face expressions as if she was acting.
Netizens commented, “Goo Hye Sun turns everything into an art” and “She goes to great lengths for her sel-cas.”
Goo Hye Sun also attended the Pusan International Film Festival as the director of her movie “Magic” on October 8th.
Korean actress Ku Hye-sun waves on the red carpet of the 15th Pusan International Film Festival's opening ceremony held at the Yachting Center in Busan, South Korea on October 7, 2010.
Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>
Resized to 79% (was 900 x 506) - Click image to enlarge
11.5∼11.11 '서울메트로 온라인 초단편 영화제' 개최
작품상영은 10월 22일부터 지하철 2호선 전동차와 포털사이트 'Daum'에서 온오프라인 동시 진행 구혜선 단편작, 윤태호 데뷔작도 지하철에서 감상
서울국제초단편영상제와 함께 진행, 영화제 속 영화제
Seoul Extremely Short International Film Festival (SESIFF) and Seoul Metro Online Most Short Film Festival will take place from October 22~ November 11.
이달 말부터 서울 지하철 2호선 전동차 안에서 국내에서는 처음으로 지하철 상영 단편영화를 감상 할 수 있게 된다.
서울 지하철 1∼4호선을 운영하는 서울메트로(사장 김익환)는 10월 11일 '서울메트로 온라인 초단편 영화제' 개최 계획을 발표하고, 오는 22일부터 3주 동안 지하철 2호선과 인터넷 포털사이트 Daum에서 동시에 상영할 계획이라고 밝혔다. Subway riders will be able to watch very short films at most 3 minutes long if they happen to ride the number 2 line in Seoul during the time indicated. Seoul Metro President Kim Ik Hwan states that the very short films can also be viewed through Daum internet portal as well.
' 지하철에서 3분, 영화를 즐겨라!'라는 슬로건 아래 진행되는 이번 영화제는 상영 시간 3분 내외의 초단편 영화들로 구성되어, 짧게 타고 내리는 지하철의 속성에 맞춘 신개념 영화제이다. 영화제 기간은 11월 5일에서 11일까지이며, 작품 상영은 10월 22일부터 온오프라인 동시에 진행된다. Numerous ads informing people to <Enjoy the 3-mintue movies in the Subway> is posted everywhere. Such short films are appropriate for the subway riders.
영화는 10월 22일부터 11월 11일까지 온라인 다음(Daum) TV팟에 개설된 이벤트 페이지를 통해서 상영이 되며, 동시에 경품 이벤트도 진행 된다. 또한 같은 기간에 지하철 2호선 전동차 내의 행선안내기 동영상으로도 영화가 상영 될 계획이다. At the same time, there will be opportunities to win prizes through the viewing of these very short films as well.
이번 영화제는 올해로 2회째를 맞이한 '서울국제초단편영상제(집행위원장 서명수·이하 SESIFF)' 속의 '영화제 속 영화제'로 진행되는 것으로, 영화제 출품작 중 지하철 상영과 어울리는 영화 50여 편을 선정 후 예심을 거쳐 1차 당선작 10편을 선정하게 된다. 또한 최종 심사를 거친 1편은 서울메트로 최우수 작품상을 수상하게 된다.
비경쟁작품 5편은 SESIFF 사전제작지원 작품으로 지하철 상영을 염두에 두고 제작된 초단편 영화들로, 배우이자 감독인 구혜선, 화제작 이끼의 원작자인 윤태호 감독의 첫 연출작을 비롯해 정지우, 윤성호, 김태균 감독 등 5명의 작품이 포함되어 있다. 10 of these films are up fr competition. 5 of them are pre-arranged short films that are not in the competition category. They include flms by actor-director GHS, currently popular movie director Yoon Tae Ho of <Ikki>, as well as films by directors Jung Ji Woo, Yoon Sung Ho and Kim Tae Gyun.
서울메트로와 SESIFF는 12일 기자간담회를 갖고 서울메트로 영화제를 포함한 서울국제초단편영상제 프로그램을 설명할 계획이다. 기자간담회에는 비경쟁부문 출품 감독들과 SESIFF 관계자, 서울메트로 관계자들이 함께 참석할 계획이다. 아울러 서울메트로는 이날 기자간담회에서 1차 본선 당선작 10편을 발표할 계획이다. Both Seoul Metro and SESIFF plans to have a pres conference on the 12th to start off their subway viewing of the short-short films.
서울메트로 관계자는 "초단편 영화는 3분 내외의 상영시간으로 지하철공간과 잘 어울린다"며 "지하철 이용고객에게 다양한 즐길 거리를 제공하고, 동시에 온라인상에서 고객과 함께 호흡하는 문화 컨텐츠를 만들기 위해 초단편 영화제를 마련하게 되었다"고 밝혔다. Seoul Metro associates are very happy about the short-short nature of the films making them so appropriate for the subway riders. (I am sure they can be a stree-relieving distraction for the stressed out commuters!!)
아! 모터달린 장난감 '요트'요! 인형뽑기에서 뽑았습니다!!==(She is so cute. This reminds me of BOF. heehee)Ahh! It is a toy with an attached motor. It is a 'yote'. (I think she is saying it is a miniature yacht??) I picked it out from the toy-picking-machine.
and a few min before....
평창에서 일을 마치고 집에 돌아왔습니다. 집에 오는길에 휴개소에서 함께 일하는 동생들과 '뽑기'를 했는데요. 요트를 뽑았습니다! '요트'요!! 요트를 차에 두고내렸다고 어머니께 말씀드렸는데요. 못알아들으세요.하하하.===I returned from PyeongChang after finishing up work (the filming for THE MUSICAL drama). While returning home, we stopped at the hyoo-gae-so (a resting spot or gas station on the road?). With all the dongseng(s) that I work with, we all tried to pick out the toys from the toy-picking machine. I picked out the 'yote'. A 'Yote'!!! (As I said, I think she is talking about a miniature toy yacht with a motor!). I told my mother that I left the 'yote' in the car. But, she does not understand me. hahahah.
[Engsub] 101012 30fen - Ku Hye Sun Taiwan fanmeeting
@1:12 Hyesun talked about her upcoming schedule, she will start directing the vampire movie right after filming The Musical . And she will visit Taiwan again in Dec for Asia-Pacific Film Festival
101014 obs - Ku Hye Sun interview @ SESIFF Press Conference ...
Ley Post at 16-10-2010 12:42
thanks to susAmerica from soompi
*GHS is very humble and ever so respectful to SESIFF and all who made it possible for her to participate.
*Narrator praises GHS a great deal for being multitalented and always challenging herself and says that for a while now, GHS has shown all of us her strong and talented artistic sensibility. (One DC member noted after watching this program on TV that this particular program has always been very positively praising of whatever GHS does. This program is called OBS Entertainment Information Pros?)
*Narrator also says that GHS is the familiar face at the SESIFF and that she now looks very much at home and very much like a director among all the famous directors in the room.
*GHS: Since she has been working on a short film, she felt a very strong interest in extremely short films which are longer than CF but give brief and shorter message than regular short films or full-length films. At the time she was actually working on an extremely short film when she got a proposal from SESIFF to present a film. She feels as if it was a fateful opportunity and that she feels so happy and so honored to be invited.
*SESIFF will present 494 flms from 30 counries.
*GHS has expanded her artistic talent from acting to directing through her short film Cheerful Caretaker and full-film MAGIC and now has made a short-short film with her close friend Nam Sang Mi. GHS: The film is titled as <Dhang-Shin=You=Dear> and it is a short message about uncommunicable or difficult-to-express sentiments/issue between father and daughter.
*When GHS was asked why she may have been given preliminary support for her short, short film, GHS said: I am a newcomer and not yet widely known for directing. However I am a familiar face to the public and I feel that I have been selected to hopefully provide more boost and visibility for the film festival.
*GHS was also asked how she does everything from acting to directing and now being selected to do a Taiwan drama? GHS said: It is not because I am so talented.(lughter) I try my very best to utilize my time really well according to my plan and schedule and I try to shorten my sleep schedule. Also, I am currently acting in a drama. However, it is a drama that does not have a tight or busy schedule that I was able to use my own personal time to make this film so that it did not impinge any burden or stress to either sides.
*Narrator wishes all the best to GHS who never stops challenging herself. GHS ends by asking people to love and support 2nd SESIFF which will also be shown in the subway. She is very happy that it is another opportunity to get even closer to the public.